Remember this cabinet that I just painted white? I'm thinking about painting it a light, soft gray-blue. What do you think...leave it white or paint it gray-blue?
Below are some inspiration pieces, although the color I'm thinking of will be a very soft...sort of like the color on my kitchen walls. I'm still waiting for my furniture appliques to arrive to add to this piece...I'm hoping they come today.

Some of you have commented that you still aren't seeing my background. I heard that if you are using an old version of your web browser that may be the problem. Although don't ask me how you update to a newer version because I don't have a clue! Just thought I would pass that info on since if that is the case, it's probably not just my background that you are missing out on!
Also, I've been getting a lot of emails about people having a hard time finding something they are looking for in my archives. An easier way to find things rather than search page by page is to go to my sidebar and find the Google search bar. You can search for things on the web or just my blog and it works great!
UPDATE: I did paint the cabinet blue, just click here to see it.

Hi Cindy. I have only recently discovered your blog and I am REALLY enjoying all the photos of your home and projects... Beautiful!
I think the blue sounds wonderful; from the inspiration photos, I can tell it would look lovely in your room too!
I think the blue would be really nice. Although, I also think you do a great job and whatever you decide will look good.
As much as I like your cabinet white, I think that I would vote for the blue as I think it would make a nice contrast to everything else in your house. The blue bookcase is gorgeous. Remember, you can always change your mind later.
Debbie V.
I really like the white! It looks good with the wall color and the things you put in that pop the color! Im not a big fan of blue on this piece of furniture that you have especially because of where it is displayed right now.
Hi Cindy,
I think that I vote for the soft blue. I can see why you are considering that color, as it is just gorgeous and would make the cabinet really stand out nicely among your white items. Just lovely. Amy :)
Hi Cindy! At first I thought NO don't paint it blue...but then.... I saw your inspiration pieces and thought oooohhh YES!! Whatever you decide it will be beautiful!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful home!
I think I would go with the blue.
A nice contrast to your other
beautiful pieces. I love the
inspiration photos and can tell
this will go nicely in your room.
I do agree that the pieces you found that were colored blue are super nice but I still like the white. Maybe you will like the white more once you get your appliques?!
Hi Cindy,
The soft blue sound wonderful to me. I think this is the year of change for you.
Blessings, Virginia
Oh my goodness I absolutely LOVE this idea of painting it. I can see it giving such a wonderful accent to the room. I can see how your items would really stand out with this being painted blue. I say Go for It!
Hi Cindy - I think the blue would look wonderful with your other white furniture and blue accents. I agree with Sharon - everything you do looks great!
The white is nice, I would have to go with the soft gray blue color!!!
It would stand out with the whites in your home!
Good Luck on your decision!
Hi Cindy, I agree that this is a very large piece and unless it is a very soft blue it might be too much, how about just the inside (like your china cabinet)
Your house is gorgeous and I'm sure whatever you do will be beautiful!
By the way, I couldn't see the background color on your blog until I auto-adjusted the color temperature on my screen, and there it is! It is so soft and pretty, I love it! Also saw many other beautiful blog backgrounds that I had been missing out on!
Oh MAN that's a hard decision! It looks so good white, but the blue might be a fun exploration. I say go for if you're curious. If it doesn't go well you can always repaint!
Fantastic! I never noticed the Google option for your web page. Thanks.
You gotta try the blue. You'll never know unless you try it. You could do one door and if you don't like it you can go back to white. You'll always wonder if you don't try. :o)
Yikes! I'm torn.. You do already have a lot of white... and blue is your color... You could also do the samething that you did to your other hutch which was paint the inside blue...Leave the body white...just a thought.
Paint it! It will look different from the other cabinet that's in close proximity!
Cindy - I was going to say keep it white but the more I looked at that beautiful blue the better I liked it. I vote for the blue.
I use firefox and noticed a lot of graphics and backgrounds missing from many of the blogs I read. I think I may have found an answer. Click start button, click on control panel, click accessibility options, click adjust contrast, UNCLICK high contrast then click apply. Sounds harder than it is. Hope this helps someone. Lorie
Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue.
Oh, did I tell you, I vote BLUE? LOL!!!
Hi Cindy, I've enjoyed your blog for quite a while and remember your gorgeous home from RMS. You sure have the magic touch. Love all of your painted pieces. Here's my two cents on this project.... How about painting the inside the light grey/blue, leaving the outside white, but dry brushing the trim very softly with the grey/blue color! Can't wait to see what you decided!
Be good,
I think a soft blue on that piece would be lovely!
And as Christopher Lowell says, it's only paint. :)
Hi Cindy,
I think the idea of the gray blue is a great one. I have no regrets painting my kitchen cabinets a soft blue. You already have a lot of white in your home so why not shake it up a little.
Although I love the blue... I just think that it looks so good white! Maybe some blue treasures displayed?
Cindy..I love your blog and never miss it. I love everything you do and am constantly inspired by your projects. As for this one, I agree with the ladies that thought just painting the inside of the cabinet blue. I've done that with pieces and it's amazing how much pop it adds to whatever you put inside. But, as everyone else says: anything you do will look great!!!! Sue in FL
I like the idea of a soft grey blue. Did you see my post on the grey. I just think it would set it apart from the other pieces you have, but not to bold. I love the second one for the color. I am going to experiment with grey on some furniture and use Gesso to add the white element.
Talk to ya later
Hi Cindy....I think that cabinet would wonderful in a light blue. That is a beautiful piece of furniture. Wish I could find something like that...I really need a china hutch!
I think a light french blue mixed with glaze mix and glazed over the white will look beautiful.
I love the blue!!!
Oh, I wish I could afford to pay you to come to my house and do with it what you do with yours :-)
God bless,
Hi Cindy! I'm a new reader and enjoying your blog! Have you thought of doing your gray-blue in a glaze over the white? I did my bathroom woodwork this way. Cream, with a soft brown over it. I bought regular paint in the color I wanted and mixed it with a glaze extender thing. Brushed it on, then dry brushed it off, leaving really nice, soft glaze of color with the under color showing through - best of both worlds! I guess you could say it was a form of "antiquing" - do you remember when that was popular? We antiqued everything! Ha! Marla
I think the blue gray would be a nice change and it's such a soft color that it would work nicely with your other things.
Oh my gosh, Cindy... My first thought was to stay with the white because it looks so beautiful in your home, but then when I saw your inspiration pieces - they are gorgeous!! I think it's a win-win situation whichever color you ultimiately choose!!...Donna
I love the white, but love the soft grey blue idea even more :) Can't wait to see what you decide!
I would definitely go with the blue. These blue cabinets look so nice. Although your's being white is also very pretty. But there's something about the blue. Can't wait to see what you end up with when it's all done !
Hi Cindy,
Absolutely go a soft blue, you love blue so use it, it will make you happy!. Your lovely lace will look so pretty and really pop out against the soft blue. I love the new face of your blog and I can see it all perfectly.
I look forward to seeing your new creation.
Have a wonderful day,
Before I scrolled down, I would have told you to leave it white. It looks so heavenly! But when I saw the beautiful blue pieces, and thought of your beautiful collection of white and blue things, I would tell you to go blue!!
Your blog inspires me so much. I have to look at it every time I am making a decision about decorating, just ot inspire me!
I would leave it white or choose a warm grey colour! But please, don´t paint it grey with a hint of blue... warm grey looks more frenchier greetings Mira!
Hi Cindy, I vote for the smokey blue. I am sure no matter what color you choose, it will be beautiful.
I like the idea of the grey blue possibly with a white-wash highlighting the details. I love the blue grey color used in Scandinavian rooms.
Paint it! I never thought I would such a color but the photographs you've shared have won me over.
Ooooh, I think the light blue gray would be beautiful! And it would help the piece have a unique presence in the room. I know you'll let us know what you decide!
I remember reading once how you attach your appliques to your pieces. Could you repost the link to that tutorial or e-mail it to me? I am getting ready to refinish a piece that I plan to add appliques to and I wasn't able to find your instructions. I looked under your furniture painting link, but it wasn't there. It must have been a side note in a different post. Thanks for sharing your furniture wisdom! :)
Hmmm... either way it looks lovely. The middle blue one is gorgeous. That color blue is so elegant and yet fresh.
Hi Cindy,
It is so funny that you posted about this today, I don't know if you remember the cabinet that I painted white a while back, but I was just thinking of painting it a different color today! Something similar to what you posted. I think your cabinet is pretty white but it would be beautiful in any of those colors that you showed in your post. If you find a good color let me know, maybe I'll be a copy cat and use the same color. If I come across a color I'll be sure to tell you to. Now I'm going back to look at it again.
I say soft BLUE! It will show off whatever you put inside!
I really love that one without doors....I think it would be pretty.... what ever you do will be wonderful....
I'm going for blue. It didn't sound right at first but after looking at the inspiration pictures I like the blue.
You know Cindy...I really don't think it would be any more beautiful whether it is white or the can turn any sow's ear into a silk purse...wish I had your talent! ;-) Bo
Ooohhhh, I vote for the gray-blue color. It's beautiful! :0} Diane
Looking over the other comments it looks like blue is the favorite. I think white is hard to beat, but like some of the other said, I trust your instincts. I do think if it is light grey blue that it needs to really really be light. Whatever you decide I know it will be gorgeous.
I think both would look great as it looks terrific now. How about doing just the inset parts in blue or the raised parts blue with the rest in white? Gives you a bit of both?
I have no idea. But like so many others it. I know you won't want to but you can always paint it white again. It's not like our hair and we are kind of stuck until it grows out. LOL. You are very good at being creative and YOU thought it so it must be a good idea. Let us know. If you CAN NOT decide I always say wait. Wendy
blue with the inside white. But I really like color. the question would b will it go with your predominantly white decor?
Cindy, I think you should paint it and invite your kids to help you. Then post pictures of them too!
I think the soft blue would be a good change, and would show the detail of the cabinet. Regardless I am sure we will love it when you finish with it.
Jean in Virginia
I think I do like the blue! It will provide a nice focal point. It really is a beautiful cabinet!
Hi Cindy. I am going to go against the general concensus and vote for keeping it white. The blue would be beautiful, but I am wondering about the versatility you would have during the other seasons?? I have only recently starting checking out your blog, so I'm not sure how you decorate seasonally, but I bet you do it beautifully! And white just gives you a more neutral canvas to decorate on (in my opinion)! Whatever you do will be gorgeous, I have no doubt!
Cindy~ I love your white but this might be nice in the soft blue. Then maybe your appliques could be white. I agree,though, that whatever you do will be lovely!
After seeing the inspiration pics of blue pieces, I can't imagine another color being quite as pretty.
The white is so beautiful, but oh, I can just imagine that soft gray blue! It would be just as beautiful! You have such wonderful vision for your furnishings. I'm sure that no matter what you do, it will be great!
I love white furniture, but I really, really like that color of the cabinet with the linens in it in the second picture. I think that is a great color for your home.
I love this idea! You could just try painting the inside blue like you did the other cabinet. see how you like it. then if you want you could still paint the whole thing blue. I think it would show off your linens beautifully!
For me it would depend on what wall you're putting it against. Are you putting it against a white wall? Then I'd do the blue.
I do love the cabinet with the 'doors off' I think if you did blue I would do 'both'. Blue inside white out or vice versa. When it comes down to it, it is JSUT paint and you can redo it.
I wish I could borrow you when i get my new house so you could help me decorate.
Cindy, I love the blue. Check your e-mail I sent you a pictue of my blue armoire. Hope it will help. I have it against an off white wall, so it stands out. sandyt
I vote for grey-blue! Everything in it will just pop!
Hi Cindy:
Since you asked, I would say go ahead and paint it a light blue. You have a lot of white (which I totally love) and the blue might be a lovely accent.
Lots of love & we need to talk soon.
Debbie Kay
You should most certainly paint it blue! How cozy!
Ranae In Carmel
Hi Cindy!
Just wanted to tell you that I'm a faithful follower of your blog...I sit with my coffee in the mornings and always enjoy your posts! They are always so inspirational to me!!! Thank you!
I have enjoyed your home for sometime's absolutely gorgeous! I just thought it would be fun to put in my "two cents" in regards to your color question on your new cabinet! I just love all the white pieces that you have...but was thinking that it would really be fun and different...doing something a little special by painting that beautiful piece the light grayish-blue!!! It would really showcase it!!! I'll be watching to see what you decide...hehe!!!
Warmest wishes...Chari (Happytodesign)
I vote for grey-blue
Hi Cindy,
You sold me with the photos, a piece like one of these would look perfect in your place, and I know you will do a great job on your cabinet. I hope you decide to do it so we can all see how pretty it turns out. Good luck!
I vote go blue! Your place is so beautiful, whatever you decide it will look great!!
(Jiller53150 from RMS)
blue sounds FABULOUS! DO IT!
I was thinking you should stay with white. However, if it's the *right* shade of blue, go for it. Heck, go for it anyway, it's just paint! :)
I think the soft gray blue would be lovely! Its a beautiful piece.
I'm voting for the soft blue grey. I have really gotten into Swedish style lately....
Oh the blue would be so beautiful in your home Cindy...but that is only my opinion! I think it would be a fun contrast and just pop.
It is a lovely piece.
After all, if you don't like it, it's only paint! : )
I don't know what the vote tally for white or blue is at this point as I think I will be coming in at vote #78 and you probably have made up you mind by now but if not here is what I would do.
Paint the back blue and see if you like the color on your wall and if you do turn it around and finish your project.
If you don't, only I will know that the back is painted blue. lol.
PS...if you ever visit my home, no peeking behind my furniture.
I LOVE the blue! I know it's a lot of work, but I say go for it!
Hi Cindy. Oh, I just love your new cabinet and I would go ahead and paint it the soft blue!! I know it would be a lot of work, but it would give you a little pop!
Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope all is well.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I think you should try the gray/blue. Glenda (Many Fond Memories) just posted about gray and had some nice pictures. It is a very soft color and will add a little diversity. It is a beautiful piece and might look nice as a contrast-type piece. Anything you do in your home is beautiful. If you're thinking about it, though, you should go for it!!
Hi Cindy!
Those blue inspiration pieces are so pretty, so I would definitely go ahead and paint your cabinet blue. That way it won't compete with the white armoire in your livingroom. I can already picture it blue and it will look even more gorgeous! You've got me looking around here for something to paint blue now, so let us know when you find the perfect shade please!?
Take Care,
Hi Cindy
The blue grey sounds very nice. It might be a change from the white, although white is always perfect in my opinion.
Hugs, Rhondi
I think that I would like it if you kind of "washed" it with the blue, does that make sense? Glazed maybe? I know what I mean, do you? :) I think it would be really pretty!!!
Ok, so how do I get that google thing for my blog. I must know!
Yes, go soft blue! Will have to be soft, or it'll look too dark, as all the inspiration photos have lots of natural light.
Before I read everybody's opinion, I thought I'd voice mine. I think you should paint it blue. I looked back at a picture of your room and I think it would pull the blue from your curtains across the room. You should also do something pretty on the back of the armoire, soft, but pretty wallpaper or fabric. I did it on my bookshelves and absolutely LOVE it.
I really love how it looks right now in white. :o)
Hi there ( I guess I don't qualify as "new anymore because your blog is in my favorites now!)
Today I was daydreaming what I would do if that cabinet were mine ... and I would paint it.
and the kitchen blue/gray is wonderful-maybe try something custom. I saw a piece painted a base color, a different color over it and then sanded in spaces so the base color showed.. It looked pretty amazing.
Love the lace, blue dishes and the cabinet. covet! covet! covet!
Light grey blue, definitely! Very French Country, the transformation is already amazing, but the grey blue would be perfection.
I love the blue. You could always paint the back of the hutch to see how you like the color against the walls.
What if you did a two tone thing and did blue/grey on the raised areas and left the rest white or vice versa?? It would be very french country.
I really like that soft blue. I want to find a nice cabinet like that. Awesome...
Oh, Cindy.....Do the BLUE! Yes, I love it!
Love your inspiration photos.
Please come to Colorado and spend a month after I get moved in, okay?
i love it white.. i oso love it if u paint it softttttttttttt greenish blue ehehehe
in fact i love all ur furnitures
I didn't think I would, but after seeing the pictures I'm loving that soft blue better than white!
Hi Cindy!
I'd painted it pale blue... I have taken a peek at the pic of your whole room (some posts ago), and think it would stand out that way!
Although I love painting furniture white, I have done my studio desk pale blue (together with white, it is my favourite colour! I think we have things in common!! :):)).
Anyway, whatever you decide, it is a GORGEOUS cabinet!!... Lucky girl!
Have a great week,
Hi Cindy,
Now that you have a seriously big poll going I thought I would add my 2cents worth since you are asking.....I very much love white but I think in this case I would actually have to choose the blue the second and 3rd pics are beautiful. All the best and keep up the great work.
Okay, my opinion is that you have gone too far this time. I personally think you need to find some real romance in your home and stop being so inlove with your "things".
Let's talk.
When was the last time you thanked any of your readers for always praising you? It's a shame that the people in your life just don't seem to mean as much as your material possesions do to you but I blame that on poor past relationships. I think I can change that.
Yes you can decorate but jeeeeze girlie..get out there and enjoy your life while you can live it. You can't take any of that stuff with you. You are getting too obsessed.
This is my last comment unless you say otherwise.
Potentially yours,
Mike Frostad.
P.s. I like the blue.
Hi Cindy, I'm a lurker but have to say that I really like the powder blue color also. ......I noticed that the blue cabinets in the pictures have other blue pieces as well. Are you planning to change those things too? .....Anxious to see what you decide to do!
What about using fabric on the inside or paper? (wallpaper or scrapbook paper) It's alot of bang for the buck and it can be changed whenever you want, lots of patterns to choose from, fast and simple. Just a thought, and you can always paint it later.
I would leave it the beautiful creamy white but do the inside in your light, soft gray-blue...Good luck! Lori
The blue sounds good to me. Go for it.
Definitely the blue - particularly with where you placed would help it stand out from your other armoire! Plus it would show off your stuff within (I see your lace out the front - white dishes stacked within, etc.) I think it would be gorgeous & so YOU!
I looked at all your lovely photos again and see that you have severeal lovely blue pieces in your home. I think the soft blue would really accent all the items you currently have and add just a bit of subtle romantic color too!
Hi Cindy,
I think the blue would look PERFECT!! in your room.. its a beautiful romantic color!!
Yes ~ Yes Go for it!
Cindy, take a peek at your dinette table in the proceding blog post pictures (2nd lace picture to the last one). The lower outside edge looks like it already has a very pretty robin egg blue hue, doesn't it? Wouldn't that be gorgeous with the table top left white?! Especially if sitting by the hutch?...that is, if you decide to paint it.
Oh the possibilities! I am looking around my home and am now inspired.
Hi Cindy, I love the inspiration pieces but it works so well as white in your room. What about just painting the back wall of the armoire the grey/blue to highlight all the white items you display in the cupboard. i know you will make the perfect choice because everything in your rooms are so well appointed. Can't wait to see what you decide.Kathysue[rms]
Hi Cindy,
I am loving the blue. It's both soft and romantic and will play up the beautiful details of your cabinet.
A grayish blue would be delightful, but with a white interior.
Hi Cindy :)
I think the blue would add a little bit of pop to your decor and fit in nicely with the serene look you have now.
You could always repaint it white if you didn't like it LOL...
Now....I was thinking about that area and how your stairs just stick out like a sore thumb...(ok, probably just in my mind lol) Anywho....You could create a fabric wall by attaching a rod to the ceiling and drop down a beautiful fabric behind it...cute idea huh~ Then you'd have more "wall space" to get more furniture!! lol You can purchase fabric drop cloths from Home Depot that are HUGE and super cheap that would do the trick perfectly. Then you could swag it to one side creating a beautiful opening to the stairs....then you could go tassle shopping LOL
I like the blue idea Cyn - tie it all together with the kitchen...
I haven't read the comments, so I don't know if I'm voting with the majority or the minority, so......... Leave it white! Think of the possibilities for decorating the inside with color if the outside is still white.
Love your blog!
I vote for the blue because it would draw attention specifically to that piece. And I am not a blue fan, but that shade is very "romantic" looking.
About the page background and not seeing the blue - I have this problem only on my mac. You should get a notice from your web browser with update info. Anyone not seeing the blue should go to their web browser and in the "help" area type in "updates". That should walk you through the process. That said . . . I need to go do that NOW!!!
Hi Cindy,
I like your white furnitures, but I would paint it in a soft blue/grey/taupe color. It´s difficult to explain, but it´s a wonderful color :o)
Love to see your results!
I love your home and I love that piece of furniture I think I would paint it the soft blue. I have painted so many things soft white (heirloom lace) and now I am wanting to do something a little different. I might have to try the soft blue on something. I dont even have any blue in my house! I would have to change so much! Maybe when I get brave I might give it a try! Cant wait to see it no matter what you decide.
The grey blue would look smashing! Of course the white is really nice also. Do your own thang Cindy.
Hi Cindy :) I love the white! BUT, I also love the color of the one in the thirs picture that is shown outside. Whatever you choose will be beautiful!!
Sorry, I meant the middle picture of your inspiration pieces, the one shown outside with linens and no doors. That is a beautiful color!
This is my first visit for a while and I really like the changes. I think that I would prefer blue. Also, all of the lace is gorgeous. You have a natural talent and should be a decorator. Where do you find the time? - -everything is stunning!
For me everything works perfectly and it is looking good on your blog. About painting your cabinet I would say that it looks fantastic now - so white. On the other hand I am curious how would it look in light blue! And than it could still match into your dining/living room.
Curious to see what will you do!
I would vote for white!! Can anyone tell me why when I click on some bloggers names I only get a page rather than a blog like this??
I think because they have a profile with blogger but they don't have a blog.
I recently painted 2 flea market find tables a cupboard blue by Old Century. I'm also thinking of painting a wardrobe the same color.
can i ask.....why would you need 'our' opinions? your style and tastes are so YOU, why would anyone else's opinion change how you think and what you like? would you really change your own preferences just cause others 'voted' for light blue...or white....or black? (not being harsh....just very curious) perhaps you weren't really asking for other's opinions to help you make a decision.....but more out of couriosity or knowing what others would do. seems sort of 'fluffy' to hear the opinions of others on this question. or...maybe even it's simply an opportunity for bloggers to express themselves... ? just curious as to how you come up with questions or why you request comments? does it help promote and extend one's blog? maybe i should be doing that a bit more in my own posts... i tend to just 'share' from my end. hmmm... gotta think on that.
enjoy the photos... lindy
Carolynn, The reason I ask for other's opinions on my blog is that it's my blog and I can do whatever I want here! I don't mean for it to be "fluffy" I talk to my readers like they are my friends. I would ask one of my friends the same thing. I like to hear other opinions.
you have a decorating blog, how can anybody post mean comments about that? What a creep.
your new blog looks pretty. I think i likedthe old way better but change is good and the main thing is that YOU like it! that's what blogging is all about.
When are you going to Santa cruz again? Pitchas puhleeeze.
Wowzers. Carolyn up there seems to be feeling a bit BLUE under the gills. I think her post needs some WHITE out. :)
Mike Frostad
I think the blue or gray color sounds interesting ~ it would be a pretty contrast to your other beautiful items!
Hi Cindy. My first thought on your cabinet was that it is so pretty as it is, you should leave it white. After looking at the pictures you used as examples, I have to say that now I LOVE the blue. The second picture is gorgeous. So, I guess my vote is for blue. Whatever you decide,it will be beautiful!
Have a blessed day!
Stacy P.
HI Cindy,
As I said earlier, your blog and home are beautiful and I do enjoy the aspects of having a beautiful home as well... sewing, painting, designing, upholstering, anything and everything about decorating a home , I thoroughly enjoy. However, Frosty's remark to you hit a cord with me. I think it's great that you didn't block that message because I needed to hear it. I have a tendency to want to get wrapped up in my hobby to the extent that I might put that before other things and I was glad to be reminded that
"the best things in life are not things". Anyway, I appreciate the opportunity to express myself here and in a way, remind myself to keep everything in balance.
Be good!
Santa (if you have a min. please come visit my blog) :o>
Hi Cindy,
I have just found your blog and it is beautiful!! I say definitely go with the blue! I have such a weakness for soft blue furniture! I actually fell in love with the lovely blue cover on the spine of a hard back book once. I took the book to Home Depot and had them color match the blue spine. My laundry room and my son's nursery are now both painted in this color! It goes so well with shabby, romantic and French!!
Good luck with it!
I really love the white, but hey it's your cabinet, so if you like soft blue, go for it!!
OH, definitely BLUE! It will look FABulous! So Antionette!
Hi!....leave it white!!
Nice blog!! your home is beautiful.
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