Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Giveaway for July

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I have 2 items I'll be giving away this month! First up is a Cath Kidston teapot that I bought at a thrift store awhile back. I remember how excited I was when I found this. I couldn't believe that someone would give away a Cath Kidston teapot! I loved it but it's been tucked away behind closed doors in my china cabinet for awhile and it's time to pass it on to someone else.
The next item I'm giving away was donated by one of my readers, Jen from Vintage Home Interiors. She sent me one of these adorable garden angels to keep and one to giveaway!! Jen also has a blog and you can also see her garden angel there. Her photo looks much better than mine!
Would you like to win one of these items? Here's how it works. Leave a comment below and let me know if you would like to be entered to win the teapot or the garden angel or if you want to be in both drawings that's okay too, just let me know. I'll be picking one random winner for each item this Thursday, July 16th around 9:00 pm PDT and I'll announce the winner on Friday. Please make sure to leave your email address if you don't have a blog so I have a way to contact you!


1 – 200 of 229   Newer›   Newest»
{oc cottage} said...

A-dorable teapot!!!!

m ^..^

Unknown said...

Oh, well of course, enter me in the Teapot. That is darling! :)

Thank you for organizing and hosting!

Morgen said...

I would love the teapot.

Elaine said...

I think that garden angel is the sweetest. Please enter me in your drawing.

Thanks for hosting the giveaway party.

Unknown said...

I adore the garden angel...... so I won't be greedy but like the tea pot too....

rozetta said...

Cindy, You are too sweet!

I would love to be entered in the garden angel drawing. She would look lovely in my rose garden.


Mary said...

Hi Cindy, I'm so glad to see that Ross is safe at home. I'm sure there were many prayers for him because of your post. Shows you are a concerned citizen as well as a great blogger. Love your giveaway items, espcially the teapot - just too cute! I'm hoping to join in and offer on myself someday!

Michelle said...

I LOVE Cath Kidson!! Count me in on this giveaway. You have one of the most beautiful blogs....hmmm..I may have to partake in this giveaway. :)

So glad they found the man below. I love hearing happy endings like that. :)

Ana~A Petite Cottage said...

Hi Cindy,
I would love a chance to win the garden angel. Thank you!


umieaisyah said...

must be nice having a tea in those lovely cutey pot...

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

wow Cindy! Cath's teapot! of course I want to enter in your giveaway.. hehehe.. and hope to win too! ;-) hehehehe

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Hi Cindy....I'm a Cath Kidston fact, I just got a package from Merry Old England yesterday... :-) I'd LOVE that teapot...

Thanks so much for entering me.


My home is my Castle said...

I love them both :)
So kind of you to give away these lovely things :))
I would love to join :)

Hugs from Kari in Norway

Barbara Jean said...

Oh I am really a tea pot person so i would love to enter that drawing.
thank you so much.

Barbara Jean

Anonymous said...

Teapot, teapot, teapot! ☺

I just got a Cath Kidston catalog and looking at it makes me so happy!

Thanks, Cindy! ♥

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in both. I love teapots and angels.


Suzanne in TX said...

This is my first time to take part in your Giveaway! Teapot, teapot, teapot--enter me please!

Barbara said...

Cindy, What beautiful items to give away, please enter my name.


LindaSonia said...

Hi - enter me for the angel only please and thank you. LindaSonia (

A Joyful Chaos said...

I would love to be entered in this giveaway for the teapot and thrilled if I won.

Anonymous said...

Morning, Cindy! I would love the change to win one of your pretties! Please enter my tiny name in your giveaway!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Tracy said...

I love the teapot!

Missy Wertz said...

I love them both..... But enter me for the Garden Angel. Thank you for the Give-A-Way!

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Hi Cindy, Since I collect teapots...I choose that. Thanks!

Shirley said...

Love that teapot!

Allison said...

I would love to win either one.

kristen said...

Oh, Cindy!...what a sweet little tea pot! I would love to have it join my collection of tea pots!

Trisha said...

You know I would love that white angel! THank you again for hosting this Giveaway Party!

Anonymous said...

I love Cath Kidston. That teapot is beautiful. Please enter me.


the undomesticated wife said...

The teapot is gorgeous, but I'd get more use out of the garden angel. I love garden "junk." ;)

Lovely giveaway!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Cindy,
I love both, so please enter me for either. Thank you and enjoy your day.


Mrs. Katie Picciottoli said...

Cindy, what a lovely little teapot! My mom and I love to get together over a "cuppa" and this would make for a very pretty table for us :) Please enter me in the running and thanks for your pretty, spot-o-sunshine blog!

LukesLove said...

Either one would be neat! Thanks!

RachelD said...

Both are beautiful, and the angel has a whimsical charm that's just captivating.

It was wonderful to hear from afar that the wanderer was returned to his family---thank you for sharing this uplifting story.

Its So Very Cheri said...

Both are lovely but I am so in love with the teapot.
Thanks for the give away opportunity.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Cindy,
I would be thrilled to win either one! How wonderful that you host a give-away! I always am inspired! Cindy @ Applestone Cottage.

A Southern Rose said...

I love the teapot! So sweet and pretty!
Please enter me in!
Lee Laurie

LindaW said...

Love the teapot!

Christy said...

I have been using your patio as an inspiration to redo mine, the angel and/or teapot would be a wonderful addition. thanks!

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage said...

The garden angel is so pretty and would look amazing in any garden...or home....I would love to be entered to win it. thank you for your wonderful generosity....

pammiejo said...

I'm loving both items and think I would take either one in a heartbeat. Enter me please. THanks for hosting! PAM

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I would be proud to win either item, they are both gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

Sandi said...

ohhhhhh i love the garden angel. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Karen said...

Well ... since I've a collection of teapots, I think I'll go with that. Please enter me.
I love visiting your blog. I know you have a lot of followers and can't get back to everyone who comments, but I just wanted to thank you.
HAGD! Karen
Now I'm off to visit the Garden Angel's blog! Yay.

Marlis said...

ooh as much as i adore teapots, i'm so into that garden angel and know just the perfect spot. It's shady, has a bench and when attached to the fence behind would be the perfect spot...Oh i do so hope i win :)

Sonia said...

I love the teapot. Please enter me for the drawing...

Sandy said...

I'd love to be entered for the garden angel. Thank tou for such a lovely blog.

Bendito Colibrí said...

hola hace tiempo que me doy mis vueltitas por tu blog, me encanta y algunos comentarios he dejado por ahi pues ver tu casita me sirve de inspiración para ir decorando mi casa.
me encantaria inscribirme en tu sorteo por la tetera y el angelito, están bellos los dos.
mi correo

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Cindy,

Please enter my name in both giveaway's. I would enjoy either one.
I can't wait to do a giveaway, I am getting closer.

Take care and enjoy your day,

Natalie Meester said...

please enter my name...thanks!

Happy Summer!

Diva Kreszl said...

What a darling giveaway...would it be terribly selfish of me to want to be entered in both giveaways???

Mia's Cottage said...

Count me in! Love the teapot!!

Unknown said...

I thought about not being greedy and just entering to win that really cute garden angel, but....gosh darn that teapot is adorable too!
Please enter me in BOTH giveaways. LOL

Ms. Bake-it said...

What a great giveaway! I love the teapot and would love to be entered in the drawing.

Thank you for your generosity!


{Carrie} said...

Gorgeous! Love it, just my colors.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness through your give aways.

June said...

Oh Cindy,
I would love to enter for both of these. That teapot would be amazing, but I love the angel too.

Risa said...

Enter me for both please!! I love the teapot, it's adorable.

Carolyn said...

Both lovely giveaways! I love the teapot.


Decor To Adore said...

Oh I love the garden teapot! But that angel is so clever~I adore it.

So, either treasure would be delightful to win.


Muthering Heights said...

O would love to be entered for the teapot. Thank you very much! :)

Ronda Kimura said...

Dear Cindy,

the teapot is adorable! My e-mail is
Warmest regards,
Ronda Kimura

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Hi Cindy,
I would love to give the garden angel a home in my flower beds!

Love your monthly giveaways!

Have a fun week

Anonymous said...

Cindy I would love to win either of your sweet giveaways.

Thank you for coming over and sharing your snake story with me! It gave me a laugh trying to imagine you and your friend running like crazy not knowing why!!

This Monthy giveaway is such a fun idea and as soon as I am on my feet again I plan on participating- everyone here in blogland has been so supportive and sweet during my time of illness.

Julie Johnson said...

Cindy, I love your blog! I'd like to be entered to win both the Cath Kidson pitcher and the garden angel. Thanks. Keep up the good work. P.S. Love the way you decorate your home!

ss said...

The teapot is a perfect give away...thank you for your daily "uplift" in my life!!!

donna lu said...

Cindy ~ Please enter me in BOTH of your give aways..I have plans to turn our office into my own cottage get away ~ Love your pics and enjoy your blog~ Have a great week~ Our Yorkies sleep in our bed as well~ Thanks, Donna

Debbie Petras said...

I love both the teapot and the garden angel. Sorry; that probably sounds greedy. It's hard to choose. Thank you for this generous giveaway. I always enjoy reading your blog. It's a great escape for me.

lisa said...


Count me in! What a great give-a-way!


Carol said...

Cindy, I would love to be entered in the drawing for the garden angel. She would look beautiful in my rose garden. Thanks for hosting the giveaway party.
Hope you stop by and enter our giveaway.

Dianne said...

Hi Cindy,
Love both your giveaways! Please enter me!.

Glory said...

Hi Cindy,
Enter me in the Teapot!!!!

blushing rose said...

Ohhh, Cath Kidston. Yippee! TTFN ~Marydon

MJ said...

Hi Cindy:

Would love the teapot!!! Adorable! But then ... the garden angel is cute, too!!! Oh, I can't decide ... :-)


zees5 said...

Your giveaways are always so generous and nice. I love Cath K. and that pretty teapot would fit great in my home. I can't believe you are giving it up. Lucky winner - maybe it will be me (:

PS Your blog makes me homesick for the bay area. izazbz at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy -- Please enter me in the teapot give-away. And thank you so much for your beautiful website!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your blog and the chance to win the adorable tea pot.

Sharon~heartsongs said...

I would like to be entered in the garden angel drawing! Thanks!

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

Oh that angel is adorable! Please enter me in that drawing. Thank you so much!

~ Sarah

Hope said...

I would like to be entered in the teapot drawing!

Lynn said...

Oh how fun! I would love the tea pot!

Ginny said...


Melissa/Piney Rose said...

Enter me for the teapot, please! Thanks!

Caroline said...

Cindy...I would love to add that teapot to my collection!! count me in please!

Cheryl (Copper's Wife) said...

They are both lovely! Please enter me in both drawings.

Anonymous said...

Angel contest only. Thank you! : )

midnight macaroons said...

I'm in love with your teapot. I would the opportunity to enter the drawing for a chance to win.

Gayla said...

You know me.. LIttle bit do good; whole lot do better! Just enter me in both fabulous giveaways!! Thanks..

Christi @ A Southern Life said...

So sweet. I would love to be entered in the garden angel drawing.


Kay said...

The tea pot it lovely....sure would love to give it a home.

violetlady said...

Please enter me for the sweet teapot. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the teapot and/or garden angel giveaway! I love them both. I also LOVE your blog - I read it everyday!

Cristy (

Caleen said...

I love both.. The teapot is my favorite of course.. Thank you for the generous giveaway.. Love the Giveaway links.. Thanks..

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

I would love either. Thanks for the chance to win!

JStacie said...

The teapot, PLEASE!

Barbara said...

I love the teapot! Please enter me!

kayleeg2005 said...

Hi, Mrs. Cindy, I like both, please enter me in the giveaway, thanks.....

Anonymous said...

Garden Geek that I am, I looove the garden angel. Been outa state and computerless...must catch up with you in here.
You are an inspiration to my cottage/romantic country taste of decor.

Joy in Northern Indiana

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Cindy:I love the angel! Please enter me!

Lou Cinda :)

Terri Steffes said...

I hope I am not too late!

Wendy said...

I'm crazy about your blog. What a fun giveaway. Please enter me for the teapot! Ü

Toronto Girl said...

I'd love to be entered for the teapot!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

First of all, I LOVE your blog...I read it everyday!

I love, love, love the teapot. Please enter me on the giveaway.

Hope you are enjoying the nice weather in in Germany we have such a wintery weather! Can't wait to move near the beach in VA, US.

Take CAre,


Sandra said...

I love your teapot! I think the angel is adorable too!

Adrienne Davis said...

I would love the garden angel. what a great idea.

Anonymous said...


Would you be so kind as to enter me into you give-away? My Mohter & I love the teapot...THANKS SO MUCH!!!


Beverly in SC said...

How darling! Please enter me for this giveaway.

Jan said...

Love the teapot...I can't believe someone gave that up either. The Garden Angel is too cute!

Sarah said...

What a find for the teapot! And I love the idea of the angel too, that's so neat!

I would like to be entered into both drawings please.

Thank you!
~ Sarah

stefanie said...

love them, oh please enter me!!

Deb said...

I totally love Cath Kidston! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Deb said...

Whoops. I was so excited over the teapot I forgot to leave my email.


ladydi said...

the teapot is so cute. Please enter me for both.


Sandi (Meme) said...

Yes! Please enter me in the giveaway! I love both of them!

Ginger said...

Hi Cindy:
I love both of them, but since I collect teapots, I would probably prefer to win that. But I never look a gift horse in the mouth, lol, so either would be fine.

Rayia said...

Oh, I would just love to be entered to win the tea pot! How darling!

MimiG said...

Fabulous Giveaway! I've been wanting something, something Cath Kidson for sooo long. Don't see much of that down here in the south!!
Hope I win this one!

Karin said...

Hi Cindy!
Please enter me in the teapot drawing.


Bambi said...

Thank you for hosting this giveaway Cindy. I would like to try for the darling garden angel!

Lisa said...

Oh I'd love to be considered for the awesome teapot!! The angel is sweet but I'd have to pick the teapot!
Hugs, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Please enter me in your giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Hello Cindy, thank you again for such a wonderful giveaway. I love the teapot.

Marfa (formula for a life) said...

Hi, thank you for the giveaways. I would love to have the teapot, please.

Amy said...

What a treat to check in on your blog every day. I would love to be entered to win the teapot. Thank you for the beauty you add to my little corner of the world. Amy

Rhondi said...

Hi Cindy
You know me, I'd like to win the teapot! I can't believe that someone would get rid of a Cath Kidston one. Count me in.
Hugs, Rhondi

9405018--Pat said...

please enter me for your blog ...thanks for sharing Pat H

Unknown said...

Just linked down here to be officially enterd in either giveaway! Love them both!

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

oh my goodness! that tea pot is so cute!! i'd love to win that one:) it would be great to add to my collection!!

how generous of you!!

noelle :)

Anonymous said...

Both are lovely giveaways. I would love to have the opportunity to win either. If ever, it'll be my first teapot LOL or the angel would look nice in the door welcoming. :-)

Pam C. said...

I would love to win the teapot, I've got my fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

I love the Tea Pot. Please enter me for it.

The best to you and yours,


Mimi Sue said...

That teapot is so cute and love the little garden angel. I'd like to be entered in both, if you don't mind. Mimi

koralee said...

Oh how lovely...the teapot would be a darling addition to my home..please enter me in your amazing giveaway! Thanks so very much!

Georgia said...

Lovely blog, and two lovely giveaways!! Unable to choose so please add me to both drawings!

Thank you!!
Grandma G's

TheFancyFritter said...

I love your blog! It inspires me! :) I would love to enter the giveaway for the teapot! It is beautiful!! Thanks so much & I hope I win! :) Have a great night!

SewSweetStudio said...

How sweet of you to give away your very special "find". I would love either one, but the teapot would be my favorite. I love anything Cath Kidson. And as always love reading your posts and seeing your pictures (especially of your house and garden)

Karen Deborah said...

well you know July is my birthday ,adn a lot has been going on lately. That pretty teapot would really cheer me up. Enter me please.
And if i don't win you can just go back to Santa Cruz and do another photo shoot.
I love tea pots.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,
I love the teapot (love the colors) and the garden angel. Please enter me in both of your gracious give-a-ways.

I learned how to clean vintage linens from your blog. Just this week I cleaned 4 baby dresses my paternal grandmother made for me. The dresses are all over 60 plus years old. They had spots on them and all came out beautifully. My mother attached a photo dated from mother's day May 1950 to one of the dresses. In the photo are my brothers and me - I'm wearing the same dress all those years ago as a four year old. I never would have tried to clean the dresses if I haven't read your blog post.

Teacup Lady (Sandy)

Jacque said...

YES..please enter me in BOTH drawings. I love your blog and can't wait to read it EVERY morning! Thanks for sharing your life and your love of decorating, baking, shopping....

Tapestry said...

I would love the garden angel and thank you so much for the chance at winning your wonderful give away.

Margie’s daughter Leiny said...

Hi Cindy, would love to be included in the giveaway, I just had one last week on my blog "Margie's Crafts" but will have another one in August. I think your monthly giveaway is very generous. Margie.

homespun1 said...

beautiful! I would love this! you are so tasteful and creative in your give a ways!

LADY JANE said...

OMG...How could a shabby "chic" like me choose which prize to win? The teapot or the angel would make this heart sing!

erica said...

Hi Cindy........

I love your style and the 'teapot'.

Ania. said...

This teapot is beautiful!!!So sweet :-)I want to enter in your giveaway.Saludos Ana

Marilyn said...

I'd love the teapot and the angel! Since I can't decide which one, either would make my day! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the beautiful angel! Thanks!

Rosie said...

A Cath Kidson item at the thrift store? SHAME-ON someone! But lucky for you..and some lucky winner! Enter me for the pot! Thank You!

cristina said...

I Love your blog! You are so inspiring I read you everyday. I came across it looking for furniture painting tips and have been hooked ever since.

Unknown said...

I'd love to win either of them! SO cute!

Beth Smith said...

I'd love the teapot! My email is Thanks so much!

a pink-bee said...

What lovely prizes :)
Your blog just keeps getting better :)Thanks for sharing the NEAT tray idea :)
Have a haPPy day :)

Kimberly said...

please enter me in the drawing...

Dreams and Decor said...

Hi, Cindy! I would love to be entered into both drawings please! Thanks for such a great blog! I always look forward to your posts! Patti

Pam @ Frippery said...

Tough choice, Love that teapot though. Thanks for the sweet give away, Pam

Kristen said...

I would be happy to win either one. Thank you :).


Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Cindy...

Ooohhhh...what lovely gift giveaways! I love both the teapot and that charming garden angel!!! Please enter me...ohhh, now I'll be sitting here crossing my toes...and even my eyes...if it helps! Hehe!

Thank you Cindy...such beautiful gifts and your generosity is always so appreciated!!!

Warmest wishes,

Brooke said...

Hi Cindy!

This is a beautiful tea pot. I would be honored to put this out in my kitchen!

Thank you so much for all your sweetness! Have a lovely week.

heartnmaui at gmail dot com

Darla said...

I enjoy your blog. I follow it daily. I would love the angel. I have the perfect place for it.

PurpleFlowerFairy said...

oooOooOOOooh! i would LOVE to be entered to win the cath kidston teapot =) thank YOU, debbie

Mary said...

Cindy, How generous of you to offer two beautiful items! I love the teapot but that angel is just calling to me. Please enter me for the angel. Thank you, Mary

Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

I would adore either of your giveaways. But I am a tea lover so put my name in the hat for that.

rzygrl said...

I cant wait to make the tray using some of my vintage linens,thanks for sharing,and I just need a wreath to make the beautifful seashell wreath featured,would love to be entered in the giveaway for the angel,thanks,Rose

Unknown said...

I have been reading your blog for the longest time and I would be thrilled to win either item. Haven't gotten enough nerve up to start a blog of my own yet. eMail address is

Paula said...

Oh I love that angel, and I think I will make a tray that is so cute! Please enter me. amishwoman49@

Sondra said...

Please enter me in both of these drawings.

Nicole said...

I love your blog and would love to be entered to win that darling tea pot! What fun it would be to use for a tea party Thanks!:)

Marie said...

Thank you for such a sweet giveaway! They are so fabulous - I can't decide! Could you enter me in both? Wishing you a great week.


Lori said...

Hi Cindy! Oh most definately enter me in each! So sweet of you too and oh so cute! Lori

Martha's Favorites said...

I can't decide, they are so cute. I never win anything, but just in case. I guess I would take the angel. Wish me luck! Thanks, Martha

Anonymous said...

I am new to the blog world. I love your blog and all the inspiration it gives me. i would be delighted with either giveaway. Thanks, georgia

Michele said...

I would love to be entered to win the tea pot!!! I love it!!!

Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Luvkittysmeowmail at Gmail dot com
Butterfly Whispers

VintageCrafter said...

I love your wonderful blog!!!!I would love to win either giveaway. They are both so lovely!

Lenore said...

Love, love love the teapot---please enter me in that drawing.

Cindy said...

Please enter me in both of your giveaways. I have never won anything yet, but this just might be my time!!! I love your blog, it is one of the very best out there in bloggyland. Hugs, ~cindy s~

Teri said...

Love your blog, love your giveaways. Please count me in. Thanks!!

Christina said...

Very cute, love the teapot

Sharon said...

I am a big fan of anything Cathy Kidston! I would love an opportunity to win the teapot!

Allysa said...

Love them both!! Please enter my name in your drawings. Love your blog, I check it out everyday.

Michelle@ A Full Cottage said...

Decisions decisions, I love them both!!!!

Unknown said...

oh, that teapot is darling!

Please count me in! :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jackie said...

Adorable tea pot!!!! Please enter my name in your giveaway. Hope you are having a great week!!!

Anonymous said...

Cindy please enter me in the drawing for the teapot. I enjoy your blog very much.

Unknown said...

I would love to win the TEAPOT! PLEASE ENTER ME! i love your blog and getting to see all the beautiful things you do, with your beautiful house!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy...
Please enter me in your give away
either one is fine. I look forward to reading your blog everyday. Sometimes I feel Like I'am reading about myself...we seem to enjoy so much of the same things...I love to go treasure hunting...I call it my theropy...I win something from you everyday just by reading your Blog...Thanks so much for your time...Lucille @

Yarni Gras! said...

oh, the teapot! Thanks for such a sweet opportunity!

Susie Q said...

Oh mye enter me for both. A friend turning 50 in August would adore the pot and my mom would love that angel. And you could let me give them both...what fun!

Will be trying my hand at your painting method on our bed this weekend. Fingers crossed! And yes, I will send pics.

mgster said...

Would I like to be entered??? Well, of course I would! In both, please! Love the teapot and the colors would go great in my house, so I definitely keep my fingers crossed. And I need an angel in my garden~ Thanks.

Lady Farmer said...

I thought I entered but my computer is having problems. I would like to be entered in both please! Having two prizes is quite generous!

Haverford House said...

Hi Cindy,
Please enter me in your drawing! Thank you so much!


Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Oh please! Me too! Me too! love them both!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and love the teapot.
I don't have a blog.Am I eligible for the drawing?

Cindy said...

Dottie, yes you are but leave your email address so I have a way to contact you if you win!


Garden angel....pick me!

Have a great day,

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

That teapot is perfect for my cottage kitchen!
Thanks for the chance to enter!

Jennifer@Pieces of Me said...

Please enter me in them both, who knows, I may win!!!
People can be rude, as for the rest of us, of love and appreciate your blog, we dont mind the ads, your "fame", we all wish you were our neighbor and friend. You are a woman of substance and I tell everyone I know about your blog!

Rebecca @ Belle Blog said...

Hello, I would love to be entered in the giveaway for the teapot. It is lovely.

Anonymous said...

I love your giveaway. The teapot is so sweet. The colors match my house so of course I would love to be entered.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy - please enter me in both of the giveaways ~ I can't make up my mind! Hope you had fun at Wicked.


Neabear said...

Love both. Hard to decide, but I think I would like to win the teapot! It is adorable!!


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