Pretty things, originally uploaded by Romantic Home.
Happy Friday! I'm still planning on going to the Sacramento Antique Faire on Sunday if this allergic reaction I'm having is gone! I have puffy eyes and a rash all over my face and I'm a little too vain to meet fellow bloggers for the first time looking like this! Let's hope it's all gone tomorrow or at least by Sunday!
Hope you feel better, Cindy!
Oh, no!
Never fails, huh?
Hope you quickly unpuff!!! ;)
M ^..^
Love the beautiful collage of flickr photos you put together. It so reminds me of spring with all the pretty pastel colors. If you have time, stop by my blog for a visit to see all the pretty new spring things I found at the antique shops this week. The colors are so cheerful. Take care and feel better soon...
Hi Cindy...I always enjoy checking your blog...always pretty. Sorry about your allergy. I had something very similar a few months ago. The pharmacist recommended I try Benadryl D and you know what? It worked better that the script I'd been using. Hope you're able to make the antique show...I want to see pictures!
Blessings, Susie
Take some Benadryl maybe that will help. I am planning on going myself. Hope to see you there, or if your interested in going together, we can take my SUV if we find something worthwhile we can load it up. You could drive up here since it's on the way. It's up to you.
Oh Cindy, I am so sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you get to go on Sunday. I'm counting on your report and pictures of Tracy's booth and the Faire in general. I would like to go someday. Get better!!
hope you feel much better soon. My lower lip likes to spontaneously swell up to the size of a glazed do-nut! it is super embarassing....hope you get to meet your blogger friends...I envy the chance you have!
Oh I hope you feel well enough to go. It would be a shame to miss the fair. :(
Get well soon! I really enjoyed all of the pretty photos.
Oh no! You poor thing. You just have the worst luck when it comes to meeting blogger friends. I think you should still go. Just tell them they can't take your picture. Go and have fun!
But if not, there is always next time. Hope you clear up soon.
Believe it or not, cold cucumber works great for that, and cold compressess...
Hope you feel better- and those cupcakes look dreamy!
I hope you are better soon , so you won't have to miss meeting new friends .
Jean in Virginia
cupcakes are a work of art!! i just love all that can be done to these tiny tasty treats.
hope you feel better, so many people will want to meet with you, wish i could.
Beautiful photos Cindy. I sure would like one of those cupcakes right about now ; )
Hope things work out and you get to meet some fellow bloggers at the Antique Faire. It would be a shame if you couldn't make it. I'll be looking for pictures : )
Ooh, those cupcakes look beautiful. I'm getting hungry for one. Sorry you had an allergic reaction. Hope it clears soon.
Ooh, those cupcakes look beautiful. I'm getting hungry for one. Sorry you had an allergic reaction. Hope it clears soon.
So pretty...I would love this as a print in my home. Feel better:-)
Sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better. Hope you get to go tomorrow. Ivy
Oh!! you have my sympathy! I have bad allergies that can make my life miserable at times.Oh!! :(
I hope you feel well enough to go and meet your blogger friend.
I hop you feel better soon! Jen
Cupcakes and flowers...some of my favs!
Get well soon!
You have inspired me with your beautiful Flickr scrapbooks! I need to do something with all my photos. I will have to go on their site and check it out. I hope you wake up all back to normal so you can have a wonderful outing. I will keep you in my prayers!
Blessings- LillySue
Good morning Cindy!
How do you feel this morning?
I hope you feel better today.
Beautiful photos and collection!
ME TOO! Today it is 50 beach packed and my eyes and nose is running!
check out new group I started..subgroups like coupons etc..
Hope you will be feeling better now...your mosaic is stunning!!! Are you still in for pink saturday or too busy?
I am so lucky I have no allergies at our shabby beach cottage.
Time for my shabby beach cottage walk in the sunshine.
Those cupcakes are what's intriguing me! I'm an icing person...I always want the rose. With one of those cupcakes, I'd always have the rose. I can't understand when people have some birthday cake why they leave one molecule of icing on the plate!
Are you lacking blog ieas? Because you keep posting the same thing over and over again like your mirrored staircase, Lauren's baby picture and the dreaded flicker pictures. Ugh!
Cindy, check out 'Cynthia's Cottage Design', or 'Warm Pie, Happy Home' or 'House Of Roses' or 'Hickory Hollow'. These are blog worthy blogs which never fall out of ideas. Maybe you just need a weeks vacation??
Sorry hon, I don't mean to be so harsh- I'm just saying it like it is because others that like your blog as I do, just won't.
I need to get over to Flickr more often. Such pretty things! But it seems all I can do to try and keep up with blogs and occasionally Rate My Space site.
Sorry for the allergies, Cindy. Hope you feel better real soon!...Christine
hoping you are feeling better & no more puffiness
love your flickr stuff whenever I come over here, though it seems I waste far too much time sifting through flickr
Wow you are on a 'pink' roll lately. I LOVE IT! LOL
Feel better soon!
Your pictures are just beautiful!
Goodmorning, Cindy!
How are you doing?
I'm just checking to see how your doing. Suzie
Rebecca, If you find my blog boring don't visit! The blogs you are referring to have not been blogging as long or as frequent as I have. When they have over 600 posts please come back and compare apples to apples then! I have averaged over 6 posts a week for the last 2 years! It's a lot of work to come up with new posts every day especially since I work full time and I'm a single mom. Mine would be new and fresh too if I only posted twice a month like one of those you compared me to does! The last one I couldn't even find in a google search so it must be really new! My goal is for my readers to come here every day and see something pretty or interesting at the very least... I personally don't like to visit blogs and not see it updated for days which is why I try to update mine almost every day, or at the very least Mon-Fri.
I think your comment was very rude! My mother always told me that if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. When I told my mom about the comment you left me she told me to ignore you. I chose not to address this on my blog but rather here in the comments section so I don't subject all my kind blog readers to your rudeness!
Wow, Cindy, your blog says that I am welcome to comment and then you call me "rude" because I don't comment the way that you want me to.
So let me get this straight- what you are really telling me (and anyone else reading this) is that the other blogs aren't as great as yours because you blog on yours much more often? You really are full of yourself, aren't you? My mama always told me that it's quality that counts not quantity.
And for your info, the blog address for 'Hickory Hollow' is-
I hope your you will check it out.. her victorian chicken coop with flowered wall paper and lace curtains is simply to die for!!!
Rude Rebecca
Rebecca, that last blog you referenced has 19 posts total! All I'm saying is that I have over 600 so yes, it is hard to think of new things to post after I've already done 600!!! I guess I could just stop blogging but I like it and other's seem to like coming here so I will continue.
You are welcome to leave rude comments on my blog, and as you can see I don't delete them like most bloggers do. I value free speech so unless I find your comments really offensive to my readers I won't delete them. I guess I just don't understand why you would take the time to comment negatively. If I don't like a blog, I simply leave it. I can't even imagine leaving a rude comment that could hurt someone feelings. To me, that's just being a bully!
That Rebecca person shouldn't even be responding to blogs. How mean spirited she is. Cindy, just keep doing what you do 600 more times. I can't believe my eyes, what would possess someone to say stuff like that??
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