This weekend was so productive for me. Saturday I cleaned house and did laundry. My daughter and I also rearranged her bedroom. Sunday was the really productive day. Here's a list of what I did (I hope I didn't forget anything)
- Grocery shopping at 8:00 AM
- Came home and cleaned out the fridge
- Marinated chicken that I was going to cook for dinner but didn't because I was too busy. It's Indonesian chicken from the Barefoot Contessa's first cookbook. Recipe can be found here if you don't have the cookbook. If you love ginger and garlic, you'll love this recipe.
- Went to the hardware store to get paint, ran through the nursery section and found impatiens
- Went to Trader Joe's.
- Came home and planted impatiens (wow, I've never planted them this early in the year before, let's hope for the best)
- Repainted the nightstand I painted last weekend. Now it's the right color of white
- Painted a side table that I bought at 75% off on Friday. It was black and I painted it white
- Stripped the finish off 5 drawers on one of the pieces of my bedroom set. (the other piece has 9 drawers so this bedroom set paint job is going to take forever and I may have to take some of my vacation days if I want it done anytime soon)
- Painted a footstool and recovered the top
- Painted my thrift store birdcage white. I painted it with a brush. It would have been so much quicker to spray paint it but the weather did not cooperate and I lost patience.
- Vacuumed the whole house even though I vacuumed the day before.
- Took pictures of the button wreaths above
- Finished my day around 9:30 pm and went to bed at 10:00, whew...very tired!
Now that's my kind of a weekend!
I love a productive day. You are very brave to paint your furniture. I have a couple of pieces that I would like to paint but I'm afraid to even get started. One is a huge old entertainment center and there are many ways it could go wrong.
I love the dried peonies in your previous post. Gorgeous. I agree we just don't have the right climate for them here. You have to baby them along and then for what? A week or two of blooms and that's it.
Wow, you knocked out some projects! I'm so envious!
Come visit me!
Wow. I would be happy to get one third of that done. Love the wreaths & can't wait to see the results of your other projects.
Those wreath's are adorable!
You were busy! I love that button heart decoration. So cute.
Button Button who's got the button?
A homemade game we used to play as kids....bless you..I love buttons
I remember "button, button, who's got the button" I used to love that game!
Cindy your button heart and wreath are gorgeous! What did you use for the core? OMGosh your weekend made me tired just reading about all you accomplished. LOL
Wow, you sure had a productive weekend!
About the only reason I am glad my DD is grown and living on her own is I don't have to look at her messy bedroom anymore. Hope your DD is neater than mine.
Your button wreaths are wonderful.
I love that feeling you get when you accomplish so much !! Do you rent out ??? I need to go back and look at the birdcage... Ill bet it looks awesome white !!
LoVe the heart what a great idea!
Wonderful inspiration! thank you!
I got tired just reading all your hard work but isn't it fun when you get everything done and can sit back and enjoy it?
I love your button wreaths, so cute!
:) Bren
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