Monday, May 04, 2009

Supper Clubs

UPDATE: I'm slipping this in here...I just put my dining room pictures from yesterday on HGTV's Rate my Space. Click here to see and rate.

I've mentioned on my blog a couple times that I belong to a supper club and every time I mention it I get lots comments and emails wanting to know more about it so I'll explain how I found my group, how you can find or start one in your area and how it all works...A few years ago I saw a TV segment about supper clubs. At the end of the segment they said you could go to the Cooking Light website to find supper clubs in your area. It sounded like so much fun that I went to the website right away and found a new group forming in my area so I joined in. That group lasted about a year and then we stopped getting together because everyone's schedules were too busy and we could never find time to get together. It was fun while it lasted and I really missed it so about a year later I went back to the Cooking Light website and found an existing club that was looking for 2 new members. This club has been around since 2004 and I joined it a little over a year ago.

Some groups are couples, or a mixture of men and women or singles. The group I belong to consists of 6 women. We get together every-other month and we take turns hosting it at our home. The host picks the theme and we stick to healthy cooking, using recipes from Cooking Light, Eating Well, etc. We occasionally go on field trips to eat out or go to special events.

When we get together everyone brings a dish. Most of the cooking is done at our own homes but occasionally you'll have to finish up something or reheat something at the host's home. We all bring take home containers to divide the leftovers up.

If you are interested in finding more about supper clubs you can visit the Cooking Light Supper Club Hub by clicking here, or you can go directly to the Supper Club message boards to either find or start one in your area by clicking here. Once there just, click on your region to begin.

Our Supper Club started a blog shortly after I joined and you can see what we had for brunch along with some of our other meals (click here). Each person updates it with their recipes. It's been a great way to keep track of our get togethers.

Let me know if you have any questions and I'll answer them in the comments section.


  1. I wanted to start 1 of these with our friends, but no one was interested. Maybe I'll check out the website that you mentioned & see if there are any in the area.

  2. We did this at our church for awhile, but it kind of fizzled out.

    It sounds good,... but then it seems that people are so busy, and they don't like to commit to things like this anymore.

    I would do it if I didn't have a zillion food allergies. People are afraid to cook for me,...and I am afraid to eat their food.

    When I go somewhere I bring my own food. But even that is awkward sometimes, and people are always trying to talk me into eating just a little bit of this and that.

    I have to remind them that it isn't that I just don't like things,'s that I am deathly allergic. I have had anaphalactic shock.

    But if I wasn't deathly allergic, I would love to be a part of a dinner group.

    And I can tell you one thing,...I'd love to go to your house! It is beautiful! (Smile)

    I have your button on my blog and I click on it often to see what you are up to.

    You really have a decorating talent, and a gift. And an eye for beauty.

    Have a good Mother's Day!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  3. You can make just the simplest of things look so elegant...... that dish of fruit is lovely...

  4. Sounds like a really great event. Nice to try new recipes and to enjoy each others company. Hugs, Marty

  5. It sounds like a great way to spend time and get to know each other, specially for busy people. They seem to not have much time for spontaneity anymore, sad!! At least this way they make time for some social life...

  6. That sounds like a lot of fun and a great way to meet new people! And to snag some delicous new recipes. I love that your supper club makes an effort to cook healthy meals.

  7. Thanks Cindy for the info. I can understand how these types of social clubs can fizzle out. People are just so darned busy. It is a shame that we don't or can't make more time for ourselves.

  8. What a great idea! I'm only just finding out about things like this: supper clubs, book clubs, garden clubs... Love it. And your dining room pix from yesterday are just GORGEOUS!!!

    ~Angela :-)

  9. I think that is such a nice idea. At my job we used to take turns cooking a complete luncheon once a month but that fizzeled out because it was to hard to have the same lunch hour. It certainly was fun. I'll check your blog for the recipes.

  10. Oh, that sounds totally cool! When I get my kitchen organized I might look up a local supper club on "Cooking Light"! Thanks for the tip! :)

  11. I love the idea of a supper club; how fun. Right now though my schedule is so tight with work but when I have more time, this is something I know I'd enjoy. I love learning about new things from blogs like yours. I'll check out your links.

  12. Thanks for posting the blog. I put it in my favorites. I especially like that you use healthy recipes.

    This is definitely something I will consider doing when I retire.


  13. SewSweetStudioMay 05, 2009 11:52 PM

    Thanks for sharing your menu....yummy and on the light side too!! I checked in at Rate my Space and enjoyed the comments there too. I belong to a group of 7women. We don't have a name for it, but have dinner every month and celebrate our birthdays too. Even though we do each have it at our home, once in a while, most of the time we go to a restaurant. You have encouraged me to have dinner at my home soon for my group. There's nothing like having company to make us want to "spruce up" the place a bit.

  14. Thanks for this info - I think it's a great idea! Love the bottle stopper, too!

  15. I'll take a fruit tray to go please.

    Love your Supper Club. What a GREAT idea.

  16. I like this idea, too. I'm going to check out the website you posted. It sounds like a lot of fun and a great way to socialize.

  17. What a fun idea! And I am sure that the members are thrilled to dine in your lovely home.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy