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This is the cabinet I painted blue. Do you recognize anything new in here? First off...I finally got a piece of glass cut for the shelf. I tried to take the cheaper route of cutting a piece to fit myself...big mistake, that ended up in the garbage and I ordered this one from a glass company.

I found this pink rose cake plate at the Goodwill. I was trying to read the writing on the back to see where it was made but I didn't have my reading glasses so I asked the young guy at the counter where it was made...he told me "Australia". I thought that was weird because I've never seen anything that says "Made in Australia." When I got home I put my glasses on and saw it said "Austria" not "Australia" Maybe that guy should go back to school and learn how to read! LOL It was a steal at $2.00!

Look at this adorable little chandelier. I think it's meant to be a Christmas ornament but I hung it in the cabinet. I bought it at Vintage and Vogue....remember
that cute store?

I can't tell you how many times I went to Marshalls and picked up this teapot. I finally bought it last week. It was only $9.99!
Don't forget to enter
my giveaway if you haven't already done so!
I can't decide what I like the most. Really like the pink plate but I like the teapot a lot, too.
I have a saucer that is sort of like the teapot, it has little flowers and a bird all in white. I got it at Home Goods which is part of that same group, Marshall's, TJ Maxx and Home Goods. The little chandelier is cute, too. As usual you have great taste and arrangement skills. I'm awed by the response to your give away. Just goes to show you how popular your blog is!!!
Je l'ai écrit sur ma page aujourd'hui, une Merveille, et je n'avais pas encore vu ce nouveau post.
That cake plate is so beautiful! What a steal! You have such lovely things!
Hey Cindy,
I stumbled upon your blog thru someone elses accidentally. Boy, am I glad too. Your blog is beautiful! I thought I was going to vistit their blog thru their profile, but I accidentally went to the blogs they followed instead. LOL! I have been sitting here laughing at myself for a while now. Oh Boy! I should pay attention. I do remember your home being on RMS a couple of years ago when I played there alot. It's beautiful! I will be visiting your wonderful blog often. I love that platter... and made in Austria... $2.00...whew... right up my alley! LOL! Have a great day!
All I can say ....JUST BEAUTIFUL !!
Beautiful! The glass shelves really add to the piece. I'm so glad you bought that teapot. Hm... wonder if my Marshall's has one!
The "Australia" plate is gorgeous, ha!
I think I had bought that same little chandy ornie last year...
I just found your blog through Sheila at Note Songs and I love it! You have some great ideas! I will be checking back in often.
HEY!! Can I go shopping with you!!LOL!!
What a cute little chandelier and I love the little teapot. I don't always use my teapots, they sit in the cabinet and just look pretty.
everything looks absolutely stunning! that little ornament chandelier is too sweet for words! looks fabulous!!
~ Cynthia ~
Oh Cindy! That plate is what caught my eye. I also adore how you hung your mini chandelier.
Hi Cindy,
Oh the white rose tea pot is lovely and what a great find. The hutch looks perfect fulled with all your pretties.
Enjoy your day,
Cindy I loved the way it looks with the glass in it..and that tea pot is just darling girl..your whole place is beautiful.. Hugs and smiles Gloria
I love the design on the plate, very Austrian! What a great idea to hand that little chandelier in the cabinet.
Ilove the pink plate, give that way and I'll come and get it. lol It's so pretty, What a great find. I love the teapot, but I love them all. the chandlier is so pretty. I love to be on your Christmas list!! lol I love visiting your blog your home is so pretty.
Oh, I looked back and saw a wonderful pitcher by the pink plate.
Hi Cindy,
That is a beautiful plate for only 2 dollars!
Wow - I am impressed. Every single time I have gone back to get something at Marshalls that I decided later that I wanted - it was gone! The tea pot is lovely. I have a water pitcher that looks like it matches it. Have a great Wednesday Cindy!
Love that little chandlier/ornament! I must say that TJMaxx/Homegoods really has such inexpensive china that cute - it's hard not to buy something in that store!
Cindy, I ordered and received my feather duster like yours. I love it. It is gentle when dusting dainty objects. I shall look for that lovely teapot at HomeGoods. I have never had any luck at Marshall's. I also have good luck at TJMaxx - all in the family. I love your gift for decorating.
Wish there were nice shops in the ones you have in Ca.
Even Goodwill and Sal.Army are high. Love, Love your blog. Look forward to it daily.
Gerry in North Carolina
Very pretty!
I just did a search on "pretty beds" on Google, I wanted to write about beds on my blog, and guess who's the very first link????? Straight to you. :)
Hi Cindy,
You always have the prettiest "pretties" and the best prices too!
I was reading your blog and got to the "Australian" plate - I live in Australia and I started to wonder - thats not from here! LOL
Its so pretty and what a bargain!!
It's quite funny the number of people who confuse Australia and Austria. Haha The plate is beautiful. :-)
My eye went straight to the teapot!! Love it. And the chandelier, too. You have so many pretties!
The Austria cake plate is gorgeous!! I want that!!!
Hi Cindy thank you for sharing how you clean your linen. Can you share how you go about ironing it all too please? If I wait until they're too dry then nothing gets those wrinkles out and if they're too wet then they stretch in all the wrong places. Do you use starch in your final rinse? My worst thing to iron are linens with embroidered holes in them in the shape of flowers- I can never get the iron tip in between the flowers and end up with little mountains! Thanks in advance! Debbs
OMGosh Cindy ~ I'm sitting here going gaga over your beautiful display!! I thought everything was supposed to cost more in California, but that's obviously not the case:) All of your teapots and the Austrian platter are absolutely stunning! The way you've displayed everything brings out their beauty even more ~ if that's possible:)
Thank-you for giving me my fix of pretties to look at for today!!
Hi Debbs, I iron my linens by spraying them with water or using the steam setting on my iron. I also use lavendar water on some of them but not on the really delicate ones.
Hi! Wish we lived close to each other! Your blog is my daily 'present' that I give myself! I just love all your beautiful things you have decorated your home with! Yes, Goodwill is wonderful. I have found many treasures at the one I always go to. The recent best buy: 14 grape patterned clear glass luncheon plates for 99 cents each. I have seen these for $5.95 each. I recently gave a party (summer time) and used a wavy line of large hurricane glass shades down the center of table filled lemons and fat white candles. Beautiful! Got them for $1.99 the past couple of months-used 8 of them. So cute. Well, I will go and decorate my 13 jars of jalapeno jelly I made yesterday for gifts for some friends next month. Thank you for all your hard blogging work-love it! Sharon
Hi Cindy:
Another great find at the thrift store. Maybe that guy needed some reading glasses Really pretty plate. And the teapot is pretty also. I'll have to check out the thrift stores when I go to Vegas next month...and Marshalls too. We don't have any of those chain stores where I live.
Everything looks nice in your newly painted armoire.
Did you paint your hutch white or did you buy it that way? I have one very similiar and it's from the 60's..but it's maple.
Love your hutch and all the pretty china and gotta love Goodwill ..... I went there today also and my find of the day I spent $5.00 on . :o) Sue
Oh I am SO drooling over that chandelier! And Goodwill has the BEST prices, don't they? That was definitely a lucky-day bargain!
Oh that is a cute chandelier ornament! thanks for sharing;)
That clerk should go to Austria where they sell T-shirts that say "No Kangaroos". Guess a lot of the world is ignorant of geography these days.
The little chandelier is fabulous! And is perfect where you placed it!
The teapot is just gorgeous! How did you ever put it down once you picked it up?
Hello Cindy!
Well how are you my friend! I cannot begin to tell you just how much I love that little teapot, it is beautiful! I always know when I visit I will be simply delighted!
What a pretty little chandelier! It looks great with your other items.
LOVE that cake plate! In fact, I love all your beautiful china -- You are a girl after my own heart. :)
Love that little chandy, and how creative to hang it on the shelf. Looks like it belongs there. laurie
Wonderful finds again Miss Cindy! The plate is lovely, the teapot is precious, but that mini chandy is just great. What a unique piece and I love it in your cabinet too.
Evening, Cindy! I just love pretties and you have plenty of them! I have a piece that goes with your tea pot - got it at Marshalls. Gotta love that place. I love your cabinet!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
You find all the best stuff..... looks beautiful in the hutch...
Hey I am having a giveaway also.... I hope you pop over...
I love the plate and it was a steal at 2$..You find the greatest things at GW'S! The chandy is adorable and you have such an eye for arranging.
Are you going to start selling your finds soon?
Cindy , what a sweet little tea pot and chandi .
That tea pot really jumped out at me on your first photo. I'm glad there was a close up of it....I like it alot. That little chandelier is really sweet... I would never have thought to hang it in the china cupboard... I'm so glad I read your blog, you have the best ideas!
You have it all arranged so beautifully!! Laurie
Being a chinaholic, I am wiping the drool after seeing that plate!!! But that little chandelier is too darn cute!!!!!!!!!!!!
M ^..^
I guess that boy needed glasses too LOL. Lovely things you came over. And yes, I would love to visit that store. It's just looking so great.
Have a nice day.
Love Elzie
Another W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L POST, to delight us all with!
Coming to your blog its like looking through one of the best Home Decorating Magazine!
And the best thing is that its: FREE!
Can`t wait to see your nest done up for Christmas!
Debbie Moss
I love the plate and the chandelier ornament. And the teapot.too! You always find the cutest things for such great prices.
Oh how I want that cake plate..... It is gorgious. I've been donating a lot to Goodwill lately. I should go see if I can find some new treasures, as long as I don't buy back what I got rid off. ha ha ha
Everything is just beautiful! You have such a good eye for decorating!!!
God Bless you!!
I picked up on the chandelier right away...probably because I am obsessed with them, too.
Love it all!
You have an incredible sense of style. I love the romantic look and you inspire me. I will def keep checking in to see what you continue to post!
Ha, ha - too funny about "Australia"! I love your new finds. I wish I had your nack (sp?) for putting things together.
God bless,
How come I can't find plates like that at Goodwill? lol It's beautiful. I also love that mini-chandelier! I used to have an ornament vaguely familiar, and I hung it from the center of my ceiling fan. Somehow my boys knocked it down and smooshed it. Ugh, boys!
I have that same pretty teapot! I bought one to give away when I hosted Bunco a few years ago, and then I was so sad to have parted with it. So I was always on the lookout for one until I found one a year later. It is displayed in my sitting room now, and I love the delicate flowers on it. I got my first one from Stein-Mart, and the second from TJ Maxx. I have noticed pieces from time to time at both stores. So pretty!
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