I know there are a lot of people that put things in their china cabinets and hutches and don't touch them for years...or even decades!!! I'm not one of those people! Mine get changed a few times of year...at the very least! I recently took out all the blue and white plates that I put in there last Fall and replaced them with my collection of pink mismatched dishes. Here is what my hutch looked like at Christmas with the blue and white...
That photo above was taken when I lived in sunny California, now I live in dreary, cloudy, rainy, cold California! You can tell the difference in these two photos! I miss the sunshine!
Here's what my hutch looks like now. ..

Cindy, you where the very first blog I subscribe/follow. I found you thru HGTV RMS. I just love your home so very much I can't ever see too much of your beautiful things. We lost our place about 8 weeks ago and will be moving to a rental this weekend. Your home has inspired me to make it our HOME no matter if it's a rented space. Thank you for all the inspiration :)
Hi Cindy~ I love your pink too,it
all looks good. I'm like you I need
a change every once in a while. My
hubby says if he ever goes blind
he will kill himself in his own
home running into furniture.LOL.
If you hadn't told us we would
not know that was a pillowcase and
besides it's so pretty you can hang it anywhere.:O)
I so love both looks. You really do have a wonderful knack with your arrangements. You place things in such a very interesting way. Great eye candy. Hugs, Marty
Change is good!! Thanks for posting! Gorgeous pics!
Hi Cindy, my name is Jo and I love your blog. I found you through Romantic homes magazine and no wonder you were featured there. I love your blog. It's like looking through the pages of a favorite magazine! I, too, play with my dishes often. At least seasonly. I'm always adding, taking away or starting over! I just wanted to tell you that for as long as I have lived in my home(8 years) I have been undecided on what to do with my sunroom. (approx. 350 sq ft.) It is currently rust and bare wood with rattan furnishings. I have been considering painting it white and using wicker furnishings and going with blue accessories. Your pictures have now helped me to decide. I have a big project ahead of me. Thank you for the inspiration!
In all the years I've been scouring blogs, your three-tiered plater that your Mom got in Disneyland is my most coveted! I would seriously pay top dollar to have my very own!! I absolutely love it!
Just thought I'd tell you again :)
your home is so beautiful. I just love those pink dishes.
Your hutch is beautiful both ways! Loving all the pictures.. not too many at all. I love the chandelier too. I am wishing it all were mine!
Your blog is NEVER boring.....hence me coming here each day to read and see. I never, ever miss a day of Cindy! Your blog is eye candy and full of interesting tidbits and pieces of your life that add sunshine and sparkle to my day....no matter what the weather (and we have lots of grey, dreary days here!).
Love the new look....as much as I loved the look before that and before that. I too change out my china cabinet a few times a year. Right now, it's still sporting my Christmas china, holiday tureens and special Santas! So many dishes....so little time!
Always love my visits here!
Cindy Hi, I don't mind seeing the same pretties in your home.. coz I know someway or another, it get change often.. so, that makes your blog interesting and fun to come & visit.. and this post, makes me drool at your pink rosey dishes.. I spot few pink rosey pretties I love!
Cindy...Your blog is never boring to me. I love everything that you show to us! You are my inspiration!~Patti
I'll never get tired of looking at your pretty dining room and cabinet, Cindy. The pink looks fabulous. Such a pretty arrangement!! Love your chandelier, too!!
Hi Cindy,
My name is rebecca and started following your blog because of romantic homes. you inspired me to start my own blog. Your home is beautiful! I love your collection of china! I love to change things around myself. Thank you!
Cindy, I NEVER tire of your blog. Post after post, it's always wonderful. I love the pink china! By the way, if you hadn't told us the plant was silk, I would never have known! It sure LOOKS real. Thanks for adding so much loveliness to the world with your blog. Sincerely, Susan from writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com
Love the change... althought they are equall as lovely... I am always moving things round and about also.....
Hi Cindy,
Your hutch looks fabulous. It looks so Romantic for Valentines day, and then your are all set for Spring as well. Very pretty dishes, I am in love with pretty dishes too. I hang dinnerplates in my bedroom or any room for that matter. Right now I have porch melamine plates hanging in my bathroom, I happened to see them and they were perfect for what I wanted and if they got knocked off the wall (which other things have in the spot) they want break!!
Love them!
Keep doing what you are doing we all love it. Loved your cherub and cloche creation as well, very
nice and very creative. Glad you shared where you got the wax, I had never heard of it before, but am gonna get some. Thanks,
Blessings, Nellie
Your blog is BEAUTIFUL..
I love your vision of shabby chic cottage its so take your breath away decor.. Lovin it..
I'm new to your blog and I really enjoy reading your blog and so glad I was fortunate to find it..
I never get tired of looking at dishes!!! Especially when showcased in such a lovely display!
I love it!!!!
Cindy your home is so beautiful, I could look at it every day. Oh wait, I do! I would love to be able to decorate my home as you have done, but I finally admitted to myself that it really is not practical for me to do so considering all the different kinds and sizes of furbabies that come and go in my home. Let’s not forget the hulking two legged critters more commonly known as male teenagers that parade in and out of my home. I used to have my home decorated in a manner very similar to yours but it is ever evolving to accommodate family and furbabies. We are undergoing yet another change to accommodate our ever growing family and I have packed away my darling frillies for safekeeping. Sometimes when I gaze upon my antique trunks which hold all the items, I just sigh with a dose of wistfulness and think – someday. Then I visit your blog and I feel better. All that said, you just keep posting those scrumptious pictures of your lovely home!
~ Tracy
I never get tired of seeing your beautiful home. I have been so inspired by your photos and it makes me feel so relaxed to come visit!
I always enjoy your blog no matter what you post, I never get tired of seeing how you display your wonderful collections. I often see something I have never noticed before. Looking forward to Lauren' room though. Keep it coming.
Your home is always lovely to look at, Cindy!
Can't wait to see Lauren's room and yours, too. :)
I never get tired of your postings - ever. Thank you for giving me 'permission' to hang plates on my bedroom wall. Now, a question. Where can I find the plate holders? You know, those little brass thingies you have your plates resting in on your hutch?
I love that you think outside the box.
Will you come rearrange my hutch? You are so motivated!
Hi Cindy,
Nope, I never get tired of looking at your beautiful home. Just NEVER! It's such an inspiration. I think I have the same lamp in my guest bathroom (see my post on using black and white) that you have in your kitchen. My shade is black toile and yours may be blue? I love your pink dishes, I love your blue and white, I love your all white....I could go on and on.
Teacup Lane (Sandy)
Cindy, it's always fun to play with the dishes. I've been doing a lot of that myself. I just wish I had more storage space! Love seeing the different looks, and that trio of silver shakers is stunning. Thanks for sharing. Have fun! ~ Sarah
oh man...love the china! I really like the depression glass? creamer & sugar bowl. btw, I have a set of sapphire blue depression glass teacups/saucers & bread and butter plates....bubble pattern. Don't know if you would be interested. Just thought of it while I was browsing all your pretty stuff. It's on my etsy shop if you're interested!
Oh Oh Oh!
Just dreamy!
Changing the dishes makes it look completly different!
Oh I would adore to sit at your dreamy table for dinner!
Cindy... scrolling through your photos... I forget where I am... everyting is so beautiful, and I always seem to find something new that I've not paid attention to before.. like today...
Your chandieler... I think I just purchased it's sister last week... they're almost exact matches! It's going in my "guest" room, which Ricky also refers to as "my wife's room"!
As far as getting tired of viewing your photos of the same old stuff.. never... they are always a feast for the eyes and they inspire me everytime I get a chance to visit.
blessings. Dixie
It is hard to continually come with new stuff for a decorating blog unless you rearrange and redecorate all the time. I know I'm trying to cut down on the spending and start doing more home shopping of what I already have. That really can be limiting after awhile since you use up everything you have. I look forward to your room redesigns and I never tire seeing what you do.
I think your home is beautiful, and I never tire of your photos. They really are a source of inspiration for me.
I love the addition of pink. It gives your home a rosy glow!
Marilyn (in Dallas)
Alright now...you really should get these pictures published for a book. I never get tired of going back and forth looking at all the beautiful things. (What's the use of the oval plate....do you know?)
For the record, we will NEVER get tired of seeing pictures of your beautiful home! For real. The pink plates are so pretty--that's my idea of a collection. I especially love the ones with the delicate pink vining flowers. SO pretty!
~Angela :-)
Your hutch looks so pretty as always, I love the pink dishes against the blue in your hutch! I have the same fake flowers but they do look real don't they, even with a little dust on them although I couldn't see it on yours, LOL, and that was so funny pillow cases in the dining and dishes in the bedroom, it's so me and I agree!!
I love all the pink,but I loved the blue also. I change my hutch and plate racks often too,isn't it fun!
It's always a pleasure, Cindy!
Beautiful...just BEAUTIFUL!
It doesn't get boring at all! I love all the nooks and crannies you're able to create in such a small space. I sit on your blog for hours...it's far from boring!
I'm not bored! LOVE IT!
Lou Cinda
Hello. So many beautiful pictures, I love it.
Your blog is a inspiration.
Madame B
Really really pretty, Cindy! I love all that white in your home, and pink is such a lovely spring-y addition!
Have a beautiful rest of the week,
Cindy as I scrolled down each picture I just kept saying Hmmmmm,hmmmm! Gorgeous, Gorgeous. You do such beautiful displays and your photography is amazing. Loved all the eye candy,thank you for sharing. Kathysue
Cindy, Love your pictures. I can never get enough. I love lacy shelf edging and lacy and embroidered textiles. Do you have some kind of cord cover on the lamp cord? How very clever.... You make me want to do something with my tiny, and slightly ugly shelves in my dining room. After all, they don't have to stay ugly do they?
This is just Lovely, with a capitol L! I really enjoy your displays. Every time I see something new.:)
Wow what a beautiful room you have there! I too love playing with my dishes creating tablescapes. Drop by for a visit to see.
Hi Cindy,
I can´t see enough of the so much beautiful floral dishes - I love them.
It would be a grat dream of me to visit the large american fleamarkets to find those wonderful things. In germany it is not so easy to find such special porcelain.
Enjoy it,
Cindy, LOVE the pink! I enjoy seeing what you are doing with your collections and look forward to seeing what you do with the bedrooms/bath, etc. And, by the way, also LOVE what you did with the cherub, a plate, a cloche and the beautiful cups in your previous post!
Cindy, you are one of the top blogs online. You have a fabulous number of followers. Your post are always informative, pretty, personal, fun, creative, innovative and heart-felt. I stop by every day. I don't always leave a comment (me bad blogger...sorry), but I always enjoy my visit.
Chin up girl! All this bloody rain is making us a wee bit gloomy ha!
BTW, love the new look of your hutch; very pretty!
Hi Cindy,
Its so lovely and gorgeous. You really have the taste n style.
La verdad que la dulzura de los colores romanticos alegran la vista. No me cansan tus fotos, son hermosisimas, pero estoy deseando ver el cambio que quieres realizar, porque todo lo que haces me encanta
Cindy, I have been visiting for years and I NEVER tire of seeing the things you do. Remember, you see these things every day but we see them for a few minutes while we visit. Every time you post something pretty I get a different idea. This time I was wondering if my mom-in-law would let me rearrange her hutch, lol!
I've been thinking about your weather and wondering what's going on. I'm a farmer's daughter and my husband farmed, too! You can inspire us any time you want to with all your pretties! And about that dusty (only because you said it was, I sure couldn't tell) violet...the actual plant's leaves have that fuzzy texture, and your's looks quite like the real thing. Better looking than my fake one!!
Hi Cindy; I never get tired of seeing your lovely home... I could look at the same photos for ever...my visits to your wonderful blog have given me so many ideas of how to decorate my own home... you hutch is so gorgeous with all the pink and white,, and those pillow cases are just Beautiful.... they look so perfect on the doors.... can't wait to see all the changes you are going to be doing...
Have a great week and I hope the sun shines soon...
I'm with everyone else, I love seeing all your dishes and decor, and it doesn't matter if I've seen it before, it still looks beautiful.
It's hard to blog as often as you do and come up with new things. You do a terrific job of blogging!!
Great idea with the pillow slip.
Your home is like a magazine--it's everything that's right up my alley! So glad I found it.
PS the Museum Wax is a great thing--I use Tacky Wax, which is mainly for miniatures but it's great for big stuff too.
I'm fairly new to your blog, but I wouldn't be tired of it anyway, with you changing it up so. None of us go out and buy new every few months, so we need your inspiration on changing it. Lezlee
Lovely collection of dishes. I like to change mine seasonally too.
Hard to find place to store them in a small condo.
Cindy, surely you KNOW that beauty NEVER becomes dull and uninteresting!! I come here for your beautiful photography and lovely home decor. Never boring, sweetie!!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Everything you touch turns to beauty. I'm rather new to your blog but I too visit daily. You are so inspiring and gifted!
Hi Cindy,
I'm not a frequent commenter but like many people, I read your blog every single day, and I've read the old posts multiple times as well. I can't think of something to blog about once a week and have no idea how you do it every day, but I'm glad you do. Don't apologize for doing a great job!
PS I have dinner plates in my bedroom too, and that is entirely because of you. :)
I needed to look at every single one of those pictures. thanks for taking so many.
Cheers! Rita
So cheery! And that pillowcase-perfectly beautiful!
Cindy , I never tire of seeing your dishes. I love all the pink and white you now have in your hutch!!
We own a 3 bedroom ranch, and the bedrooms are extremely small. I wish I could get my home looking as good as your apartment.
Romantic isn't a style. It's an attitude you have plenty of. Thank you for sharing.
Absolutely beautiful...I am new here so I am not bored...
Cindy, When I cannot make a trip to my favorite antique/shabby chic store, I could spend hours looking at your beautiful home. That pillow case took my breath away. Due to my hubby's tumor in his only remaining kidney, I have blog hopped as much as I used to. We find out on Tues what the "options" are, so since the Lord has this all under control, I plan to spend the weekend relaxing with blog friends and catching up. So now back to all your posts I have missed! I am so happy for you with your new store. Have to stop there and visit also. Have a beautiful day!
Thank you for all the inspiration
Work from home India
Soooooooo beautiful!!!!!!!
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