This is my 100th post and like many others before me, I would like to give something away to celebrate. I've chosen this heart button wreath I made from some of my own button collection. Please leave a comment if you would like to be part of the drawing. Everyone is welcome! Lurkers, this is your chance to come out and leave a message. I get over 200 visitors a day, so I know you are out there and I would love to meet you (in a cyberspace sort of way)! I will draw a name this Thursday, April 12th.
Tomorrow I will post photos of my bedroom...finally!

Also I've been give a very prestigious blog award from dear Betty Jo of Digi Scribbles. The thinking blogger award. Thank you so much Betty Jo! To be included with the other blogs you have chosen really does make this award feel prestigious to me!
Update: I also received this award from Lallee of Lallee's Cottage. Thank you Lallee!
I think if you blog regularly you should get this award. My mind is always thinking about this blog, more than it should be in fact. At times I wake up in the morning and it's the first thing I think about. As I drive to work, I'm writing posts in my head, sometimes it feels like my life has become my blog, and my blog has become my life. I never thought that it would be such a big part of my life, but it is.
Now I need to chose 5 bloggers to pass this on to. And the award goes to.....
Andrea from Under a Blue Moon. As soon as I read that she was from Northern California and she had a dog named Beau...I knew we already had two things in common. But more than that, she has great style. A refined elegance is what comes through to me as I read her blog, both in her writing and her photos.
Ashley from The Draper House. Another great blog. Ashely's personality shines through in her writing. She is someone I would love to hang out with...I just know it from reading her blog. Her children, well they are just the most angelic looking kids I think I've ever seen (besides my own of course).
Savy City Farmer. Another great blogger who I admire. Her furniture refinishing is unbelievable. She is another blogger who's great personality comes through.
Meg from My Little Cottage. I love reading Meg's posts, from her beautiful MacKenzie-Childs' pieces, her curly hair, her beautiful sons and especially her letter to Oprah.
Manuela at The Feathered Nest. Manuela's blog is fairly new but I can tell already that it's going to be a favorite of mine. I love her style.
I am honored to be the first to put my name in for your lovely piece. I have never entered a drawing before, but your charm has drawn me in. Your button wreath is darling, in fact I have been envying your button collection ever since I first saw it. I was also treasure it because it would remind me of the pleasure your daily postings bring. Please count me in!
Cindy, thank you for the award. You have a lovely blog. It's obvious that you do put a lot of thought in to what you write each day. That little wreath is beautiful...I bet it's even more beautiful in person, so I'll keep my fingers crossed that you pick me for your drawing!.. .
Oh, Cindy, you know I am a daily reader of your wonderful blog. I turn to it every day for a breath of inspiration! I know we would be friends if we lived closer, PLUS... I have been excitedly awaiting the unveiling of your bedroom makeover! I am glad for you that it's finally ready to reveal... and then revel in! Have a wonderful week. I've been really negligent of my blog. My father has had a bad bout with congestive heart failure complications, but he's a bit better, so here comes something I hope this week.... Did I miss Easter? I think so... Booo....
Have fun! I'll enjoy being entered for the beautiful button heart, but just reading your blog is gift/prize a plenty... Gayla
I am coming out of "lurkdom" to say how much I've enjoyed reading your blog since finding it last week! It's now on my list of daily reads :) I enjoy seeing all of your decorating ideas. Thanks for sharing!
Michelle (from MI)
Your blog is one of my many favorites, I know what you mean about always thinking about your blog, I do with mine too. :)
What a pretty button wreath :0) Please enter me in the drawing for it. Can't wait to see how your bedroom project turned out !
oh, that makes this bowl of chocolate chip ice cream feel like a big bucket of fudge and a tall glass of ice cold milk. yummy, just like you! i'm all for hangin' out any ol' time. : ) blessings!
I am not a lurker but I do want to let you know how much I like your blog, your home is lovely and I most like thatyou have done it yourself.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Congratulations on your 100th post & the thinking blogger award!
I enjoy reading your blog and seeing pictures of your home. You have decorated it so beautifully!
Congrats on the award, Cindy. I really enjoy your blog too. I know what you mean about blogs taking over your life...yikes, it's happened to me too! I'd love to be in the giveaway, so thanks.
Can't wait to see your bedroom unveiled soon.
Southern Hospitality
Gosh Cindy, thank you. I'm honored, especially since I haven't even been blogging for a whole month yet! I really like your blog too and check it every day for decorating inspiration.
That is the most precious wreath and I would love to be entered in the giveaway!
Congratulations on your 100th post and on your Thinking Blogger Award!
I picked up my awards on the weekend! I can so relate to your comments about always thinking about a new post writing notes editing photos...a full time passion!
I once asked you what you do with all your buttons and now I can see the charming original creation! I would be most charmed in winning this heart!hugs NG
Time for me to come out from lurking...I have been reading your blog for some time and enjoy it you can probably tell from your site meter. Im the one from Edmonton, ALberta Canada :) Im very into shabby/romantic chic too.
I love reading your blog - especially as I'm a single mom also.
The wreath heart is so special as I know it's one you love - it's so much fun to give away something you love, isn't it?
Hi Cindy, Your blog is one of my favorites...I'd like to add my name in the draw. Looking forward to your bedroom pictures. Congratulations on your 100th post.
I love your blog-it is a favorite with me! I would love to win the adorable button wreath! My email is for all the beautiful photos! Becky
Hi Cindy, I look into your blog every day (ok, sometimes more!) and I love it! You have a beautiful home and a lot of talent. I can't believe how many other people love finding the potential in something used and turning it into something beuatiful again. I thought I was alone in my salvaging adventures! Anyway, I love the wreath. I inherited all my grandmothers buttons when she died and maybe someday I will use them to make something beautiful too. Thank you for inspiring me every day.
Congratulations on your award--you are so very deserving. I visit every day and enjoy each and every visit.
Your button heart is so never cease to amaze me with your creativity!
Coming out of lurking to say congratulations on your 100th post! Please enter me in the drawing.
Congrats on your 100th. Love your blog, so pretty and well thought out. Hope you have many more blogs and all the beauty your eyes can take in.
I have been visiting your blog for sometime now, and I'm anxious to see your finished bedroom.
Loved the lampshade makeover and the vintage towel pillow! You sound like me...always making something out of something else!!!
Oh, girl you are too kind...that's two now this week...mimis kitchen(on my sidebar) said the sweetest things.
Your home reflects all of your great taste.
I'm in for the soon.
You have a beautiful blog, I found it through Lallee's.
I love the button heart wreath!
your blog is such a lovely place to visit... thanks for all of the creative juices you send our way ! Love your heart wreath too xoxo
I'm coming out of lurkdom too. I love the inspiration you provide!
How lovely is that?! Oh, please do enter my name in your drawing! And I look forward to seeing the photos of your bedroom as well.
Now that's a great way to share you Button Love! It's so darling.
Hope you had a wonderful Easter!
I enjoy checking in on your blog & reading what is happening! Just love that wreath! What did you use as a base for it? Looking forward to seeing your bedroom pictures tomorrow!
Did I hear BUTTONS? You know I'm in!! That wreath would look great next to my button jars! You also already know that I love your blog! Congrats on your 100th post!
Congratylations dear Cindy! YOu have such a special inspiring and creative. A very special lady.
How sweet to offer such a treasure as a giveaway.
I am always tickled to see so many leave comments on everyone's blogs! I knew that you must have so many readers...your site is amazing!
Have a wonderful week.
Congratulations on your posts and award. I've been enjoying your blog for awhile now, just haven't posted.
Cindy, you deserve the awards, I look so forward to your posts! Looking forward to seeing your completed bedroom!
I enjoy visiting your blog, it's so good for my creative juices.
Congrats on the award!!
Cindy, congratulations on your 100th post! I enjoyed visiting your award winners, too. Some were regulars to me, and others new~all great choices.
The heart wreath is beautiful~please do count me in on the drawing. It's a treasure. You have me watching out for buttons now ;-)
I enjoy visiting your blog so much, and cannot wait for the bedroom reveal!
I so agree with you, the way blogging has been such a great part of life!! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway, that wreath is beautiful!! Congrats on 100 posts and many more I hope!
Congrats on your awards Cindy and your 100 posts! You are so deserving of two awards, as your blog is always double good!! It is obvious that you put a lot of thought into it too. I know what you mean, I often wake up thinking of my blog post for the day. What a wonderful give-away, please count me in. xoxo
I know what you mean when you say that your Blog is always on your mind, I feel exactly the same way!It becomes a part of our daily life, adn that's a good thing!
Congrats on reaching 100!
Congrats on your 100th post!
Oh my... I love anything with buttons!
Can't wait to see your bedroom Cindy!
Congrats on your 100th and what a way to get the lurkers out. I have commented before and I visit almost every day. I love your site it is one of my favs. Please count me in the drawing. Your heart is lovely and I have just the spot for it in my home.
I'm one of your lurkers and would love to be included in the drawing - thanks!
Please enter my name for your draw. I stopped by today to see how you were coming with your bedroom set and to my surprise your have completed the project. Your bedroom looks soooooooo romantic. You did an amazing job.
I love how your room turned out! Its funny, I was just on "rate my space" & I realized right away that the bed that I was seeing was yours, so I rushed right on over here :)
I would love to be put into your drawing. I've been admiring your button crafts.
Oh, I'd love to be part of your celebration. Congratulations Cindy!
I really love your blog and find inspiration here daily. Please include my name in your drawing.
Hi! Love what you have done with your bedroom! It is amazing what a little white paint will do to transform old furniture! Include me in the drawing, thanks.
Thank you so much for including me in your list of Thinking Blogger award recipiants - Yours is a blog that I come to first thing in the morning -
I have severe button envy whenever I see your button projects - they are so sweet. I don't know how you could part with it.
Hi Cindy, I'm a regular visitor to your blog and your bedroom makeover is BEAUTIFUL! It's so amazing what a little paint and talent can do, right? I'd love to be included in running for your give-away ~ buttons are a favorite of mine too!
Congratulations on your award! I love visiting your blog and seeing your lovely home - I always get ideas. Your button wreath is so pretty, I love the different shades of ivory and would be honored to be entered into the drawing.
Would you mind adding me to your list of people hoping to get the beautiful button wreath? I am a lurker (for a long time) and LOVE the things you do! You are very talented! I enjoy everything I see! Diane Carlson -
I just found your blog and what a treat! It is beautiful and you have such a gift for decorating. I would like to be put in the drawing for this adorable button wreath. Blessings!
Just as your blog has become such a huge part of your life, it has also become a part of our lives. I look forward to seeing your posts each day. On my bad days it gives me a lift. Thanks so much for what you have contributed to our lives.
Hi darling,love your blog.wont to swap links.I have already added you.Com e on over for a visite.I posted a few days ago some of my grandmothers antiques.
Oh yes ,put me in for your bueatful the buttons.
Cindy - I love your blog and what you've done with your personal space. Sometimes having a strict budget is a good thing as it makes one more selective - then you end up with an amazing home such as you have made!!
Congrats. and please keep on wowing us!
How adorable- i just found your blog and love your ideas! I would love to be included in your drawing.
if it is not to late I would love to toss my name into the drawing. I just love button lovely site you have here.
Oh thank goodness I'm not too late! I love this sweet wreath and I LOVE your blog!
Hello! I am one of those lurkers you speak of! I adore your blog with all it's lovely eye candy! Your bedroom makeover is fabulous! I especially love the quilt on the bed. Please enter me in the drawing for your gorgeous button wreath!! I made one myself, but it's a circle. Yours is so cute in the heart shape!!
I found your blog on another blog. I love the way you decorate your home! Your bedroom makeover is simply fantastic. The idea you had to hang the curtains on your closet doors with the mirrors is genius! It makes it look like a window. You should send this tip into the make-over shows on tv. They are always wondering how to change closets that have mirrors.
I too collect buttons and adore your button heart. If I win it, I will treasure it forever!
Linda in Virginia
I love your blog, you are so creative . Keep inspiring everyone. Your button heart is darling, I would like to be in your drawing. Thanks, Ronnie
Your ideas are so inspirational. I enjoy your blog so much! I have been laid up with a broken ankle for three months and have discovered the wonderful world of blogs. Your's is at the top of my list.
Hi Cindy,
I was a "lurker" at first, but now I come to your blog everyday!! :) Thanks again for your fresh ideas and thoughts!
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