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I found this adorable cherub lamp at the Saver thrift store for $5.99. I can't tell you how excited I was when I saw it! Of course, it didn't look like this when I found it. It was gold. I found the lamp shade at Ross for only $6.99. So for only $12.98 I got a beautiful lamp...don't you just love thrifting!

I also found another mirror to add to my
stairway mirror collection. I painted it white and added some touches of silver. I'm still on the lookout for more mirrors to add and once I add a few more I'll show you some updated pictures.

Here are the before photos of the lamp and mirror. It's amazing what a little spray paint does!
Would you believe that I've never been thrifting in my life. Antique stores and salvage yards... yes, but not thrift stores. After looking at all of the wonderful things I've seen in blogland, I plan on going to Goodwill this week. I hope to find something as wonderful as this :) The white paint made a huge difference.
Wish me luck on my new adventure,
Rue :)
The lamp is gorgeous! I've been meaning to ask if you have a designated work/craft space where you do all your projects? Can't wait to see the armoir and your mirror wall when they are all done. The 20" of snow in Ohio is starting to melt. Yippie.
What great finds! I also love to thrift and have found that a coat of white or black spray paint makes all the difference. You can really "see" the item, then.
Can't wait to see the armoire when completed!!
Hi, cindy, thrifting is SO much fun. You got 2 great things & now have them personalized for your space. Great job!
Leave it to you to come across an amazing find such as those!
You are the queen of "make-over"
With Love,
Debbie Kay
My MIL has a mirror just like the before picture and she got it for a wedding gift in 1947 so you might have found an old mirror.
Great finds Cindy! Love that lamp!
Where are you going to put it?
Great finds again. The lamp is such a good buy for such a substantial lamp. Can't wait to see where you use both items.
Cindy, you have the best luck, our thrift stores do not have anything like this, I love it. I have a very similar lamp but it has one of those long bulbs and instead of a shade it has what looks like a waterfall with crystals, I'll have to send you a picture. Anyway, congrats on your finds!
LeAnn :)
I'm so happy for your great finds. xoRachel
I love the transformation and the price! Looks great. Awesome deal!
Have a great day.
What a wonderful transformation Cindy!
How pretty, I can hardly wait to see updated pitures of all your mirrors. Thank-you for sharing with us. I just love the lamp I love lamps! I think I am addicted to them.
Oh, how excellent! It turned out just beautifully.
I believe I have your same metal cherub, but in my version he's a pillar candleholder. Someone had stripped all the gold off him and made him silver-- which actually worked out quite well, visually.
It's always fun to see the different things people do with the same type of item.
You have an eye for seeing things as they can be. What a talent.
Love the lamp.
Oh Cindy you have to be 'The Queen of Spray painting'
Absolutely fabulous.
I am getting out my paint and rummaging through my latest thrift store finds and my closets! Thanks for the inspiration!
I have a similar mirror in my closet with the top being a pineapple....cause it is all goldy and green I have put it up, thinking I will paint it and see what it turns out like....what do you think?
J Leigh: I couldn't email you...yes, paint it! It's really easy and makes a huge difference.
Love your finds, and what you did with them. They always look better after your touches.
Wow, I adore that lamp. I have cherub stuff. . . all over my house. . . inside. . . and outside.
Great job updating it and painting it white.
Amazing! You have such an eye for spotting something and turning it into a masterpiece!!
It looks like you are as bad as I am when it comes to thrift shopping. It's addicting. I have found so many great buys there lately.
I have a mirror in the garage that I purchased at the goodwill. It's has a gold frame and I want to paint it either stark white or off white. I am not sure. It was only 2.99.
I have cherubs in so many places in my house. Even my Chandelier had cherubs on it that I am going to put in the dinning room.
Happy thrift shopping.
I am so jealous of you and your thrift store... I have to drive 40 miles to get to one... of course I do have First Monday.... how I long for a good thrift store... my daughter use to call it the coukamonka store...
Your finds are just perfect...
I cant believe the luck you have!! I go thrifting every week, and maybe once a month I find a treasure, but the lamp is the ultimate!! And you have done a great job!!
Hi Cindy! I LOVE your lamp! My 92 yr old mom has 2 similar lamps on her dresser that her brother gave her and I just adore them. I couldn't believe it when I saw yours. It will be one of your favorite things, I know it! Where are you going to put it?? Sherry
I do think everything looks better with a coat of white (or black)! I love the lamp and the mirror - you really do have wonderful thrift stores!
Cindy, I love the way you breathe new life into the treasures you find! Your home is gorgeous and needs to be in a magazine. I always look forward to reading your blog and seeing your pretty photos even though I don't often leave a comment. (I love those vintage pillow cases and am waiting for my own to arrive in the mail. Can't wait to see how you transform that armoire!) Sue (formerly Suesue from RMS)
goshh i love ur lamp n mirror
Wow! I never find anything that wonderful.
Lucky you to find such sweet things. I would love a mirror like that myself.
Hope you have a good day.
Love Elzie
that is absolutely fantastic. It is amazing how everything looks much, much better when painted in white. And I am always amazed about the prices of your finds. Great job Cindy!
Beautiful. It's amazing how a paint job can transform items from something old into new treasures. Well done.
Ciao, Elena :)
Hi Cindy,
Seeing all your thrifted and creative treasures one or two at at time always elicits oohs and ahhs. It occurs to me that actually being in your home and surrounded by all that loveliness must be absolutely breathtaking!
That was an awesome score on the cherub lamp and it turned out so sweet. Don't you just love Ross for their lamp shades. That is the first place I head to when I need one.
Hi Cindy. Beautiful transition from gold to romantic! I can't wait to see your finished armoire!
Beautiful stuff...what great finds. Love your site.
Love your re-do of the lamp, it's perfect for your home. I can't wait to see the armoire transformation..
I love stopping by to see what lovely items you have displayed around your home. I was in the thrift store the other day and found a cherub planter. It's an awful pink right now but I am going to use your painting techniques and soon it will be a lovely white. Thanks for the inspiration. Have a lovely day!
Wow! The mirror and lamp turned out great!
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