Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Year in Review 2008

The time has come for the Year in Review Party!

If you would like to join in on the fun please sign in with Mr. Linky below once you have your photos posted on your blog. Please use the url that goes directly to your 2008 Year in Review post (not just the url for your blog)! click here if you want to learn more about this party. Note: You do not have to do a photo mosaic, you can also just post regular photos if that's easier for you!

Please visit on the blogs below to see their "Year in Review"


  1. Hi Cindy. Thanks so much for hosting this fun party! I hope it's such a huge success that you *do* decide to host one every year. It's been such a treat visiting you every day, and I look forward to more eye candy at My Romantic Home! ~Arleen

  2. Hi Cindy!

    Thanks so much for hosting such a great party :) it's such a great idea , and I had fun looking through some of my older photos and making new ones!

    And Thank you also for your sweet comments on my home! I have so enjoyed visiting you over the year too!! you've been so sweet and helpful too and such an Inspiration always!

    Happy new Year! ~ Cynthia ~

  3. This sounds like fun. I will look forward to sharing my year in review!

  4. I want to thank you for this great idea.I really had fun,too.

    Have a Happy 2009 with your family and friends!!

    Adriana(an Argentinian in Canada)

  5. Cindy,
    thanks for hosting this party. What a great idea.
    Happy New Year to you.

  6. Cindy!!!!
    I did it! I still can't believe it!! thanks for hosting this party. It's my first and I can't think of anyone I'd rather share it with than you and your gals!

  7. This was a very good idea. It's a nice way to wrap up the year.

  8. Hi Cindy,

    This was such a great idea!!! I'm going to have fun visiting everyone this week!!

    ~New Year Blessings,

  9. How fun! I love looking at other peoples homes--- I've sooooo got to work on getting my home a little "cuter" this upcoming year!! Your an inspiration, your home is such a cozy retreat!

  10. Cindy,
    Thanks for hosting this great post is up!
    Have a wonderful New Year!

  11. Hi Cindy. Well I did a collage...great idea...Happy New Year!

  12. Cindy I just did BLUE Monday...I would have done this one..oh well story of my life day late dollar short...hugs and smiles Gloria

  13. Thanks for hosting Cindy. I'm having a great time looking at all the blogs. This is a cool way to chronicle where we were and where we are now. Thanks again!

  14. This is such a lovely idea. It is a pleasure to participate.


  15. Hi Cindy,

    Thank you so much for hosting this party. I am looking forward to seeing everyone's photos from this year. Blessings to you and your family!


  16. Hi Cindy, this year in review party is a great idea and thank you for hosting it. It is interesting to choose the photos which describe your whole year. We should do this every year! :D

    Love Suzy

  17. Hi Cindy

    what a good idea and thanks for hosting the party, I'm off to visit some of the girls

    of course can't wait to see more of your home


  18. Hi, Cindy, this looks like so much fun. Had I found more time, I sure would have joined in. Hopefully, if you do it again, I will be a part of the fun.
    It' fun looking at all the others, too.

  19. Thanks so much for putting this together Cindy - I really enjoyed reviewing all of my pics for the year. I'm off to visit the others. Have a great week!

  20. Sounds like a nice idea but I think I'll pass this time.
    Hope you have a nice day.
    Love Elzie

  21. Hi Sweet Cindy:)

    You are a doll and what a wonderful idea:) I hope you have a wonderful New Year!!!!


  22. This looks fabulous... I've entered my blog, too, and hope to meet a lot of new and wonderful bloggers... The world of blogland has been very kind to me these past two years. I always love love love My Romantic Home... Your effervescent spirit rules!!! Go blue and white!!!

  23. I am working on my pictures... trying out that new Picasa album so I am in a learning curve state right now... I plan to check out everyone's so come on by!

  24. Great idea! I am new to maybe I will participate next time?!

  25. Hi Cindy. I have my post up. hope all of you enjoy the pictures I shared in my blog. Have a great week!

  26. Hi Cindy,
    Thank you for hosting such a fun party.I will enjoy visiting all those who join in.
    All the best in the New Year,

  27. Hi, Cindy, I'm having a 2008 Top Projects Before & After party on Jan. 7th, so don't have mine ready for yours yet, but I hope you'll come by when I do mine!

  28. Thanks for hosting Cindy! I can't wait to see everyone's things!

  29. Thank you so much for your good idea and for your comment on my was all I needed make my day!! Kind regards from The Netherlands from Sylvia extra

  30. thanks for yet another year of your blessed, kindred spirit in 2009

  31. Cindy, what a romantic, creative group of ladies you have visiting your blog! I am enjoying going through the list and visiting each one. Thanks for inspiring us all this year!

  32. Everyone's photos are just wonderful. Thanks for hosting this party.

  33. Thank you....What a great idea...It is always fun to see some new blogs get some great ideas and share some.....
    Happy Holidays...
    Mo :-)

  34. What a great idea!! I just added my link to your list. I put together a collage of some of my favorite photos from 2008.

    Wishes for much success,


  35. Hi Cindy,
    Thanks for hosting such a fun party! I just joined in the fun and want to wish you a happy new year!

  36. Thank you for thinking of this CIndy! I love looking at everyones favorite photos and thinking back on all the great posts here and at other favorite places. I think we should do this every year:>)

  37. What a lovely idea - thanks for hosting. A Happy New Years to you! x

  38. I hope i now what i am doing, i would love to give this a try. Your pictures are so beautiful!!!

  39. Hi Cindy! Just got my Year in Review party post up!! Can't wait to visit everyone's fav photos ~ what a terrific idea you had AGAIN!!

    I always enjoy my visits to your lovely home so very much. Looking forward to an exciting & inspiring 2009 with you & all the other great bloggers!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  40. I had a great time today Cindy! AND got the laundry done! I laundered and blog surfed! Thanks for hosting such a fun party. Oh and I liked the Mrlinkey thingie too! That was so easy!
    Happy New year!

  41. Thank you Cindy! This is going to be so much fun. I will take me a couple of days to get around to look and comment on everyone's blog, but it will be worth it! Thanks so much for hosting!

  42. Hi Cindy,
    Me again....Just wanted to let you know I have never made a mosaic before...just finishd one and put it on my blog....after almost a year I am still learning...
    Mo :-)

  43. What a wonderful idea Cindy! I will go visit all of the wonderful blogs posted and enjoy them all over again. Thanks for always have such wonderful posts. Your home is always so beautiful and your ideas inspiring.

  44. I'm sorry to have missed this party, what a good idea. I will enjoy looking through everyone's posts!

    happy New Year, Cindy!

  45. Cindy, i think it may be too late for me to participate...but i hope to visit many of those who are is a very pleasing idea!...

  46. Cindy, I wanted to thank you for hosting this great party, it has been so much fun to visit so many wonderful bloggers and getting to know each other better!! Wishing you a very happy new year!!

  47. This is such fun. Thank you for hosting. I just found out about it this afternoon, threw a collage together and have already had 14 comments.
    Happy New Year!

  48. What a fun idea. Have enjoyed looking at all the fabulous pictures - Cindy, yours included!


  49. Thanks for hosting Cindy...

    Have a great week!


  50. Cindy, I've enjoyed your blog so much this year! I think you should write a book on how to decorated a small space on a budget. You've done an awesome job!! I'm making 2009 the year that I finally paint my china cabinet white! Thank you for the constant inspiration!

  51. Hi Cindy thank you so much for adding me to your list, I have added you too..since I got so many kind reactions it might be interesesting to let you know that I will add mosaics to my blog everyday, all to the same one, the one of 29th december since it was your very nice idea..let's do it every year and start a national mosaic day.....kind regards, sylvia extra

  52. I am participating in this too, fun!
    I hope I did the mosaic thingy right, lol.
    It was fun and good to review a year full of happenings.

    Hugs from Marian and have a great 2009 y´all

  53. Cindy..........I just know I will be lost in the crowd here but from down here in Australia, your blog looks adorable........I will be back to visit again and again I am sure.


  54. Well I am 1/4 way of viewing all the different mosaics entries. I am so enjoying it! I plan to stop at ever one of them! Thanks for hosting such a fun event. Maybe I will add my 2 cents next time you do it again! Happy New Year!

  55. This was so fun Cindy! Thanks for hosting. I had fun making my mosaic of pictures - thanks for the link. Happy New Year!

  56. Hi Cindy, by the blog of Sylvia/Villa Extra I came here. I found it a great idea to join the review. Because I was already making a year review.
    thanks for hosting.
    greetings Marja

  57. Have a HAPPY new Year!!!

  58. This is my first visit to you blog...found you through tongue in cheek. Happy New Year!

  59. What a wonderful idea Cindy! It made me take that little walk down memory lane! I've added my link, and thanks for letting me join in.

  60. I had so much fun doing this! Now I am off to check out everyone else's!

    Happy New Year!!

  61. Cindy,

    Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful event! I am so looking forward to exploring all the links. It was a great deal of fun to look back over all my posts for this year and pick one post and one photo from that post to highlight as a favorite. I do hope you will make this an annual event!

  62. I love the idea. I left a link, hope I am not too late.

  63. Just added my year in review post!
    Thank you, Cindy. Great idea!
    Wishing you a wonderful New year!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Hi there! I just signed up for this fun Year In Review Party! I have added my mosaic, and hope you all enjoy it!

    New Year Hugs and Blessings,

  66. What a fun idea. I am looking forward to looking at everyone's Year in Review.

    Happy New Year

  67. Cindy, Thanks for hosting such a great party. Nice to reflect on the past year. Great to see what everyone has done and plan to do in the coming year. I've added my link. yeaaaah' Now I'm off to visit more reviews.


  68. It's been really fun and inspiring going through everyone's Year in Review pictures! Thanks for hosting!

  69. Hi Cindy; thanks for hosting this; I just decided to join in and added my link!
    I look forward to visiting all of the participants!

  70. Cindy, I know I was a late comer, but it was a way for me to give you recognition on my blog...since you were kind enough to all our fellow bloggers to host this party!! Your blog is beautiful...your home is gorgeous....and it is obvious with all your followers...that you are very much loved in the blog community! Happy New Year! ~Cheryl

  71. Hi Cindy! I just joined the party- what a great idea of yours!
    Thanks for hosting, and for your constant inspiration!

  72. Thanks for hosting this, Cindy. It is so much fun seeing everyone's posts.

    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  73. Hi Cindy!

    Sorry I'm late to the party. I just found you. Count me in for next year. I promise I will be on time.

    Kim ~ Chamomile Tea

  74. Thanks for the chance to be on your blog!!!!Can't wait to see you in 2009.... Happy New Year Cindy!! xxx Kay

  75. Hi Cindy!

    Thanks for putting this party together! I found you through Gollum, and am so glad I did! I will definitely be back!

    Happy New Year!
    xo Isa

  76. It was fun to go back through the year and see what I had done and the places I had been to. Fabulous idea Cindy, I hope it is an annual event!

    Happy New Year to you!

  77. Happy New Year, Cindy, and thanks for ALL that you do ALL year long!

    Hugs from Victoria :o)

  78. Better late then never but I got my year in review post finished and ready by New Year's Day! Woo hoo... Now I'm off to check out some of the others.

  79. Hiya!

    Happy New Year!

    I was a bit late in posting this, sorry. :)


  80. Hi Cindy...Better late than never. Thanks for hosting this party...You have such a wonderful blog and home....Thanks..!

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. I've been reading your blog for a few months now and can't tell you how much you've inspired me. I have always liked the shabby chic look but didn't think it was really "me". Our current decor is Tuscan but the more I look at your site the more ideas and touches I find I can incorporate.

  83. Great party! I wanted to participate, but I've only been blogging since I think.... mid May and don't have that many lovely pictures. Hope you have this again next year, I would love to participate.

  84. Hey, I did this without realizing you were the one who started it..

    I hope you are having a wonderful New Years!


  85. I'm joining the party a little late...thanks for hosting Cindy, and a Happy New Year!!!

    (Note: first Linky entry went wrong with the Christmas Title..., feel free to delete that, thanks.)

  86. Love this idea! Looking forward to participating in years to come :)

    A new fan of yours in Japan

  87. Hi!
    This was so much fun. What a great idea. Thanks for hosting.

  88. Hi Cindy,
    Happy New Year. I love your blog. You have so many wonderful ideas and have been such an encouragement to me to start my own blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you!.......Katherine

  89. Cindy - Thank you for the inspiration and the trip down memory lane. I am new to your blog and am looking forward to getting to know you! ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  90. I just found your party, so I'm very late, but I had a year end post I wanted to share. Thanks for hosting the party!

  91. My goodness! I just found your site over the holidays & think I've died & gone to Heaven!!! Thanks for sharing your talents. I have soooo much to learn! LOL!!

  92. Hey there I just added my list , I love a good year in review.

  93. Hi Cindy, my first visit to your blog and I just fall in love with it. Is beautiful and amazing. Happy new Year from Malaysia


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy