Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

Saturday while I was cleaning up around my apartment I realized how much I love moving things around and playing with my toys things.  It's the same exact feeling I had as a little girl when I used to play house and that's when I thought "you're never to old to play house".   I think "playing house" is a lot more fun that "cleaning house", don't you?  It's all about your attitude, isn't it?

Thanks to Amber at The Shabbee Chick for adding this new little quote of mine to my header that she designed awhile back!  

Hope you and your family have a wonderful Memorial Day and let's remember all the brave men and women that have lost their lives defending our wonderful country!  


  1. I noticed the new addition to your header immediately and I whole-heartedly agree! "Playing house" is exactly what I feel like I've been doing every day for the past 2 years since I was fortunate enough to be able to quit my job and stay home. I always knew I was made to be a homemaker and not a career woman. It just took 37+ years to make it happen.

  2. Debbie from NJMay 25, 2009 11:08 AM

    Oh Cindy, I totally agree!! I agree with Shari, I'm loving playing house!

  3. Love the addition to your header & you're oh so right!

    Lovely patriotic photo too! ☺♥☺ Diane

  4. Hi Cindy. I love playing with the things in my house, too, and plan to spend some of today refreshing a guest room in my home. I love your new tag line! Happy Memorial Day to you, too. ~Arleen

  5. Cindy - I love your new quote and it's very true.

  6. May you have a wonderful memorial day my friend...we do have the most beautiful weather here in Northern Ca. don't we....hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  7. I love your new header! And of course I love playing house too. :)
    Love your picture:)

  8. Exactly!

    Happy Memorial Day to you too!


  9. Happy Memorial Day! The flags look lovely in the urn! :)

  10. Cleaning house does not feel like work when you think of it as playing house. That is probably why I like to clean house. It is all perspective!

  11. I'll never get tired of playing house! Wish I could do it full-time! Love your new banner - great idea!

  12. I love the new quote on your header! It's perfect!!

    Michele R.(CA)
    Butterfly Whispers

  13. Definitely not too old to play house! I don't think you'll ever outgrow it! *wink* Happy Memorial Day!

    Visiting via SIts,

  14. Hi Cindy
    I feel so connected to you and your blogging friends and I haven't even met u guys. I love 'playin' house'and I would love to be leaving the comments that Shari@My Cottage of Bliss has left about staying at home someday. I come from a family of woman that were homemakers by trade and apart from my Aunt I am the only career woman. I've really tried the best of both worlds I guess. Happy Memorial Day Cindy & keep those pretty posts coming.

  15. Hi Cindy, I have enjoyed reading about all the wonderful things you have been doing., and your beautiful home. I don't have a blog, and this is the first time i have sent a comment, but i wanted to tell you how much i enjoy yours.
    I live in Texas on the gulf coast.

  16. Happy Memorial Day Cindy!

    Amber is really good at blog design. Your header is beautiful and suits your blog well. :)

  17. I truly agree! I love to 'play house'. Lovely photo, Cindy, and hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. Amen! To all of it!

  19. Hi Cindy!
    I'm counting down the days until school is out for the summer and I get to play house for 3 months ~ yippee, can't wait!
    Thanks for checking out my profile ~ I'm still contemplating starting a blog, but I'm not as computer savvy as you all are:)
    You're right we were born in the same year and I have a lot of your Libra traits (Sep 19) which means we love to surround ourselves with beauty ~ isn't that the truth!
    Take Care

  20. Cindy, I noticed the new wording in your header right away and I like it. That's exactly how I feel. I enjoy cleaning my house for this very reason. I'm always re-arranging and moving things.
    Your garden looks pretty. Happy Memorial Day

  21. Love to play house, especially after I ready your blog and get great ideas! Thanks for always sharing. Happy Memorial Day! enjoy

  22. I agree it is all attitude! But, I don't like cleaning. :) Your pot with the flags are so appropriate for today. Where/how do you check with blogger with all these issues we are having? You said you were reading about them. Where? Thanks

  23. I always say that same saying! It looks so sweet on your banner! I love to play house too. I love to decorate more than I like to clean!

  24. Hello Cindy; I love that quote Playing House... I will use it next time I have to clean ummmm play house... I am always moving things about just to give my home a new view of things... Love you photo.
    Hope you day was a blessed one..


  25. Cindy,
    I always wanted a dollhouse, but I got a blog instead! Happy Memorial Day. ~Cathy~

  26. Cindy, love the addition to your header. I agree completely!
    Happy Memorial Day.

  27. May we never grow up. I play in the garden, too!

  28. I love that quote and I totally agree(;

  29. I'm right with you Cindy- Playing House the only way to go. I find it relaxing!!

    Catch ya later-

  30. I noticed the new quote immediately, too, and it instantly brought such a nostalgic feeling. I love dollhouses and your blog is like an on-line dollhouse! Lots of fun!!! :O)

    I love your Memorial Day photo. Very nice touch with the little white Church in the background.

  31. I love your new saying on your header. It is so true!
    Have a great day,


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy