Thursday, October 08, 2009

Show & Tell Friday

Welcome to my second Show & Tell Friday! This week I decided to share some of my vintage jewelry collection. My mom handed down most of these to me. I like to keep them piled in the cherub dish on my dresser rather than tucked away in a drawer. That way I can enjoy them every day!
I've LOVE this pink necklace and I wear this one once in awhile...
I wear this bracelet often and I get complimented on it a lot!
This rhinestone piece below is a belt. It's much more sparkly than it shows here...

Another pretty necklace...

A lovely green broach and earring set...

This piece was a gift from another blogger...
My mom bought me this cameo when I was a little girl...

Another pretty necklace from my mom...

My high school class ring, class of '78...I guess this is considered vintage now too!
If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link. If your link has been removed from MckLinky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.
Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone's may take me awhile to get around to visit everyone since I work full time but I'll do my best to get to your blog as soon as I can!


  1. My favorite is definitely the big, chunky bracelet, but they are all beautiful. I just love the way they are displayed in the cherub dish!

  2. Wonderful handdowns!! Me too, love that big chunky bracelet.

  3. Yes, Love that chunky bracelet! Your photograpy is just lovely!! Thanks again for hosting such a fun event.

  4. I loved your post until you said 1978 graduating class is vintage. Hey, that's my class year also! lol. Love the jewelry, it's all about the memories! Thanks for hosting S&T.

  5. Love it all, but especially the bracelet. My class ring sorta disappeared - have no clue as to what happened to it. Really like the way you display them - may need to redo mine.
    Thanks for hosting.
    Have a great weekend.

  6. What a beautiful collection and so special that many were from your mom. The bracelet is lovely. The rhinestone belt is most unusual ~ very dressy!

    I love the way you display these sweet pieces. You get to enjoy looking at them as they add charm to Your Romantic Home.

  7. Love all your vintage baubles. Love that pink necklace.

    Just beautiful.

  8. I have some of my mother and grandmother's jewelry, too. Isn't it a wonderful treasure?

    I really like the pink necklace you showed and another that looks like it has crystal and cream colored beads. I also adore the cameo. I have one, too, and I treasure it.

    Do you ever show your bedroom? I love the livingroom and kitchen and I've always wondered how you've decorated your bath and bedrooms.

    My boudior is blue with cream colored furniture and I get some of my decorating ideas for my bedroom from your pretty pictures. :) When I get better (bad back in bed) and get the clutter cleaned up again, I will post pics and let you know so you can see what I've done, sweet friend who loves white!

    God bless!

  9. I love this kind of jewelry too, I like most the rose quartz looking necklace.

  10. Your jewelry is lovely. It's so nice that many of the pieces were given to you by your mother. The cherub dish is very pretty. I still have my class ring too... class of '73! Thank you for sharing, have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Such a beautiful jewelry you have here. I love the green set the most. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

  12. Hello! I am glad to be joining Show and Tell Friday. I love "treasure"

  13. That bracelet is really my favorite! Just stunning! I can guess you have lots of memories linked to those pieces of jewelry.
    I'll post the link to my post tonight from home because now at work I can't see MrLinky...

  14. Everything is so pretty! It's hard to pick a favorite but I do love the pink necklace, cameo and the green brooch! My class ring is three years older than yours so I guess it would be considered vintage too. Yikes!

  15. Stunning pieces! I love all of them, but especially the pink necklace. Yummy :o)
    peace, cindy

  16. Love, LOVE the cameo [I have several and never tire of them] ...and then that rhinestone belt!!! Whoa....I want it. LOL

    My Show n Tell is another craft project I just finished this week.

    Have a glorious weekend.

  17. Love your cuff bracelet and pin. I collect pins and put them everywhere.


  18. I love those necklaces and the bracelet, Cindy! I don't wear a lot of jewelry in the summer, but now that the cooler weather is here, I am looking forward to adding a little bling to my outfits.

  19. Love your jewelry! I like vintage rhinestone jewelry. My favorite pin cost $3 at an antique mall. It looks like a sun and catches the light like a diamond!

  20. So pretty! I love that chunky bracelet too...

    I hope you are participating in Pink Saturday tomorrow. Beverly has encouraged us to introduce a Pink Saturday participant we haven't visited before... and this week, I have chosen you:-)

    Your blog is so pretty!

  21. That is such pretty jewelry. I really love the cream/light yellow? colored pearl necklace. Such treasures she gave you. My daughter Sofia loves to recieve things like this as well. It feels so good to give her something as simple as a vintage necklace form the thrift store and she adores it. I hope she hangs on to her's as well.
    Have a beautiful day Cindy!

  22. I love all of it but my favorite is that bracelet! I would wear it all of the time. That is such a good idea to leave it all out displayed like that. Mine are all stuck away in drawers and my jewelry box.

  23. Hi Cindy,
    These vintage treasures from your mom are so pretty. I don't wear much jewlery but it sure is fun to look at!

  24. Hi Cindy...

    Ooooh...what lovely jewelry! I love all vintage jewelry...there's just something about it! My favorite pieces are the green pendant with matching's gorgeous and just happens to be my birth stone! I also really like your beautiful very pretty! You have some really beautiful pieces, my friend! Thank you so much for sharing all of your pretty pieces with us today and for hosting this fabulous Friday event!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  25. I love those pieces. My Mom had tons of vintage Jewlery and she got rid of them instead of passing it to all the girls (5 to be exact). I LOVE that Cuff bracelet... simply gorgeous!!!

  26. Hi Cindy

    You have really great pieces. I love how you've displayed them in the bowl. They make for perfect eye candy.

    I couldn't get myself together to join in this week - too may preparations for our family reunion tomorrow! But I hope to join in the fun next week!


  27. What treasures you have there. I am fascinated by your Mom and her since of style and her impeccable taste she passed on to you. I would love it if you did a post about her.....

  28. I love your blog and Show and Tell Friday!
    Your jewelry is beautiful and I'm lovin' the way you presented each special piece.
    Thanks for hosting.

  29. Very pretty Cindy! I'm really loving that bracelet!

  30. Enjoyed seeing all your lovely vintage jewelry and like the idea of displaying it in your lovely cherub bowl.

  31. It is so wonderful to have things of your mom's. How nice that you have them where you can enjoy them every day.

    The wide bracelet is really beautiful.The cameo.. really everything is just wonderful. I love the way you have them displayed for the pictures.


  32. Oh, how pretty!

    I just love, love, love that vintage green earrings and pin.

  33. Cindy, no matter how bad my day is, I always feel better once I check out your blog. I am transported into the pics and the stress is gone...
    I love the rhinestone belt! I still have the cameo my mom gave me in High School. I'm also class of '78!!!
    Have a great weekend!

  34. Gosh, beautiful items! Love the way your photographed your class ring! I was just a lowly freshman in 78!

  35. I have a confession to make I was speed cruising thru your lovely things...and I came upon your class ring from 78. I was class of 78 and lost mine. I remember I lost it in my sister's office restroom in Paris leaving it by the sink. I guess it just wanted to stay in Paris! I've often thought I wonder what the person thought of it who found it. "Those American's with their clunky jewelry"
    Thanks for the memory...though bittersweet!

  36. Oh goodness, here it is Friday night and I'm just getting online to check out todays Show & Tell! Our power has been off for almost 24 hours due to a storm. All day I kept thinking how much I wanted to see everyone's post! The flowers in the photos with the jewelry made them very special and ever you, SO romantic! Your jewelry is beautiful, especially the ones with the memories attached! I'll get around to visiting everyone tomorrow!

  37. Love the bracelet,love the belt,don't love the fact that your high school ring is vintage and mine is long time ago.LOLOL.I love all your jewelry,I have all of my mom's too and I wear some of hers.Its fun
    kinda like your a little girl
    again and dressing up.:D

  38. sorry.. I don't get it with the linky thing... .. let me tell you that all this pieces are gorgeous Cindy... and here is my link

  39. Cindy, The jewelry is all so lovely. Each piece has it's own special memory, that's wonderful. I read down further, too. I love the pictures of your friend's trip, and the white post which I missed this week. Very pretty!
    I'd love to join in on the party next time.
    BTW - '78 can't be antique, cause I graduated in '76. And I know I'm not antique, not yet, anyway!!! :)
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  40. Hey, it's me again. I just want to add that the picture of you with your dress up over your head is adorable. I totally love it!
    You've displayed everything so beautifully ....
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  41. Hey, I was in the class of '78 as well! Seems like yesterday!! Pretty stuff. I like the champagne pearls best of all!

  42. Cindy, that is a very beautiful collection and I am really in love with that cherub dish.


  43. Oh boy Cindy,I am lovin that blingy belt! Just beautiful! all your stash is.

  44. What a beautiful collection. I thought the rhinestone belt was my favorite then I saw the green broach and earring set and decided that is my favorite! I also LOVE your cameo. I love cameo's! My husband is a jeweler and I have been begging him to get me one. HA! Fourteen years later I'm still waiting!

  45. cindy, what a beautiful meaningful collection you have. The bracelet is just dreamy, I love it! Also the cameo, my mom has one of these that I would love to have someday. thanks for sharing, Marla

  46. Cindy, all those pieces are so pretty and it's lovely that have special meaning for you! I love that you keep them out where you can enjoy them all the time!


  47. Hello Cindy; Your Mother had some very lovely pieces of Jewelry.. and the dish they are in is just beautiful as well.. have a great weekend.


  48. Cindy you have such beautiful vintage jewery. ~Lovely.

    I'll have to join you here very soon. What a nice event.

    Many Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  49. I love, love, love your vintage jewelry. And my class ring is 1976, so I am just a wee bit more vintage than you. I love how you have displayed your jewelry in the first photo.

  50. Your jewelry is so so pretty. Thanks for sharing it with us.
    ♥ Rebecca

  51. Thanks for hosting this meme. It is such a great one. So many great pictures to see and blogs to visit!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Hope you have a great week. Blessings.

  52. What beautiful pieces you have. I LOVE the big silver bracelet!

  53. So pretty! I especially like the pink necklace and the green brooch/earring set.

    Thanks so much for sharing (and hosting) and for stopping by my kitchen table too.

    God bless,

  54. that bracelet is exquisite! I WANT IT! :)

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy