Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Vintage Postcards

I recently bought this vintage Easter postcard on eBay and this may very well be the start of another collection! The seller said this is circa 1911. The light was really bad when I took this photo-the background is a beautiful shiny blue!
The best part about collecting something like this is that it's good for the budget. This was only $2.79! I'm going to be looking for more of these at the flea markets from now on!
Lauren and I started an intermediate cake decorating class last night and today at lunch I start Weight Watchers! What was I thinking? I guess I'll just be decorating cakes and trying my best not to eat any!
Update: For those of you who asked about the holder...I found some similar to mine on eBay, click here to see.


  1. Where did you get that cute holder for the postcard? I like collecting them also and that would be a nice holder for me to have. Thanks for sharing.

  2. On Weightwatchers you can eat cake.... in moderation. Good luck! I like the post card. :-) ~ Velma

  3. I love it.....cake decorating and
    Weight Watchers???? You must
    have wonderful willpower, Cindy!
    I, myself, would end up looking
    like the Pillsbury doughboy!!!
    I, too, collect vintage postcards.
    They are so pretty and just
    knowing that they actually were
    enjoyed by someone so many years
    ago makes me smile. Happy

  4. I have framed vintage greeting cards. Like a framed vintage valentines I gave to my husband on our first valentines day in our new home. It hangs in the living room. I really love the little "bowl" with the yellow rose.

  5. Oh Cindy,

    I feel honored to be the first poster today! I hope you are having a great day so far. It's snow flurring here in central NJ. Geesh, where is Spring already. I LOVE vintage postcards! I made a collage of them in a white frame for valentines day. A collection of them in a white chippy frame would be so pretty. May I ask where you purchased the holder? I think I remember seeing something like that in a previous post only it was white? A cake decorating class sounds like fun with dear daughter. That is a great way to bond. My daughter comes home from home economics with different recipes that she wants to try. It's fun and great bonding time with a teen. Congrats on the Weight Watchers. I hope your not too tempted with the pretty cakes though. Have a great day!

  6. Opps, I guess I wasn't the first one. lol!

  7. Oh, Cindy, I love old postcards! They are so beautiful. Little works of art. I think you'll be hooked! Happy Collecting!!!

  8. love that card, I have the exact same one! can count cake points. and still loose weight.:)

  9. Oh no! Watch out! I had that post card addiction before and it grabs hold of you and won't let go. There are so many pretty ones out there. At least they don't take up much room though and like you said don't cost an arm and a leg. I decorate with them for every holiday.

    I don't know about you but when I decorate cakes and take classes just smelling all that sweet icing makes me not even want to eat the cake.

    Good for you for joining WW. It really is the best way to lose weight.


  10. Lovely holder for the postcard. Where did you get it and is that it's purpose? I have my grandmother's postcards---from her childhood and from her courting days!

  11. I bought the card holder from a shop that has since closed. I've seen them for sale online but I can't seem to find them now.

  12. Podso, yes that is it's purpose.

  13. I found some holders on ebay so I updated my post with a link!

  14. I love old post cards. I have a few myself. I visit a site that you can purchase them and I copy them and use them a lot in some posts. They are prettier than any of the ones you get now.


  15. Hi Cindy! Love your postcard! They are such fun to collect and I love them best when they have been mailed and the backs have sweet sentiments. I find them all the time at flea markets for $1 or less. I am always amazed that you can purchase something 100 years old or older, for less than a buck....such a deal. And the artwork on them can be really beautiful...that's why I love to make jewelry with postcards from my collection. I love how you displayed yours too - Enjoy the hunt for your new collection! ~ xoxo Joy

  16. Funny-- I was just thinking about how cute the card holder was and then you had an update about them. :)

  17. I started collecting vintage postcards precisely because they were cheap--the only things I could afford back in my college days when I first started haunting antique stores!

    My collection got a big boost this past summer when my mom and her siblings had to clean out my grandparents' home when they moved to assisted living...there were SO many postcard treasures and I got to have some of them. I like your postcard holder very much indeed!

  18. I've collected vintage postcards for quite some time now ~ they make such pretty decorating accents ~ and, as you said, quite affordable!
    Thanks for sharing your pretty Easter card!

  19. Hi Cindy! What were you THINKING!!!lol I'm sure there are a lot of people in the office who aren't on weight watchers! I'm sure they will love the decorated cakes!!! Reminds me of when I buy diet magazines and self-help books along with a brownie and/or chips all at once!!!lol Love vintage postcards, cards, etc. Too bad they don't currently make anything that pretty for us to collect! I love reading what people write on them too! Have a great week - Jeannette (oh, and good luck with WW; seems to be the one that works the most for everyone!)

  20. Cindy, what a wonderful collection to start.. I love the way it's displayed. What fun to start a cake decorating class.. good luck with the weightwatchers class..
    hugs ~lynne~

  21. I ♥ the holder for your postcard.

  22. Love the postcard, even the writing has that spidery old feel to it.

    Hey, I need knitting help! I am getting a kindle. It is 8 x 5 x .39. How do I come up with a pattern? I was thinking just a clean sleeve. Ideas?



  23. I collect vintage postcards too. I love the Holiday ones. There is so much detail. I also collect postcards of Cincinnati and the area around it as this is my home. I love seeing places I visit often as they used to look. I was going to ask about the holder as well. Thanks for the link to finding a similar one. Pam

  24. Hi Cindy! You need to go visit Sherry at Edie Marie's Attic to see the luscious desserts she's been making, calorie-free! I bet you would love making cakes just like Sherry's!! Wait till you see!

  25. Cindy, The header on my blog is part of a postcard from 1910, I wish I could have figured out how to post it all. I just started to collect them also..They are little works of art! I love yours and I'm going to order a holder, thats such a clever idea.
    Are you taking the Wilton class? I took two of them and I recently posted one of my first cakes. I want to try the fondant one too. I hate the frosting though..Crisco...I feel my arteries clogging just looking at it! Good luck with the diet...I know how hard it is! Mary

  26. Always fun to have a nice affordable collectible hobby!

  27. such a pretty postcard. I love vintage.
    I just started a diet--ugh. Here's a website that might help-- it's free and full of resources-
    You know why I like your blog?
    1. updated frequently
    2. lots of great pictures and not too much to read
    3. I love to look at what you find!
    (I'm supposed to be cleaning right now--but I stopped to look at your blog:))

  28. I love your holder and vintage card are just beautiful!
    I collect them too
    greetings, anna

  29. I am loving the card holder!!

  30. Hi Cindy!
    My daughter (19) and I collect vintage postcards. We have for the last few years. We have quite a collection now. We have so much fun looking for them. We have never send those holders before. We are going to buy us both one.
    My husband and I started Weight Watchers last year. We both like how you can eat whatever you want in moderation. We use the point system. It has worked for us.
    I just started trying my hand at cake decorating. I am not that good at it yet. I am having lots of fun though.
    We love your blog. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas. You have such a pretty place!

    Love & Hugs,

  31. I should have known you'd make your way to vintage postcards eventually! I grew up in Saugatuck, Michigan (google it, its the Cape Cod of the Midwest..artsy, and on Lake'd love it, and the evening window peeking from the sidewalks into the homes is magnificent!). Anyway, at the beach on Lake Michigan down the street from where I grew up is a huge boulder...depending on lake water depths year to year, you'd have to wade out to the boulder about 20-30 feet in the water. It place, when I was growing up. A few years ago, I found "my rock" on a vintage postcard on eBay. Circa 1913, with a beautiful woman in a beautiful white gown standing there on MY rock. Had to have it, I've been hooked ever since. Not only are there absolutely beautiful artistic pieces, but there's also the vintage places that you love and grew up with...from years before.

  32. What a great idea! Here is another site for free stuff or to get rid of stuff.
    I found it a couple years ago.I painted a mini rose and nest sign today.Think Spring! I hope this is our last snowstorm! Golly it was still light out at 5pm! My friend from Cape that closed her shop emailed me and said she is sending me another box of vintage goodies.I have some pics on my flickr.I think I need a new camera?

  33. Knowing me I would walk into a WW meeting with frosting all over my mouth and cake crumbs on my bosom!

  34. I love vintage stuff like that. What a great thing to start collecting.

  35. Congrats on your newspaper article. Is well deserved. I enjoy your blog.

  36. I love your vintage postcard -- it is perfect for your romantic home! The beautiful cursive handwriting on the back is like icing on the cake. :)

  37. Oh, the postcard is so pretty. I especially love the writing on the back. Seems like writing is a lot art today.

    I used to have this one antique shop that I loved to was far away but always had romantic treasures and they were not too expensive (they have since closed). I purchased some old sheet music and some vintage valentine's cards. The sheet music had romantic lyrics to it and I thought it would be perfect for a Valentine's Day vignette.

    The holder is pretty as well, although I am used to seeing everything cream/white on your site.

    LOL on the cake decorating and the Weight Watchers!

  38. Gorgeous Easter Postcard. There is always something new out there for us to collect.
    Have fun with the cake decorating!

  39. Congrats on starting WW! I started at the beginning of the year and have lost eight pounds, which is really good, considering I only had fifteen to lose. It really works AND you can eat cake sometimes.

    I love vintage postcards. I have several, and I just love to read the messages on the backs. Plus, the addresses are so funny! It will just have the name of the person and the name of the city sometimes! Obviously there were less people around those days.

  40. What a gem you found! Looks great with the photo holder too!

  41. Postcards,love letters,old books a few of the things that make a house a home and of course beautiful in collages and digital art.I use little spiral wires to hold mine.


  42. What a wonderful vintage card. I started a small collection of vintage Christmas post cards a few years ago. The idea was to frame them and display them at Christmas. I have not done that yet! I will have to do that next Christmas for sure!

  43. I just love vintage postcards and have some from the same time period. At the local antique store, they sell their postcards for only $2 a piece, so I indulge now and then and buy a few. They are so pretty and decorative! You sure found a beautiful postcard! Don't you just love the beautiful writing too?


  44. That is one darling postcard holder! Your vintage postcard looks darling in it! :)

  45. That holder is fantastic!

    Our RiteAid is going out of business and I'm going to check and see what they're going to charge for their postcard stand. Wouldn't that be great for a collection?


  46. I think that old postcards are so neat. They each have their own story to tell.

    My sister took some cake decorating classes and she loved it. She can make some very pretty cakes. She said that once you start making them on a regular basis, you won't even want to taste them anymore. LOL I don't know if that is a good thing or not. LOL I'm not too much into icing...I love me a good pound cake. Just wish someone would come up with one that wouldn't put on the pounds! You and your daughter will enjoy having this time together.

  47. Cindy I know of the family that wrote that card.
    The Clayton family in Lakewood NJ owned the Clayton Brick works way back in the 'teens and they still own it today as Clayton Block.
    They were a very influential family in the area.
    Lakewood was a great resort town in those days and John D.Rockefeller had one of his estates there as did the wealthy Gould family whose gorgeous estate is now Georgian Court College.

    now you have inspired me to do a post on Lakewood history later next week.

    just thought you might like to know some history of the card.
    If you look around in the library for a book on Lakewood NJ you will find some information on that family and photos.

    Lovely photos as usual!

  48. Oh you will get hooked on them Cindy. I have a whole little suit case box full, different seasons and holidays, just love them.
    Love the little holder you found for it.
    I will have to look for those.

  49. love the postcard and the holder

    too funny, I laughed at the weight watchers and cake decorating thing

    I just ate a huge piece of homemade brownie with a cup of tea now I have to mow the lawn to work it off, the way my mind works, not sure if it's worth it or not??!!


  50. I just love the older cards, they are so beautiful.
    Hope you have a nice day with WW.
    Love Elzie

  51. That card and holder are so vintage chic! And good luck with the weightwatchers and cake decorating class! loL! My daughter took some classes and she does the prettiest cakes! You will have to take photos of your creations to share! Hope you are having a wonderful week~Tam:D

  52. Hi Cindy... Welcome to the world of Vintage Post Cards! You're off to a terrific start... My Mom got me hooked on them years ago. I'd like to invite you to stop by my blog for a visit, anytime, and take a peek at some that I've posted. Also, if you check my archives, November, there's a post about Ellen Clapsaddle, born 1863. She was one of the most famous of Post Card artists... it's an interesting "read", I think. Sure do hope you'll enjoy your new collecting venture!


  53. Miss Cindy I love it!! and I adore the holder...
    I would LOVE to go to flea markets over there Im sure youd find heaps of goodies... hopeyour having a beautiful day!!
    Vic xxx

  54. it is so much fun to collect old will find out that in the old days they really made an efford to make a card as beautiful as possible!!I should be on the weightwatchers too,every day, after eating too much I say..from tomorrow on I will be on a diet...

  55. I've been collecting vintage postcards for some time... I love them, too!
    As for the diet thing... you're so BRAVE! I prefer NOT to cook, while I'm on diet! Good luck!

    P.S. Thanks a lot for such beautiful and sweet words, Cindy!

  56. The card is beautiful and so is the holder!. Kathy

  57. I love the old post cards too! I have a few that I bought and I found alot of them in an old trunk that my grandparents had, that was really fun! I just put eggs in a apothacary jar, put an old frog that belonged to my Nana in it and displayed one of my old postcards, funny you posted about your beautiful postcard today, I love it! Good luck with your new collection (;

  58. I love the holder, and the postcard is so delicate. I have a few reproductions that I bring out on occasion.

  59. Vintage postcards are so sweet and fun, aren't they. I have one from the forties written to my dad from his mother. I treasure it, I also have it displayed. Hugs, ~cindy s~

  60. Good luck with Weightwatchers but I thought you were already on Jenny Craig?

  61. no, I was on Nutrisystem but it's so expensive to dish out that kind of money all at once each month. I only did it for 2 months.

  62. Funny how I just posted about a few postcards I picked up a few weeks ago. They are such a pretty treasure and I love it when they have messages on the back.

    I have been putting them in my china cabinets they stand out so nicely against the china and crystal.

  63. Love the postcard,love the holder and love your blog.I'm new at reading it.


  64. I collect old postcards too. Although most collectors prefer the unmarked ones, I disagree...I love reading what they say on it. I have one that reads, in beautiful, flowing script, "Dear Mabel, Grandmother is dead. Come home." :>o

    I guess the gorgeous script required so much effort that they wanted to use as few words as possible. LOL

  65. I am so excited to have found you. I have wanted to start collecting old postcards; however, I wasn't sure how to display them. Now I know!!

  66. Such a small world. I clicked on the eBay link, only to find the seller is in Myerstown, Pennsylvania. That is a small town about 90 minutes from me. They have a maple festival every spring. I force my husband to drive there, so I can eat pancakes, and look at the quilt show.

    Your postcard looks pretty, and so do the new dishes. I don't think you own anything that isn't lovely. It always such a joy to visit your blog.

  67. Can't wait to see pics of the confections you create. You will share pictures, right?

    As a Wilton instructor, we give suggestions to our students of places they can donate their cakes if they don't want to eat them, such as senior citizen centers, fire houses, police stations, hospitals, etc. I've donated several of my "practice" cakes to my childrens' teacher's lounge at school. And all my neighbors love to see me coming with a "practice" cake. Perhaps your landlord would one? or two?

    But being the wife of an officer, I have to be honest: If the officers don't know you, they'll throw your cake away. Too many people out there put "special sauce" in officers' food so they seldom eat food that's homemade by a stranger.


  68. The postcard holder is so lovely, I just had to have one, too! I bought the set from the ebay link you gave. Thank you for steering us that way. I've already received them and I love them!

  69. LOL...after reading these comments...I'm thinking the lady in PA must have been tuckered out filling orders for the postcard holders...I too ordered a set.

    Waiting for them to show up...hoping it will be yet this week.

    I've been a collector for several years. I don't over do in buying them but when I see one I like it is hard to pass it up.

    I have some of my mother's..postcard and valentines.

    She passed away 57 years ago.
    So displaying them will be a nice way to remember her each day.

    I get much pleasure in reading your blog.

    Thank you for sharing with us.



Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy