Last Friday I had to take a 2 1/2 hour drive to complete some paperwork on a new purchase I made. (I'll be sharing more about that on Show and Tell tonight...don't get too excited for me, it's not a house). On that trip I had to cross a toll bridge and when I pulled up to the toll booth the toll taker told me that the person in front of me had paid my toll! It took me a minute to grasp that a total stranger would do that! I was so shocked that I almost drove off but luckily I thought to pay for the car behind me! I'm telling you, it seems so small, but random acts of kindness like that are so wonderful when you are a part of them. This weekend I will be crossing that toll bridge again and I'm going to not only pay my toll but for the stranger behind me also!
What a great thing to have happen. I'm so happy you posted this. I used to have to take a toll road to work and I would often do that but never got to hear how it was received. So hearing your side makes me happy. I've done this as I went through a fast food drive thru too. You never know when someone is having a real bad day and that makes them super happy.
Such a beautiful post in thought and pictures. JQ
I just love to hear these stories! Your mosaic is beautiful, and I am looking forward to show and tell thanks to your tease!
I've had that happen to me, and I've done it for others as well. I agree with you, it makes your day!
I can't wait to see what your mystery purchase was. Will be back later to check it out. :-)
Marilyn (in Dallas)
Awwwww, that's nice, Cindy. The mosaic, also, is good for one's heart and soul. Just beautiful. Sincerely, Susan
Cindy I remember years ago Oprah did this to see how many would follow her...great post today...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
beautiful post.
That is so cool!!! Connie
What a sweet thing. I bet you skipped through the rest of your day, didn't you? It is amazing how such a small thing can make such an impact. Makes me want to go forth and do good. Thanks Cindy!
It is amazing how something like that can make your day. Love your mosaic, Cindy - it is just beautiful.
How lovely! And, my goodness, what gorgeous photos!
What an inspiring post....thanks for sharing the positive and heart warming story. When I hear stories like that, it just makes my day so much better. The photos are spectacular too......especially loved seeing the wisteria blooms!
It's so nice to know that there are still *nice* people out there dispite all the *not so nice* things we hear on the news.
Your mosaic is the most beautiful one I have seen!
Be Blessed!
Oh, Cindy, these photos - every one of them are a big time gasp of happy prettiness. I wonder how many people will use the word "happy" in their comments because, that is just how I feel after reading this post. AND, that person did one small thing and you just simply shared it but, you, now, have to multiply it times, how many followers do you have? Not only is their thoughtful kindness soothing to us but it, also, reminds us to do the same.
sigh. happy.
Love, Katy Noelle
What a great reminder, something I so seldom think to do. Thanks.
I love your collage, such great eye-candy!
Hugs, Cindy S
Love this! Made me smile!!
That's so lovely! There was a 13 year old girl killed in Newport Beach on PCH by a driver who they think intentionally drove into her. Her parents were on the news and they started a website asking people to do something kind in her name everyday then post it on the site. I can't recall the name of the site but I thought it was such a beautiful thing after losing their child!
Most of the time people are thoughtless. How nice to have a "thoughtful" day!
That is great .We need to be kinder.You will have a great day Bless you Laura Q
Good story. Your header is beautiful!!!
Okay, when I hear about a random act of kindness I always feel the urge to pass the "act" on. We don't have any toll bridges, but by nightfall I will have figured out something to do for someone else...quietly.
Thank you for sharing this with us!
Ladybug Creek
aww that's sweet! who would think!
love your flower images... mmm, yummy!
It's so nice when things like this happen because it let's us know that there are still good people out there. So often all we hear about are awful things people are doing. I think it's awesome to spread the word about things like this rather than negative things. :)
Have you ever heard of this site?
At this site you can print out or get "smile cards" to give to people after doing something kind for them. They also list kindness ideas and stories.
Was that not nice? Nice of that person to pay your pay...and for you to pay it forward. That is a really nice feeling... thats very interesting. As you were keeping your secret on your car purchase didn't you say something about it NOT being a car and not to get excited? something like that?...I'm going to have to check that.. I'll be back..
have a great weekend.
That's worthy news! We hear so much of how people do evil, wicked things to other people and we don't hear enough about the good. That's one reason I love reading these beautiful ladies' blogs. So much kindness and positive feedback!
Kind acts go a long way!
What a nice gesture. The only time someone has ever paid a toll for me was when I was following my husband. :)
Cindy~ I wonder if they saw your
front license plate. That is very
nice of someone,but I wonder if it
was someone that reads your blog.
I was in WM one day and a young
lady didn't have enough money and
ask the person behind her and they
told her no they didn't have it. I
over heard what was going on and I
said I would pay the rest. She had
diapers,formula and other baby items,so I didn't mind a bit. She
thank me and it felt so good to
help someone that really needed it.
I can't wait to see what you bought.:O)
cindy all of us bloggers should take this as a challenge to perform at least one act of random kindness a week.............I know I am going to.
Good for you! I'll have to remember that next time I cross the San Mateo Bridge and RAK the person behind me.
Thanks for the reminder to be kind in small ways.
Ditto on the Benicia bridge. And I always give the tolltaker a big smile and "howdy" to see if I can make them smile back.
Your lovely mosaic is my new favorite!
We need more of these random acts and our media should share more of this type of story. It's the small things that make a difference and in some instances can change lives.
Thank you for posting the story and reminding all of us.
I've been following your blog for a long time. You've often commented that your dream is to own a house.Just wondering if you've ever considered that if you didn't spend so much money on "stuff" and now a Jaguar, that maybe you could have that house?
How exactly does somebody follow mean? I want to congratulate you on your beautiful car! But I also want to thank you once again for taking the trouble to host such an enjoyable event.All the best to you, Jacqueline
One of my favorite things to do....It just makes a day better...
What a lovely thing for someone to do. It seems there isn't enough kindness in this world these days, but i think there should be more of it. It brought a smile to my face as i'm sure it did to yours. What a great day!
I too have experienced random acts of kindness since my brother's passing 5 weeks ago. There are jerks out there but the nice people outweigh them.
Cindy, I can not express how sincerely happy I am for you. I too drive my dream car (at least it's one of my dream cars, I have several dream cars that would have pleased me and several I still intend to own one day). I hope you drive it with pleasure and in good health for many years to come.
I love a good RAK! I used to pay tolls for people behind me all the time, but the FL got with the program and most of us have electronic toll sensors - so can't really do that any more. I need to come up with a new "signature RAK" for myself...
Congrats on achieving your dream car! I'm also very glad that I found your blog this evening...I love it!
Have a wondrous weekend.
Marie @ Sally Lee by the Sea
"Celebrating the Coastal Lifestyle"
on a whim the other day, I decided that I would pay for the car behind me in taco bell. It happened to only be 1 lady and it was only like $2.50 but i was going to do it no matter who it was.
It made my day to do something for someone unexpectedly.
The worker at the window thanked me and it was fun. I could see the lady's confused look in the rear view mirror and it made me smile all day.
This reminds me of the movie Pay It Forward.
What a great gesture. I dont take the toll bridges very often, I usually take 237 but next time I take a toll bridge I will do this. PIF is a great thing :)
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