I'm posting again today since a couple of you asked about my painting technique for this.
I spray painted it with just regular flat white spray paint. The brand I used is called Krylon. Spray it and let it dry. I recommend using flat paint because the glaze will adhere better. To make the glaze I dilute brown acrylic craft paint with water, about 50/50 ratio. The paint is the type that comes in the little plastic squirt bottles that you can buy at Michaels or any hobby shop. Brush on the glaze and rub off the excess with a paper towel or rag. Leave a lot of the glaze in the crevices. On this one I brushed on a little white paint over some of the high raised areas after the glaze dried. That's it! If your piece is going outside I would put some type of clear coat on it to protect the paint from washing off.
Thanks for sharing your painting technique with us.
Boy, you certainly can work wonders with a paint brush!!
Thank you for sharing. I was wondering what you used for a glaze.
Happy painting. Buy stock in a paint company and get a return on your money.
He He
I may use these directions as I redo the kids' rooms--thank you! I learn alot here!
I have the perfect piece to try your technique on. You make it sound so easy ... watch me mess it up! LOL!
Thanks for sharing,
Thanks for sharing. That's beautiful.
You are so amazing and giving... love the way he turned out... just lovely
Wow, the cherub came out so nice and it was so easy! I think I could do it.
What a great, easy, painting technique, and what an amazing series of posts on Helen and what happened to Vince. I was totally engrossed and amazed. I hope you do eventually find out what happened to Helen. Amazing. Thank you for sharing all that.
~Angela :-)
Thanks Cindy for your tips, I will try it out on some of my things.
Cindy..thats very sweet..thanks for the painting tip!
Thank you dear Cindy for sharing the technique with us!!
Been visiting you for a while and love your blog. My favorite place to shop is salvation army (my daughter calls it S & A so know one will know I shop there). I do a pink then white wash the same way you do. Thanks for the great idea. RoseMarie
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