Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A New Year, A New Softer Look!

You must be really tired of looking at pictures of my dining room but I changed out everything on the hutch after I took down all my Christmas decorations so I had to share it with you!

The blue and white transferware will be back but for now I wanted a softer, more shabby chic look for this dreary time of year. Have I mentioned that I thrive on change? Haha!   I used things I already had new purchases were made!  Ahhh...the benefits of being a hoarder!

I took the crocheted vintage lace (a gift from my mom) from the shelf in my bedroom and added it to the hutch. I also took the "Cottage" sign from my bedroom.  I love this sign!  It was such a splurge, I think I paid $55 for it!  I love it so much so it was worth every penny!  Sometimes you just have to buy something you love even if it's not a great deal!  It has a cute little pink bicycle with flowers in the baskets.  I bought it from Denise at Couture de Papier a couple years ago.  She painted it on a board that washed up on the shore of Cape Cod...which makes it even more special to me!  

I'm loving the new look! I wonder how long before I change it again? 

Happy New Year Everyone!  This is going to be a great year! I can just feel it!!!!  My parents got a computer for Christmas and soon they will have the internet! I'm so happy that my mom will be able to finally see my blog regularly and visit all the wonderful blogs out there!  I told her it would be life-changing for her!  She's going to love it!

Update:  I just put this on HGTV's Rate my Space.  Please click here if you would like to rate it!


  1. It's BEAUTIFUL and the sign is great too! I need a cabinet like that in my kitchen.
    Happy New Year!

  2. It is truely beautiful, I really wish that I had the majority of your collection. I love just about every piece you have! You are such an inspiration. I am in the process of creating my own blog, and I am learning so much from you. So thanks for the creative ideas.

  3. Oh Cindy, how I would LOVE to have something like that in my house. How I wish my family liked the Shabby Chic look. Maybe one day I'll be able to give the kitchen just such a look. Maybe.

    Good for your parents getting a computer! My parents refuse to buy one. It's too bad because they are missing out on so much, including my blog.

    I do agree, sometimes you might spend a little more than you want, but you get something in return that you wouldn't trade for anything! I too love the sign.

    Happy New Year!


  4. Very Pretty!!
    Happy New Year Cindy!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  5. Hi Cindy. Your dining room looks beautiful! Winter white, and I love the lace on the shelves of the hutch.

    Happy New Year to you, too, and thank you for all your ongoing inspiration. I agree -- 2009 is going to be a great year!


  6. As much as I love the blue and white, this new softer look is a nice change too. That's what the new year is all about - change. You are so talented and such an inspiration. Happy New Year!

  7. Great new look! I have been playing with my "toys" today also, thinking how to decorate after I take down the Christmas decorations. I love the little blue robin eggs and the nest in the jar, ties in well with the sign. I don't think anyone here will ever get tired of looking at your dining room!

  8. I think I see a few ofyour new goodies on your shelf...

    Looks beautiful

    Happy New Year...see you in 2009!

  9. I always enjoy your changes. I love how things get moved around and renewed in their new location. Have a great day tomorrow and the rest of the year.

  10. Everything looks so pretty Cindy.Your mother is going to love looking at the blogs.Tell her she will get addicted !

  11. OH MOMMA! i love it too...the sign, the shabby-chicness and the softness. i believe 2009 will be great for you have such a delightful attitude...bless you. i think it's all so pretty, i'll never tire of looking at your dining room...besides, i have to have something for my new house files! love and blessings!

  12. Cindy...this does look so soft and pretty as every thing you do..I know your Mom will enjoy seeing you as much as we do..Hugs and smiles Gloria

  13. ~Gorgeous and oh so soft. Just as you described.
    Blessings to you! :)

  14. It is so beautiful looks like it is from a magazine. Happy New Years to you and your family.
    Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  15. Hi Cindy
    I always enjoy visiting and seeing what changes you are making in your beautiful home. I hope that 2009 gives you the desires of your heart.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  16. I love all the changes.. the romantic lace.. the beautiful sign screams dreamy instead of dreary.. I too love change and shop the house as you do.. Your mother will love the computer and visiting the blogs. You're right it will be life changing for her.
    Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year..hugs ~lynne~

  17. It looks wonderful, Cindy! I wish you and your family a blessed New Year!!

  18. blogging is life changing! your change is lovely and inspiring. my hutch is sooooo different to yours but it is the same (if you know what i mean) i love my hutch it is 'HOME' to my family. happy new year
    %*_*% rosey

  19. It is all beautiful. Love the sign and the bird eggs.
    Happy New Year and Happy decorating.
    Jean in Virginia

  20. Hi Mrs. Cindy, I love the birds in the cache pot! It's soo sweet!
    Happy New Year! You have a SPECIAL Gift, thanks for sharing!!!!!!

  21. Oh Cindy, I sure hope the new year brings in some new blog ideas. I'm seriously getting tired of the same old look even if it's new.

    Happy New Year.

  22. Anencia....I don't understand why you would come back here if you are tired of my blog. It's not like I'm forcing you to look at it!

  23. Cindy, Love the new look of your hutch. And I never tire of your fabulous decorating. I love your style and ability to use things you have. I am the same way. I love change. Many Blessings in the New Year. hugs, Ellen

  24. Personally, I NEVER get tired of looking at beautiful things. Many of my favorite decorating books and magazines have been looked at dozens and dozens of times and I always seem to see something new and inspiring. To me, your blog is like one of my much loved and well read decorating books or magazines...except without the dog-earred pages!

  25. I think *softer* is the new shabby-there is something so peaceful about it, isnt' there?
    Happy New Year!

  26. I love the hutch and your new decorations! The cottage sign is a treasure!! Happy 2009!!

  27. Gorgeous changes. Love the sign; it really stands out above the hutch. How nice for your mom to keep track of your blog now!

  28. Just went to Rate My Space to say just what I'm going to say here: gorgeous! Such a beautiful arrangement. I love the soft colors -- just what I'm going for in my house this year. Swoon!
    ~Angela :-)

  29. Really beautiful Cindy, you have a great eye for putting things together. You have made me appreciate shades of blue!
    Happy New Year!

  30. How pretty! I have a built in hutch in my library/study area which is on my 2009 project list to paint white- hoping it will look 1/2 as pretty as yours!

    Happy New year!


  31. Stunning Cindy! You never disappoint! Best for 2009. I love the very creamy look as well.


  32. VERY pretty Cindy! Love the softer look and I'm with you on this dreary mess. I also love changing stuff around. I'd go insane if it had to stay the same way all the time.

  33. OMGosh! I love the new look! It's so soft and dreamy!
    I'm getting ready to paint a similar cabinet in my house...thanks for the inspiration!
    Happy New Year!

  34. Happy New Year Cindy! I love the softer look! Your house is always lovely and creatively decorated. Wishing you a happy blessing new year! =D

  35. I never get tired of looking at pictures of your dining room!!!

  36. Oh Cindy, how nice and what an inspiration for us!! It makes me wanna throw all my christmasthings in boxes...I love your is so nice, friendly and lovely!! Kind regards from sylvia extra from Villa Extra (The Netherlands)

  37. I've been a lurker for a while now, but I felt I just wanted to say that your blog is a total inspiration to me. Looking at the pictures of your home (and learning how you collect things) has kept me going through a challenging year.

    Happy New Year Cindy - and I for one am looking forward to more of the same.

  38. Happy New Year Cindy! I am balling my eye's out! the sign is perfect with your Romantic Decor..I wish I had such good taste and an eye for decorating! I am sorry the sign was so expensive for you(I have seen other artisans charge more online..yikes!)...still crying...wish I was there to give you a really inspired and awakened my muse then! I just dragged home a couple boards on the shore ..should be more washed up when the blizzard is over..God knows what will be out there!
    I just moved into a 1950's old Coast Guard Cottage..with dark paneling! I cannot paint because I am a renter!..the bathroom is vintage black and pink tile that I love! 6 degrees!..I think I will blow dust off my paintbrush today!!xxoo Denise Hull,Massachusetts

  39. I love what you have done. It is beautiful. And that sign - well I know what you mean about just having to buy something. It is very special. How about a bigger picture of it. Happy New Year. Margaret

  40. Cindy, You have such an eye for design...Your other display was perfect and how you can change it out so quickly and have it look so wonderful is amazing! I love the softer look and how you did it w/o buying anything new is even more inspiring. I love the sign and when something speaks to you like that did you have to treat yourself!
    Welcome Cindy's MOM!!!

  41. I love to come to your house and "hover and snoop". The sign may have cost $55 but the important thing is it brings a smile to your face. After seeing your hutch I think I will paint mine too. I have some of my grandmothers lace so it will go in there. HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM IOWA.......JAN

  42. By the way, I want to also Thank You for linking us to all of the other blogs here. I have a new appreciation for vintage collectables because of what I've seen in the blog library through your site!

  43. How could ANYONE tire of looking at THAT dining room! Not me!
    LOVE IT ALL! I will come by often to view it over and over! I will also pass on the link to here so my friends can see it too!
    Happy New Year!

  44. Happy new year to you Cindy! And - I don't think we've ever get tired of your things. You are so good in arrangeing the pots and other things. And I must say I just loved the Christmas present you'd got in your former post (the one with the tags!).
    Love Elzie

  45. Hi Cindy,
    Love the new look too.Everything you do is so creative.I don't know how you keep coming up with all your inspiring posts but so glad you do!
    Best Wishes for 2009!

  46. Happy New Year Cindy,
    I look forward to seeing all the pretty changes you make in the year ahead. I have enjoyed every month of viewing your blog.
    so with your blog in has been a very pretty year!


  47. I shall never tire of the hutch makeovers! :)
    May you have a wonderful new year full of possibilites!

  48. This is absolutely beautiful. I love the look. Nothing better than the shabby chic. I totally understand about the cottage sign...sometimes you just "gotta have it"!

  49. You would be surprised at how much I AM NOT tired of seeing your hutch..... this look is just the prettiest....
    Happy New Year..

  50. A blessed and happy new year to you Cindy! Your new, softer look is lovely, as are all your looks!
    God Bless.

  51. Cindy, you never cease to amaze me with your talent in putting the right thing in the exact spot it was meant!

    Happy New Year. I look forward to lots of your decorating ideas in 2009!

  52. OH Cindy, When I got to your site and started strolling down, that sign caught my eye. I LOVE it! Then as I was getting further down I starting drooling over all your stuff. STOP THE MADNESS I can't take it anymore. The way you have everything right now is the best of the best. I wouldn't change it for awhile. This is so heavenly! As time goes by your getting better by the minute. Of coarse you are going to my file of photos.

  53. I love the soft, aqua blues with the whites. My favorite color combo! You always do such a beautiful job. Happy new year!

  54. Cindy, I thought that on this first day of the year, I would share with you that it was you and your blog that gave me the confidence to enter the world of "the blog" myself. Thanks so much for sharing all you do of your life, talent and skill. Have a great New Year!

  55. I just have to say..... I thought about it and it just makes me MAD..... that Anecia comment is just RUDE and uncalled for...... Isn't it interesting that when someone leaves a rude remark they NEVER leave their blog address...... cause let me tell you.... they would feel the wrath of blogland coming down on them....
    How dare they say rude things to you....

  56. I really mess up typing so fast, and then it happens I press the wrong key and boom my comment is already out, I do that alot. Sorry but I met scrolling down I need to come down a litle bit. I guess I get so excited looking at beautiful things. I could blame it on Cindy but I won't..

  57. Hi Cindy! Thank you for your precious comments- I felt soo honoured!
    Happy New Year with this great new look!

  58. Cindy I never get tired of seeing any of your pics, they are gorgeous, always!! I also thrive on change, my poor dh, I think it wears him out. LOL! Thank you for your amazing blog. From one of your loyal readers, Cindy S. (PS I post as "anonymous" only because I can't seem to post otherwise, maybe it's because I don't have a blog.)

  59. Very pretty! I need to try for a different look around my home.

  60. Cindy, I LOVE the look!! Your home
    is absolutely beautiful!! I agree
    with you, Cindy, the Cottage sign
    is wonderful. I went to the site
    you showed but she didn't have
    anything like your sign available.
    Everything is so soft and dreamy, Cindy. It's a wonderful look! It
    makes me want to redecorate my dining room! HAPPY NEW YEAR, Cindy! Hope you have a happy and
    healthy one! Becky

  61. Hi Cindy, I just wrote and don't
    understand why my comments always
    skip lines, etc. Anyway, after
    reading Anecia's comment....I agree
    with you, WHY does she continue to
    visit your blog AND leave negative
    comments.....hmmmm, makes me think
    she isn't a very happy person and
    appears to be mean-spirited. Yep,
    I think all your fellow bloggers
    that LOVE your site should be able
    to comment to her personally. Oh
    well, just forget her, Cindy, and
    remember that there are alot of us
    that absolutely LOVE your site and
    home. I love your ideas and
    creativity, Cindy! Becky

  62. Personally I love looking at gorgeous rooms full of beautiful treasures. I think you need to keep up the good work.

    You give me inspiration for my little home. Wish mine looked as good as yours, and if the garage sales & flea markets hold out one day it might.

    I love everything!

  63. how could we be tired of looking at your panache filled home????

    stop on over for some inspired words and my new "dress"

  64. It's really lovely, Cindy!

    One of my goals for this year is to incorporate more white into my decor. I have LOADS of tan, taupe, chocolate brown, and as much as I like the neutrals, I really need some white to brighten and freshen it up.

  65. You're right about your Mom. It will open up a whole new world for her.
    I love your new softer look. I don't see how you could make it more beautiful, but you did. I love it.
    Have a wonderful new year.

  66. I love that cottage sign too and from authentic Cape Cod wood, wow!

    Change is good especially in the new year.

    Happy 2009!

  67. I love your new look. It has a certain "glow" about it, if that makes sense.


  68. Happy New Year, Cindy!!
    I just LOVE your new, softer look in your hutch! Just beautiful! Who would've thought a different shade of blue would make such a difference? I still want your turkey plates, though:)
    That's the perfect spot for the pretty sign ~ sometimes you've gotta splurge. How many times do we talk ourselves out of something because of the price and then regret it forever!?

    Best Wishes,

  69. I hope your Christmas was all you wanted it to be. I wish you and your family a wonderful new year full of joy, peace, health, happiness, success and prosperity and all God's love.
    Virginia :)

  70. Hi Cindy I can relate..should had my big 2 cups of coffee first this AM...I joined HGTV!!

  71. Simply beautiful display, how could we ever grow tired of your well presented version of chic.

    Thanks for filling your blog all year long with all kinds of wonderful inspiration.

  72. Cindy, your arrangement is just fabulous....have a great new year, and remember, there is always one little sourpuss la la...just dump her comment in the trash!!
    I never tire of looking at your wonderful works of art...and welcome to your Mom!!
    I'm hoping to use your inspiration in my blog..can't wait to see your next post.
    many hugs! Kathy

  73. Cindy-You are always such a decorating inspiration! Have a fabulous New Year.

    Love the new look!


  74. Cindy, the new china cabinet changes are lovely. You need to come to my house and foo-foo it up a bit. :-)

    Happy New Year!

  75. I love the new all looks good and it's so nice when a person enjoys their home and arranging it like you do! Happy New Year and thanks again for the Monday "event!" Great idea.

  76. Happy New Year Cindy! I could never get tired of looking at your pretty hutch. I just love the romance you create with every arrangement! That sign is absolutely perfect and a board from the cape? That is SOOOO you!!!

    Cheers to a new year full of answers,results and solutions.


  77. It looks lovely. I love to change things around as well. Have you seen the movie "Because I Said So"? The main character is always moving her furniture around. My daughters say that character is me! I just tell them the energy pattern in the room was stuck and I needed to change the flow!

  78. Hi Cindy, I am loving these pics of your home. Hope you've had a great New Years day and have many many more great ones to come.

  79. Your blog is just beautiful. You always wow me! I love the new changes in your armoir and I am certainly not tired of it at all. Your blog is like a great magazine. I love how you change it up without spending any money! You are so, so creative. Please continue to bring us more of your lovely romantic home style.

  80. I love the new look. I think the sign looks just perfect there and the crocheted vintage lace is a pretty addition. Everything looks so feminine and beautiful. It is such a treat to read your blog.

    I love lace and the pretty dishes. I am a new reader and have been treating myself to the archives over the last few days. I collect teapots and teacups and saucers-love your Christmas tree and love the teacup wreath that was posted a while back.

    You have also inspired me to paint some end tables that I got for a song. I'll have to wait until it warms up a bit though-it's pretty chilly here in the midwest.

    Happy New Year to you too.

  81. Hello Cindy; this is my first time here.I read and article about you in Romantic Country. Loved the story about you and the photos, so I thought I would pop in for a visit. I just love your hutch and how you set it up. Love the Cottage sign too. I am looking forward to reading more and seeing lots of your photos. Hope you had a great New Year.

    Alaura aka cottagerose

  82. Happy new year !! Keep up with your lovely blog :-)

  83. Beautiful new look for the winter! I'm actually loving our dreary weather and we do need the rain so desperately. This dumb broken shoulder of mine has had me five steps behind on everything. So sad I missed your year in review event and really sad I missed the after sale at Vintage & Vogue! I gave my friend a shopping spree there for Christmas so we're looking forward to what the new items will be!! Happy 2009!

  84. Beautiful and romantic! I love the look. Wishing you an exceedingly blessed New Year.

  85. Everything looks so soothing and stunning! Again, thanks for hosting the year in review. I found some wonderful places to visit and can't wait to visit again. Happy New Year!

  86. I love your home and love when you like to make changes!

  87. It's beautiful but there's not enough pink. ;D

    Just kidding!

    Happy New Year!!!! I wish you all the best in the coming year. When I went to Vintage and Vogue, I mentioned you and the lady was drooling all over herself. You ARE famous. :D


  88. It looks so beautiful! Yes, after taking down Christmas decor, it's nice to change things up a bit. White is so lovely when it comes to decor. Just dreamy. Thanks for sharing! As always you have a knack for creating beautiful displays!

  89. Very pretty! Happy New Year!

  90. Thanks for your sweet comment about my New Orleans Painting. I love Disneyland New Orleans and it's probably as close as I'm going to get to the real New Orleans LOL!

    I scrolled through your blog to find the three tiered dish that you Mom bought in the 60's
    If it's the one with all of the Christmas balls, pearls, bling and the starfish's exquisite!!

    No wonder you have the taste you do if that's what your Mamma was buying from Disneyland in the 60's !
    You both have exquisite taste !



  91. Cindy

    I am having some friends over on Monday to help me spring clean and redecorate. You have really got me in the mood. I love all the crisp clean looks all around the room.

    Just gorgeous.

    xo Cathy

  92. Cindy: LOVE it!! As always!!! I have been enjoying browsing all the lovely blogs you connected us with on the year in review. Thank you! Happy New Year to you, Cindy, and thank you for all that you do!!! With love, Esther

  93. It's a beautiful look, Cindy!

    Happy New Year...may it be filled with love and joy...Kathy

  94. Cindy,

    I hope that you won't mind if I copy some of your ideas. They are all so great.

    A question...Aren't you in California? If so, realizing that is earthquake territory, aren't you afraid to have your breakables out? I live in Utah, which is also earthquake territory and I worry about it all that time (I use to live in LA, with some earthquake experience). Do you use putty to try and anchor things?

    Just a practical question.

    God Bless,

  95. I want to thank you for hosting Year in Review. I am halfway and I have found so many gorgeous blogs. I need some more days to see them all. But for so long I enjoyed it very much.
    Thank you and I wish you all the best for 2009.
    greetings Marja

  96. Ηappy new year!
    I wish you health,love and happines in 2009!
    Peace all over the world!
    I like the style of your home!It's very warm!
    Kisses from Greece!

  97. You're simply the best....and that is why I want to give you an can collect it from my blog if you want....I justlove your blog, it brings so much joy and warmth!! All the best...I know you have allready won quite a few awards..but you deserve it!!Congratualations!! Sylvia Extra from Villa Extra in The Netherlands

  98. Hi Cindy,
    I for one could never tire of looking at your home and how you are always changing it round,i love the pink bicycle on the sign just gorgeous!
    I really wish my mother would get a computer because she could make so many new friends all over the world especially blogging,Happy New Year Cindy i wish you love and happiness...oh yes and lots more changing around and sharing the piccies with us love Kristina x

  99. Cindy,
    I love your new softer look. I like to change up a bit too. It makes everything feel and look 'new' again.
    Lee Laurie

  100. Love the lace and touches of blue sprinkled in! Looks so pretty and cheerful!! :) Wishing you a wonderfully Happy and Blessed New Year!

  101. Love the new look! It is very pretty. Don't worry about paying too much for the sign. Sometimes the higher priced item is the only thing that will scratch the itch!

    Ya know what I mean?


  102. "Mille Voeux de Bonheur & de Réussite" pour tout ce que tu désires en 2009 . Amitiés du Sud de la France . Babette

  103. Cindy, I have to say, I LOVE the new look, its so fresh!
    Happy New Year!
    Mary Ann

  104. Oh Cindy, how beautiful!!! I always love focusing on white after the holidays. So cleansing.

    Wishing you and your family joy in the new year! I'm sure this one will be great for you, too. I'm waiting to see your romantic home in a major book or magazine...

  105. Very nice, as usual !! Happy New Year to you, your families...and all your blog visitors !

  106. Very nice, as usual !! Happy New Year to you, your families...and all your blog visitors !

  107. That is so beautiful! The new year brings a fresh start and plenty of opportunities for create something beautiful! Happy New Year!

  108. I love your style. That first photo of your hutch is so wonderful. I look forward to looking at your pictures/blog every day.

  109. Happy New year to you Cindy!!

    I love your new look - I love the splash of colour contrast the sign makes. As they say "A change is as good as a holiday"

    Wonderful your parents will be on the internet soon, maybe your Mum will start her own blog oneday

    I'm off to visit your new photos on HGTV's Rate my space

  110. Cindy, I haven't gone through all your pages and photos, but have you ever done a bathroom? I have three of them and I sure could use some good ideas, ones where you don't rip out all the walls and start from scratch!

  111. Mimi, no I haven't done anything to my bathrooms. I had planned to wallpaper my small powder room while I was off 2 weeks for Christmas but I haven't even started it yet!

  112. beautiful!!!! love yor blogg. happy new year from Norway

  113. I've been saying the same's going to be wonderful year...I can just FEEL it! Now, about your habit of moving things's YOUR home...feel free to move things as much as you like and this move looks just great! I always enjoy seeing what you are doing...thanks for sharing. Pat

  114. What a beautiful hutch you have. Love the sign and the lace is such a perfect touch. Love the blue and white together too.

  115. Cindy- I love these tassels! I am going to have to try them!

    I have an award that I would like to pass on to you if you don't mind. It is a little different from other awards and I think it speaks of you perfectly. Would you hop over to my blog when you have a minute to pick it up.


  116. CINDY!!!! It looks beautiful! I love how soft it is! Great job!!

    Happy New Year :)

  117. It's beautiful! I never get tired of looking at your beautiful dining room!

  118. Oh my goodness, how beautiful. You certainly have a wonderful flair for decorating!

    Thanks for stopping by to see me!

  119. Ohhhh Cindy!! I love your place more and more everytime I see it. Its so serene and beautiful. I am just in love with it! Cant wait to see some new projects in 2009! I will be posting some of mine as well!!

  120. me encanta tu decoracion quiero que mis añumnas la conozcan poniendo 2 o 3 fotos tuyas en mi pagina y asi crear el enlace.
    te felicito me encanta tu pagina¡

  121. hi every person,

    I identified after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.

    I am from Spain so please forgave my speaking english[url=].[/url][url=].[/url][url=].[/url]

  122. I will certainly take ideas from you and make it personal in my own rustic cabin themed house! Thanks you are so creative. Melody from Nashville.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy