I thought it would be fun to see everyone's favorite thing in their home. I know your favorite thing could change from day to day but pick your favorite today and share it with us! It could be one item, a collection of something, a vignette, something big, something small, etc. but it cannot be a person...it must be a material thing. If you would like to join in please leave a comment or email me once you have posted a photo and description of your favorite thing and and I will add it below. Please be sure you give me the link for that post not just your blog link. You can send me your link any time between now and Sunday, July 27th and I'll keep adding them below! I hope if you have a blog you will join in on the fun....I can't wait to see everyone's favorite things! (this tiered dish is my favorite thing)
If you would like to link back to this post to let others know, please feel free to grab the image at the top of this post and put it on your blog. To get the link to this post you can click on the date below and copy the web address in your browser window.

Here are other bloggers favorite things (click on the blog names below to visit their blog):
- The Blessed Nest
- Treasures from Home
- Artsy Fartsy
- Sandal and Daisies
- Pink Slippers
- Take a Sentimental Journey
- Elderberry Street
- Equus Villa
- My Thrifty Victorian Home
- Reminisce ...and this and that
- An Enchanted Cottage
- The Handmade Housewife
- A Cottage Family
- Linda's Blue Gate
- Pale Pink and Roses
- Notes of Sincerity
- Jannet's Country Cottage
- Vintage Vavoom
- The Shabby Bungalow
- Sher's Creative Expressions
- Joy to the Blog
- Party Wishes SCV
- Paintin-Patti
- Down the Road & Back Again...
- Victorian Petals
- Big Creek Cottage
- Right at Home
- Justified Journey
- Living Beautifully
- Fitty's Pinky Rose Cottage
- Rose Vignettes
- Picture Perfect
- Reflections of Debbie
- This is My Life
- Le Temps Jadis
- Many Fond Memories
- Idaho Quilter
- Feeding My Soul
- Decor to Adore
- Sanctuary Arts at Home
- Life at Rose Cottage
- More than Heirlooms
- Lemonade
- Thinkin' of Home
- Our Daily Chocolate
- Legacies For You
- Pinecones & Roses
- Monkey's Momma
- The Crowned Casa
- Tales from an O.C. Cottage
- The Scarlett Rose Garden
- Joyce's World
- Casa Maria
- Csak ugy...barmirol
- Lady Pamela's Cottage
- Walnut Haven Cottage
- A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words
- Mountain Woman at Heart
- Cheap Diva at Home
- Gracious Southern Living
- Vintage Vignettes
If you've asked me to add you and you don't see your name here shortly after, please let me know. Some of the requests are ending up in my SPAM mailbox and some I just missed because I have too many emails in my box!!!
What a grand idea! Pls count me in. I will post it by Sunday.
Have a nice weekend, Cindy!
With all the beautiful possessions in your home, how did you come up with just one "Favorite Thing"?. That must have been a difficult one for you. Joanne ~~ glamourgirljoanne@yahoo.com
With all the beautiful possessions in your home, how did you come up with just one "Favorite Thing"?. That must have been a difficult one for you. Joanne ~~ glamourgirljoanne@yahoo.com
How fabulously fun! Here is one of my favorite things... http://cheryl-comfort.blogspot.com/ thanks for hosting this!
I will definitely join in! What fun! I will post my favorite thing this evening. Mmmmm - what shall I post?
Sounds like fun...Now the hard part. There are so many things I love and that makes up the rooms in my home. Oh no! I'm sue I can come up with one though. I'll let you know..Thank you for the fun.
How fun! I have posted my favorite
I love your blog!
Cindy, What a great idea! I have posted my favorite thing already!
what fun Cindy ! here is my favorite thing ...........
Hey Cindy, what a great idea! I'll be back to let you know when I've posted.
Ok I did it..I picked one darling thing for today..
I hope I did it right. Thanks for letting me share.
What a great idea! Here is my favorite thing post. http://lovemysandalsanddaisies.blogspot.com/2008/07/my-favorite-thing.html
Hi Cindy, this was fun! I've posted my favorite thing (one of many). I love your tiered centerpiece. It has lots of possibilities!
Thanks, Karen
Okay - mine is posted!
I've posted my favorite thing. What a great idea!
Cindy, this is so fun! Very clever idea. Here are my favorites
I couldn't narrow it down so I chose 2...smile! Have a great weekend, I'm excited to see all the favorites.
Hi Cindy!
I am sooo excited to see everyone's "favorite things"!!
I have to tell you, your 3-tiered dish is my very favorite thing in blogdom! I adore it AND your lovely home!
Check out my favorite things-
Very fun post....I'm in! Here is my link...http://acottagefamily.blogspot.com/2008/07/our-favorites.html
Me too... me too.... What a fab idea...
How fun it will be to see all the favorite things... form all over....
Thanks Cindy for the invite,
Cindy ~
Please count me in. I read your blog each and every day and this is my first comment. What a fun idea. I have blogged about it and posted my favorite thing.
Have a fantastic day!
How fun, Cindy!! I've just sent you a link to my 'favorite' things! You have so many beautiful things in your home... Did you have a hard time picking one favorite?...Donna
I just posted my favorite thing! Please add me to your list. :o)
You are my inspiration for painting all frames white. :o) Not to mention furniture that I have yet to post.
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I don't know how you'd just pick one in your home......
I love this idea. I only wish my home was as beautifully decorated as yours. I enjoy visiting your blog for inspiration.
Here's my post!
Hi Cindy! I added my favorite things post to my blog! I love your dish btw.
Shoot, I forgot to add the link
Hi Cindy, I just love this idea and have already posted my favorites! ;)
I hope I'm doing this right since it is my first time sharing a Post link.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Hugs, Jannet
Hi Cindy
Nothing like sea shells. Thanks for sharing and maybe next time I'll join the fun. Still learning about links,and what that means. Slow learner here. Warmly,Deb
I just love the tiered centerpiece and the shells look so pretty.
Count me in, count me in. I already did my post and published it. My favorite item is a tea-table.
I've posted a "favorite thing" - here's the url: http://joytotheblog.blogspot.com/2008/07/favorite-things-weekend.html
and btw, great idea, and gorgeous tiered tray!
I just LOVE your blog! I visit almost every day. Please add my to your "favorite thing list". Hope you enjoy my Favorite thing. :)
This is such a fun idea! I added my favorite thing on my page at:
Now - I can't wait to see what everyone else put up!
Hi Cindy,
Your favorite thing is gorgeous! I'm so glad to know that there are others like me who have different favorite things at different times. I love it all!
Patricia :o)
I have many favorite things, it's too hard to choose. It changes everyday!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Cindy,
I found your blog thru Linda at Reminisce...and thought the idea was great. I posted my favorite little piece on my blog too.
Thanks for the fun idea!
Well, count me in, my little california chick! I'm game for looking at the favs of others. I love to see how others do things. Here is the link:
And I hope it goes through! I'll also email it to you, sweetpea.
What a fun idea! I just posted my favorite thing & would love to be added to the list!
P.S. Love, love your blog. I read it every day!
I want to join in too! Here is the link to my blog
Have a wonderful weekend!
Great idea Cindy!! I posted mine on my blog:
Cindy, your home is really picture perfect.. A cozy nook indeed!
This is so much fun! count me in.. this is my link.. http://fittyspinkyrosecottage.blogspot.com/2008/07/our-favorite-thing.html
have a super weekend! tc!
Hi Cindy,
This is such an awesome idea. I am going to spend some time looking at all of the blogs that posted.
How fun!
Here is My Favorite Thing....Today
Cindyyyyyyyy, I've only shown you the "pretty" tomatoes!! LOL, my sweet romantic chickee. We have many that don't make it into the salads! I adore your stuff, honey.
This is a great idea. And the participants keep coming, that is great. I would love to join, it will be in my post for today. (:
okay, I have my favorite thing posted in today's post. It is at the end of the post, so please scroll down a little to view it! thanks! (:
I just finished My Favorite Thing and you may reach me at ~
This was a lot of fun and
I can't wait to check them all out. Thank you Cindy!
Come by and see my favorite thing. And my copy-cat cake pedestal.
Hi Cindy,
I discovered your blog recently. I really love it. The Our favourite things weekend is a great idea. I decided to participate. The name of my blog is Le Temps Jadis.
The url of the post is http://letempsjadis.blogspot.com/2008/07/my-favourite-thing.html
Take care,
Hi Cindy!
I loved this post and seeing all the favorites of others. I also found some new blogs that I put in my blog favorites!
I did mine and here's my link:
P.S. Your home is lovely and your blog is one that I check daily. I miss you on the weekends!
Cindy, I am not a blogger but love to read and admire all that I can. Your's is one of my favorites. I think your three-tiered dish from your mom would be my favorite too....if it was mine. Everytime I look at your blog I think, "Wish I had one like that."
Thanks for hosting this week-end. I feel like I am going to some kind of party. :-) Debbi
I posted and sent an email, this is fun.
I just have to come back here to say what a lovely piece you have. I really like how you've arranged the shells and the picture is so beautiful. Thanks again Cindy.
This is great fun!
My favorite thing can be seen at
Now, I am going to persue the other blogs.
Just found your blog and it's very pretty! Loved looking at everyone's favorites too. Have a fabulous weekend!
Cindy- What a wonderful idea! Thanks so much!
Hi Cindy, I am joining in. here's the link! http://sanctuaryarts.blogspot.com/2008/07/favorite-things.html
Thanks for hosting! :) Jen R
Hi Cindy! I've been enjoying your blog for some time now, and just recently started my own! I thought I'd join in the fun...I'm still learning the tech part of the computer so I hope this is the right link....
Le me know if that works for ya!
Thanks so much!!
I posted a Favorite Thing on my blog. I hope I did everything right, still alot to learn about this blogging thing.
Cindy...sorry so late, but my post is up now. Have a great weekend. I need to rest now, the stress of picking out a favorite has tired me out!
What fun! Count me in, please! I can't wait to make the rounds and see everyone's favorites!
Cindy, I wish a had 1 favorite thing but I don't. A few years back at Lakewood Fairgrounds (an Atlanta monthly sale), one of the vendors gave me a card that had a quote that became a mantra. “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” by Wm Morris. We moved and I scaled back using this quote during the sorting process. I ended up with everything that I love! It is wonderful to enjoy everyone's favorite things! Thank you for sharing.
This was just perfect! I just bought a new lamp for my kitchen and then I read this post. I knew I would be taking a photo of my new clock. Here is my blog with the photo. Please add to your list. Thanks so much!!! :) God Bless!!! -Anan Sophia
I thought your idea for this event was great and decided to choose a favorite thing for the day! Just finished my post and am enjoying browsing through everyone else's blogs to see their favorites. Thanks for such a treat!
Hi Cindy,
I love this blog idea. I am having so much fun going around and seeing everyone's favorite things. It's 11:30 pm, so I guess I'm a little late, but thoroughly enjoying myself just the same ~ as I always do when I come and read your blog.
BBS xo Cath
Here's my favorite!
yes, count me in too. mishelle @ Thecrownedcasa.blogspot.com.
Count us in!
M ^..^
Hi Cindy! What a fab idea! Count me in... I just made my post,
Your tiered dish is SO awesome, and I also like the story behind it.
Hy, what a great idea!!! I've posted my favourite thing: http://klematisz.blogspot.com/2008/07/my-favourite-thing-in-house.html Have a nice weekend!
Ji, Cindy, my post is UP:http://casamarialiving.blogspot.com/2008/07/my-favorite-things.html
Thanks for hosting this!
Have a nice SUnday.
Good morning Cindy! What a great idea! This has been a lot of fun and a great way to find new bloggers with similar interests! Count me in...here's my link (hope it works, I'm not an expert at this stuff!). - Joyce
I absolutely LOVE this idea! It is too much fun to see everyones "favorite thing"!!
Hopefully, I will be able to get mine posted before time runs out!
Love your Blog!
Hi! I wanna participate too! What a grand idea! Please count me in. I will post it by Sunday.
you have such a cute things!
I had left a message yesterday but it didn't show up. Lost in cyberspace. I posted a favorite thing on my blog. Please add me to the list. Thanks Cindy.
Thank you so much Cindy for doing such a wonderful job hosting "Our Favorites". I know this kept you busy but I truly appreciate all the effort. Thanks again for hosting such a fun party!
Hi Cindy,
Thanks so much for doing this and please add my blog. I'll send you an e-mail with the link. Carla www.myvintagevignettes.blogspot.com
Hi Cindy- just ran across your blog today. It is so awesome and will be spending some time in the next few days looking at everyones favorites. I was searching online for decorative wooden appliques to add to some shabby wall shelfs I found. Not too much out there- that's where I came across your post concerning resin appliques and not to use them. Do you know of a supplier for wood resin or wood appliques at decent prices?
I love your home and the frame wall- that is on my list to do someday. I love your ideas- and all the helpful info! I will be back as a regular. Love your site!!! Irene in Nor Cal
What a fun idea! I love to see what others treasure. It says so much about a person.
I loved the tiered dish! It is so pretty! I would love to join in the fun!
What a great idea. I'll get my post up shortly.
Fabulous idea, be back later with my coffee to enjoy all the posts!
xo Lidy
Hey Cindy: I left you an e-mail but you may not have received it. My link is http://gracioussouthernliving.
I love the tiered dish and the way you have displayed things on it. This is a great idea. I just found out about it a little late.
Ginger of Enchanting Cottage and I have started a new blog called Spiritual Sundays. It will be structured on the order of Kelli's Show & Tell. But it will be a Sunday thing. When you have time, I hope you will visit my blog to learn more about it. My Friday post is about it and also there is a link on my sidebar that you can click to go to the new blog.
While I was visiting the blog "le temps jadis" from Marianne, I found yours! What a lovely place to stay, amazing pictures, great look and very nice posts. I also love the white-vintage style. You really have a romantic home! I don´t know if I could post just one favorite thing... my blog is full of my favorit things. My latest post is about a Teddybear I made of my own! I think he belongs to my very favorit things..... if you find the time, come and visit my place! It would be great doing an link exchange! Greetings from Germany Mira from belle-blanc!
Hi Cindy, you were a great host. Thank you,
Hi Cindy :)
I'm so mad that I missed out on this! I have so much going on, I can't find my head LOL
Fabulous idea and I hope you do it again sometime :)
One of my favorite things are these shabby chic dog and cat beds! I just bought one off of www.notsoshabbypets.com
and I love it!
Here is my favorite thing in my home. I already had a post written about it.
I can't wait to see what you bought!
Did you notice how much the Bee pillow was - on the green chair?
I found some of the Antique Reflections at Marshall's. The plates were $12.99 each. I'm wondering if that is a mistake - you paid so much less.
What fun! I loved looking at everyone's favorite thing. I also went to some blogs that I haven't been to before. Everyone is so kool and interesting. That was a great idea!
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