Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Beautiful Gifts and Giveaways from Bloggers

I cannot believe how often the postman is dropping packages off at my door!  See the White Christmas banner above?  That was a gift from Tales from an O.C. Cottage!  It's so beautiful, it's small tags tied on to white tulle.  I took down my Christmas decorations yesterday so this is now packed away until next year!  
I also won a chintz giveaway awhile back from Tales from an OC Cottage!  Look at all the beautiful things I won!  I added this chintz to my chintz (below) and I think it doubled my collection!   I love chintz!!!
click on photo to enlarge
I also received a package from Doris from Pennsylvania (she doesn't have a blog.)  She sent me this beautiful Christmas ornament with cupcakes on a tiered stand.  It reminds me of my favorite tiered dish.  So adorable!!!
She also sent me this refrigerator magnet made from a vintage earring.  What a great idea!  
Next I won a giveaway on Gollum's blog.... a Charles Faudree Interiors book! What a gorgeous book!  
I also won a giveaway on Fairiebees.  She made this tatted lace snowflake!  Everyone who entered her giveaway won one!
That is just some of the things the mailman has brought.  I still need to take photos of some of the others!  Thank you all so much for these wonderful gifts!!!!

And thanks so much to all of you that participated in my "Year in Review" party!  What a huge success!  I found so many beautiful blogs by clicking on all those links!  


  1. Cindy, first of all, thanks again for hosting "A Year in Review" and congratulations on such a huge success! I love your photos today. How nice that you're receiving so many gifts. I especially love the little snowflake ornament. I used to tat and think it is so lovely. What a treasure!

    Happy New Year to you!

  2. Cindy I just love the of my favorite..I collect summertime..You girl hit the Motherlode again..and that book from Gollum was suppose to be mine I tell you..may you have a safe and blessed year to come...hugs and smiles Gloria

  3. You must of a 4 leaf clover in you pocket at all times.

    Happy New Year !!

  4. Cindy,
    or should your name be Lucky??
    Love the banner that you recieved!
    Maybe all the luck lately is a good indication of a great year ahead for you<
    Thank you, for hosting A year in review~
    I am still visiting links~

  5. wow. you really win them! congrats, all beautiful things!

  6. Hi Cindy, What great gifts. They are beautiful. Thanks for leaving a message on my blog. I finally had some time to sit down and view/read your photos and post. Love your blog and your home is lovely.

    Happy New Year


  7. You are LUCKY!!!!

    Love the white christmas and the earing magnet. Enjoy your goodies

    Happy New Year


  8. Hey Lucky Lady!
    The gifts are beautiful! I love chintz too & you have a beautiful collection.
    Have Happy New Year!

  9. I so enjoyed checking out the Year in Review blogs - thanks for hosting that event! That chintz plate with the birds in the center has stolen my heart! Have you ever seen any other pieces like that before? I'm now on the lookout. Happy New Year to you. Sally

  10. Beautiful---what a blessing to receive so many beautiful gifts, but most of all to have that many blogging friends (they are truly the gift)



  11. What sweet gifts you have won. I love the ornament with the cupcakes on it!!!
    With being out of town for 2 weeks and then being sick, I've missed some of your blogs. I need to go back and catch up.
    I want to wish you the happiest New Years ever.

  12. Wow Cindy! You have been so lucky winning all of those wonderful gifts. Best wishes to you and your family in 2009....

  13. Cindy, Thanks again for hosting the 'Year in Review' party. I had so much fun visiting everyone's blogs.
    I've been following your blog for a long time and look forward to each of your posts. You never cease to amaze and inspire me!
    Wishing you all the best in the New Year!

  14. Hi Miss Cindy! I enjoyed seeing all the goodie you won!! I was drooling over the packed chintz cupboard ;) I wanted to stop by and say "Thank You" for all your wonderful visits this past year to my blog. Your friendly visits are very much appreciated and I count you as a dear blog friend! Happy holidays and best wishes for a blessed New Year! ~ xo Joy

  15. You are one lucky lady with so many gifts at the front door. Wishing you and yours a wonderful and healthy new year 2009

  16. oh what great gifts!. You are a lucky girl. Happy New Year. Kathy

  17. Lucky you... I don't think I have ever won anything....

  18. Happy new year Cindy. I look forward to another year of your beautiful posts.

  19. Cindy, Wow you made out like a bandit, fun to keep getting Christmas goodies huh?!
    Enjoy, I love your blog, you are so creative and your place is gorgeous.
    Happy New year!

  20. Hi Cindy,
    How great that you got so many wonderful gifts and such thoughtful blogging friends. I have enjoyed looking at all the great blogs that were in the year in review.
    Best wishes for the New Year! Keep up your inspiring posts!

  21. Happy New Year dear Cindy.What a haul you have made.Isn't it fun?I only won one thing,but it made my heart sing for ever-------------.
    I can only imagine how you feel.Enjoy dear Cindy...Ann

  22. I did not do the click here for year end party, I was trying to add me to your blog list.WOW Hope you can remove me. I am new to blogland and enjoy your blog, wish to invite you to visit me. I planned to ask you to add me, but the space said it was automatic. Oh MY!!
    "A Very Merry Christmas."
    Thank You, Brook

  23. You are one lucky lady.

    I'll have to track down YOUR postman...

    These things certainly added panache to your already charming abode.

    stop on over for a glass
    Happy New Year

  24. Thank you for showing all of us beauty through your eyes. You are an inspiration to all.

    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  25. Cindy, You lucky woman winning such great give-aways! I love all that chintz and Charles Faudree is one of my alltime favorite decorators. Clever use for the old earring and I love the tiered tray with the cupcakes. And the giveaway of the tattered snowflake was really touching!
    You certainly have inspired so many bloggers with your gorgeous decorating and kind heart. I wish you the Happiest of New Years! Mary

  26. What lovely friends you have...who sent you beautiful gifts from their hearts!

    We are making toasts on our blog. Come, join us!

    Happy New Year!

    Malisa and Karen

  27. Cindy, love your blog aren't you the lucky person to receive from Doris the gorguese cupcake decoration, anyway you could put me in touch with Doris to find out where she bought it from, I have a few mad keen cupcake devotees who would die for one. Many thanks. Lesley. email address

  28. happy new year Cindy. Thank you for always being smart, creative, kind, beautiful, and inspirational. I'm looking forward to seeing what the new year has in store.

  29. All of these people have your address? Don't you think that is a little dangerous?


  30. Melanie, thanks for your concern. I only give my home address to woman who have blogs that I feel like I know through email and their blogs. If they don't have a blog I have them send it to my work address.

  31. Glad you are enjoying the chintz...and even "gladder" that it has a good home! :) And, of course I love the new look! Too pretty!

    M ^..^

  32. These are truly wonderful gifts and giveaway prizes. "Lucky" must be your middle name! If your lucky streak continues like this, I won't be at all surprised to come here one day and read you are the winner of the HGTV Dream Home! Wouldn't that be fabulous?!

  33. Hi Cindy! What lovelies you've been receiving. The White Christmas tag word is just divine & can be used so many different places. And the chintz is wonderful. But that little tiered ornie has to be the best ~ just made for YOU!!

    The Year in Review party was such fun!! I'm STILL looking at gorgeous pics!!

    Happy 2009!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  34. If I were you, I'd be buying a lottery ticket every week!

  35. Hi Cindy,
    Your hutch in your dining rm looks beautiful and I love that cottage sign! I will never tire of your dining rm pic's. No wonder it FEELS like it's going to be a good year, wow you won a lot of pretty things, now just win the lotto and you will be all set (; Happy New Year!!

  36. Love all the presents you received! I'm always amazed at how lovely this blog world is!

    Happy New Year!


  37. You have your tatted snowflake up!!! I posted mine last night, too! You have a much better picture of yours than I do of mine, LOL! I have really enjoyed visiting your blog and the comments from you on my blog in 2008 even if it was toward the end of 2008! Here's to many more to come in 2009!
    Happy New Year!!!

  38. Lucky lady♥ Those are wonderful gifts, and the best part of it all is that you display them and share with us :)

  39. I love the the new look and especially the cottage sign you have at the top of the hutch. It looks really great. Really glad you had a great Christmas.

    I really enjoyed the "Year in Review Party" and loved clicking on the different links. Found lots of great people. Will continue to follow your blog. Wishes for a great year.



Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy