Last night when I came home from work there were two boxes waiting for me!!! How exciting!!! I opened the first one and it was this gorgeous broken china mosaic heart that I won on a giveaway on Penny's blog~ Lavender Hill Studio

Not only was the angel beautiful but the box and the wrapping was over-the-top beautiful. I took a picture of it before I opened it and then later discovered I had forgotten to put my memory card back in my camera but here's some of the wrapping so you can get an idea. It was wrapped in a beautiful piece of linen with lace around it and a vintage rhinestone pin on top and then it was in a gorgeous box!
Also...last week I received this adorable little birdhouse below made by Katherine~Country Romantic. It's so adorable!
Thank you all so much! I'm so touched by all the kindness there is out there. Isn't it amazing that we would have never "met" had it not been for the internet and blogs!
These gifts helped ease the pain I had in my heart yesterday. Our little spice finch that we've had for about 8 years died. I read somewhere that they only live about 6 or 7 years so he had a long life. I never expected to get emotional over a bird dying but he was such a special little guy! Many of you had asked why I had not painted my green birdcage that is next to my hutch to match my home and it was because Birdie-Birdie lived in there. Now I plan on painting it white and buying some more finches because I miss hearing the happy little birdie chirps!

These gifts helped ease the pain I had in my heart yesterday. Our little spice finch that we've had for about 8 years died. I read somewhere that they only live about 6 or 7 years so he had a long life. I never expected to get emotional over a bird dying but he was such a special little guy! Many of you had asked why I had not painted my green birdcage that is next to my hutch to match my home and it was because Birdie-Birdie lived in there. Now I plan on painting it white and buying some more finches because I miss hearing the happy little birdie chirps!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm so sorry! I can't have a bird since I live among lions...but Bee's backyard is alive them and they are so cute with all their little personalities!
You gave your birdie a nice life!
m ^..^
Hi Cindy,
I'm so sorry to hear about your bird. It sounds like you had many years together and it is hard to lose a pet.
Thank you for letting me know that you received the gift from me. I was hoping that you received it by now. :) Did you also find the tea that was in the box?
Hugs & Blessings,
I'm so sorry to hear about your bird!! To me, any pet is a part of the family!! I hope you recover soon. Eight years is a long time for a finch!
I love the mosaic heart your rec'd and the Cupid from Joy is delightful! I have order earrings from her in the past! She is such a sweetheart!
Have a wonderdul week~
I love the gifts! The bird box is gorgeous. Very nice blog which I have saved in my favourites. I shall be back again.
Isabelle x
:) Good friends always brighten my day as well!
I'm sorry about your little bird, Cindy. :( It sounds like he was blessed with a nice family and a long, happy life....
I am so sorry about your loss. The little pets surprise us with their ability to wing their way into our hearts. Hugs!
I am so sorry to hear about your little guy.
Your new treasures are wonderful. Lavender soap is the best. I can almost smell it all the way over at my place.
All pets are special. I have grieved over the loss of little birds. I hope your feeling a bit better. I love all your gifts, they are beautiful and your right.. to think we meet all these talented, beautiful women from all over the world-because we blog! Marilyn
What absolutely gorgeous and thoughtful gifts. Aren't the ladies in blogland just the greatest. So sorry to hear about your birdie, but he is in heaven singing to the Lord. Hugs, Marty
So sorry about your bird. My daughter had finches and they are very sweet birds. Hope all your darlin' happys make you feel better!
I'm so sorry to hear about your little finch. There is that empty space that is left in your home and heart when a beloved pet passes on. So nice that you received such lovely gifts to help ease the pain of loss.
Cindy , I am so sorry your birdie died. You get attached to pets no matter what they are, and you do so miss them when they are gone. I love your new treasures.
Jean in Virginia
Cindy, I'm so sorry about the loss of your sweet Birdie! We lost our darling turquoise parakeet, Aquamarine, last year and it was really sad. (We still have his brother, Lavender, who yes is purple.) New birdies will lift your spirits, and they will be lucky to have such a good home!
So sorry, Cindy. We get so attached. As well we should. I saw that you had won Penny's gift. Very nice, your pretty things.
I'm so sorry to hear about your little bird. It's very easy to get attached to our pets...they become family.
Hugs, Debi
So sorry about your little bird. Its always so hard to lose these precious little creatures that we loved and cared for. :(
And such lovely gifts. I'm sure it helped to perk your spirits to know you had friends that were thinking of you.
Kimberly :)
Sorry about your birdie. What a lucky bird though to be loved and cared for for so many years.
I hope you had a good time at the antique faire.
That china mosaic heart is so cute!!!!!!!!
CIndy I am so sorry to hear about your sweet bird. I had no idea they lived that long. I thought it was 2-3 years-
I came home to a package filled with cookies!! How SWEET!!
Your gifts are lovely!
Oh I am certainly so sad to hear of Birdie-Birdie's passing. I've never heard of a spice finch - I'll have to google image a photo of one so I can get a better idea.
Oh I am so sorry about your bird..... I had no idea they lived that long.... they are dear little creatures.....
Glad you liked the mosaic heart Penny made you.....
Some lovely little trinkets! I love the heart-shaped hook... it's very cute!
I'm sorry to hear about your beloved bird but glad to know you had so many years with him. hugs from Texas!
I'm so sorry you lost your dear bird. Animals give us such unconditional matter how small they are. God's love personified. I hope you find solace in knowing he'll be waiting for you across the bridge to heaven!!
I feel so sad for you about your little bird. We had a little finch when we were little. It lived about 6 years.
I love all of the goodies that you have received recently. That was so thoughtful of everyone that sent them to you.
Lee Laurie
OOh so sorry Cindy I know how you feel. We lost our Elliot in November and we still miss him very much.Take care and I believe your special gifts came at a perfect time.
Hugs Annabelle
Hi Cindy!
I am so glad you like the mosaic heart you won in my giveaway! It was a pleasure making it for you.
I am sorry to hear about your bird...
God bless your little birdie. Pets are such a precious part of our family. It doesn't matter if they are birds or dogs or lizards. They touch our hearts.
I have sure enjoyed your blog. Your home is beautiful.
Sad news, about your bird passing. We had a green cheeked conure named kiki. Such an adorable, and yes, member of the family. When he fell sick and passed away, I cried. Never thought a I'd be so attached to a little creature.
Take care,
Hi Cindy, How exciting it is to recieve such lovely gifts from generous bloggers.
Your finch did live for a long time. I need to ask you, did you have only One? I have four males right now, but in the past I have gone through a alot of them. Finches or any bird for that matter are social birds, so I always had them in pairs, males only because I didn't want any babies to deal with it. Unfortuntely everytime when it came to only one, my heart would grieve and then I would have to buy another one. My birds have a bedroom for themselves, with one cage only for feeding. Cleaning the room is not as bad as you think. The one thing about this is exciting to see these guys fly around and make there nest. I have shelves in the room with different quarters where they choose to sleep in. One of these days I'll post there room.
I know you mention painting the cage, that may not be a good idea for the birds to be in, due to the fact if they happen to nipple on the cage, the paint can be hazardous to them. You may want to buy a cage already white.
I'm so sorry to hear about your finch. Every time one of mine dies its very hard for me. I use to have one that loved to look at himself in mirrors, he was very vain. I can go on and on about these guys because they are very sweet in everyway.
Hope all is well with you, take care!
Very nice gifts. Sorry to hear about your little bird. :(
Cindy, I am so sorry to hear that your little finch passed away. I had to adopt out my cat a few years back, so I know the pain of losing a little loved one. I had terrible allergies to it:( I am so envious of all of your little treasures that people have sent you since I have been reading your blog, they do help ease the pain that everyday life sends your way, though, don't they. Big hugs to you ~cindy s~
We are grieving as well. Last Friday our beloved 11 year old basset hound passed away from kidney disease. We are animal lovers, so this isn't the first time our hearts have been broken..... and it never gets any easier. I'm so very sorry to hear about your little friend.
I have a thought about your angel. I think your little angel may have been suspended from the top of a Christmas manger looking down at baby Jesus. They are often seen in pairs, facing each other.
So many lovely gifts. You are a lucky woman, LOL.
It's nice to notice that the summer birds are coming back to us now. Today I noticed the Blackbird and it was great.
Hope you're having a nice day.
Love Elzie
Goodmornig, Cindy!
Have a great, nice and big smile day!!
I'm sorry to hear about Birdie Birdie. I cried my heart out when I lost my parakeet. We haven't replaced her and I still miss the happy tweet-tweets. Your birdie had a nice, happy, long life. Your new birdies will be happy to live in such a smashing home and will bring you much happiness as well. -sheri
Hi. Nice stuff that you got. I'm sorry about your bird. It is so hard to lose a pet.
Oh Cindy, I am so sorry about Birdie,Birdie dying.If I were near you,I would give you some of mine.I have finches,keets,nd cockatiels.Darn,you would be a great bird-parent.
The pain is no different than that of any other HURTS.I am so sorry....Ann
R.I.P., little birdie. I know how you feel, they have such personality, and are missed so much.
My parakeet gives me a heart attack every time he disappears into the bottom of his cage to scavenge seeds. Ack!
Hi Cindy, your gift from Penny is so sweet. I Really wanted to win it. Lucky you. You really hit the jackpot on gifts this week. It is all wonderful.
I am so sad for your birdie passing. Our pets, even birds, hold a special place in our hearts. I think another sweet bird is the perfect answer to your sadness.
Have a happy day thinking about your new little chirping friend.
Me too, I had a week full of treats, and today is fab friday, pop on over for a golden giveaway and a great book, "The Power of Less."
Happy Friday and weekend.
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