A couple weeks ago my daughter was spending the night at a friend's house and I found myself home alone and bored so I decided to make an apron out of some fabric I had recently found packed away in a box. This fabric is a little sentimental to me...when my daughter was about 3 years old I made Mother-Daughter matching dresses with this fabric. Now I look at it and can't imagine myself actually wearing this but back then it was in style. Lauren cringes every time I tell her we had matching dresses!

I added some old lace to the pocket and around the bottom. The rose I made a few years ago out of ribbon. If I had a sewing or craft room I would sew a lot more often. I am so messy when I sew. I end up with thread, pins and fabric everywhere even when I tell myself before I start that I'm not going to make a mess!
These are very similar to the patterns I used for our mother/daughter dresses. Mine was a drop waist and my daughter's was a classic jumper style. I sure wish I had pictures of us in those. I remember we went out for Mother's Day brunch wearing them. It seemed cute at the time but now I'm wondering...WHAT WAS I THINKING?!! Funny how things change. I almost always wear solid colors now and can't even imagine wearing anything floral (except for an apron).
What a pretty apron - you did a great job on it! Where did you get the rabbit hook holder it is on ? I love it :)
Aaaaahhhh...the sweetest post...ya get so much done when'yer home alone...like today..I'd better get busy!
What a pretty apron and what a great idea using the old fabric. It made it more special. Isn't it amazing how styles have changed. My kids are always nagging at me about the way I used to dress them, and of course how I dressed. Have a great day!!
That is so pretty! Great job! I wish I could sew! I bought a machine about a year ago and it stays under the cabinet! With inspiration like yours I will resolve to take some lessons this year!
It's beautiful fabric, you made a beautiful apron! I'm sure they were beautiful dresses, and that your daughter and you were beautiful in them!! Styles and our taste change so fast!! It's a wonderful memory! And now you have the lovely apron to help you cherish your memory!! Also, the the little hook you have it hanging on,it's adorable also!!
Hi Cindy,
You sew, you redo furniture, you do your own electrical work...what an inspiration you are! I just love your apron :) (Why does that song "Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves" come to mind?) You Go Girl!
Indeed, you get a lot done when you're home alone! Your apron is beautiful and I imagine you two were equally as gorgeous at that Mother's Day Brunch.
I have that pattern! I made so many jumpers out of them, solids, stripes and a pretty quilted looking patchwork of madras. That was the year I did my own Spiral perm...my hair was to my shoulder blades and after that perm I looked like a clown wig gone bad. I didn't know hair could curl that tight or that short.
The Fire Marshal in my Sunday School class called it 'rich' and then laughed. Toad. LOL! Since I didn't have a daughter to embarrass, I just embarrassed myself. :)
Ah, the memories...thanks for sharing your amazing blog!
I love the apron, and I'm sure that you were adorable in your floral dress. Things do change as we get older, some for the better, and some not. ;)
OHMIGOSH! Can I ever relate to the mother/daughter dresses because I did the same thing! (My daughter is now 25. I think she was about 8 or 9 at the time.)
Our jumpers were very similar in style to yours (the same maybe?? LOL) but I made them in black corduroy with Christmas print scarf-like "collars" that were soooo in fashion around here then. Unfortunately, I DO have pictures because we wore them to have our professional holiday photos done. I absolutely cringe every time I look at those pictures now! "What was I thinking?" is right!! UGH!
The apron is really cute though. Do you wear aprons when you cook?
That's funny. My mom and I used to have a few matching jumpers very similar to the one's in the pattern. I thought it was so cool back then. But, like you, now I'm thinking "That was hideous."
It's great that you can keep those sweet memories every time you look at your apron.
So cute!! Love that story and the apron. You are very talented.
Cindy, What beautiful memories and a beautiful apron!! The new light also is so pretty! Lori
I love the apron. Did you design your own pattern? I have no idea how to sew (although I have a sewing machine, hahahaha) So you might just be thinking well you dumb clod, they don't make patterns for aprons. However you made it - it's beautiful. ps - I think it's phenomenal how you do everything yourself. A real inspiration!
You are a great, if messy, sewer! I don't understand my machine. It always breaks a needle or the thread knots up... oh well, I'll enjoy your sewing projects!
Your apron is gorgeous! You have such a neat touch to things. I love the fabric and yes, I remember dresses made from similar fabric and the mother-daughter thing. My daughter isn't thrilled with the pictures or the idea of it now. Thanks for sharing your apron with us. ~Adrienne
Hi Cindy! I love the apron! It's pretty and the material holds a sweet memory. I like the dress patterns too,quite honestly.
I just stumbled upon your blog and have to say if I had an apron as gorgeous as that I'd do an awful lot more housework just to wear it hehe!!
I remember making and wearing these types of dresses with my daughters too. One is now 20 and the other 13. At one time, we all had matching dresses. The youngest was 2 and the oldest was 9. I thought we were really "styling" then. We even had matching white sweaters that we tied around our shoulders to complete the look. We must have looked like idiots while out and about. LOL. Oh, well, memories. . . are made from days like that. We talk about it and laugh. The youngest doesn't really remember, but is not happy we dressed her up to look like us!
Those fabrics are beautiful. How nice that you still had some of these fabrics. Do you have a picture of you and your daughter in the dresses? Hint, hint ;-)
Great tale of those days with young daughter Cindy - bet you both looked so cute! Like you I never wear prints anymore - solid textured fabrics only - so must drag out all my fabric remnants and make aprons I guess.
Oh my gosh, I made a jumper out of that VERY PATTERN!!! How funny is that?
I absolutely love this apron!! Simply beautiful...you'll feel very pretty wearing it!
Hi! I love your blog and the apron is soooo cute. I can remember my Mom wearing aprons all the time when she cooked. I wish I had some of them now. By the way, if Crystal (a pink-bee) hasn't found the rabbit hook, have her contact me, if she is interested, because I have the exact same hook but am planning on replacing it with something different.
Love it! You did a wonderful job! And I love that you girls matched at one time...cute!
Cindy, have you realized how productive you are when you claim you are "bored"? lol
Hi Cindy -- my daughter, Katie, and I had matching Laura Ashley flowered coveralls when she was a baby. I'm not sure where they are now, but I know that I would find them sentimental (though I wouldn't be caught dead in it now) and she would cringe, too! It's a sweet idea to make an apron; I wish I could sew!
The apron is so pretty. I like the rose you made, also.
You are so talented Cindy. I love the apron. I think you need to make one for your daughter so you can have matching aprons!!
I made quite a few Mother Daughter dresses..the girls laugh now..But I know they bring back fond memories..Long frocks too:) Like Little House on the Prairie..And one of my daughters ..now 32..bought matching sundresses for she and her stepdaughter:) Life repeats itself at one point:)
The apron turned out beautifully!
I am already looking at mother daughter dresses for Matilda and I to wear. There is just something very sweet about the "mommy and me" look!
BTW, sometimes I still am fond of some of the outdated fashions... I still think the "Designing Women" team with their big hair and padded shoulders look very feminine and pretty, even if a more "grunge" look is popular today!
Very lovely indeed! I remember those drop waist dresses! urrr....
Your home is so gorgeous! Becky
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