Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Hawaiian Vacation - Show and Tell Friday

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday! It's Wednesday evening as I write this post and I just got home from my vacation in Hawaii at 9pm. I'm so tired and I have to get up early to go to work tomorrow but I went through some of my photos to share with you. 

Allen has a second home in a resort area in Hawaii and this photo above was taken from the pool area. We had an amazing sunset that night! 

We spent many days at this beach. The water is so warm! We had so much fun body surfing in the waves, strolling along the beach and just relaxing in the sun!  

Allen's home is on the golf course and this photo was taken from his balcony, you can see the ocean from here.  Amazing views!!!

His home is on the Big Island and one day we drove around to the other side to see the waterfalls! Breathtaking!!!!

When we arrived I went out and picked a bouquet of hibiscus, which are blooming everywhere!  This is the table on his balcony where we ate breakfast every day and enjoyed some wine before dinner.

This photo above is from my iphone and it was dark so it's a little blurry but I had to share because it was my first time having a Lava Flow drink! Wow, they were amazing!  This was taken our last evening there where we had dinner at the Canoe House at Mauni Lani Bay. It is the most romantic place ever! We had dinner outside right by the ocean. The waves are illuminated and just glow in the dark. It was the perfect way to end our vacation.  Sorry, I should have put these photos in order but I'm too exhausted to do that tonight!

One day we went for a walk and we came upon this swing made out of driftwood. 

Here's a pic of Allen, fit and tan and 6'6"!  Yep! Nice! 

I have so many more photos but I'm too exhausted to go through them all tonight.  It was a memorable 8 days. I got the best tan I've ever had in my life and although that tan will fade, the memories will last a lifetime! I feel so incredibly blessed to have experienced this!

Allen also has a timeshare on Maui and he's looking to rent out 1 or 2 weeks. It's a great deal, better than you can find anywhere. He's letting it go for his cost!  If you are interested in it, please send me an email at
Here are the details:
Large ocean view suite with living room, dining room, full kitchen, and a large master bedroom/bath at the new Westin Ka'anapali Ocean Resort Villas on Kaanapali Beach on Maui; there are two weeks currently available in 2013 that can be booked separately or together at the rate of $1,975 per week; book early to get this great below season rate and low advance airfares.

Visit the property at

I came back home and my lilacs are blooming and my roses are full of buds so I'll be back to blogging about home-related things soon! I plan on getting my Spring/Easter decor up this weekend so more on that next week!

Thanks to all of you that join in on Show and Tell Friday every week and thanks to all of you who leave such nice comments!

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.



  1. Wow and I ever jealous! It's freezing here in Idaho. I am lily white after and oh so long winter and have not been on a vacation for what seems like ages. However, I am very happy for you. Is this true love???

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  2. Hawaii is like paradise. My BIL has a condo in Maui, he's always offering it to us. I may have to take him up on that. He may never get me to leave!! Glad you had a good time Cindy get some rest and thanks for hosting.

  3. Cindy, I've only visited Hawaii once and that was in 1971. Your photos make me think we should plan a trip. Glad you had a great vacation and that there is a handsome guy in your life. ;-)

  4. Looks heavenly!!

    Hope you had a great trip


  5. Oh Cindy the last time I had a Lava Flow was 16 yrs ago on our Honeymoon! We were in Hawaii for 3 weeks and loved every minute of it!
    Thanks so much for hosting!

  6. Great pictures! Thanks for hosting...Connie

  7. It would be so wonderful to have a home where I could garden year round! Eh, who am I kidding? I LOVE my Chicagoland seasons!
    You look so beautiful!



  8. Looks fabulous, Cindy. I love Hawaii! Wish I were there now ;)

    <3 Christina @ I Gotta Create!

  9. Looks like you had a fabulous time!!! It is so hard go back to work after a trip like that. Thanks for hosting, Laura

  10. In my dreams I will go to Hawaii, looks amazing! Thanks for hosting!

  11. Breathtaking photos from Hawaii, Cindy. So pretty :) Thanks for hosting. Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  12. Thanks for hosting Cindy... you vacation looks lovely! Little Bit

  13. Hawaii is paradise! Glad you enjoyed your time there! Thanks for hosting! Life to the full, Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

  14. So beautiful! I love Hawaii. I'm happy you had a nice time away and thanks for thinking of us on your first night back. Blessings, Patti

  15. I love Maui! We go every year and we stay on Kaanapali beach too, it's just gorgeous! Thanks for hosting tonight's party!!
    Jamie @

  16. Memory of happiness is always happiness to keep in mind for grey days !
    xoxo from PARIS

  17. So your still having a wonderful time, so envious. I love the driftwood swing. I have a friend in Australia whose husband collects large pieces of driftwood from beaches and carves them into the most amazing sculptures.

    I am having a holiday soon, maybe I should be thinking of Hawaii but I think that it will be getting really hot there soon and I can't take my holiday until the end of April.

    Thank you for sharing again this week and the work you put into letting us link up.

    Lee :)

  18. Cindy,what a magical holiday in such a beautiful place. So Romantic too.

  19. I got to visit Hawaii just after graduating from high school, and it was filled with beautiful, breathtaking scenery I'll never forget... thanks for hosting!

  20. I wanna goooooo there

    also with a hunk of burning love like you went with LOL

    so glad to see the beautiful pictures

  21. Wow Cindy what a terrific getaway. Thank you for sharing your happy memory making. I am happy to link up to your lovely party this week. Thank you for hosting. Big Hugs!!

  22. Cindy, thank you for sharing your vacation with us. I know you made some beautiful memories in Hawaii. You look fab in the photos!

    Thanks for hosting another beautiful Friday party!
    Have a blessed day.

    Linda and Jeannie at The French Hens Nest

  23. Lucky, lucky you! Enjoy every last moment of your romantic getaway! I managed to put together an Easter tablescape in the midst of our moving process to let everyone know that I'm still here and will be back!
    Thank you for hosting from beautiful Hawaii!

  24. You are so lucky Cindy what a beautiful vacation!Thank you so much for hosting!

  25. Looks like you had a wonderful time! Glad you made it home safely! Thanks for the party. I've just posted this week's Homemaking Linkup and would love to have you join, if you'd like.

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  26. Hi Cindy! OH, I'm so glad you've had a wonderful time in Hawaii. You look so pretty and you did get a tan! Your guy sounds great!
    Thanks for always hosting your party.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  27. Hi Cindy! I was going to share my tulips but changed my mind after seeing your Hawaii photos! Thanks so much for sharing them. I only visited the Big Island for one day (drove around the whole island that day) but knew right then that I was home! We were in Maui a year ago and loved it, Kauai might be my favorite though. We were ulcky enough to stay at the Westin Ka'anapali Ocean Resort Villas and it was amazing! It's in the perfect spot too. The beach is not as crowded there. Love it!
    Thank you for hosting and have a great week!

  28. Hawaii is so much fun!!! It looks like you had a marvelous time!!!

  29. Cindy, thank you for sharing your vacation with us.Thanks for hosting.

  30. Hi Cindy
    I´ve never ben there but itlooks fantastic....
    Thanks for hosting
    and do not miss...


    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  31. Guess I'm just a little jealous...

  32. Come on, ladies! Here is the real comment after all those beautiful pictures: what a cutie patootie you got for yourself!! :o)
    Is that the right thing to say in English about a man?? In Spanish we would say: "que papito!".
    Love your blog and your energy, Cindy! I wish we could sometime meet in real life.

  33. Beautiful Cindy! You look absolutely gorgeous too, that is an amazing body you're rockin' these days!!! Can you share some recipes or exercise tips...or are you still doing weight watchers? Whatever it is, it's working!

  34. Great to know you had a great time!

  35. What a handsome pair you two are! It has been a long time since I have been. Maybe we need to plan a trip.

  36. hello...just popping in to say how beautiful you look!!!! What a lovely vacay for you. :) Wishing you all happiness and peace.

  37. Your pictures are beautiful. Bob and I have traveled to the Hawaiian Islands for many years and missed going the last few years due to health. I recognize that awesome waterfall as Akaka Falls in the park by the same name. It is quite a walk to see the falls but well worth it. I was there on my last trip, about seven years ago, with my two grandsons.
    Allen's offer is a fantastic price. I hope someone snaps it up.
    I know you enjoyed your trip and yep, Allen is a hottie. I may be old but I recognize a handsome man when I see one. LOL


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy