This is sooo exciting for me...I think I may reach my 1 Millionth visitor sometime today!!! It's too bad that I won't know who it is and that I can't make the horns blow, the bells ring and confetti fly out of your monitor if it's you but just know if there were a way for me to do that I WOULD!!! Look right now at the counter on the top right sidebar...if it is exactly right on 1,000,000 then you are THAT just imagine the horns, the bells and the confetti! And also imagine that you have won a $1,000 shopping spree for my online store! I know what you're thinking. "What online store?" Oh I forgot to mention that I bought the domain name for an online store which will be coming soon!!!! The shop name is a secret for now but it doesn't have "Romantic" or "Home" in the name! It took me forever to come up with a business name but I'm really happy with the one I chose. And no, I'm not really giving a $1000 shopping spree...that was just a joke!
I'll be away from my computer most of the day today because my department at work is going to an off site meeting at a winery so I'll probably miss seeing that counter click over to 1 million! You know I'll be thinking about it though!!!

I am thinking positive that "TODAY" will be the DAY !
congrats on the 1 million visitor. I have enjoyed your blog and the photos very much.
A work meeting at a winery? hmmmm sounds pretty good to me!! :)
I'm so happy to hear that you're going to have an online store!
Have a wonderful Mother's Day week-end!!! Sue
Congratulations on your new venture.
It all sounds fabulous.
I'll be following.
Have a great day!
Winery??? Oooohhh...I'm very jealous (but in a good way!)
Congrats on 1 million visitors!!! What an accomplishment. :)
Congratulations on your upcoming 1 millionth visitor! As a new blogger, that is so difficult for me to comprehend.
Yep, I said "new" blogger. I finally took the plunge and hit the publish button today! I would be so happy if you would stop by and visit when you have time. I am planning a HUGE, multi-prize giveaway SOON to celebrate but I might have to change what I was planning so I can join in your giveaway instead/too.
I'm also excited to hear the details about your new on-line store! :)
Yes, you will!
I think this minute will be the minute and I hope it is me that makes a million !! Your posts still sweep me of my feet every time I look...we've been away for 10 days and now that I am back I have a lot of cathing up to do!! I love the white angels!!
Omygosh one million friends making comments, Congratulations. Have a Happy Mothers Day.
Wow! One Million! That is just almost to much to comprehend! Congrats to you!!!!
Can't wait to see your new online store. I'm sure it will be full of great treasures.
You have come along way since you started your blog.
You have now been in magazines, newspapers, tv and now a store. What's next? You must write a book or get your own tv show. You would be an instant hit!
It's my honor to have you as my blogland friend.
What an accomplishment. It's not me, but if come back 1000 times, it could be. :)
OMG! What an awesome accomplishment. And to think I got excited when I hit my first thousand. :0) Seriously, you deserve it. Your site is amazing. Have a great Mother's Day.
Well shucks! I came by too early. It's at 998,814. Surely it will be today that you reach the million! What fun your giveaway party will be. I'm actually having a giveaway now on my blog as part of the 3rd Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway. ♥
Oh, how exciting. This is wonderful.
Congratulations on your 1 millionth visitor and on your new venture.
I love reading your blog and I think it's great how you have decorated your appartment.
Ciao from Italy, Helena
Congratulations on reaching that 1 million visitor mile stone. What a great achievement!! We, the readers, appreciate the care and attention to detail that you put into each and every posting.
I hope your co-workers toast your success during your winery visit today! Here's to you, Cindy. Continued success! *clink*
Marilyn (in Dallas)
Is is me? Is it me? Can't wait to hear more about your exciting plans! Love, Esther
What an accomplishment! You go girl!
Cindy, You are so inspirational! I HAVE to go to your blog everyday-even if I have a million things to do which is most of the time! You are so talened and and look at what you have acomplished-those two beautiful kids! Happy Mother's Day!
Still trying ;)
Let me add to the counter today! A Million -- that's quite a feat! Whenever it happens, congrats.
I do enjoy visiting your beautiful site! Cheers and happy thoughts!
Wow, congratulations, Cindy! I was 999,145 and I'm sure there are many others who have stopped by since I popped over. Here's to 1 million more!
999,254 here! Congratulations, what a milestone!
congrats on the 1 million visitor. I really love your blog....Have a wonderful Mother's Day......Pat H
Hope you have a blessed Mother's Day! Congrats on your 1 million visitors.
How exciting, Cindy!! Congratulations, I can't wait to see it all.
xo Lidy
ps. my friend Brenda is giving a $100. gift certificate away, you can find it via my blog.
Shoot! I wasn't it! I wanted to be though! Good for you that you're branching out. You need to have your own spot, girl. Shoot, you need your own magazine column. I can't wait to hear what you're calling it. When's that going to be? I'll be so curious till I hear it! Happy Mothers Day. Guess you got a good start at the winery!
oh sending you so many congrats from my little cottage over the ocean! woot woot!!!!
hope you enjoy your trip to the winery
happy days
Cindy I am so excited for you I have visited several times today to try and help the count. It's 4:00 and you need another 500. I am sure you will reach it later this evening. CONGRATULATIONS!
Congratulations, Cindy!! It is
not surprising to me that you
would have a million people
visiting you. Your blog is so
much fun and absolutely
beautiful. Not to mention
your home is gorgeous!! Not
such a bad job that you get
to go off-site to a winery.LOL!
Hope your weekend is great!
Millionth or visiting you. Congratulations on your beautiful blog and all those new friends you have! Pat
Anxious to hear more about your online store.
You are sure getting close to the million mark. Congratulations!!!
Have fun at the meeting. Sounds like a great place to hold a meeting.
Happy Mother's Day
Wow!!! One million, am sure they have enjoyed the daily look as I have!!! You are so talented and I love all you do! Gives me ideas, and new places to look for treasures. :-) Thanks for all those wonderful tips!
Antique Rose
congrats to you!!!
Good luck! I am rooting for you!
Congratulations on your 1 millon visitors-that is quite a feat!
Keep up the good work,
How exciting! :) I like you counter! :)
oh i want to be a millionaire , I would feel so lucky to be the millionth visitor.I just love your blog and all the inspiration it gives to me. Donna
Wow, how cool! 48 more to go at this point.
So many exciting things going on in your life! I'm very excited about your online store and can't wait!
Have a great weekend,
Happy Mother's Day Weekend, Cindy! You have no idea how many times I've come home from a stressful day at work and immediately turned on the computer to unwind ~ of course the first place I turn to is your lovely blog ~ Thanks for all the stress relief:)
100,000,003 @ 7:06 p.m., your time! Do you know who 100,000,000 was?
It said I was 999,999! I clicked again and it didn't say a thing! Congrats Cindy to you and your beautiful blog...such inspiration here always!
DANG! I am 1,000,0005! I was off on my math by 4! CONGRATULATIONS CINDY!!!!!!!! (I'll try for 2,000,000 now!)
Cindy, It maybe me! I was 998 and then I got nothing when I clicked again!!
Well you did it !!!
Congrats, lets go celebrate !!!!!1
Ooops! LOL. In my excitement, silly me typed a couple extra zeros more than there actually were. :O Should have said 1,000,003 at 7:06 p.m.!
I just got in from work and it said that I was 1,000,011 darn! Congrats to you! and have a great Mothers Day Weekend.
Congratulations Cindy. It says 1,000,047 so you did it!
Congrats on your 1,000,000 visitor Cindy! That says alot about your wonderful blog. So glad I could be part of it.
My Dear Miss Cindy,
Congratulations on both huge events! I love the fact that you have finally "gone and done it"! Not only have you reached "millions", but you've also finally realized a huge part of your dream by purchasing a domain name for an online store. No matter the name, if it is you're stuff, you'll be fine. And just remember, you can always sell your stuff whenever you get bored with it, and that simple act alone can justify so many other important purchases! I'm so proud of you!!! A dream come true for you. I praise and complement your success. I would like to participate in a giveaway. Would you please email me with how that works? Privacy is sort of important, if you get my drift.
Hugs, and congrats! Penny Sue
Congratulations on hitting a Million!
When you started your blog, did you ever, in your wildest dreams, think you'd get this far?
Congrats on reaching your millionth visitor..that is amazing!!!..I've been blogging for a year now and these numbers are like a distant star in the sky!!!
..Well done!!....Kay
Wow, congratulations on hitting i million!
Your blog is simply fantastic. Looking forward to seeing your on line store.
Congratulations, Cindy!!! I was 1,000,761 and I know the horns and whistles were still HAPPY!!! This is so exciting! And, once a month Giveaways is such a wonderful way to celebrate. I will be placing your beautiful button on my blog.
Thanks so much for the awesome inspiration that you dish out with such finesse!
Hugs, KJ
Congrats on the new business, website and the wonderful milestone on your blog!!
I'm looking forward to seeing you new site!
Oh I am sooo happy you will be doing an online store:) Can't wait. Congrats on the one million visitors!! Love Love your blog:)Happy mothers day to you!!
Wow, Cindy, over a million visits. I can't hardly comprehend it. And I thought 15 thousand was pretty good.
Congratulations. I always enjoy my visits here.
Congrats Cindy! Happy Mother's day! Jen
Are you kidding million??? Congrats!
Cindy...YOU ROCK!!!!
Happy Mother's Day!
WOW! You go girl! Happy Mother's Day to you~~~
WOW! You go girl! Happy Mother's Day to you~~~
Congratulation Cindy!
Hi There,
love your blog,very pretty!!! Well done!!
lesley : )
WhoHoo! You did it! Congrats. Hope you and your readers have a very Happy Mother's Day. Blessings and Hugs, Celene
Nice visit, thank you..I'll be back.
Congratulation Cindy!
Happy Mothers Day ,may your day be filled with love and joy.
Happy Mothers Day, Cindy. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Wow !!!!! Congratulations !!!!!
What a wonderful tribute to your is to another Million readers!!!!!
Mo ;-)
Cindy,am I right to think you only want us to display your button(graphic)if.........we are going to give a giveaway or... to advertise for you and participate too.?thank you,,,ann
YAY, Cindy! I'm nipping at your heels, girl. Big congrats on the success of your blog and mine. It's been such a fun 2 years for me too. I know you are thrilled to see that 1 million number up there.
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