Here are the rest of the photos from my afternoon trip to Carmel-by-the-Sea. Let's start by walking down Ocean Ave. There are lots of nice shops, restaurants and art galleries here.

Here are the rest of the photos from my afternoon trip to Carmel-by-the-Sea. Let's start by walking down Ocean Ave. There are lots of nice shops, restaurants and art galleries here.
Labels: Around California
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Oh, yes that is Carmel. Love the sidewalks and all the little shops along the way. They even have a nice public bathroom.
I'll have to go soon......
Do you stay overnight or do you always drive home? I was wondering if you had any hotel recommendations. My hubby and I are long overdue for a romantic getaway and I haven't been to Carmel in ages.
Michelle, we just go for the day because it's just a little over an hour away from us.
Thanks for giving us a chance to "get away" to Carmel
It really is a lovely place :)
Such a pretty storybook kind of place! Certainly worth a visit one day (when I win Lotto!). Thankyou. Its lovely to see somewhere like this from an everyday kind of persons perspective - by that I mean not a travel agent or promoter with something to gain by it.
Bit hard to get to for a quick visit from Australia though:)
Irene x
so... its beautiful. i live in southern california and have never heard of it so i was worried that it was way up north. sadly, when i looked it up it is about 6 hours from me! :(
its sooo charming and i loooove that its soooo dog friendly. it looks like a great place for a girls weekend!
thanks for the post!
Carmel is so beautiful! You are lucky to have such a place near by!
Oh, that's my house with the cobble stone driveway!
NOT! I wish.
Definetely a place to visit... and your picks are the best.
Thank you for the ride
María Cecilia
Hi Cindy
Oh such nice pictures. I recognize walking by the cigar store when we were there in July. I wanna go back lucky you are to be so close although you did run into traffic.
I found that public washroom Glenda writes about. We had a lot of trouble finding parking too and eventually ended in a spot where we could sit for 1/2 hour and that was not enough time.
Thank you for the reminder of a nice vacation..
P.S. I posted on the 17 mile drive today...
p.p.s. I am glad you and Lauren are feeling better...
That is the kind of place I would like to hang out in. :-) Thanks for sharing.
What a nice trip! That is one I wish I could make more often - but since I live in Florida....only once so far but loved it!! Really enjoyed your photos :)
Cindy, I had such a smile on my face as I checked out your photos of Carmel. I even recognized many of the places you photographed. Isn't it such a beautiful place? I also love how dogs rule in Carmel! Have you stopped by Doris Day's bed and breakfast? They treat the dogs like kings there with treats at the door. Thank you for sharing these photos. I hope you're feeling better.
Love Carmel! There is just one drawback. It is rather pricey! (to say the least!)I love the storybook look of the houses and the neat roofs on a lot of the houses. They look like they came out of the Hobbit or a fairytale. Thanks for the brief respite from everyday life! Wish I could go back.
hola cindy, me encantaron las casas y las tiendas preciosas, me encantó el letrero del tea rose, muy bello y delicado... me encanta entrar aqui siempre encuentro imagenes que le dan un momento de tranquilidad a mi día.
cariños mil...
I have wanted to go to Carmel for years. I have never been to California except to change planes. I have a book that is totally pictures of the cottages in Carmel. Thanks for sharing the great photos. Hope you are feeling better!
wow this if gorgeous, oh I'd love to come and visit Carmel with you...
What a lovely place. I remember the Pacific, but little of Carmel, probably because we just drove through. Reminds me quite of lot of Manchester Center in Vt or St. Armands Key in Sarasota. Elegant, pricey shops, beautifully displayed merchandise. Since Ca is too far, think my hubby and I are due for a walk and lunch at St Armands Key soon. Thank you for taking me on such a lovely trip. I can still taste the salt on my lips.
I love Carmel and I love their little downtown area. So serene and beautiful.
Carmel looks heavenly! So many shops and wonderful little homes. Ah, but so far away from me. Thanks for the enjoyable look, Hugs Cindy S.
Lovely glad you enjoyed your time there. It looks like a wonderful place to visit!
Thank you for our trip. I really
enjoyed it,please take all of us
again someday. California really
is beautiful. Thanks.:)
Your photos are beautiful. I've heard that Carmel is one of the most beautiful places in the world & I believe it!
Thats it! I am buying a lottery ticket this weekend and if I win I am flying over to Carmel USA!!!!
I think I'll have to make a pilgrimmage to Carmel! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Love the photos of Carmel! Looks like a magical place to visit!~Patti
We moved from California to rural eastern Washington state a few years ago, and while I wouldn't go back in a million years, I miss a few of my favorite places. I remember every crack in the sidewalk. Thank you for the trip down memory lane.
WOW, I would love to visit it someday. So many beautiful places. Thanks for sharing them.
Nice post, Blogzilla! hehehe
ah be still my heart, you know how to enjoy where you live. There is a Danish shop down there somewhere. Someday you should go down south to Solvang, you would enjoy it. thanks again for the lovely treat.
How beautiful. I know that Doris Day lives in Carmel...I feel like I came across the Atlantic Ocean, over to her town....Thank you for this post.
Hope you are feeling well again.
Godeliva van Ariadone
Thank you to share the pics of these pretty shops and elegant cottages. Make me dream of California.
So jealous. Have you ever visited Tancredi and Morgan over in Carmel Valley? I think that's what the area is called. Not very far away from Carmel-by-the-Sea. Or have you visited Trouve? Seriously gorgeous antique store that moved into downtown Carmel. Or, or, or. . . I've gotta stop. ;-)
Karen B.
OH~~~ Carmel is truly my favorite place in the world!! In the Bible it talks about how there will be streets of gold, I'm hoping that they are street of cobble stone :) Thank-you so much for taking the time to share all of these beautiful pictures.
Oh my goodness! I have never
been to Carmel but would love
to LIVE there! I'm afraid I
would have to win the lottery
first to be able to afford it.
Every shop and cottage is just
breathtaking, Cindy. I,too,
love the cottage with the white
picket fence and roses. It
looks like a dream!!
Thank you so much for sharing!!
gorgeous!! I just adore Carmel!! thanks for the tour :-) I hope you have a fabulous weekend!! hugs!! Britt :-)
oh, I just love it there. Haven't been for quite a few years, my sis got married there it was so pretty. You got some beautiful pictures.
We visited Carmel several years ago. Thanks for sending me down memory lane with your gorgeous photos.
I so love that town.
Hi Cindy~ ~
Lucky you! I love Carmel. Haven't visited in years.
~ ~ Ahrisha~ ~
Since we moved to Southern CA in 1997, I haven't been to Carmel By the Sea, so when I read your blog with all the fabulous pictures it reminded me how much I miss strolling those streets and visiting the shops. There are so many wonderful antique shops to explore! I always felt like Carmel was a bit of Europe in California! Thank you for the journey.
How yummy! I'm going to get there one of these days....but it's quite a long drive for me! :-)
What beautiful little shops and cottages! I would love to go there. Beautiful pictures!
Carmel is such a beautiful place!!!!thanks for the pictures
I just got married this past July in Carmel. I absolutely love it there and these pictures are great! They capture the "feel" of Carmel.
Your photos definetly capture the ambiance of lovely Carmel.
As a teenager I babysat in one of those sweet cottages! What fun!
The view was from a hilltop surrounded by flowers..and a picket fence. I believe the roof was thatched..definetly had the cobblestone walkway.
Nice to recall the memories of Carmel here on this post.
I have never seen better than this site.
I have never seen better than this site.
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