Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Some new things

I've always wanted some bone dishes because I just love their shape!  While I was in Not Too Shabby last weekend I saw these beautiful blue and white bone dishes.  I bought two of them thinking that I would hang them on the wall somewhere.  When I brought them home and put them on the table I knew I had to buy the other three I left behind!  I love them!  I called the shop and put them on hold until I could pick them up the next day.  Now I have 5 lovely bone dishes!!!  What are the chances that I'll find one more somewhere so I'll have a set of 6?  

I also won this Cambridge relish tray on eBay.  It's the Portia pattern which I love.  It's really hard to see the etched pattern in these photos so trust me when I say it's GORGEOUS!  The pattern sort of reminds me of my blog background.  I really want to get some Cambridge wine glasses but the bidding usually gets high on those!
I would like to thank Annie~Cottage by the Sea who left a comment letting me know more about the family who originally received the vintage postcard I showed you yesterday.   It's so nice to know a little history behind it! 


  1. How neat. Did she do a little history tracking?

    The dishes are obviously beautiful. What a nice, new thing to collect.


  2. I've seen these types of dishes but I did not know that they were called bone dishes. Gorgeous! I bet you could go to (or something similar) to get that sixth for your collection. :o)

  3. Hi Cindy,
    I have never seen that kind of dishes before, how neat!
    How fun that someone knew the history about the postcard....
    Iäm starting a cupcake decorating class in march, I'm very exited...
    The card holder was very nice.
    Take care!

  4. Love the Cambridge and the bone dishes! I love knowing the history items and it is so cool that you know the history of your postcard!

  5. Hi Cindy,

    What a beautiful dish. Thanks so much for linking us up to some post card stands. I got a set!

  6. I agree the relish dish does match the background to your blog, that's neat! What are the bone dishes used for? Just curious! They are lovely! Great finds!

  7. I can't get enough! I just love your blog, and am so excited that the paper ran the article to turn me onto it!

  8. What a lovely blog. I love the bone dishes and a few myself. I could always use more!

  9. Lisa, the bone dishes where used at each place setting for you to put your fish bones on. They were very common in the Victorian era.

  10. What gorgeous dishes. No wonder you called the store and had them hold the other ones for you.
    How exciting to get some history on your Vintage Postcards

  11. I love bone dishes! They really aren't that easy to come by anymore! I also love that eBay relish dish! eBay is the best!

  12. Oooo, all pretty, the bone dishes are so you and the Cambridge dish, yummy. Enjoy your new goodies.

  13. Cindy, you truly inspire me. I loved the vintage postcard, even more so now I see that someone else has been able to tell you something about the original recipient. It truly sometimes is a small world.
    I have often looked at vintage postcards as possible items to collect, and might actually start doing that.
    You have also alerted me to Cambridge glass, I simply adore the relish dish. I have looked on Ebay, but as 99% of the vendors is North American I would have to pay so much for the shipping that it would not really be worth my while. However, I do check Ebay out on a regular basis, maybe one day...
    Thanks for your wonderful blog.

  14. This dish is stunning! Great find!
    Thanks for the nice comment on HGTV.. I didn't know you house was featured.. How fabulous! Congratulations!!
    Love to you

  15. Pretty dishes! Hope you find a 6th one.

  16. Cindy,
    Thanks so much for putting the store, "Not Too Shabby" on your blog.
    I went there today, and found several treasures!!! Two pictures, a pillow, a plate and salt shakers. I loved that store and will go again. I told them it was to your credit that I found them. They were very pleased!! Love, Fran of Antique Rose

  17. Oh Cindy, Your bone dishes are lovely. Your not going to believe this, check out my blog- I have a table setting with bone dishes. This is just to wild!

  18. Thanks for the lesson Cindy I wasn't aware of what they used them for,now I know.
    Luv the crystal candlesticks sitting behind the plate.
    Hope you find the other dish but you can always collect a complimentary design and make the setting even more interesting, just a thought.

    Hugs Annabelle

  19. oh lovely! I have a relish dish very similar to this one. I love it. You new bone dishes are pretty too. Perfect for your table! :)


  20. oh I didn't know they were bone dishes either, love em of course...

    good news on the postcard, how lovely to have found out some history on that...I wish I could get that to happen on whitewashed furniture, hee hee


  21. I didn't know they were for bones either...I thought they would have been circled around a bowl. I thought you were referring to "bone"china. :) Anyway, they are perfect for you home.
    I'll be on the lookout for you for cambridge glasses once yard sales starts..I love a mission!! They are certainly beautiful. Mary

  22. I collect bone plates! And I actually use them at my dinnertable, for exactly the purpose they were made for. Enjoy your new find!

  23. I too love bone dishes, I have missmatched ones and it doesn't matter I just love them, all brown and white ironstone. I love the look of your blog, its beautiful. Also thanks for the help on the whole picture loading thing


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy