Thursday, February 25, 2010

Show and Tell Friday!

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Once again I'm sharing something that I've shared here before. Sorry! The end of the week always seems to sneak up on me and then I find myself not prepared!

This is a giant cupcake I made from my "cupcake" cake pan, it looks just like the one below.
I love this cake pan. It was so funny...last weekend Lauren and I were at Bed, Bath and Beyond and she yelled out "look they have one of those giant cupcake pans here" She totally forgot that we already have one. I think the only time I've used it was for this seashell cake! Note to self: use this more often so you can justify that it really was something that you "needed".

The shells are made from fondant and I did a post awhile back on how I made them. They are really easy to make and seem to really impress people! You can click on this link to see that tutorial: How to make fondant seashells.

The "sand" is brown and white sugar mixed together and it really looks like sand! I've been wanting to make a regular cake with the seashells on top. There are so many beautiful ones on the here to see! I feel inspired after looking at those, don't you?

I hope you enjoyed my seashell cupcake cake and hopefully it didn't bore those of you who saw it before!
If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed from MckLinky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone's may take me awhile to get around to visit everyone since I work full time but I'll do my best to get to your blog as soon as I can!


Dawn said...

My first time over here. Your cupcake is gorgeous!

Reid said...

LOVE it!!!!! Such a great idea!!!!

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Hi Cindy!

I just love that giant cupcake cake! My girlfriend got one for Christmas from her husband and I am dying to borrow it! LOL But, she hasn't used it yet and I keep waiting!!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend~!

Here On Crow Creek said...

That cake is beautiful!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

This is really a spectacular cake! you have decorated it so well, Cindy!

Debbiedoos said...

Funny I am going to BB and Beyond tomorrow, I may have to get one of those, it is so cute, and my 8 year old would get a kick out of it!

Kimberly said...

Amazing! its too pretty to eat!

Kayren said...

I didn't see it before, so I loved it, but even if I had I think I would have loved it again anyway!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I love those shells - the real and the fondant. I got my container of shells out for my coffee table a few days ago as I needed a touch of something that looked like warmer weather. Thanks for hosting again this week.

Blue Creek Home said...

We never tire of your pretty things...repeats or not!!
I love the cupcake...real eye candy? eye cake!

Cheryl said...

Cute as a button. I would stick a huge candle on the top of it... that really crack me up :-P

Robyn said...

OHHH MAN! I must have missed that the first time you showed it and REGARDLESS, it's worth a second showing! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

One Cheap B*tch said...

I love your use of shells. I just bought some starfish today and put one in an easter-ish lantern and it looks so pretty! Love shells and can't wait for beach weather to look for some! Oh and beach glass. =)

Liz@HoosierHomemade said...

I do lots of cupcakes on my blog, but I haven't made the really big one yet, I think I need to tackle that! Yours is beautiful!
Thanks for hosting!

Heidi said...

Hi Cindy,
That cupcake cake is so pretty and looks delicious. I would want one all to myself. There aren't many calories in just ONE cupcake, are there? :)
The sea shells look so real and so does the sand! It's perfect.
Thanks for hosting Show and Tell again. Have a great weekend!
Heidi- Heart and Home

Lia at Petite Little Bee said...

Wow this is amazing. Thank you for showing us how to make this amazing cake. It is gorgeous. Lia

vignette design said...

I can't believe your cupcake is edible! I seriously thought it was in sand with real shells on top. I'm impressed! Got to ready that tutorial on the fondant shells.
Thanks for hosting another Show and Tell Friday.

Miss Rhea said...

Sweet !! I want one of those pans ! :) I made a Surfing cake for my son when he was little with lots of brown sugar sand on top, EWE !! Lol !! It was a mess scraping off all of that sugar to eat the thing :) I like your idea MUCH better :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. I've never seen such a big cupcake. That is really impressive. I thought it was real sand and shells. Rosie

Low Tide High Style said...

Your cake is beautiful and I can't wait to read how to make those fondant sea shells!

Kat :)

Unknown said...

I've not seen this before, Cindy! This looks amazing! I love it! I've never played with fondant before. I am going to check out the tutorial!

Thanks for hosting! Have a lovely weekend!


DustyLu said...

I have never seen it before..and can see it 1000 x's it looks so good i want to grab it out of the photo..Love the cloche idea! ~lulu

Olga Poltava said...

I'm somewhat new to your blog, so I haven't seen this cupcake before. It's awesome!

KarenB said...

I bet it tastes wonderful, but I'd hate to eat it, it's so beautiful!

Tardevil said...

I didn't see it before, and I think it's fab! Hope it taste as great as it looked! Shells were gorgeous too.

Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden said...

The cupcake is amazing! Thanks for hosting today!

Unknown said...

I made one for my husband birthday 2 weeks ago. I love it. I think yours is a great show stopper.

Julie Harward said...

That is so amazing! Just beautiful, I have never seen anything like it! I'm impressed for sure! (Thanks for the visit and entering my GIVE A WAY...:D

Ingrid said...

The cake looks so artistic and professional, that I would believe it comes right out of a specialized bakery ! (if that is a compliment, lol)
I think it's a pity to eat it !

Beverly @ My Sew Sweet Studio said...

Enjoyed seeing your giant cupcake again. I tried to get the pan once, but they were out. I also was inspired by you to take the cake decorating class at Michaels. Now this is another reminder that after Easter I am going to have to check out their classes.

Lille Persille said...

What a funny cupcake! I love it. Hugs from Norway:)

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said...

Wow what a pretty cupcake - I would never eat it.

Junkie Junkeldorf said...

Your giant cupcake is just fabulous... almost makes me want to take up baking. Now, that's inspirational.

Necel from the Old House in Texas

My Cottage Charm said...

I'm not disappointed, your cupcake is lovely! I make wedding cakes etc and get a thrill when I see new ideas! :) Love your shells. Makes me want to run right out and get a huge cupcake pan for myself....after all, it's something I "really need". :) LOL
Enjoy your weekend!
OH, hop on over and see what I got in the mail yesterday, I'm so excited!

Judi said...

Hi Cindy
Those cupcakes really look sooo delish and amazing I don't think I would have been able to eat them. The shells on them are so real too. I bought one for Marc's daughter for Christmas...they are huge.

Have a nice weekend.

Candy said...

So glad you shared again! cause it's my first time to see. So beautiful, I'm always amazed at what can be created.
Lovely SHOW&TELL ;-)

Pam said...

Awesome. I have been thinking about getting one of those pans before my grandson's 2nd b-day in Nov. Never would have thought to do it with the sand and shells. Your shells are great by the way. Look so real. This is a talent I did not pick up but I have a friend that owns a bakery and turns out great cakes. Thanks for sharing.

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

oh my! that is unbelievable! I hadn't seen it before so thanks for I'm really craving beach weather!

Brenda said...

You cupcake is absolutely gorgeous...Love the sand idea -

Diane said...

That cupcake is so gorgeous, we will never tire of it...I loved it and thanks so much for giving those great links....I have my coffee ready and am ready to look at all the fab goodies the other blogs all are so very inspiring!! I live in a log home, so its fun to see what I can never have in this home...maybe someday...sigh!!!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Hi Cindy...I linked up for S&T. I remember your darling cupcake cake. It is beautiful. You do amazing work with cakes!

Marilyn said...


You have always been such an inspiration to me in so many areas, including baking. Especially, cupcakes!

I remember the original post, but never got around to looking for that pan.

Thanks for the reminder because that giant cupcake is so cute and something I definitely want to try.

Marilyn (in Dallas)

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

That cake is unbelieveable, love love love those fondant shells.
So neat, can not believe how much they look like real shells.
You outdid yourself on this one!
The whole cake and everything looks fantastic, and I am hungry for a piece, but then I wouldn't want to cut it and mess it up!! lol
Have a great day hon,
Blessings, Nellie
Wish I had kids at home to do it with, well, maybe one day it will
be with grandkids.

Denise Marie said...

Cindy, you gotta make another cool cake in your pan now. Esp. if your precious daughter will love it. I can't believe all of your talents. You could sell those cakes.

Elsie said...

Cindy~you know I never get tired
of seeing your pics again and
again. I'm still in awe of how
you made those shells look so

Lia said...

I love your blog and your home is amazing.

But you have surpassed yourself with this cupcake post, simply beautiful.

Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

The cupcake looks so delicious. I luv to eat them but I dont like cooking. Thanks for shareing great photos. Julian

Scribbler said...

This is too scrumptious for words! I am really going to have to get a cloche -- I feel so left out ;-(

As I used to tell my mother when I wanted her to feel sorry for, "Everybody's got one but me!"

BTW the sugar/sand thing is just too clever.


Grace @ Ruby Moon Designs said...

That cupcake is just beautiful!!!

Blessings, Grace

The Lazy Peacock said...

gorgeous cake! you are so clever.

The Single Nester said...

Oh my gosh. As someone who is a seashell and ocean lover, this is amazing!

Sarah Sarniak said...

Wow, this is huge and very yummy looking.

Gina said...

I have the cupcake pan too but I never thought of making a seashell cake with it. I love it!

Vickie said...

I loved this the first time -- it was made me 'bookmark' your blog in the first place!!! loved it then, love it now! I found this mold at Target on sale in January and have yet to use it. I am looking for a cloche large enough to house it, because I love how you did this. Inspirational!

Jan ~ BellaCasa said...

Thank you so much for sharing this post. I love anything to do with decorating with shells and my tablescape this week included my shell dishes. Your cupcake is absolutely unbelievable, and I mean that in a very good way. I do hope that you will come join me for a Tea Party celebration at BellaCasa beginning Friday, 5 March. Start brewing up your tea-table-top-vignette ideas and come link on with us.


afistfullofweeds* said...

Looks professional! And YUMMY!!

Anonymous said...
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thefirstlady said...

I love that cupcake. Especially the shells. I think I'll have to try making it.

Carolyn said...

So beautiful! Thank you for hosting,


cargol said...

I remember when you posted this giant cupcake, I went looking for the pans but they were more than I wanted to spend. But I made a friend a cake using you as inspiration, made just a layer cake with the fondant shells and sand and everyone loved it.

Legacy of Love said...

all i can say is Ymm...

Romantic Crafts said...

It's sooooooooooo beautiful!!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Cindy, you made such pretty cupcake.. so yummy!

Simplement ... said...

Je suis enchantée d'avoir découvert ton délicieux blog !
Belle soirée.

Betty Jo said...

Your large cupcake is so gorgeous Cindy. It makes my mouth water, but is just too beautiful to actually eat. I love it with the shells around the base of the plate. ♥

Anonymous said...
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Florence said...

I will have to go and find one of those cup cake pans for myself and my daughters, wish me luck. Florence

Molly Anne said...

My goodness that cake is stunning!

Susan B said...

Wow...that is gorgeous! You did a fabulous job.

Kimberly said...

Hi Cindy - I was laying in bed reading ROMANTIC HOMES Magazine and there you were! I was like I know her!! Love the article!

Gail said...

you could post this a hundred times..i loved seeing it again..spectacular!

Gabrielle Mader said...

How cute is that cupcake shell caker..and NO...not tired of seeing it since I had not seen it before. I made a cake to but yours surely trumped mine!!

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Oh my! Your cake is beautiful Cindy! And the "sand"? brilliant idea!!!!!

eva said...

Just found your blog via Cottage of The Month @ The Old Painted Cottage. Love your house.

eva -

Anonymous said...

Gracias intiresnuyu iformatsiyu

Tanya Boracay said...

Beautiful, creative cakes.

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