Recently I was interviewed about my blog for a website/blog called Lookiloos! I can't tell you what an honor it is to be featured on a website that showcases homes of the Silicon Valley area! I need to thank all of you because without your visits to my blog and all your wonderful comments this blog probably wouldn't be worthy of a story! You can read the article by clicking here.
Also thanks to Julia and Desiree who came out to interview me and photograph my apartment! It was such a pleasure to meet both of you!

How nice for you. It's one thing that disappoints me though. You didn't mention you have visitors from Sweden LOL.
Have a nice evening.
Love Elzie
Congradulations!! That is such an honor!! Your Blog is Breath Taking!!
Absolutely adorable....what a fun day and an honor for you! You're the *Best*. I am so glad publications are finding Real people, like you, and giving the kudos they deserve.
You are an inspiration to so many.
This is fantastic! What a great honor and you certainly deserve it! They wrote a wonderful article about you, and featured some great pictures of your home!
Oh my gosh! I can't wait to go read the article!
How exciting!
you desereved to be there!
Hugz, Dolly
Congratulations, Cindy. That's just wonderful! I'm also happy for all the people who will read that article and find as much inspiration in your lovely home as we all do!
Cindy, we're so proud of you! This is so deserved.
I loved looking at the pictures - and there you were in one of them.
I'm so glad that you sent the link. Enjoy every minute of this!
Wow! What an honor. I am so very happy for you. You should be on top of the world with such a nice article and photographs.
Cindy, that was a great article about you and your blog. When you did your first blog, I bet you never could imagine it would turn into one so popular. You are an inspiration to all of us.
Wow, Cindy! That's awesome! I just read the article and it's wonderful. Good job and CONGRATULATIONS!
Patricia :o)
What an incredible honor!! hugs
I went on over there and sent ya a holler, Cindy!
What a great article. I agree with what someone else said, I am glad to see more articles on "real people". Congratulations.
Congrats!!! I love your blog!
Congratulations Cindy - you go girl. Your blog is the best, your decorating is inspiring and you make it all seem so easy :)
Hi Cindy,
Congratulations on the interview about your blog. What an honour and you so deserve it! Thanks for inviting all of us into your darling home day after day, week after week; inspiring us with all your great finds & ideas. You truly are an inspiration!
WOW! What an honor!! I truly don't thing blogging would be as much fun if I didn't have your blog to look at. Thank-you for all the great ideas you share with us.
Congratulations,Cindy. You certainly do deserve the honors that you receive. Your blog IS wonderful--as is your home. Thank you for sharing your life with us. You're first on my blog list and I look forward everyday to reading it.
Yay for you! The article was wonderful!
I'm so happy for you - you are so deserving! YOU inspire ME. Thank you for everything and all that you share!!!
So proud of and happy for you!
Congratulations! The pictures and interview were fantastic! I also watched HGTV for your repeated episode and realized that I have seen it before I had started blogging so at the time I didn't know who you were. I just enjoy your blog so much. It is so wonderful of you to share your lovely cottage home with us. And I like that you usually post something for bloglanders to read everyday. I look forward to your daily treat! Hopefully I can get my first blog up and running when I finally get home from our trip to WDW.
Teacup Lady (Sandy)
Cindy, How wonderful for you. The article was great, and you deserve it for making your home such a inspiring place to visit.
Jean in Virginia
We do love your blog!
Congrats! The pictures were fantastic. The picture of you,
came out great!
Love the article and the photos of you & your home turned out amazing!
Congratulations - you deserve it.
Thanks also for the heads up - kinda cool that they picked one of my comments to feature.
But, you are awesome and the Queen of Blog-Land; an inspiration to us all!!!
Congrats..... you are the blogging queen!Yours is a daily must read.... I start with your first......
What a fun website! And so exciting that they featured you and your beautiful home!
What a great article. You've been such an inspiration to so many of us with small spaces and I'm so glad you are getting that recognition. Keep up the good work of "decorating"! I love it!
Marilyn in NM
Wow Cindy ....that is such an honor.
Very exciting to know that your decorating style & great pic of course was chosen from so many on the web. Cool ! Sue
Brazil also :)
Congratulations on more recognition of your excellent taste and talents! You deserve every kudo you get:>)
Congrats!!! :)
Kudos to you lady! You're always so pleasant and you blog so beautiful, you certainly deserve the recognition.
I am so happy for you. Your last post touched my heart so. I hope one day for your cottage to find you. Hey there is one by me,well in the country its over the creek and across the field. It is getting a make over but not too much. And the farm house on the other side is gone up for sell. Congrats your home is so lovely! What a lovely thing to happen for you this Thanksgiving.
Cindy, what a great article! She really captured your appeal and your personality. I loved that photo of you in the slideshow. I can see that you have lost some weight- how pretty you look!
Cindy. . .I must say that I am not the least bit surprised that you were asked to be featured in a publication. Your taste and ability to pull it all together is absolutely exquisite! You have quite a talent and I for one (my Mother being the second) think you should pursue it as a career. Congratulations!
So happy for you. You sure are one popular lady and deserve every minute of it! I just know one day you will have your own tv show.
Hey, I'm having a giveaway so you may want to stop by my blog.
Cindy, Thank you for your kind post. This young lady I wrote about is in the East Bay area, about 25 miles from SF and I understand. Thankfully she has found a place and I have left messages with a few agencies in hopes of getting further support if needed.
My sister always calls my blog friends imaginary but I find them to be some of the finest of individuals. This Thanksgiving blog friends will be amongst my list of things for which to be thankful.
Cindy what a beautiful article written about you! I truly loved reading it! You know I have organized some blogger met ups and in your neck of the woods too. I call them Blunch or Blinner (Blogger+ lunch/dinner). It would be so much fun to meet up one of these days and you will be the first on my next party list!
I have always loved your blog and I have blogged for only a little longer than you. Only wish I had found you and that sparkle of yours sooner!
Warmly wishing you a most creative start to your week!
Molly xx
Dear Miss Cindy,
Congratulations! What a nice looki-loo article done on your home and you. Job well done and much deserved. I feel I'm in the presence of a celebrity. :)
Penny Sue
Cindy, what a great article, congrats! I know you are excited about how your blog has grown, I know I have been on mine too. It's so much fun to meet so many women with the same passions that we have!
Good for you, Cindy! What a wonderful article!
YEH CINDY! You go girl! Congrats!
Fantastic Cindy! Well deserved. Your gift for creating beautiful things is an inspiration to everyone that looks at your blog. Marilyn
fabulous! I just read the article, congrats to you.
Congrats to you!! :) Love the turkey plates from last post as well!
Oh that is fantastic!
Congratulations, Cindy!!! How very cool!!
Congrats! What a great article! Your daughter is so pretty!
The pictures were wonderful! I went back and looked at some of your first posts and wow what a difference. You've come a long way.
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