I got the armoire last night! It is beautiful and VERY HEAVY! It was quite a challenge to get it home. I even had help from my ex because he has a truck. To get it out of the truck we had to take all the doors off and remove all the drawers. It's solid wood and very good quality. It's the heaviest piece of furniture I've ever had. I know I will never live in an upstairs apartment if I want to keep that!
Because I get obsessed with these types of things, I started looking online at painted armoires to get some inspiration to paint mine. I think I'm going with white. Here are some beautiful painted armoires I found online.
This one above is from here.
The one below is form Layla Grace.I can't remember where I saw this one below, if I find it I'll update this post. I really love this one! I'm thinking of adding some floral appliques to mine.

I just love them all. I have a white wash armoire that I want to paint. I have had it for 18 years. I love all of the wood details on these armories. What a great idea.
Thank-you for sharing
I know it will turn out beautiful!
Cindy, you will love it painted white! I did the same thing to my old dark hutch (actually, I've done the same to every piece of furniture I own! LOL) I applied some appliques to it, replaced the wood knobs with glas knobs, sanded and distressed the edges a bit and I LOVE it!
I can't wait to see how yours turns out. You have a magical touch - everything you do turns out elegant and beautiful!
I'm sure you will do it justice! Be sure to post it once painted so we all can see.
What fun! i can't wait to see what you do with it! You are an inspiration. :-)
Cindy the armoire will look fabulous once you have added some floral detail to it and painted it white.
zthey all look so great but I have no doubt yours will look so beautiful knowing your talent!
Love the ideas you have. Where would you find the wood appliques like you mention? I have an armoire project too and would love to embelish it as well...
Love to ya,
Debbie Kay
Oh, I can't wait to see it. I'm sure it will be just gorgeous!
How about white with faint hits of blue.
Either way you do it I am sure your will make it your own.
I wish I had the know how in refinishing. I've tired but don't have the patience for it.
Can't wait to see the final product.
Hi Cindy,
I'm so glad you got the armoire. The appliques are a great idea!
Happy painting!
So glad you got it, I am sure it will turn out great. Can't wait to see it.
I'm so glad you got the armoire Cindy. I know it will turn out looking beautiful.
Hi Cindy,
I think white is definitely the right choice. When are you going to start painting it? If you're like me, it will be done in a day or two.
LeAnn :)
Do the white with the APPLIQUES!
I can't wait to see how you re-do yours! I am sure it will be awesome!
Oh I cannot wait to see it once you work your magic on it!!! I guess we know what you will be busy doing this weekend!!! Have a Blessed one!!
I think you will be happy adding appliques to this pretty piece. I've used them a lot and love 'em.
And, I can't see anything other than white in your home. It will look just lovely.
Good luck with it.....
I know the armoire is going to turn out beautifully. I really like the 3rd one pictured. I think adding some wood accent pieces would be very nice indeed. Take a few sniffs of those hyacinths for me. We are expecting several inches of snow here in Ohio this weekend.
I love the applique idea! In fact, I recently did it to a hope chest I had. Here's a bit of advice I learned the hard way. Do NOT buy resin appliques. Pay the extra money for wood composite. The quality was really poor with resin, they had bubbles and the edges weren't clean. It would have saved me ALOT of time if I had just paid a little extra! Good luck with your project! I can't wait to see it finished!
Watching your home develop... one piece at a time, is a wonderful inspiration to all of us, Cindy. Thank you so much for sharing over the "years". I know this latest project will be the best yet and I will be back to see it.
i just love your blog!1 i am the same as you!! i have decorated in shabby and thrift for as long as i can remember it started out becaue simply i couldnt afford to do it any other way but now has become an obsession!! i love finding things and repurposing them i love even better yet the look on someones face pure schock to hear where i got a piece from at the thrift or curb side they are like noooo!!!! isn't it great i feel now i just am too cheap to pay any more then a small fee some antique stores charge a kings ransome for all this stuff a beautiful little apartment i love it all!!!! thanks for sharing you have been on my faves for a long time!!!
A smart and eclectic mix of different French styles of French Armoire will turn your house into a stylish and comfortable home.
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