Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Not Too Shabby!

I've had a quite a few people ask me lately if I've ever been to a shop in San Jose called Not Too Shabby. I hadn't but after so many people recommended it I knew I had to go check it out!
I always find it so awkward to ask shop owners if I can take pictures. You never know how they will react! I always explain that I have a blog and that it would be like free advertising for them. When I went into this shop on Sunday and started to tell them about my blog I didn't even finish my sentence and she knew who I was from the newspaper article! Whew...that made asking so much easier!
So here's a look around this adorable shop called Not Too Shabby...

Years ago I used to be on match.com...you know, that online meat market dating site. I could start a whole other blog and fill it with stories about my online dating experience! Anyway the reason I brought it up is that my username on match.com was Not_too_Shabby! I love that name!

So if you are anywhere around San Jose please stop by Not Too Shabby and tell them Cindy sent you! You'll probably find Vikki the owner there or Aimy the store stylist. They are both so nice and down to earth!

Thank you Vikki and Aimy for making me feel so welcome in your shop!

Not Too Shabby
Antiques & More
4724 Meridian Ave. (at Branham)
San Jose, CA 95118


  1. I am in LOVE with that rose topiary! And the little freen chair!! :-) Thanks for sharing your wonderful visit!! :) I wish they were closer to my home (MD)

  2. Haha, 'Green chair" I mean. :-D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Pretty stuff! Thank you for sharing it with someone on the East Coast. I wish there were stores like that near me.

  5. It is killing me that I'm on the East coast & can't visit that store! :O)

  6. I really liked the little green chair, too! The cabinet under it could come stay at my house as well! :-)

    Thanks for showing us around. And I understand how you feel about asking to take photos. I always feel strange. It's wonderful that they were so nice. But, you're a celeb anyway! :-)


  7. Wow, wish I could shop there. But, alas, I'm stuck here in Ohio. Everything looks so lovely. Thanks for sharing this little shop with us.

  8. It's a cute shop. I bet they thought someone famous was in their midst! I will say though, they don't have anything over you Miss Cindy!

  9. It's a cute shop. I bet they thought someone famous was in their midst! I will say though, they don't have anything over you Miss Cindy!

  10. Hi Cindy,
    That looks like a wonderful shop. I enjoyed the virtual shopping experience!

  11. Drool! Drool! Just my kind of shop! There were so many great items it is hard to pick but I think my favorite is the white headboard!!! Thanks for sharing Cindy!

  12. what a nice shop..too far for me I am afraid but I am a bit curious about your datingexperiences....do you want to share them with us? I bet you've many funny stories to tell about these love-searching men...

  13. What a beautiful store!! I would be there in a heartbeat if we still lived in San Jose!

    audrey @a-gathering-place.blogspot.com

  14. Looks like you had a wonderful time there...would love to see pictures of the things you picked up....
    the pair of 1/2 round chairs in the last photo are great!

  15. Gosh darn, if it wasn't so far away!
    Why is Cali so big!!! Looks really cute!

    M ^..^

  16. Thank you Cindy just what I needed to start my day! Do they have a website?
    xxoo Denise

  17. PS I found an old vintage green wicker chair ..a cottage clean out find!..I will have to get some photos posted..lighting is horrible and outside its freezing with 'dirty' snow..which I cannot stand!
    I was also sent a box jammed packed with goodies from Lorraine A Cape Cod shop owner.Maybe I will paint some bluebirds today?!

  18. I Love the 2 tier basket. Lots of eye candy. Thanks for sharing.


  19. Thanks for sharing this shop with us. It's one I could spend hours in just browsing. Love everything.

    Have a happy day


  20. I see so many beautiful things in that wonderful shop! Thank you and to the shop owner for allowing you to share it with us all!

  21. Oh Cindy, I absolutely love this shop. Living in Tennessee I know
    I will never get to see or shop
    there so thank you for sharing this
    adorable shop with all of us. I did see several items I would love
    to have but guess I will have to dream. If I haven't told you before, I think your blog is one
    of the best I've visited. Your
    home is so beautiful, soft, feminine, and cozy. I would love
    to live near you so I could come
    take pictures of your home!! (And
    visit you, too!) Have a great week! Becky

  22. Good Grief! I don't know why
    my comment appeared like it did.
    I am definitely in need of some
    computer classes. LOL! Anyway,
    I guess you were able to get the
    idea of what I was saying.
    Becky from Tennessee

  23. That shop has so many pretty things! I wish that I could go there. I love the headboard! I feel funny taking pictures in stores also...but I still do it. I get funny looks all of time. LOL

  24. OK Cindy..inquiring minds want to know...what did you walk away with and where did you put it in your fabulous home??

  25. Thanks for sharing this darling shop.. I am in love with the sofa table.. girl that is "gorgeous".. I wish I was close enough to visit for "real" virsus thru cyberspace..lol..
    hugs ~lynne~

  26. What a treat!! I could spend hours in there. So...did you find anything you couldn't live without?!! ;>)

  27. There are such great shops in California!!! And such notoriety - you lucky girl!!!

  28. Looks like an adorable shop. I especially liked the balls of maybe Pearl Cotton in the tiered basket. I know, strange. I have a little yellow chair like the green one. At the moment, it's in the garage. I don't have a good place for it. I also loved the beautiful little lamp. So pretty!

  29. Cindy, its one of my favorite haunts! I'm glad you found it. I must say-tho I'm not surprised-you have a good eye when taking pictures. Maybe if it stops raining today I may have to drop by Not too Shabby :-)

  30. I love shops like that. We have a few in our area. It's the best "mini vacation" to spend the day checking out the shops. Just the atmosphere and the environment seem to be so relaxing. Thanks for taking us thru Not Too Shabby!

  31. I just wish I could go to that shop. I've seen so many lovely places during Rachel's program but they are so far away from me, lol.
    Everything looked just great.
    Hope you are having a nice day.
    Love Elzie

  32. What an adorable little shop! Wish I lived closer.

  33. I could find a couple (a lot) of things to buy in that pretty store.
    I did love those end tables.

  34. What a wonderful place to shop! I could spend alot of time in there.

  35. A shop like that would go over great in our town...we don't have anything like that.
    Thanks for sharing, I really loved looking at the pictures.

  36. Hi Cindy I posted that dresser I told you about on my blog and craft room mess! Be brave eeek!

  37. Too bad it's too far from where we live but what a neat store!...Christine

  38. Doggone it! I wish we were going to be closer to San Jose on our trip - that shop is darling!!

  39. Well that was a fun shopping trip!

  40. What an incredible shop! I so wish I lived near enough to shop there. I can already see some of those lovely things in your home Cindy. ♥

  41. Oooohhhh, WHY do I have to live on the opposite Coast!?????

  42. Hi Cindy! Congrat's on the newspaper article! I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for the tour too! I am glad that I WAS NOT with you because I saw about 20 things that took my eye. I would have been tempted for sure! ~ xoxo Joy

  43. What a beautiful shop-wish I was closer!Thank you for sharing it with us.

  44. OMG. I wonder what size that headboard is? I hope it's queen-sized. I want it!!! (My sister lives just down the street from there--fun shop).

  45. Gorgeous photos of a gorgeous shop. Wish I could visit, but Ohio is a long way from there. I had to laugh about match.com I have a friend who is on match and she often sends me emails or profiles of men who have contacted her so we can laugh about them. I feel for her as there seem to be slim pickins out there for a nice woman who would like to be in a committed relationship. Meanwhile it makes a great source of comedy for us. Pam

  46. Aha! Maybe thats why I use the kitchen!! What an epiphany! Maybe I will make it into a beach cottage guest room? I can TOTALLY relate to your online dating experience! Like the movie..'He's Not That Into You'!

  47. Beautiful things...the teal chair was scrumptous. And the trunk used for a coffee table...love it!
    Robin Rane'
    All Things Heart and Home

  48. I love the store! Thanks for the address! ♥ Diane

  49. Well looks like I have to put that one on my list of places to go when I return there.

    Not to Shabby. There's a online shop with the same name.


  50. Just wanted to follow up to my comment about WANTING that headboard. I called the store and they confirmed it is for full sized bed. Bummer! Won't work for us.

    Just in case someone else has a full and wants it, heh.

  51. Oh wow... I don't think they existed back in the late 70's when I lived out that way! Of course my decorating wasn't the same back then either...But if I lived there now, I would SO be stopping in to see them.. let's see, tops on my "dream" shopping list would be the white birdcage & stand or the white wicker planter... LOVELY shop!!! Thanks for sharing!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

  52. I told you you're now a celebrity!Oh wow...I have one of those blue toile chair by the window. It's the most comfortable chair. I'm planning on selling it though since it no longer fits my new bedroom.
    But thanks for the comment you left on my blog! Can't wait to see what kind of tassel you'll make for me.
    -Marie from Maries Marche

  53. That looks like such a wonderful store. Too bad I am so far away or I would love to check it out in person.

  54. Oh, look at those fabulous things! I am loving that two tiered wire basket with the thread in it and the rose topiary! How very sweet! Thank you for sharing it with me!
    Next time I am up that way I know where to stop! :)

  55. A wonderful, wonderful little shop... thank you so much for the tour.

  56. Cindy,

    I love that place. They also have a "sister" store near me called antique market. It's more rustic not as pretty as not too shabby. Both places have a lot to look at and dream!

  57. Wow what a great shop. So much eye candy. Thanks for sharing it with us

  58. I have a govenor winthrope (at least that's what my mom used to call it) that I inherited and it looks like the one in your first photo. I wanted to give it a painted finish, but my husband said "no way", but maybe if he's see the picture you posted, maybe he will give in. Very charming store.

  59. Thanks Calgon (I mean Cindy) for taking me away...aaah
    What a sweet shop! I love the tiered plate stands...
    I'm with "villa extra" - I'm curious about your dating experiences and would love to read about some funny experiences ~ I apologize for being nosy :(
    Hope you had a great day off!


  60. Love that trunk! It would be so cute as a coffee table. I just itch to decorate when I see photos of antique stores. Reminds me so much of your home, Cindy.

  61. Oh my goodness Cindy I dearly LOVE the place! I'm a little too far away though. pout pout. ;)
    I dearly love those two little tables that are back to back with the drawers in them. That is something like I am wanting for my night stands in my bedroom redo. Thanx for sharing all this with us!

  62. I want one of everything you showed!!!

  63. That looks like a great store!


  64. What a cute shop..wish I could visit it. They have it decorated so nice.

  65. What a cute shop..wish I could visit it. They have it decorated so nice.

  66. Thank you for sharing so many beautiful things!

  67. Hi Cindy...you are becoming so FAMOUS, soon you'll have to wear shades to be incognito...LOL
    This store looks like a wonderful browsing/shopping kind of place for Californians...sigh...too far from me... ;-) Bo

  68. Hi Cindy,

    What a great store!
    I wish I lived closer....

  69. OH, I want want that mantel. How gorgeous, I think it might be a bit much to fly to Cali, just to shop there, but if I were wealthy I would! However, if I were wealthy I might not appreciate the beauty of this style that we can do one piece at a time.

  70. Good Morning Cindy, what do you think of my new blog banner? Too bad you cannot go to MV this summer..they will probably be desperate for tourist!

  71. Holy smokes! I wanna go shopping there! Okay, I have to visit my girlfriend in Pleasanton so she can take me to all these way cool places you visit. Maybe I'll even run into YOU? : )

  72. Cindy, thanks so much for the eye candy on this beautiful little shop! I can dream~...
    *real-mail note coming your direction from the midwest :)

  73. What a beautiful shop! I have never been able to screw up the courage to ask about photographing in shops...

    How exciting about the newspaper article! I am so happy about all the wonderful things that are coming your way through your blog. No one could deserve it more, Cindy! And I fully expect to see you on the cover of Romantic Homes any day now. :)

  74. That shop looks so amazing, look at all the pretty goodies!

  75. I know exactly what you mean Cindy.I went into my fav thrift store Sat.and took pics.Of course,the people that know me WERE NOT there.Murphys Law.One lady ,the older lady was tickled pink.The younger lady that didn't know what a blog was was kinda miffed at me.After I got home and thought about it.I think she must've been embarrassed not to know and the older lady did.Anyway,i took my pics alot faster than i wanted and got out of there.It's on my Tuesday blog,I believe...Ann

  76. Such a pretty shop :)

  77. That shop is so beautiful! I would have a heyday in there because I love EVERYTHING I see in the pictures! I have a wicker plant stand just like that, but in a soft green, and I keep my pillows in it too.

    Thanks for sharing this! It was great that they let you take pics. I asked to take pics in a store once and they were really snotty about it and told me no. Their loss. It would have been free advertising, like you said!


  78. That looks like my kind of shop Cindy. I love to go to shops like that.Only problem is ; I want everything I see LOL .

  79. What a lovely shop!!!
    WOW I have to say though when i need a breather.. I go to Hume Cottage
    shops like these always make you feel refreshed dont you think?
    Vic xxxx

  80. The bed is Fab!!! The shop looks like I could stay all day in! Kathy

  81. Not To Shabby is the first shop that I've come across that reminds me of my shop in Raleigh N.C. SuzAnna's antiques.blogspot.com Someone at the shop yesterday told me about you and I love everything on your blog and I look forward to seeing other shops that you come across. Thanks, Susie Foster

  82. Hi Cindy, I just moved to Silicon Valley,from San Antonio Texas around two months ago and the funny thing is I was just at Not Too Shabby a day before you were! I live about 5 mins away from there. I found your blog from my friend Angela "Little Bird Cottage" and I been following it every since.
    Maybe Ill see you around town!!

    I thought the store was way too cute,next time you need to grab a cup of coffe from next door at Coffee Net

  83. pretty cute shop, just your style!
    Those embroidered pillow cases or table runners reminded me of my mom's mother the other Granny who would make those for Christmas gifts, and a batch of peanut brittle. I couldn't have walked out without those.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy