I did a post on vintage linens on The Vintage Journal blog today (click here). I mentioned yesterday that I use OxiClean to get the stains out of my linens but you can read about the other important ingredient over there.

I did a post on vintage linens on The Vintage Journal blog today (click here). I mentioned yesterday that I use OxiClean to get the stains out of my linens but you can read about the other important ingredient over there.
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Good Morning Cindy!
I love your vintage linens! As usual your pictures show them off so beautifully. I learned about Oxyclean from you and have used it successfully on several of my stained, old linens. I haven't tried using the dishwasher soaps you mentioned. I went to a craft show this year and bought about 14 lovely doilies. The vendor kept asking me if I had a store because I bought so many. I laughed and said "no" they are all just for me. Each one wasn't that much and I have had fun putting them around the house. I have learned so much from your blog. Thanks for sharing with us.
Teacup Lady (Sandy)
Thanks for sharing that post with us. Your linens are wonderful and liked seeing how you use them. I have a passion for them too. I also collect a lot of embroidered ones and hankies. The Biz works well on them because it doesn't remove color. Will try the Oxy and Dawn on the white ones.
Again you have inspired me!! I'm going to the Ventura swap on the 29th. Guess what I'll be looking for?Maybe I don't have too many after all.
I just love coming here... My mind just seems to relax and go to a soft swet place..thank you~
You mentioned ironing with lavender water. Could you talk a little about this. Do you make your own, do you have a source where you purchase it? Do you use a light starch when you iron them? I have also found that cascade in boiling water will remove most stains I and spots.Loved the post.
I like your blog Cindy. It is like a vacation to my brain...and if there is a brain that needs a vacation - it is mine!
Lorri, I buy my lavender water at Marshalls. It's in the area where they sell soaps and colognes. I've also seen it at HomeGoods/TJ Maxx and online. My favorite brand of lavender water is Laura Ashley but they don't always have that, in fact I haven't seen it in awhile.
I've read that you can mix distilled water with a little lavender oil to make your own but I haven't tried it yet.
I use a product called Best Press.
It is lavendar scented and gives a little body with out being a starch. It has no flaking or residue and smells so good. I found it at my local quilt shop. It is put out by MaryEllen Products. It makes ironing my linens so much easier.
Beverly, thank you for the tip! I just found it online but the shipping is as much as the product so I'm going to try to find it in fabric or quilt shop. It sounds great!
Great tip with the Joy and OxiClean, I don't have but a couple of pieces, but have them stored because of stains, so now I will get them out and use them. Great idea. Hugs, Marty
Your picture is lovely. You could seriously have your own fab magazine. Hmm..there is an idea.
With all the people you meet, your magazine would be endlessly filled with gorgeous homes (including yours).
I love your blogg, greetings from Finland;)
Thank you so much for sharing this. I have several vintage linens that have passed to me from my aunts. I have always been afraid to use them for fear of getting them dirty and not knowing how to clean them properly.
Hi Cindy. Love the photo of the vintage linens.
Great post and what a lovely collection♥
Cindy! I love your vintage linens as well as so many of your other lovelies!
I am having a Tour for Collectors on Monday, March the 16th. I want to invite you to participate by showing us YOUR favorite treasures and trinkets on that day. Just show up early Monday morning and sign up with Mr. Linky to join us!
I hope you please join us!
Thanks, Yvette
Great post over there. The linens are lovely!
I have had great success with Orvus soap and oxiclean as well. We use it on antique quilts with great success so I tried it on linens and it works well! believe it or not you buy it at a pet food store (it's actually horse soap!) and have to melt it to use it. LOL Dawn and Oxiclean might be quite a bit easier. :D
Cindy... Thank you so much for the heads up on Mr. Linky!! I would have been up all night trying to figure it out!
I love your collections of vintage linens. They are beautiful!
Cindy, you always inspire me, thank you!
Cindy, You should also know that Whink Rust Remover, in the brown bottle, is a lifesaver when you have rust spots on antique linens. Some of the handmade linens and quilts my Grandma left me had little bits of rust on them - and the Whink took it out without damaging the fabrics.
very lovely! want to enter my contest?
Good Morning, Cindy!
I have to let you know that not only I enjoy your blog, but I learn so much from your blog. I am getting ready to go to work and I just needed your daily inspiration!
Thank you for sharing, Cindy!
Have a great weekend!
Pretty pic. I will go check it out.
That's such a pretty picture! I love vintage linens!
Hi Cindy
of course I love linens too! I have lots and lots, the other day my local thrift did a special, fill a black sack with linens for 5 bucks, I went over and nearly died when I saw not just the old 70s yucky stuff but lots of vintage stuff too, couldn't believe my luck yeee haw
anyway I still have to wash some of it but yep I use oxiclean too though I heard you shouldn't put it near vintage stuff but it's been great for me oh and Aldi do a version too, much much cheaper and as good...
great post, love the pics..
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