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I have a thing for soup tureens! When I see beautiful tureens at thrift stores I can't pass them up. I found this one Saturday at the Goodwill and fell in love with it. It was marked $9.99 but everything in the store was half off! I walked out of the store with a $4.99 soup tureen that looks like it cost so much more! It was made in Portugal.

I love the little artichoke on top.

Even the handles are gorgeous! I couldn't understand why someone would give this away. Once I got it home I understood
completely why they gave this makes strange noises! I'm not joking! Saturday I kept hearing a cracking noise but I couldn't figure out what it was. It sounds sort of like ice cracking. About every 1/2 hour or so I would hear it. I finally figured out it's the soup tureen!!!! Lauren thinks it's haunted and creepy but I love it even if it does make weird noises. I just hope it doesn't explode one day. I won't be using it for soup that's for sure! It will be for decorative purposes only!

Does any one know why it would be making these strange noises. I have a feeling it wasn't "fired" correctly or something.
I think that the person who made the tureen got stuck in the oven with it as it was being fired and is now trying to get out. It is haunted. LOL Sorry, still in the Halloween mind after my party yesterday. I have no real idea why it would make noise. I've never heard that before. But it is pretty.
Oh, I got to see you on tv this weekend. I'm happy you emailed me with the right date or I would have missed you again. It was fun to see your place and you on video. Everything looked great!
It might have been ajusting to the change in temperature from it's previous home. Hopefully if it is haunted it is a good ghost. I sometimes think my house could be haunted as it makes weird sounds, too.
That tureen is just beautiful. Wish I had some myself. I can't help you with that sound though.
Hope you have a great evening.
Love Elzie
Happy Holloween!!
YIKES ~ that's strange. My thoughts would be that there are areas that were not covered with glaze. This area is porous and absored water. . . (maybe when you washed it when you brought it home) ~ my guess. I wonder if it would dry out if you placed it in a warm oven ~ like 200 degrees for a bit?
It is beautiful. I, personally, don't think it's haunted LOL ~ I think it's just water trying to get out!!
I bought 4 beautiful red ceramic pasta bowls made in Italy from Home Sense (here in Canada) and after I washed them they all made cracking sounds.This last for around 12 hours. Since then - no more noises - and I've used them for pasta and hand washed them many times. Maybe your tureen will settle down as well.
How weird!! But it is beautiful. Maybe it is just Halloween week, and next week it will quiet down. Sally
Did you wash it? Sometimes when I wash an old Ceramic bowl, this happens. It continues for about a day or two, and then it stops. could be Haunted. LOL! But it's haunted by the good tureen ghost.
That is so funny. But that's cause that thing isn't in my house. :)
Okay thats the oddest thrifting story I've ever heard. It would look great with a couple of forced amaryllis bulbs for the holidays!
How interesting-she is a beauty though! I am new to blogland and happend upon your site-we have simular interest and I too have a 21 and 15 year old!
I agree I think it is just settling in and will stop making noise soon. Love your blog!
~Tam :)
Hi Cindy! How funny!lol But gorgeous. I too love soup toureens especially all white or cream ones. I can't believe anyone would let this go; I would have paid the $9.99 in a minute but half off even better! Great Find. Sincerely, Jeannette
Wow...that is weird! It is beautiful though. I'm so into soup right now, I have about 10 soup recipes I want to try.
I'm crazy about soup tureens myself! That's a very pretty one you got - love the details on it! I have no idea why it would be making noise?
Beautiful tureen - not sure why it would be making noises though; that is kinda scary.
Happy Monday!!
I have no idea why it would make such noises, but you had me laughing out loud when I read your post today...a haunted soup tureen! Thanks.
My word, Cindy, maybe it's a ticking bomb. Maybe a terrorist took it to the thrift store, knowing one of us bloggers with husbands for best friends would surely pounce on it and be blown to smithereens and make a statement. Sorry. I just got pumped full of steroids at the ER for poison ivy and I'm bouncing off the walls. You know I love you and don't want anyone blown up.
It is beautiful Cindy. I never find tureens in my thrift stores. I am always on the look out for them. Lucky girl!
I love the soup tureens, I have none. I collect RA country roses china, epa glass ware, blue willow, Anything blue. surely I can find at least,may I will get lucky like you.
That is beautiful Cindy! What a deal, you always find the best deals! I am the same way with chocolate post. I just love them :)
love the toureen! My aunt has a fettish for toureens! I love the artichoke looking finial on top.
Another great find, Cindy. Thanks for sharing. I love seeing all the great things you find, and REALLY wish you'd open an online store.
Maybe it's just excited and all tingly about it's new home!
It looks fabulous on your cabinet...
ooh I love it but how funny! I definitely would have bought that for 4.99 with or without ghost lol!
What a great find :)
What a gorgeous display in your cabinet. I guess you got a little special effects with your latest purchase especially for Halloween.
Have a great evening.
Jean in Virginia
Thats a very pretty tureen. Don't know why it would be making noises. Never heard of that before. Must be the temperature change. I would keep an eye on it if I were you! LOL
Lee Laurie
That is the weirdest soup tureen story I've ever heard . When I first started reading your post all I could think of is what a great deal you got. It also looks very pretty on your hutch . Lets us know how long these strang noises go on and if the tureen takes a trip back to the Goodwill.
:o) Sue
Hey...maybe there's a genie in there...
What a lovely piece of tableware.
A noisy soup tureen - that's hilarious!
Hi Cindy, the tureen is beautiful, but I don't have a clue why it is making crakling noises. But with this spooky story you've been Boo-ed! Come to my site and see what you get!
Happy Halloween,
Shelia ;)
Hi Cindy
Have been off blogging for awhile due to a death in the family...and I was watching HGTV this weekend, RMS, and there you were being used as an inspiration room for another couple's makeover! You go girl , I was so proud of you!
I see why you liked it. It's a really pretty one. Extra bonus that it's haunted!!
Happy Halloween!
Cindy... I think the noise come from de "craquele". I don´t speak well english but this noise is normal...I paint faiança ... don´t worry about this. I love your blog. Good wishes from south Brasil. Val
Don't be silly. This is so beautiful!..But why would anyone give it away? Of course it is haunted!!
And to think, at first, I was jealous that I never find anything so nice at Goodwill.
LOL! Well....I don't know why, but it sure is pretty!
That's weird, isn't it? But it makes for an interesting story. Don't you just love pieces that come with a story? ;-)
I took a pottery class once, after I got my tea pot home, the glaze start crackling, it never
What a beautiful tureen! You always have the best finds! Well, as long as it's not haunted, it can be considered a great find ; )
Cindy How funny!! Even your beautiful dishes have personality!!! They are all very pretty, perhaps that one that is making noise has a complex and just wants attention by making all that noise the way, I caught the rerun of your show the other night and I was still very proud for you!!
I have no idea about the tureen, but I just wanted to let you know how beautiful I think all your treasures (old and new) are. You have such a wonderful way of making your house a is truly a gift.
Thanks for the tip about cleaning the chandeliers - I have been in my home for 2 1/2 years now and have yet to clean mine. A kick in the pants is always good!!
Thanks for all the kind comments you leave me...I think we also share a true appreciation for the gifts that are our children.
Have a great week, Cindy!!
Your haunted soup tureen is just in time for Halloween! I have no idea why it would make those noises, but it sure is beautiful!
Oh Cindy, I thought I was the only one with a "thing" for soup tureens! I have several....standard ones, a big fish, a rabbit, a pumpkin, a turkey, a cabbage, a Christmas one etc. You have yours displayed so beautifully. I have to alternate mine on a 3 teired iron plant stand. But, after seeing yours...I'd love to have more them displayed. We'll see....
Yours looks very similiar to my pumpkin one....I'll have to check to see if it was made in Portugal. As for the noises it "Halloween" is that? Too fun! You won't let a little haunting deter you from something so lovely to add to your collection!
Soups on!!!
Lovely soup taureen! I have no idea why it crackles, but I tend to think it is haunted too. LOL
That is just plain weird!
Happy Halloween
Hi Cindy,
I love your style and decor. So elegant and cosy. Love it!
Could you please tell me what paint brand and colour (and sheen) you use to paint your cream coloured furniture?
Love it Love it! So pretty!
Maybe it will play jingle bells during the Christmas season since it is so holiday appropriate in it's 'haunting' LOL
Pottery Barn always has these "berry" items at the holidays that "pop" when heat hits them. You could hear them all over the store because of the lights. I bought some when I worked there and never had the problem at home, but then I wasn't shining bright spotlights on them either.
I LOVE tureens also. Maybe you should do a "share your favorite tureen" post!! Yours is truly wonderful. Why can't I find one like that at that price:)
That's a gorgeous soup tureen.......let it make noise. BUT I woud worry if jumps by up and down by itself.
Love your home,and your blog.
Erica's haunted all right! But don't worry, I will take it off your hands! I'm not afraid of that silly old Soup Tureen Ghost!
Hi Cindy:
OMG we are going to have to nickname you "Queen of Deals" lol. You do find the best things and always at such a great price.
It looks great with everything on your hutch.
PS I ordered one of those feather dusters that you had on your cleaning blog...from the place you recommended. Maybe it will help my attitude towards cleaning.
What a great tureen! And what a great story for Halloween week!
If you actually put soup into it, I wonder if it will boil and bubble? It must be a tureen with personality! ::Jill
I like the idea of a haunted soup tureen, lol. At least for the season. I am sure there is a logical explanation for it, but I am at a loss to figure it out!
It may be noisy, but it is oh so lovely! I love it, too!
Maybe the noises will stop after Halloween??
Debbie in Florida
Hey! That was going to be the topic for my blog tomorrow! Not squeaky tureens, but my love of them. I hope the noises come from when your home shifts, the lid moves and creeks.
Wow - you find such gems! I love the rose cake plate myself, and of course the tureen! My hubby is a potter and I asked him about the sounds, he says it is when the glaze doesn't "fit" the clay body, which means there is stress between the glaze and the clay and the sound may not go away, but it could happen less often. Hope that helps, altho it does sound kind of vague though, doesn't it? By the way, my hubby does pottery as his second job, and guess what his name is? Clay (ton), isn't that a stitch? Anyway, low humor threshold! Have a great day, gotta go back and catch up on the rest of your blog!
Hugs from Michigan - Diane
I love soup tureens also! I look for every opportunity to use my pumpkin soup tureen in autumn, my white one in winter, and a floral one in spring and summer. Yours looks so pretty, even if it is a bit chatty!
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