Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Living Wreath Project

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Back in May I started this living wreath project.  I originally purchased this wreath form to make a succulent wreath but after I realized how much money all the succulents would cost I decided to use different types of ground covers instead.  
The wreath form came pre-stuffed and was well worth the extra money.  I just had to poke holes in the form with a pencil and insert little plugs of ground cover.  I divided up each plug of the six pack into smaller pieces so I could slip them into the small holes.  I just pushed the roots in with the back of the pencil.
It's been about 6 weeks and it's starting to fill in nicely.  I'm sure it's going to look really nice once it's completely covered.  The baby tears seem to be doing the best.  I think most of the scotch moss has died.  I bought my wreath here and the quality is outstanding!!! 
I'm still enjoying my week off but I haven't been doing much except relaxing.   Today Lauren and I are going to a gelato shop in downtown Campbell that she went to with her friends and she said they have GINGER GELATO!  Have I mentioned I LOVE anything with ginger in it?  When we were in Martha's Vineyard two years ago I had ginger ice cream  and loved it so much I ate in every day!  I still talk about that ice cream!  I can hardly wait to try this gelato!

Update:   I just spray the wreath with the hose to water it.  This pre-stuffed wreath really holds the water unlike the ones I've tried to stuff myself.  


Jean said...

The wreath is fantastic. I love it. If you bought it already planted it would have cost a fortune too. The little bird is just the right touch.
Have a wonderful Wednesday,
Jean in Virginia

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Oh Cindy, I LOVE your living wreath. I have always loved them, but the price has always stopped me dead in my tracks. I didn't even think about making my own though. . . THANKS!! Maybe next year I will try it too!!

Thank you for always "inspiring" us.

It's good that you are relaxing on your vacation. That's what you're supposed to do on vacation - RELAX!!



KarenB said...

I've made one of these! I did it the hard way with filling the wreath form myself. Actually it was a class at the Morton Arboretum in Illinois. I love your results! Don't you just love having time to play? Have a great week!

Lallee said...

I have had directions saved for one of these in my files for years but never have made one. I love the plants you chose, and the bird is the perfect crowning touch. Please let us know how it grows.

Unknown said...

Wow! That is really beautiful. I might try that with the succulents instead. Being in AZ and all.

Joanne Kennedy said...

Great job! I love that you used ground cover. I don't think I would have ever thought of doing that. But I love baby tears and I have a perfect spot in the front of my house that I think would work for that. Thanks for another great "Cindy" idea!

I love the little bird too. You always know the perfect little final touches!


Simply Me Art said...

Just Beautiful Cindy, im going to take a look at your link. Enjoy the rest of your week. Jamie

Jen said...

Ooooohhh...I love this idea! Is it easy to maintain?

Anonymous said...

Cindy --

This is such a great idea!!! I'm sure you just spritz it for watering, right? LOVE IT :-)

I'm having an online yardsale at my blog this week.. stop by if you get a chance..

God bless,

Nancy said...

I'm not a fan of succulents and I think this is a jillion times better! Love it - Nancy

tea time and roses said...

Hello Cindy!

The wreath is lovely, and the sweet little bird adds a special touch. Thank so much for sharing!



Rosemary said...

It's beautiful Cindy.
I have always wanted to try one of those, but thought it might die before I finish.
Ground cover was a good idea!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, thank you for sharing this beautiful wreath with us. I am looking forward to trying this on my patio. The little bird is just perfectly perched! Hugs, Patti

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Glad to hear you're enjoying your vacation at home.A perfect idea and a wonderful way to take in all the beauty that surrounds you.
The wreath is lovely, alive and breathing.The hydrangeas below are so dainty too.

Julie said...

That is so elegant. How often do you water it though and is it in a place that gets 100% shade or some sun? Thanks!

Tracy said...

The wreath is gorgeous! I love the little birdy in the middle. Perfect touch. You always have the most fabulous ideas!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Love that wreath Cindy.All your other flowers are thriving too.

savvycityfarmer said...

This is exquisite and I'm sure it will look divine wherever you hang it.

Thank you again for the furniture award...I've posted a public thank you on both of my blogs.

Unknown said...

The wreath is beautiful Cindy! Thank you so much for the instructions and purchase info! I hope you have fun with your daughter, the gelato sounds so good!


Anonymous said...

If you want a wreath with a wonderful scent, try putting in some lemon thyme. It has the sweetest scent.


CONNIE said...

What a great idea! I just love coming back here.

I don't think I've ever had ginger ice cream before but I always cook with it.

Enjoy your vacation.

A Lovely Thing said...

Well, darn. I also have an award for you. LOL. Sort of anti-climatic now, but come on by my blog to pick up another kudo :)

Love the wreath.

A little tip about succulents -- they propogate very easily and quickly. Ice plants and hens & chicks especially. When you get a new plant, just break off a baby and put it in a new pot or spot in your garden. You'll be happy to see them spread like crazy.

Anonymous said...

That is gorgeous, Cindy! HGTV really needs to give you your own show!!...Donna


Hi Cindy,
It's a highlight of my day, visiting your blog. You have such great ideas, pretty pictures, etc. It's just a Happy Place to visit.:):):) Thank you. Warmly, Deb

Joy Jones said...

Wow Cindy! That's really beautiful. I've never seen anything like that. It looks wonderful on your fence and your decorating touch with the little bird is PERFECT! ~ xoxo ~ Joy

Nancy at ManicForMosaics said...

I stumbled on your blog. I really love your wreath. I think the succulents would not have looked as delicate as the baby's tears. The birdie is darling sitting there! I have baby's tears growing wild in parts of my yard and I think I'll try to make a wreath too!

I live near you, in Hayward!

Free Art Printables said...

CINDY!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! I am going to run out and do teh same. I have a bunch of ground cover in mu yard I can pull up too!!! YOU ARE A GENIUS! Jen R

Anonymous said...

Glad you are taking some time to relax... you work so hard all the time... love the wreath very pretty...but of course everything you do is wonderful..

Anonymous said...

Love your wreath! I have made a couple before with wire wreaths but would love to know where you purchased this one that is premade. Thanks!

Jackie said...

Ohhhh what a wonderful wreath! I just love it as your blog also...with the time difference it is the first thing I check when I come back from my lunch break! lol. Stop by sometime, I'm finally getting my blog off the ground, added some finds, adventures, dumpsta divin'!
Enjoy your vacation!

Cindy said...

Louanne: I have the link on here where I purchased the wreath form. Click on the "here" that is in green text. That will take you to the website.

Karen Deborah said...

gorgeous!! you are onto a great idea, ilike the ground covers much better than the succulents. In our heat I'd have to plant all drought resistant plants. Darling, and your blog is so creative.

Unknown said...

Oh I love it! But it is too hot here in Elk Grove at the moment to even try something like that! I get too much sun! But love yours!

Judy said...

How wonderful. I love the wreath and the little bird is so sweet. Have a great evening.

Anonymous said...

Evening Cindy! I love your wreath. I don't think I've seen one before, I do believe you have the green touch as well as the magic furniture makeover crown. Glad you've had a nice week off. I think you deserved the rest. Have a wonderful day tomorrow with your daughter!
Be a sweetie,

Mary said...

Ooo, that looks like fun. I will have to try it! Your garden looks wonderful, especially the lilies. Glad to hear you are enjoying your time off. :)

Joyce's Journey said...

The wreath is just beautiful! You always do the nicest things! I love seeing what you're up to next.

w00ts up said...

Cindy- What a wonderful idea! Do you know where I would be able to purchase a pre-stuffed wreath form that like? I wonder if it would work with certain herbs. Thanks again for sharing your great project ideas!

Tanya said...

I love love love that wreath. So simply beautiful.

Anonymous said...


Everything in your home is just so beautiful.

The wreath is gorgeous.

Sunbonnet Cottage

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

That wreath is fab! I may have to try that myself as my "gardening space" is rather limited :0).
Enjoy your Gelato. Ginger gelato sounds yummy!

Paris Rags Romance said...

Hi Cindy, your blog is so beautiful, you have put so much into it just wonderful. Your home is equally lovely. Stop by and visit sometime! Hugs, Kimberly

Marilyn said...

Absolutely beautiful, Cindy! What I particularly love about it is that it has such a cooling effect, and with temperatures at the 100 degree mark, I'm looking for anything that cools!!

Cute, cute, cute.

Shana said...

This is way too cool. Thanks for sharing. I'd love to have a wreath such as this on my front door next summer! :-)

Anonymous said...

You are so talented, I love the wreath.


Idaho Quilter said...

Your garden looks lush and inviting.

Life on the Edge said...

That turned out really well! I would never have thought of something like that! It really adds something special to your wall!


Anonymous said...

I love the wreath! I have never seen anything like that and would love to make one too, maybe next year. It has really filled in so well in 6 weeks. What a conversation piece. So pretty...
Jud in Ontario, Canada.

twinkle said...

I KNOW we would be the best of friends! Thank you for sharing your heart. I love all the same things and try to be as creative as you. I guess I'm your little "Grasshopper." Remember Kung Fu?

Mary said...

Cindy: Love this wreath and your blog.

Kimba said...

Hi Cindy,

I love this wreath! What a fantastic idea. I can't wait to give it a shot myself.

I'm planning to link to this post on Saturday if that's OK with you.

I've been by before and I love your blog. So many beautiful pictures and great ideas.


Susie Q said...

That is really beautiful Cindy. As always, you are an inspiration!
I love all the little bits and bobs youhave done in your bedroom. So pretty, tranquil, soft.

Gretchen said...

I've never heard of these.

What a wonderful, creative idea!
The little bird is the perfect touch.

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

LOVE this!!!!!

Mary said...

I've featured this idea in my I Love These Ideas! Sunday column:

Please hop over and grab a badge if you'd like!

sweetfunkyvintage said...

Wow! That is so neat!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

What a great idea. I have enough ground covers in my yard alone to put something like this together.

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

You have an AMAZING blog. I could easily loose myself all day in here. This wreath is a fabulous idea!

Unknown said...

Wow, that's beautiful. Thanks for showing us how!

Anonymous said...

I love the birdie in the wreath!

jill Cavanagh Flowers said...

Hello Cindy - I have just discovered you blog - It is wonderful, thank you.
I am just about to tackle my first piece of painted furniture ( after discovering you technique).
I have an old pine table with painted legs and natural top. I am going to strip back the legs and repaint, following your method.
The top I am going to leave natural - Any advise on how to finish the top. Should I strip this and then just wax it.
I am from Australia, but I can access the Howard product range from a local supplier on line.
Thank you so much.
Kind regards