I can't tell you how many times I go to Flickr and look at all the photos that I've marked as my favorites. It's the place I go for inspiration!

Look at all this beautiful inspiration! Can you tell I love soft colors? Each one of these photos is breathtaking to me and when I put them all together in these mosaics....it's just pure BLISS!
I can't get enough of pink old English roses!
I think going through the photos on Flickr and finding my favorites has really opened my eyes to what I like! I think I like pink more than I ever realized!
You must go visit Jermaine at French Kissed. She has set the most amazing table (sneak peek below) and she has dedicated it to me! It is so stunning!!! Her blog is just filled with eye candy!!!
Want some more eye candy? I love this new song from Michael Buble!

I have always known how much you like blue, but I am so happy to hear you also favor pink as I just set a romantic pink Thanksgiving table over at French Kissed and "dedicated" it to you. There is a wonderful world of inspiration out there and these flickr photos are fabulous, but there in nothing quite like a visit to your Romantic Home to fuel all of us with inspiration to make our homes beautiful, comfortable and romantic. Thanks, Cindy!
I LOVE your flicker mosaics , they really are eye candy! I adore Micheal Buble'!! I have his christmas cd from last year. I think I will put it on today:)
Cindy, Thank you for such great blogs!
Your mosaics are so pretty, Cindy. I think I have to do that- you are so right, they are inspiring! I love French Kissed - it is bookmarked on my computer. I will trot right on ove there and check it out!
Your Mosaics are delicious...but...Michael Buble is killer!!!!! Thanks for the mini show!!! Loved it.Go Michael!!!!xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Hi Cindy,
Yes! Eye candy, and you have a talent for layering it all together into one delicious concoction!!!
Have a beautiful day!
Eye candy indeed!!! Beautiful!!
Lou Cinda :)
Love,Love,Love the song. I had heard of it but not heard it.Thanks
for the video.Love the pictures
from flicker,they are beautiful.
What a magnificent collection of pink beauty....your mosaics are stunning!!!!! Thanks for sharing
Love this, very beautiful mosiacs.
Hi Cindy; What a beautiful post.. I have not been to flicker,, guess I am really missing out... just gorgeous... thanks for sharing...
You are the Mosaic Queen! Everyone you put together is pure joy. You always capture the fresh, gentle beauty that surrounds us.
Marilyn (in Dallas)
Oh my goodness it's overload on my eyes! LURVE it all! LOVE Michael! He is so great and always gets me in the holiday mood!
Enjoy your day! I entered a link for the giveaway. I have pink pearls to give on Saturday!! Eeek! so fun!
xo Molly
Great collection of favs on Flickr.
A lot of creams and pinks in delicate muted shades... how gorgeous! Very feminine. Thank you for sharing! It does all look great when you create the mosaics, doesn't it?
I am definitely going to buy the new Michael Buble CD! Loved the video and the beautiful pictures.
your home is lovely and your choice of photos are divine!
"Eye candy" indeed. Beautiful romantic pictures. My favorite was the back yard shed turned "retreat"
As much as I love pink, I am still a blue and white lady as far as my home goes. Love Michael....saw him on "Dancing with the Stars"last night. Yummy. Thanks for posting all this.
The photo collages are just stunning... I didn't know Flickr had this feature, although I am mainly a Picasa user. Thanks for putting these lovelies together and sharing. You have an artist's eye, for sure.
I just don't know how to use Flickr correctly! I can never find the pretty pictures that you find!
m ^..^
Hi Cindy! The Flickr photos are awesome and I love how you mosaic them... but ummmmm that Michael Buble video was the best thing I have seen all day! I had heard the some but the video was great!
Thanks for posting it! Have a great rest of the week...
~Really Rainey~
Hi Cindy, the Flicker photo's are gorgeous. I agree, it is very inspiring. Do you have to be a member to view them? How nice of French Kissed to dedicate the table to you, what a lovely gesture. If everyone could do one nice thing a day for someone else, what a better world it would be. Thanks for sharing your blog with us all, it really warms the heart.
I love your mosaics, they are really great! All those pinks together....molto bello!!!
The house in your first mosaic is so beautiful. I saw it featered in Country Living (or so I believe it was that house) the other day while I was flipping through some old copies.
Michael Buble is playing on the radio just this moment. I love the song.
Ciao, Helena
I have enjoyed your blog for over 2 years now and I thought that I would tell you that my very favorite thing about it is your commitment to the style that you love. You do not change styles with the change of the wind as others do. You know exacly what you like and stick with it. I hate a house that completely changes styles from one room to the next.
I love the mosaics you put together! I'm a big pink person as well -- I'm all about shabby chic. I will have to go to Flickr to find my inspiration as well! BTW what a beautiful song and video. :-) Thanks for sharing.
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