Monday, May 04, 2009

Sunday Brunch

Yesterday I hosted a Sunday Brunch for my supper club.

There are 6 of us so to make it more comfortable I put one of the extra leaves in the table even though it took over the whole room. I dream of someday having a formal dining room with enough room to fit 12!
My car broke down on Friday (the fuel pump went out) and it cost over $1,000 to fix so I was happy that I had enough roses from my garden for the centerpiece. I'm now on a spend-no-money-on-frivolous-things phase until I can replenish my bank account with that money! Bummer!

For the centerpiece I also used a small cake stand that I bought at a garage sale a couple weeks ago. I filled it with shells and a strand of pearls. I used candle holders for vases and I filled them with sea glass to hold the roses in place.

My supper club has a blog so as soon as we have all the photos and recipes up there I'll let you know. The food was really good and it was such a relaxing time just chatting, eating and drinking mimosas!!!


  1. Oooh, I would love to know more about your supper club@!

  2. This is all too lovely, I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves. I am starting a tea club once I get back home, I hope it turns out as pretty as yours.

  3. What a lovely table setting. Your garden roses are lovely! :)

  4. Sorry to hear about your car. I hate it when my car or computer need repairing because I feel so lost without those things. Your brunch looks wonderful. Brunch is my favorite thing...fancy to casual brunches are great. I didn't know your supper club had a blog...I'd love to check it out!

  5. Your table looks beautiful!
    Sorry about your car troubles, I hope everything is fine with it now.

  6. It's beautiful! Love the sea glass idea. ☺

  7. Gorgeous table, the roses, how I love roses!
    Sorry about your car, that is always no fun, specially when it dips into the fun decorating monies!
    I saw a mirror yesterday in a shop, so made me think of you.
    Same place as the bird cage before.

  8. Ouch! So sorry about the repair bill on your car. That was a killer but it doesn't look like you let it rain on your parade (party) for one second. The table looks beautiful and I'm sure the food was divine.

  9. You've set a beautiful table, Cindy! I'm sorry to hear about your car! Poor poor one!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  10. Beautiful table, Cindy! Sorry about your car! Have a great week.


  11. The table is beautiful. You need to tell us what you fixed! Although the table is a feast for the eyes. Susan

  12. I sure wish I knew how you seem to do it all, Cindy. You work outside the home, have a daughter still there, decorate, take care of a garden, a blog, and a house. Host parties. Cook. You put me to shame...

  13. Such a gorgeous tablesetting. I love, love,love those dishes. The cake stand looks so lovely with the shells and pearls. Great idea. Hugs, Marty

  14. That is beyond beautiful! And great food to enjoy along with the gorgeous surroundings! That is heavenly! Your roses were the first thing to catch my eye ~ such a pretty color.
    Sorry about your car (we go to work so we can pay for our car repairs, so we can drive to work....)Silly, isn't it?


  15. What a beautiful table, again! And what fun to have a supper club. I'm looking forward to learning more about your group! ~Arleen

  16. What a beautiful way to get together, sounds like a fun time!

  17. SewSweetStudioMay 04, 2009 2:04 PM

    How beautiful your home and your tablescape looks. Your roses were the perfect touch along with the cakestand.
    Would love to know what you served. Did everyone bring something?
    You certainly have the touch for entertaining.
    So sorry about the car expense. That is an expensive repair.
    I always look forward to your post.

  18. SewSweetStudioMay 04, 2009 2:06 PM

    Oh, darn, I forgot to ask what the little silver rings to the left of the table setting are. I thought napkin rings, but you had your napkins folded.

  19. Beverly, they are little sterling silver individual salt cellars. I bought them a couple months ago and couldn't wait to use them!

  20. Everything looked so pretty.Love your roses.

  21. Just lovely...and you could not have purchased any nicer roses than the ones that you chose from your own garden, thank you for sharing!

  22. Wouw ! Beautiful table !!

  23. The table settings and the centerpiece are really beautiful.

    What lucky guests!!

  24. Absolutely gorgeous table setting. I love the blue floral dishes!

  25. Sorry to hear about your car, Cindy, but I must say your little home looks beautiful. Your center piece is very unique and beautiful as well. Thanks for the peek into your life. ~cindy s~

  26. OMG,I cant believe it.... my fuel pump broke on Friday too! $$$Ouch!
    Your roses are amazing. I cut some from my back yard but was sad when they died really fast.
    Do you have any great mothers day ideas? A lot of resturants are charging $40-$50 per person for a breakfast buffet or are already booked. May be we will just do a nice family get together at my house with Quiche and fruit?
    Cheers! Wendy

  27. I also Love the tablesetting!!

  28. Just beautiful! You do such a great job with your home.

  29. Everything looks so pretty! Not to sound weird but I would join the supper club just to get to see your decorating, I swear I don't check out the med cabinets when I visit, I only want to see the pretty stuff, LOL!!!

  30. Everything looks so lovely, I bet everyone had a wonderful time! Sorry to hear about your car troubles...I hope you were not stranded!

  31. It all looks so beautiful! I love your roses and your tablecloth! I love the china that you used too. You did a very beautiful job with all of it. Sorry to hear about your car. I just had mine fixed last month! Don't you just hate that? I keep thinking of all of the goodies that I could've bought with that money! LOL

  32. Beautiful table. Your whole house just looks so lovely and cozy. I love it!

  33. gday lovely Cindy

    sigh I just love this one, all the white with the vintage, right up my street

    and the roses, yeehaw, they are gorgeous in those glasses, I am so stealing that idea ;-)


  34. your table looked so beautiful, I love entertaining, it's an artform and something I think we all need to get back to, friends enjoying time with each other in the comfort of our homes.....sorry to hear about your car, I hate when stuff like that happens......


  35. Your table looks absolutely beautiful Cindy, love the roses!

  36. you have inspired me to blog! Thank you...
    hugs Özlem

  37. Sorry to hear about your car...that's a bummer!
    Your table settings and centerpiece are really beautiful!

  38. Cindy even with the car on the fritz, sorry to hear that by the way, your table was stunning. The roses are just spectatular!
    Hope you enjoyed the get together and could forget the repairs to the car.

  39. That looks like so much fun!!! the table is beautiful Cindy.

  40. Cindy, the table looks fab and it sounds like you and your supper club had a good time...what beats chatting, eating and sipping Mimosas? lol!
    Sorry to hear about your fuel pump. Ugh! Let's focus on the fact that it wasn't something worse and that now your car is running well :0) With your commitment "not to spend" you'll replenish your account in no time.
    Hugs and enjoy your day!

  41. Your Sunday Brunch table looks fantastic. It really tells those in attendance that they are welcome and will be cared for while they stay. You have quite the talent for a beautiful table. This used to be one of my strengths and I'm still as pleased as punch to see others set a table with such elegance!

  42. Your home is lovely. The table is just perfect!Kathy

  43. What a dream to have roses like that growing outside your door! Your table looks lovely. I didn't realize I had missed several days on your blog, but I have enjoyed taking in the recent posts I have missed. I always leave feeling inspired!

  44. what a pretty table setting!

  45. Good morning Queen Cindy! I have so missed visiting you and leaving comments. This work thing is really messing with my life thing. I bop around reading blogs, but barely have time for that, so leaving comments seems to get lost in the mix. What an amazing tablescape!!! LOVE the new paint color too.

  46. Gorgeous! I love how you set your table. I want to join your supper club just so I can go to your house and sit in that pretty room! :-)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy