My little Cecil Brunner climbing roses are now blooming. They are so cute because they are so little. I wanted to pick all the little buds and dry them but I decided I would like to see it in full bloom more. I have it growing on an arbor I put in the corner to give more shade to a hydrangea I have planted below it.

I hope everyone has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend! I'll be painting Lauren's dresser tomorrow. She just found a sleigh bed on Craigslist last night and we are going to look at it tonight. Looks like I may have yet another project after the dresser!
It's been really cold here all week (in the 50s) but it's supposed to be around 80 degrees this weekend...YAY!
Hi Cindy! Your yard is sooooo pretty. It looks better than our garden center stores here! The outside of your house is as beautiful as the inside. Thanks for showing such lovely photos. Have a great weekend and don't work toooo hard! xoxo ~ Joy J.
Cindy, I've never tried growing roses. Every time I see them in someone's garden I just drool... I think this is the year I will finally give them a try... And like you, I love fuschias! I always hang one on opposite sides of my deck because they attract the hummingbirds up to the deck. A sleigh bed with that bureau you got ... those are going to look GORGEOUS once you're done with them! Have a great weekend...Donna
Your roses are exquisite. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Hopefully, I will hve rose pictures to post soon.
What a beautiful litte flower garden. Just as lovely and inviting as the inside of your home.
Enjoy your weekend.
You're ahead of us. The Cecil Brunners here aren't even beginning to be more than tiny buds. But one of these days it will warm up a bit and they will suddenly bloom. I loved to pop fuschias, too. My uncle was a horticulturist and had a wonderful greenhouse. My two cousins and I got in BIG trouble one year when we played in his greenhouse and popped ALL of the fuschias!! The next time we visited the greenhouse was locked. I didn't understand his problem then - I do now. ~Adrienne~
P.S. - He forgave us!
Your roses are gorgeous....I have the same Cecil Brunners but they haven't even begun to bud yet as we live in the cold north! I used to live in Campbell after I graduated from high school. A girlfriend and I rented an apartment on Rose Court - Rose Court Apartments they were called. I miss those I must live in the wet rainy climate of Canada because of my true love!
Ouuu Cindy the roses are beautiful!
I love pink roses! Its so nice to visit others gardens as mine is just starting to turn green!
My daffodils opened yesterday!
Te-hee... I love popping the fuschias too!
Have a fun weekend,
Hugz, Dolly
Cindy, you're rose arbor looks so good, and the color and the shade of the pink is so pretty! Have fun with you're projects this weekend! By the way, what happened to the table with the little flower basket? I love that, and wish I could find one like it!!!
Hugs~ Marta
Oh Cindy,
Roses are my favorite flower! Yours are just gorgeous. I get a lot of those black spots on mine. What causes that? I don't get many blooms either. Could it be the location?
Hi Cindy:
I love your yard. How pretty and soothing it must be to sit on your patio and just enjoy being alive....
Can't wait to see your next project.
Love ya,
Cindy, dare I ask if it's possible to have a "garden" on a balcony???
You have a lovely backyard.
Love your garden. Can I come for a garden tea? Speaking of your teacup in the garden too. What is it? Bird feeder, candle holder? Did you make it? I've seen them made with copper tubing, but I've never tried to make one.
Your flowers are so beautiful!!! Cannot wait to see the next project!!!
Have a wonderfull weekend!!
Cindy, you have a beautiful garden as well as home. I love your roses. Beautiful
I hope to have my yard look in better shape sometime before summer. But in the meantime I'll just look at yours. The roses do look very healthy. I too remember popping those flowers as well as a kid.
I do hope our weather does warm. It gets hot in Hercules, but I am hoping it won't be in the 80's. I can take the mid or high 70's.
Happy weekend to you.
Your outside yard is as lovely as your house is inside.
Sher roses on an arbor. So pretty!
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have been a lurker of yours for awhile now. Love your roses and I too used to pop those fushias at my grandma's house. I love your blog and all of your neat decorating projects. Have a fun weekend!
Wow, my breath caught in my throat when I saw your roses -- absolutely gorgeous! I have trouble keeping roses -- the deer seem to enjoy eating the new leaves and buds. Thanks for sharing yours -- so pretty!
Your roses and fuschias are so pretty
Cindy, you read my mind! I was hoping you would show us some of your rose bushes and I wasn't disappointed,
That's really strange about your weather because here in Ohio it has been in the 70s all week and beautiful, anyway the trees are blooming and my tulips are up. Your flowers are GORGEOUS!!
LeAnn :)
Happy Weekend Cindy! I can hardly wait to see your new projects. You are amazing. It isn't enough that your home is awesome, magazine worthy, now we see that you have a green thumb too!! Thanks for inspiring us! ksarra
Simply stunning! I can't even imagine how wonderful it would be to have a garden over-flowing with beautiful flowers and to be able to have fresh cut roses in the house on a regular basis. ::wistful sigh::
I know how you feel about an abundance of painting projects. I already have 3 pieces of furniture waiting to be painted and tomorrow I'm driving 100 miles, round trip, to pick up another piece I found on Craigslist! Just what I need...more furniture--NOT! It must be a sickness. :D
It was so funny to read about you popping the fuschias, growing up I got in trouble for the same thing, I did it anyway it was way too tempting to hear the pop! I love your Cecile Brunner, I am trying to get one going on my arbor...
We finally got a nice day today, sunny and 61'! Hope you get your warm weather so you can paint your newest projects, can't wait for the before and afters! Love those !!! Hugs, Donna Lynn
Your flowers are gorgeous!! You must be way south of us. I did have a few flowers blooming here (Johny-jump-ups) but then today it snowed!
Cindy you have all my favourites there. Your cecil Brunner is just gorgeous. I looooove hydrangeas so much and yes the fuschias are like little ballerinas! I always think of music from Disneys 'Fantasia' when i see fuschias.,,am i weird?LOL.
Hope you are having a beautiful weekend (and busy too by the sounds of it).
Shannon :)
Wow! Those flowers are beautiful! It seems like everything you touch just turns into beauty!
I think most little kids love to "pop" the flowers. It made me smile and think back to when I has a kid and hearing "Stop that" as I was having the time of my life...pop, pop, pop!
Does your Cecil Brunner have a strong fragrance? I have heard that there is a bush variety and only one or the other has the strong fragrance.
Ok Miss Cindy, I have featured you today on Today's Creative Blog!
LOVE those climbing roses!
so beautiful, thank you for sharing! Romantic garden :) :) :)
Hi cindy~
What a beautiful garden..
I am still awaiting the awakening of my garden. It is just starting to play peak-a-boo, so I m sure the best is yet to come.
Enjoy your day, and congrats on the blogging recognition!
xxxooo Ruth
I have really enjoyed discovering your blog. It is lovely. I love all things you have done with the treasures you have found. I like to do that as well. It can sure change a piece up can't it? Besides the satifaction of knowing you've saved a penny or two and made it your very own. I'll definetly be back for more of your lovely blog. You asked at some point to be rated and I did with a great big 10
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