Friday, May 22, 2009

My First Dinnerware & A Giveaway!

Do you remember what pattern your very first dinnerware you ever bought was? I do, I was 18 years old and my soon to be mother-in-law took me shopping to pick out dishes. It was 1979 and everything was harvest golds and browns back then. You would think that's what I would have bought but I didn't! I fell in love with classic white dishes! They were Pfaltzgraff Dinnerware and the pattern was called Heritage. That teapot above is from that set I bought in 1979! I no longer have the dishes but I still have a lot of other pieces to this set; a casserole dish, butter dish, mugs and a gravy boat. I still love this pattern 30 years later! I guess that's why it's a classic, it never goes out of style!

Amazingly someone from Pfaltzgraff, not even knowing that above information contacted me yesterday and offered a giveaway to be hosted on my blog! Because of my contract with advertisers on my blog, I must host this giveaway on my product review blog so click here to enter the giveaway.

Also, there are some issues going on with blogger and Microsoft Internet Explorer so if you are getting weird messages when you are trying to open up blogs, it's not a problem with your computer! I read on the Blogger website that they are working on the problem! Hopefully it will get resolved soon!


  1. Just love your home. You are so talented.

  2. I have never sent a comment before and then I am the first one today. how exciting. Cindy you have so much energy how do you do it. Love the giveaway too.

  3. I have posted the beach trip on my blog. We are thinking of the fall (maybe next year Martha's Vineyard), but please start saving! If we get enough interest you just have to join us!!!

  4. My first set of dishes was Corelle "Spring Blossom" by Corning (olive green & white = 1971). I've had 3 other sets of everyday dishes since then...all Correlle because they are practically indestructable and wear like iron for everyday use. You can drop them on the floor and they rarely break!

    Thanks for the info on IE. This is driving me CRAZY. Some blogs will open and some won't.

  5. Hi Cindy,
    It's good you listened to yourself and didn't go with the fads of those days. My favorite color has always been white and I've stuck with it for years. Have a good weekend and enjoy this glorious weather we're having!

  6. I'd love to win that!
    Thanks for the info about blogger and IE, I thought it was my computer.
    I visit here often but have never commented before...I don't think, anyway, you have a wonderful style and are very inspiring.

  7. Oh my goodness, that takes me back!
    I, too, was 18 in 1979 and about to be married. I no longer have the husband, but still have the dishes. I was lucky enough to have a grandmother who took me "shopping" in her basement full of dishes stashed in old trunks, chests and cabinets. I chose an old Currier & Ives blue and white design. STILL love them! I did buy some Pfaltzgraff in the 80's - a tan/navy pattern called Folk Art.
    LOVE your home, your amazing creativity and taste and your blog!

  8. I have huge colleciton of dishes..I love them all. I finally just started to purchase white dishes to compliment the different plates that I have now. I love the interior design used in the move Somethings got to give. They used all white dishes.. it was simple but elegant.

  9. Cindy -- there is a Trojan Horse Virus getting into blogger computers -- see my current blog post for details. I found out about it J Covington Designs -- you have such a large following that you could really get the message out. Sheila at Note Songs already had a computer crash which might be connected.

    Scribbler at Glorious Rooms

  10. Thanks for the note about problems with opening blogs, because I've been experiencing that!!

    As for that Pfaltzgraf dinnerware, that is the exact same pattern I chose when I was married long ago. I still have and use some pieces. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the husband... LOL What a riot!!


  11. I enjoy your blog veru much and I am still reading your past posts!
    I have always wanted white dishes, but because I was given pattered and Tuscan stye as gifts, I felt i had to use them! I love white and anything transferware!
    Please enter me and perhaps I will getr the dishes that I love, maybe Filigree or Heritage!

  12. I do remember my first dinnerware was strawberries! I cringe at the thought of it now but back in the day it was all the rage! I've learned that it's best to go with a basic pattern.

    Thanks for the info on Blogger and IE I thought it was just my computer.

    Please count me in on the giveaway and have a wonderful weekend!

  13. My first set was in 1964, a set of Noritake in the Pasadena pattern. I still have the entire set today and used it most recently on Easter.

    It's very simple but beautiful. White dishes with a single pink rose and a silver edge.

  14. By the way, aren't you glad you passed up the gold and brown dishes? They would look so dated today. The white is classic and will always be stylish.

  15. I have similar white dishes, but mine are from Johnson Brothers China... I think the white just makes stuff pop... I love your home so much.

  16. Can you belive that I let HIM pick out the dishes back then! What was thinking? Well...I was only 16 years old! WHAT WAS I THINKING? LOL Anyway they were dark brown with a lighter brown rim around the top of them. They looked like they should have went in a log cabin! I kind of wish I still had them for that reason! Thanks for letting us know about the giveaway!

    Lee Laurie

  17. Thanks for all the info on the trouble with Internet Explorer..I've been pulling my hair out over frustrating..
    I have several pieces of the same dishes. Target has some beautiful pieces, too..

  18. My first set was purple and very contemporary. I painted the kitchen cabinets two shades of purple. I also dyed all of my white clothing items purple. Oh, and my hair was purple. Yes, I have come a long way from my punk days of the early eighties.

  19. I still have my Phaltzgraff dishes with the pink roses on them....I knew back then that I was in love with pink roses! I have been getting messages when I try to read certain blogs...hope they fix it soon! Thanks for the info!

  20. Cindy, I still have and use the same set of dishes for everyday. Hubby picked them out and I still have him too! I'll have to check your giveaway.

  21. I grew up with these dishes. My mom got them in the early 70's. They were our good dishes. My mom still has the complete set minus a few pieces from when I did the dishes... I love that pattern.

  22. I never had any decent dinnerware until my mom passed down her Desert Rose dishes to me. I use them for every day and they have lasted for years.
    I'm glad you mentioned the problems with internet explorer. I was going nuts thinking it was my computer. It wouldn't let me leave comments on some blogs, or would just shut me down.

  23. Hi neet is that. White is the perfect goes with everything. I am off to check out your giveaway.

  24. Thank you for the info on Blogger/Explorer. I hadn't experienced it on your blog, but I have on my daughter's blog and it has been driving me crazy! I am so glad to know it is not my computer! Thank you for spreading the word!

  25. Beautiful home...come in my blog see you later kisses

  26. Hi Cindy...I just realized how long its been since I have stopped by....I have just been soooo busy with packing, cleaning, moving, repairs, etc, etc. I am sure you will be seeing plenty of me once I get settled in the house!!

    Please enter me for the giveaway. I would LOVE to win this one!!

    Take care hun...and seeya soon!


  27. Cindy, I bought a set of these same dishes. Since, I have given them to my daughter, but kind of wish I had them back. I only have so much cabinet space, you know. :)

  28. I so enjoy reading your blog. You have a beautiful home. I honestly don't remember what pattern was my first set of dishes ~~ it's been quite some time ago! But whatever it was, I am sure it would have been one I wouldn't like today! I Think everyone at one time or another has had a Corelle pattern, which is so indestructible!

    I too had a problem with my blog and was receiving the same message about IE ~ but thank goodness it's been fixed!

    I hope you will have a minute to visit my blog! I am having a great sale on my website for Memorial Day ~ 35% off Everything!

    Have a great and safe holiday!


  29. Cindy,
    Just wanted to check in with you and say, HAVE A GREAT MEMORIAL WEEKEND!! Now that Arden is at such an active age, I just don't have time to work on my blog. I've had to cut out most of my blog reading, though I still visit you weekly. I'm so proud of your success, both in your lovely home, and in the blog world!! You deserve it, you bring so much inspiration & joy to anyone that stops by. I know you REALLY brought a smile to my face last summer when I REALLY needed it. It seems like so many things are happening for you, how EXCITING!! I think this is WONDERFUL! I'm going to have to stop by your Etsy shop, I see a tassel that is perfect for Arden's room. Have a great weekend, enjoy your success!

  30. Back in 1989 I bought the Pfaltzgraff dinnerware called Tea Rose (ivory with pink roses, pale blue and beige flowers) and 20 years later we are still using it every day - it's very sturdy and I still love it!! And years ago I even found a cat food dish in the same pattern that has the inscription "Kitty" which several cats through the years have used as a water dish!!! (I checked out the Pfaltzgraff website and love the Silk Rose pattern.)

  31. Hello Cindy, I love your blog, your home is just beautiful. My first dinnerware that I bought was Blue Danube, my sister married a Capt. in the Air Force and when they were stationed in Japan my husband and I decided that it would be a great time to buy china since we would only pay a fraction of the price. It was 1974 and I thought I was on top of the world to have my own china. No dining room at that time but I had china! LOL Have a great holiday weekend!
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  32. how cool is that?!

    do i spy a pottery barn starfish? (if yes, it's cuz i have one, too!)


  33. My new love is white pitchers. It's as if I never noticed them before. And I know they were there all the time. Funny.

  34. I'm wondering how you find time to keep all of your many things dusted.

  35. Hello Cindy; First thank you so much for your very kind and sweet comment I meant a lot to me... Now I love your pitcher, and the fond memories of your first set of dishes. I sort of remember mine, again back in the 7o's they were brown and gold floral ones, and melamine ones. lol Now I have a all white set, love them.. the give a way sounds great.
    hope you have a lovely weekend.


  36. Wow! You had fabulous taste even at 18! I believe my first dinnerware was a classic white pattern, too! I am longing to go back to something similar to it.

  37. I'm glad to hear about the problem being looked at/worked on. Strangely I read many blogs, and only yours was giving me that message so I was unable to view the past few posts!!

  38. Classic and timeless. Love that teapot.


  39. Hi Cindy...finally beach weather here in Mass.! I will be posting pics on my blog for you to enjoy! Thank you for info on blogger and microsft..I lost my background template and do not know how to install it!
    I also wanted to let you know a local Shabby Artist..first in New England..who knew in my own backyard like Dorothy!!! Asked me to post her gorgeous handpainted roses,dollbed, doll highchair on my blog along with still life paintings.I am so honored ,Jeanne is in her elder years and is the Shabby Queen.I posted a huge rose painting she is selling with blue background perfect for you 4ft x 5ft! Here is link to my blog for pics and you can email her directly.Enjoy your summer!! Off to beach!

  40. What a lovely tea set! Pretty blog design and concept, Cindy.<3

  41. Cindy, Everything you do is done so BEAUTIFULLY!! I was just checking out your patio eating area, it is so PRETTY! That is a gift, to be able to make something mundane so lovely and special. I admire your creativity greatly! I have been following you since the beginning of your blog and have enjoyed every post. An admirer, another ~cindy~

  42. I love all white dishes! They are so classy and elegant. I love your site you have such a pretty home. Thanks for having a give away! Denise


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy