Thursday, October 08, 2009

Nelson's Road Trip

My friend Nelson recently got back from driving around the U.S. for 6 weeks! If you've been reading my blog for awhile you may remember me mentioning my friend Nelson in the past. Nelson was the first guy I dated after my second divorce and that was way back in 2000! We only dated for about a year but have remained good friends. I thought you might like to see some of his photos. The homes above and below are from Savannah, Georgia. Look at the steps in the photo above! I love those! Here's Nelson on the beach in Florida...
Some more BEAUTIFUL Florida beach shots...
I've been here! This is Mystic, Connecticut...
See the sign down the street in the photo below? That's Mystic Pizza! Remember the movie "Mystic Pizza" with Julia Roberts?

Thank you Nelson for letting me share your photos!


  1. The houses are beautiful!...Nelson is a cutie!...But those beach pics!...WOW!!!...Spectacular!!!!...Just amazing!...I live on Cape Cod so I'm kinda partial to beach pics!...Love your blog!...I peek often...but have been a very bad blogger and never say HI!...But I had to this time!!!...So Hi!!!...and thanks for all the wonderful inspiration!!...Hugs!...Lizzie

  2. Drool, drool. What fab photos! Those are some very pretty houses. love the shots of the beaches too. You have a very kind and generous friend...which is hard to find...hang on to him :o)

  3. Thank you Nelson and Cindy for sharing. I love seeing these photos and hopefully one day will go to these places myself. I would really like to see Savannah!
    Linda Q

  4. Wow...Nelson is a fabulous photographer! All of them are gorgeous, but especially the beach shots. Were they taken on the Gulf Coast of FL? (looks like 'my' beach). Sue in Sarasota

  5. OOOOhhh... I wanna go to Connecticut! Actually, its' all beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Georgia is close to me - now I wanna go to Savannah!

  6. Thank you for such a beautiful blog. It is always such a pleasure to visit you and see all the lovely photos.

  7. Great pictures! Next time you should road trip with Nelson. :)

  8. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing. Love the beach scenes.


  9. I want to thank Nelson also for the pictures from Savannah. I love Savannah. If it wasn't for my daughter & her family I think I would have moved there about 3 years ago. I was just going to sell out and move, then I priced property and was glad my little family was here in Missouri.
    I will go there again for a vacation. Thanks Cindy

    Janice In Missouri

  10. Nelson got some great shots, Cindy! So glad he let you share them with us. I wish I could take 6 weeks and just drive around. Not sure which direction I would head in, but it would be nice to have the option!

  11. the pics!!!!!all of them.. ;)

  12. Cindy....What gorgeous photos! The florida pics look like they are on the gulf coast...Siesta Key maybe? Mystic, Conn. looks like a great place to visit too!~Patti

  13. These are some beautiful photos. I especially like the one of the couple on the beach with the dark storm clouds. It's really nice that you and Nelson are close friends. We can't have enough friends in our lives.

  14. Beautiful photos-I especially loved the first one and the beautiful beach shots.

  15. Wow, beautiful photo's. Ever since I saw the movie Mystic Pizza I have wanted to go there, so it was really neat to see Nelson's photo's. The homes are just dreamy!.
    Enjoy your day,

  16. Nelson certainly has an eye for beautiful things (and people!) Thanks for sharing his gorgeous photos.

  17. Great photos - Tell your friend "thanks" for letting you share them with us. :)

  18. I think that last street shot is of Stonington, a great little town near Mystic (where I lived for a while at a friends place). And, oh, the water looks so inviting!!!

  19. What a beautiful place, can you just imagine living there and seeing those wonderful sights every day..ah to dream...

  20. Wow! Great photos...I wish I was there too. I actually have that door knocker on the last photo. I havent hung it on my door yet, my sister didn't like it but I think its really cool.
    Mrs Peeks Farmhouse

  21. The pics are great. Love the "green" stairs. They would never be allowed to survive here in California!!

  22. Each picture is better than the last, Cindy! The Florida shots are incredible and Nelson looks like a nice guy. I am glad you are still friends. He looks like a Nelson!

    When you wrote Mystic, Conn., I immediately wondered if it was where the movie was based. I loved that movie. It is one you can watch a couple of times, which I have!!

    Cool pictures. Thanks Nelson!


  23. The homes are absolutely stunning and the photo of the couple on the beach is spectacular!

  24. Oh I love road trips! You and Nelson seem to have a lot in common, you love flea markets and photography. So nice to have a good friend to share interests with. His photos are beautiful. Sue said she thought the beach was Sarasota, I thought "my" beach, Clearwater Beach, lol. Please tell us which beach in Florida. Thank you both for sharing. I have been to Savannah and it is so lovely. I would LOVE to be able to take a 6 week drive around the US. We do two weeks max since I am still working full time. If he would like to share more, I would love to see them.

  25. These pictures are gorgeous and they look like they should be in Coastal Living magazine! Nelson is handsome. He looks at home on the beach. I bet y'all have a lot of fun together.

  26. WOW~~ I LOVE those stairs! Anything living like that just captures my heart. How nice to have such a good friend ;). All of those places would be a dream to visit.

  27. What great pictures, so glad Nelson let you share them. I love the homes in Georgia, and the beach pictures are beautiful.

  28. I loved Mystic Pizza when I was a teenager! What beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing!

  29. I notice the steps first thing too.
    They are stunning. Love the pics,
    the houses are gorgeous. The beach
    pics are beautiful,he certainly
    knows how to capture the moment.
    Thanks for taking us along.:D

  30. Savannah is a beautiful city. The houses and parks are gorgeous. I have visited there once and hope to go back soon. Thanks for the pics. Love your blog.

  31. Beautiful photos but the beach photos are just amazing! I really enjoyed them. Thanks for sharing, take care, Maryann

  32. Beautiful photos! I love to travel, even though I don't get to do it a lot.
    Thanks for sharing.

  33. Beautiful photos! What a fun, extended trip! Savannah looks lovely. I'm with you, those moss covered steps are magazine worthy fabulous.

  34. What beautiful pictures!
    I'm completely amazed at the steps on that house! So Cool!

    We need more moss and vines in Utah!

  35. Nelson's pics are great. That house in Savannah..Are the top of the risers safe to walk on. I'd be afraid one would slip on the vegetation there. Beautiful house though. Savannah and Charleston are two of my favorite cities to visit. We've been to Mystic, Conn. probably about 26 yrs. ago, from there we went up to Newport, RI and then to Mantucket, Mass. Now that is a neat town. When you get off the Ferry boat, you can not believe the wealthy yacht's that are in port there! Your eyes bug out of your head, because each one is fancier than the one beside it!

  36. Loved the photos! Especially the one where he captured the chandelier on the porch. :)

  37. Wow, Great photos. Mystic is right up the street form us. What fun a 6 week trip must have been.
    ♥ Rebecca

  38. Dear Miss Cindy,

    Nelson is a "hottie" ;) Seriously, it's great that you remained friends. It sounds like you guys do some fun things together. Who knows what the future holds? Beautiful pics too. Just had to let you know that even here in Podunk-Hicksville, PA, we carry Mystic Pizza in our small town market, the one where I work. Frozen though it might be, it's the best frozen pizza I've ever had.

    Hugs to you Cindy... you do such an amazing job. Maybe some day I'll get the courage to join in on the Show and Tell Friday. I love your photos of your vintage jewelry from your mom. The pink one's my fav.


  39. What beautiful pictures. Looks like a wonderful trip. Thanks to Nelson for sharing with us.

  40. I soooo enjoyed Nelson's Pictures...thanks for sharing's always fun, to travel without even having to leave the computer chair! LOL!

    I love that cute pics of you when you were a little girl...that's gotta be the best shot that the photographer could have ever captured ya know?! What a fun memory for your mama!

    The senimental jewelry looks beautiful in the compote..wonderful way to showcase and see your treasures every single day!

    Again, I hope you will get well soon! God Bless you!
    Big Hugs,

  41. This is my first time seeing a photo of Nelson, though I've heard you talk of him often. I think Nelson is cute! Maybe when Lauren finishes highschool and you get back into the dating world you two should consider rekindling...
    Just a thought, not trying to be nosey (though I realize I am being nosey!). He sure is easy on the eyes though!
    Have a good week Cindy!

  42. Go Nelson!Wow! Christine from P.I.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy