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Today for Show and Tell I'm sharing my silver collection. I do have a few small sterling pieces but most of this is silver-plated. This picture above is just part of my collection!

The majority of these were found at thrift stores and flea markets and some my mom handed down to me.

I love silver platters and I use them for serving so many things!

they are even pretty for displays!

I think silver adds such an elegance to any room.

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the
Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed from MckLinky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone's may take me awhile to get around to visit everyone since I work full time but I'll do my best to get to your blog as soon as I can!
Cindy, I love your home! I love your silver collection! Stunning! Your blog is such an inspiration! Thank you ~lulu
You have some beautiful pieces. My sister and I just happened to be out at flea markets and antique stores today and looked at a lot of pretty silver pieces.
All of your silver pieces are so beautiful. I especially love the round platter. Stunning!
I'm more in love with silver every day - yours is beautiful. Thanks for hosting show & tell. Sally
Good Evening Cindy...loved seeing all your fine silver girl..Now this is my first time doing the show-n-tell Friday...Hope you have a GREAT weekend on your piece of Calif...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I ADORE silver.....sterling or plate, it doesn't matter to me which it is! I would love to find some more pieces to add to my collection, but it's getting harder to find. I get so excited when I find a great piece, I grab it like someone's going to take it away! LOL Thanks for sharing your silver collection, it makes me smile. :)
You have some beautiful silver pieces. I would have a lot more if I had the room and did not mind polishing all if it. :-D I joined in this week - Thanks so much for hosting again. Also, thanks for sharing your trip to Vintage and Vogue. I need to go back and take a good look. Have a great weekend.
Hi Cindy! I love your beautiful collection of silver pieces...especially the jam server in the second photo...gorgeous! Isn't it fun to rescue beautiful old silver? Happy weekend...Debbie
I love all of your beautiful silver serving pieces! I just bought a silver plate platter at a thrift store last weekend to use along with my crystal and other silver pieces for a bridal shower I'm hosting with my daughter in April!
Kat :)
Your silver pieces really compliment your colors. This is my first time joining Show and Tell Friday. I have wanted to participate for a while, I have loved reading your blog.
Beautiful! Love the platter with the candles!
Thanks so much for hosting!
Cindy, Such beautiful silver pieces. You have a true talent for eye-catching displays.
Hi Cindy!
All your silver is just gorgeous! I love silver and have been finding some fun pieces here and there on thrifting adventures. Now I have to get down to business and clean them all!
Have a wonderful day!
I love silver pieces too, Cindy. I have a couple of the same pieces you have. Beautiful!
I love Silver, all kinds! Just hate polishing it!! Its just so classy!! Rhonda
Beautiful silver collection. I just bought a few pieces of silver at an estate auction.
Thanks again for hosting Show & Tell. If you have a moment please stop by and see my Easter collectibles.
Your beach-themed coffee tablescape is seriously gorgeous!
Gorgeous!!! I am kicking myself for not buying a beautiful silver platter at the Goodwill a few weeks back. It was a heavy piece & was priced at only $3.99. I must have been out of my mind.
Thanks for hosting Show & Tell.
I absolutely love the pink roses with the silver and the creme. So soft and beautiful.
Sooo envious! i love your home:D
looking at your home is like a breath of fresh air.. cleansing and inpsiring.. wow! how did you get your silver so shiny?
I love the display with the starfish and candles... what a lovely idea
and I LOVE show and tell Fridays!!
I love your silver, Cindy. It is so versatile and always elegant. I hope it is okay to link my edible pansies.
You always have such beautiful pieces. Thanks for hosting again.
Such beautiful silver and you keep it so nicely polished!! I just tell everyone I love the aged patina look of my silver!!
Thank you for another great party!
bee blessed
Hi Cindy. What do you use to polish your silver. I have tried several products and haven't had great results. Also, do you think Vintage and Vogue will ever set up a website. I would love to shop there.
All of it is so pretty...I need to get mine out and use it! Come say hi :D
Hi Cindy, love your silverware! I have a lovely tea set that I am very fond of but I'm on the look out for more silver now. Yes I agree silver does add a touch of elegance to a room along with crystal! take care, Maryann
Very pretty items ! With the age I am getting lazier and lazier so I have put all silver stuff away because it has to be clieaned all the time to stay shiny, lol !
The cuttlery I take out when we have guests, it darkens quiet quick because it's plein silver.
HI cindy, Im having problems with my computer, it wont let my email you to let you no i made a mistake with my link for show and tell. Im number 77 :cherub clock. My link is http:/ I dont no if you can fix it im sorry, better luck next time. Your silver wear is gorgeous, I love the serving trays.
Beautiful collection, Cindy! I so adore the pink roses in the julip cup. I'm still looking for one! If you should happen across one in your buying travels, consider it totally sold; no listing required!
Thanks for hosting!
It looks so beautiful when it's not covered in tarnish like mine is.
Thanks for hosting the party.
Necel from the Old House in Texas
Gorgeous pieces! I have always liked silver.
I agree, silver is beautiful and timeless. Your lovely silver pieces work so beautifully with all of your whites and soft blues. Beautiful post! Thank you for hosting "Show and Tell Friday". It is always fun to visit everyone and see what special item they have to share.
Susan and Bentley
Hi Cindy...
Ohhh...what a fabulous Show & Tell post today, my friend! I love, love, LOVE silver! I used a few of my silver pieces in my Christmas holiday decor in my dining room this year...I had so much fun! It was really pretty with the dark reds!
I really enjoyed looking through some of your collection! is sooo yummy...eye candy for sure! I love, love, LOVE how you used the long silver tray filled with all those beautiful shells and votives on your coffee table...simply gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful home and silver with us today, Cindy! And...thank you so much for hosting Show & Tell Friday! I had fun participating today!!!
Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
You have a lovely silver collection and I love how you ended with your Show and Tell Button which is one of my favorite photos with pink roses in a silver vase.
Howdy, this Ozark farm chick popped over from Monas and I'm findin' it just beautiful over here! I have all my mother's silver, yours is just stunning!
God bless and have a fabulous Friday from the hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa!!!
Cindy, thank you for leaving an answer to my comment. Right after I left it, I found my link so deleted my comment. I should have my eyesight checked! Actually, I am having that done next week! Like so many others, I read your blog every day. It is on my shortcuts on my computer screen. Your blog is the best!
Great silver collection. I always have a great time shopping for antique at the Rose bowl always a great variety. Thanks for shareing. Julian
Cindy, i love all your beautiful silver. Have a great weekend....Kathy
You have a nice collection of silver!
Thank you for hosting,
Lovely collection. I love using silver with candles. The candlelight reflection is gorgeous.
As Always, such beautiful things! Thank you for taking the time to share with all of us.
I LOVE Silver too. Your collection is STUNNING! Thanks for the eye candy! xo Molly
Dear Cindy,
me too love silver.
Congratulations for blog. Is beautiful.
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