Thursday, January 14, 2010

Show and Tell Friday

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I'm breaking the rules this week because this isn't something from my home or garden but I'm like a kid with a new toy right now! I bought a new car!!! I wasn't planning on buying one for a few more months but my old car needed $2400 in repairs and since it was 10 years old and had 150,000 miles on it, it wasn't even worth that much anymore so I was sort of forced to buy a new one! It's not brand new, it's a 2006 Chrystler Sebring. I actually wanted a car that was only about a year old but this one only had 22,000 miles on it , the price was great and it looks brand new so I couldn't pass it up even if it was the first and only car I looked at! I did look at quite a few online first though.

Now I need to just transfer my old personalized license plates over to this car and I'll be all set...

I can hardly wait for the weather to warm up so I can drive around with the top down! I think I see a road trip down the coast to Southern California in my future!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed from MckLinky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone's may take me awhile to get around to visit everyone since I work full time but I'll do my best to get to your blog as soon as I can!


Carrie said...

Congrats. on your new looks great and so do you driving it!

Kayren said...

Oh my word! That's so cool. I followed you today and sort of broke the rules, but it's so opposite of yours. Here you are in California, and even if you aren't warm enough for the top down, you should see the igloo I posted! We're even actually having warm weather for us.

I'm glad you showed us your car today! Enjoy it!

Mary said...

That car is awesome. The mileage is great and the car is a beauty. Congratulations! I don't blame you for showing it off.


Cottage Rose said...

OH Cindy... what a great car,, love it,, congratulations on your new car.. You look great sitting behind the wheel.... Have lots of fun driving around.... oh with the top down...


Gee said...

Hi Cindy,

congratulations on your new look happy and great driving the new. Im happy for you.
Have a nice weekend.

Vivian said...

Looks great on you. I'm jealous. I've been thinking about getting a convertible mustang for about a year now. I'm trying to put it off until after June when we are going on a family trip in my Excursion. It uses a lot of gas but drives like a dream and feels like your not moving. And oh the room it has.

susan said...

Great car and you look just right in it. I just know this car comes with an "attitude"---a good one :) Crank up that radio and have fun!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, Cindy! What fun! This is a terrific Show & Tell :)

French-Kissed said...

Your wear it well! How about taking a drive down to Santa Barbara? I'd love to show you around.


Whatever Is Lovely said...

Beautiful Cindy!! You look Fabulous behind the wheel of your Gorgeous New Car!! Lots of fun in your future with your new baby!!

Big Hugs ~ Teresa

Bunny Jean said...

That looks like fun... maybe you could come visit me in Palm Springs when I get moved ;)

Talk to you soon,
Bunny Jean

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Cindy! It looks beautiful on you!

Charlene said...

OH CINDY I LOVE YOUR NEW CAR!!!!!! I have looked at those & loved them! I hope you have a BLAST being such the "Hotty in the Hot Car" Yes, a road trip down Hwy 1 is a must! The last two times we were in California we rented a convertible & LOVED IT!!! ENJOY! You earned it! Charlene

Tracy said...

Sweet! Love you new car. I'm sure you'll enjoy it when it warms up. :)

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Congratulations on your new car! Nice!

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Cindy, that car is perfect for you! you look stunning in it!

maría cecilia said...

Fab new car, Cindy!!! and you look great in it!!!! Spectacular your personalized license... I love to blog too!!!! Your a genious!!!!
Maria Cecilia

Iphigenia said...

congratulations...very smart looking...enjoy with care. : )

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

You go, girl!

Boogieboard Cottage said...

Hi Cindy, What a beautiful car! Mary :O)

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Congratulations! I love your license plates - how cool! You are sure to turn some heads with the top down - Looks great!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! congratulations ! that's really a very pretty car !
You didn't break the rules, because it belongs to you ! I showed my new car too 2 years ago and it is part of your household now, lol !

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

Congrats on the new wheels! You look great in it!

{oc cottage} said...

Ohhhhhhh how fun!!!

m ^..^

LoLa said...

Felicidades por ese nuevo coche, me gusta mucho el color. Felicidades

Debbie~ said...

You look FABULOUS in your new ride!!! Congrats on your wonderful find! Your license plate will finish it off to perfection! This is my first 'Show & Tell Friday', guess this is my virgin post! :)

Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

Unknown said...

The Chrysler is my favorite car, I would want 300C because the weather here in Finland is mostly cold so I wouldn't need a "topless" car. But yours is amazing, love it!

Unknown said...

BABE you look GREAT in that CAR!!! Suits you Missus!! Congrats!
Thanks for hosting hunny..
I'm having a giveaway so hoping that you visit if you have a chance hun...Its open to my overseas friends too!! Its for some handmade Vintage style blocks and some Handmade Jewellery too!!
Just a little thankyou to all x
Annie x

Gracie said...

That's great Cindy! You look amazing on board.....

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your new car!!I have a chrystler sebring and i love it....Kathy

Hootin Anni said...

Are you kidding me? Rules, schmules...this ia super SnT!! I don't think this is a rule breaker!!! Afterall, the photos ARE of your yard!! I see trees and a beautiful blossom...a California blossom sitting in a golden flower!!!

Congrats. I ♥ new cars!!!

It's a GREAT show n tell if you want my opinion.

Mine's HERE

Liz@HoosierHomemade said...

That's an awesome car! Have fun! Be careful!
Thanks for hosting!

Susan B said...

How exciting! Congratulations on your new car! It looks like the right fit for you. Love your license plate. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

First let me say I always enjoy checking in on your blog daily. Please don't get me wrong here- but in light of more serious news of the earthquake in Haiti, it seems a bit selfish to me to show off your car and not a mention at all of the things that matter most. For a woman who professes to love her home,(and I thought you liked to encourage us to enjoy ours too) your blog would have been a perfect forum to encourage your many many many many readers to reflect on the blessings they have and make a much needed doation to The Red Cross. I would have liked to see you ask your readers to SHOW AND TELL of their generosity as they forgot about themselves and dug deep into their full pockets to help those who have nothing. Now I know there are people who will think this blog is not a forum for this sort of thing, but you must realize what an incredible audience you have and with that,the power to encourage people to give. Today I think your blog is nothing more than a forum for you to gloat about all you have and your unending mission to acquire even more "stuff". Shame on you. We would have loved to celebrate your car with you, but couldn't we have done that tomorrow? Please don't get me wrong, we DO love you, but maybe a little mention of the devastation in Haiti would have been more appropriate.

Anonymous said...

May I say you look absolutely f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s in your new car.
"I'm for Dogs"

Elsie said...

Cindy~ Girl you make that car look
good!!LOL..Congrats!!!You remind
me of my daughter with those big
sunglasses on. I don't blame you
I think you made the right decision. When the repairs begin
to be that large and the car has
depreciated it is time for a new
one.That is one "COOL" car and I
bet Lauren loves it too.:O)

One Cheap B*tch said...

Your license plate is priceless!

Denise Marie said...

OMG Cindy, it is delicious. You are a rock star driving around Cali. I thought you were gonna buy what I drool old beater pick-up truck to haul your finds. lol

Decor To Adore said...

I have always admired the Sebring. You look so glamourous behind the wheel.

Come by and enter my giveaway. You'll adore it I think.

Jessica @ This Blessed Life said...

I'm linking today for the first time - thanks for hosting the party!

Sue said...

You look great in your new car. May you enjoy many happy road trips in it and if you ever make it to Michigan be sure to look me up.

dishdiva said...

For your drive down to southern California, just remember the Rose Bowl Flea Market happens the 2nd Sunday of every month! I think this would make a great destination for you sometime soon! Just let me know and I would meet you there in a heartbeat; we could get in lots of trouble together!

A Southern Rose said...

Cindy, I love your new car! It looks perfect for you. My friend Stevie bought me a new car for Christmas. New to me anyway. It is a 2006 Volvo wagon. I love it. My kids kind of laughed at it saying that it looked like the car on 'Christmas Vacation'...but I love it. My old car is a 2001 Linclon LS and I have really had a lot of problems with it since last year. I'm still gonna keep it too. The new car has a hatch back...perfect for me and all of my thrifting! You look so cute in your new car!

Lee Laurie

WendyBee said...

Your new car looks sooooo fun! lucky you! Enjoy and thanks for sharing.

Sunnysidesue said...

Oh Cindy, please take us all with you on that road trip!! :)

Beverly @ My Sew Sweet Studio said...

That is wonderful Cindy. You deserve it. I had a red Sebring a few years ago. I have always been sorry that I go rid of it. Wasn't very compatible with the grandkids and car seats though. Have fun and where would you want to visit in So. California?

The Watts Family said...

Wonderful Enjoy that new ride!! i had no idea you were in California we are just down the way in San Diego :) Cute Pictures ~Blessings Heather :)

Molly Anne said...

I must say you look FAB in that car!

I always get tickled when people say 150,000 miles is a lot. My current daily driver has 340,000. The man at DEQ had to pick his eyes off the floor and put them back in his head when he asked. But he was all calm, "Wow. That's a lot." Hee hee!

Anonymous said...

Dear Cindy,

I think you have a wonderful car. It is one I would like myself, but I must agree with the comment about Haiti. You have so much power with your blog, that many may be helped through your encouragement. Sitting down to a full dinner last night seemed off, thinking about all those naked children and no hospital.
Bless you Cindy...we do enjoy your home.

Sweet Old Vintage said...

My goodness. you look mighty fine in that car.... enjoy

Tori said...

My best friend has a Sebring and we've taken many road trips in it. Don't try coming to So. Cal. for the next week, we're expecting relentless rain! Congratulations on your new car!

Carolyn said...

You sure look sporty in that nice new car!

Have a good weekend,

Dreams of Perfection said...

I'm so jealous! How awesome is your car..congrats!! You are one chic lady. Loved your blog since the dino days. Thanx for "teaching" me how to paint with an old tutorial you posted.

Anonymous said...

I so agree with the anonymous reader about Haiti so what were you thinking .I bet it was one of your blog friends but would not put her real name down.

Dreams and Decor said...

Congratulations! Getting a new car is so exciting! Both you & the car look beautiful! Have fun driving! Patti

Anonymous said...

Nice new ride! I'd break the rules too and the License plate is too cool! LOL

Destination Seaborn said...

Congrats on your new car! I love that it's a convertible, so much fun! Enjoy! Although, it looks like you already are. Your pics made me smile:) Lisa

Evi said...

I had a Sebring as well and loved it - enjoy!! I enjoy blogging because sometimes we need a break from all the sadness in the world. Blogging is a great way to see the good out there - just because we have stuff doesn't mean we don't give and serve those in need in our own private ways. Thank you for giving me a break from the ongoing tragedies in this world.

vignette design said...

You look sooooo cool in that car! Yesterday, the weather was warm enough for you to put your top down and I'll bet you did! Congratulations!
I joined your show and tell party today for the first time. Just discovered your blog and I love it! I'm your neighbor up in San Mateo! --Delores

Mary said...

You are too cute! Congrats on the new wheels. I can just picture you tooling down the Pacific Coast Highway with your hair tied under a silk scarf, a la Grace Kelly... lol

Enjoy your weekend!

Cathy Miller said...

Looks great! I think that's the perfect car for you!! Congratulations..I'm a little jealous!

Debra said...

To anonymous 5:21 a.m., everyone feels horrible about what happened in Haiti and all of us should give if we can, however, this blog is a home decor blog and not a news commentary blog. If Cindy is excited to show and tell her new car then that's her right to do so. We who live in Ca. have the possibility of a quake of that magnitude or bigger over us always so to imply that Cindy is insensitive to what happened is just wrong. And if you are going to make a comment like this at least sign your name.

thefirstlady said...

Congrats on the "new" car. It's pretty spiffy. I love your license plate. All the best to you.

Ginger said...

Cindy, you look adorable in your new "ride". How fun to have the top down and go cruising along the coast.
I have to say something to annoymous, I hope it's not a problem.
First off, sign your name if you have something to say, don't hide behind an annoymous comment. I don't think it's Cindy's place to have to talk about the tragedies going on in the world, if she doesn't want to. Thats not what her blog is about, and I look forward to seeing all her cute things when I come to her blog...takes my mind off of things that are going on in the world.
Just my opinion.

DreamgirlLisa said...

Love it! Congrats and you look beautiful behind the wheel!

sashagirl said...

Oh my goodness!!! I LOVE your new car!!!! I can just imagine how much fun you are going to have driving that cute convertible around!!! Love the color of it, too! Yay for you!!!! I bet your daughter is in love with it, too, haha!!! You look so darn cute in it, have fun girl!!!!

Cindy said...

Evi, Debra and Ginger and all of those who emailed me, thanks for your support about the anonymous comments I got today. I chose to donate and not blog about it. I'm sorry if people were offended!

FrenchGardenHouse said...

LOVE that car~~! It looks so good on you. My girlfriend has one, too, and it's a blast to drive in. Good for you, sweetie.:) Have fun in it, drive to Carmel or something. xoxo Lidy

Anonymous said...

For those that complained about Cindy enjoying her new car and not dwelling on the situation in Haiti, I say shame on you and your self righteousness. I am deeply saddened by what I see on the news in Haiti and sent my entire paycheck today to help those in need via the American Red Cross. I am glad to come here to Cindy's site this evening to learn some happy news for someone who deserves it so very much. Congrats to You Cindy on a good deal and a beautiful "new" car. With Gratitude, JOYFUL Karen

Simple Home said...

Congratulations on the new car. You look so cute and sporty sitting in it.

Nanna said...

Hello Cindy! nice to meet you, I've been out of the show-n-tell loop due to my dad beign in the hospital & couldn't find mr linky over at Kelli's, she directed me over here, I look forward to gettign to know you, great car!


Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Well good for you. And boy you look so damn good in it! Youre going to need pepperspray to fight the men off! You go girl!

Tania said...

What a great ride cindy, Im jealous, Im in need of a new car myself. Its beautiful and sleek, well done.

Anonymous said...

Nou zeg Gefeliciteerd. Wat een mooie aankoop.
Wel now Congratulations What a bright look really beautiful in this car ! Well done. Considering you have to earn it all yourself: wow, you not only earn it, you deserve it too.
Godeliva van Ariadone

Kathysue said...

Cindy, the car looks like it was made for you. You know how some cars just fit the owner? Well I think this one fits you, How exciting. I hope it warms up so you can go flying through the breeze,Hugs Kathysue said...

Cindy - The car is an amazing blessing! Thank you for sharing it with us and for hosting this party! I love your site -

jlpreppy said...

Congratulations!!! You look great in your new car.... Have fun!

Walnut Creek, CA

Desiree said...

Hopefully my link worked this time. :-(
Still learning! Great car, Cindy-she's lovely. :-)

Esther Sunday said...

Good for you Cindy!! You work hard and deserve everything you have!

Junkstylediva said...

Cindy! You look like one Hot Mama!!! Enjoy your new wheels!

Tommie Jo said...

You look so pretty in your new car! I fell in love with a Chrysler too~only my baby is a black 300~lol! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Good fill someone in on and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.

Denise said...

Cindy, Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog and helping me with my cabinet dilemma.
(I think I knew you would say to paint it. That must be what I wanted to hear) hehehe
Your new car is so pretty. Congrat's and have fun with it!
Thanks again for your help!

Dixie said...

a perfect car for the perfect romantic... love it-love it!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I know you work fulltime and you're also a single mom so you're probably extremely busy but can you do a few more tutorials? I've done a few antiquing projects but I'm wanting to do some with appliques. I have a pine armoire that I've had for years and am planning on appliquing it and antiquing. More tutorials would be great!!! Thank you and thank you also for your inspirational blog:) Tori

Melissa Lester said...

Congratulations on the new car! I can't wait to see all the new finds you bring home in it this year!

Anonymous said...

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Tnx for reading this. U guys are great.

Anonymous said...

interesting read. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did anyone hear that some chinese hacker had busted twitter yesterday again.