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I finally decided to start tearing out pages of magazines of things I like. I've never wanted to destroy my magazines so this is a big step for me. I have years and years of Romantic Homes, Victoria and numerous other home decor & gardening magazines. I'm realizing now that I would love to have more room in my storage closet so I'm going to tear out the pictures I love and keep them in a binder then toss the magazines (sob, sob). I'm not going to do this with my Victoria magazines though, I'm keeping those forever. Then every Friday (I'll try at least) I will do a post about a different page. I'm sure I will have enough pictures to do this for a long time! Do any other of you bloggers want to join in and share your favorites? What shall I call it? How about "Inspiration Fridays"
I'm going to start with one of my favorite kitchens. I still remember turning the page of the magazine and gasping when I saw was love at first sight for me. Really though, it not a utilitarian kitchen, it's more of a decorative kitchen. Regardless it is beautiful!
Hi, Cindy, first time I've visited your blog....this is a beautiful kitchen. Of course, we'd have to move those decorative things out of the way to cook, huh? Looking forward to checking out more of your posts. Please stop by & visit me too!
Southern Hospitality
I loved Romantic Homes magazine because of pictures like you posted. Unfortunately, I think they have changed their style a little too much for my taste and I don't plan on renewing my subscription come June. Thank you for posting these beauties! I check your blog everyday and love it!
Lovely photo! I have a complete set of Victoria magazines that will remain intact -- BUT I've torn out pages from many home decor magazines for years! I'm a magazine junkie -- and proud of it! LOL!
I keep them organized in files -- labelled for each room type in a home AND holidays too -- that are stored in a "milk-box" plastic crate -- very handy to store and search ....
Love your blog!
i love that kitchen too! and anyone who would destroy a victoria magazine must be insane! you know i have the entire collection myself...thanks for sharing, if i had it together enough i'd do that inspiration friday thing, but i do not...someday perhaps. until then, i'll continue visiting YOU! : ) blessings!
Cindy, Inspiration Friday? I love the idea, can't wait til next week's "episode". I love this kitchen too! So pretty!
Come visit me!
Hi Cindy,
I love Victoria magazines also and have a ton of issues that I've found in thrift shops, even double issues, that I will not cut up! But as much as I love magazines, I have been doing what your doing for years. I bought an exacto knife for that reason. It has always helped me purge and not have so many in the house. I buy those big packs of sheet protectors at Target or Wal-mart and slip two into each one. Then place it into a large white notebook. You could even have a "kitchen notebook", "living room notebook", etc. Then, when you sit down with one of them, it is like looking at the best, most wonderful magazine ever ~ because it is all your taste!
Take care, Dawn :)
ok ya`ll (texan for you all) have inspired me. I`m going to start cutting out pic`s. now where do I find Samantha to come wiggle her nose? (that would be from the sitcom Bewitched for ya`ll that are 30 something.) LOVE your blog!
I *love* that kitchen!!! Gorgeous. And, I think that I will join you in Inspiration Fridays, though I'll start next week. Thanks for the great idea!
Beautiful pictures and kitchens!! I think clipping ideas that inspire you is a wonderful idea!!!
(Wandered in here from Susie's blog and am enjoying yours!)
I also have a set of Victoria's that I won;t cut..and my Nary Englebreit's Home Comapanion I won;t either. But I have so many Romantic Homes...I may start cutting out favorites. I did with my Country Homes and others. I am such a magazine junkie. My brother always says that I would be a milioniare if I had not bought so many magazines over the years! But you know, I READ them, get lost in them, dream over them...I get so much pleasure from them.
This kitchen is so pretty. I need to learn to use our new scanner properly so I can do things like this!!
I love magazines too! And I really like the kitchen you posted. It's very pretty. I never get rid of my magazines, although I did decide to purge some from prior to 2000, because well, that's a lot of magazines to keep around. I love Country Home, Country Living, Romantic Homes, Home Companion, Country Homes & Interiors (English mag), and English Home magazine. I love sitting with a coffee, a wonderful home magazine, all scrunched up on the couch with the fire going. It's so good. I'm enjoying your blog and am new to it. Come and visit me too please.
Cindy what a gorgeous kitchen. Inspiration Friday is a wonderful idea. I'll join you just as soon as I get moved and settled a bit. My mags and files are all packed already. I do see a Pottery Barn catalog on my desk though. Maybe I'll clip something from it and share next Friday.
love that idea ! Inspiration Friday.... gotta get a scanner though... which is kinda easy... it is the setting up and learning to use it... could be a challenge... ok challenge Thursdays @
Cindy what a gorgeous kitchen. Inspiration Friday is a wonderful idea. We must be a kindred spirit because I am the same way with my magazines but I have often thought of making a scrapbook of sorts of my favorite inspiration pictures.
You have a lovely sight and will be back to visit.
What a pretty kitchen, Cindy! I love my inspiration pics too. I'm vicious about tearing out pages I like because with the amount of magazines I get they would take over the house. I do have some I won't cut up, but they are in the minority. I love the idea of inspiration Friday!
This is totally stunning!!!!
Great idea about sharing inspiration...I love it
While it's hard...I've been doing this for years now. My collection of magazines (mostly Victoria & Veranda) were getting too large for my storage area. Alas, over a period of time, I decided to pull the pages of 'inspiration' and recycle the rest. The only magazine I have yet to do this to is Veranda. The older issues (late 80's/early 90's) are just too full of ideas to be seperated. So, I will have a bulge of Veranda's...for the time being. Glad to know I'm not the only one who 'strips' pages for ideas ;-)
This kitchen is so beautiful. I love clipping pictures for ideas a wonderful thing. When I have a moment I tend to do it for a few things.
Those kitchen pictures make me gasp in a good way! Wow, how beautiful!
It is hard to cut up beautiful magazines but I found that it makes it easier to find the pictures that you love much easier than trying to remember what magazine/issue it was in. I can never, ever take scissors to my Victoria magazines though! That would just be wrong! I've got every issue and still bring them out every month to enjoy yet again. I'm look forward to Inspiration Friday's!
Hi Cindy,
I came across your blog while looking for Romantic Homes Magazines binders for my past issues. Love that kitchen in the pictures and also looked at your home photos - they are wonderful. Perhaps you should submit them to Romantic Homes and they might do an article on you.
Joy to you!!!
This is a very very beautiful and so very nice kitchen. Thank you for sharing....
Is this how show me friday started. Love those kitchens.timeless.
Your blog is one of my favorated love the white and blue together. Great job.
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