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This is my 600th post! Wow, that's mind-boggling to me! I can't believe that's possible! This blogging thing has become such a big part of my life...I actually feel like I'm a happier person now than before I started blogging. Does anyone else feel that into it or is it just that my life is so boring that this excites me? (I'm joking, my life is not boring, at least not to me) Anyway in honor of my 600th post and my new etsy shop, I would like to give away a pink toile heart. I'll probably throw in a couple other Valentine related things too!

Just leave a comment below by
Friday night (Jan. 30, 2009) at 9:00 PM Pacific Time to enter. You don't have to have a blog to enter, just make sure you
leave your email address so I can contact you if you win! I'll post the winner this weekend!
UPDATE: The pink toile hearts in my etsy shop are all sold out but I'm going to work on getting some more made this week! Thanks to all of you that have purchased them! I really appreciate it!