Thursday, February 07, 2013

Four years of February - Show and Tell Friday!

Feb 2012

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!  

My life is busy! I bet yours is too! I know I said at the start of this year I was going to blog more than once a week and at the time I said that I really believed it but my life seems to get in the way of that these days and I feel like that I have half the free time that I used to have. I've been blogging since 2005! Maybe that's the reason. Is it possible to run out of things to say? 

I do my Show and Tell posts every Wednesday night. I almost forgot to do it tonight! I was just about to go to bed when I remembered so here I am trying to look for something to take a photo of to share with you. The truth is there is nothing new to show you.  I went back in my blog to see what I blogged about in February in years past for some inspiration.  And maybe it's just this time of year because I seemed to have posted photo mosaics a lot in February in years past. I decided to share those again.

Feb 2011

Feb 2010

2009 and 2010 were my cupcake years!  I laughed when I looked at all the cakes and cupcakes I used to bake!  I was at least 70 lbs heavier back then and now I know why!  I hardly bake at all any more! I just don't want the temptation! I may make some cupcakes to bring into work next week for Valentine's Day though!  My new co-workers don't even know I can bake! I've work there a year and I haven't baked for them once!  I may even make one of these giant cupcakes, like the one I made above. I think I only used that cake pan a couple of times!

Feb 2009

I've thought about quitting my blog but I just can't do it and I'm not sure why! I think blogging is like raising a child and I'm just going through some difficult years and something keeps telling me not to give up on this child that I brought into this blog world. But that other inner voice keeps telling me just to give it up!  I know that so many of you keep coming here every week so it makes me want to stick around.  I'm giving it some more time and some more thought but honestly this may be the last year for me. There is only so much I can show of a little apartment that's less that 1000 square feet!

My life is good though! I'm out enjoying my myself!  My blog served a very valuable purpose for me for so many years. I was a single mom that put dating aside so I could raise my daughter. My blog was my social outlet for all those years! I'm not giving it up yet...just thinking about it.

On to something fun! I had a candle giveaway last week and I need to announce the winner!  The winner is Katherine from Katherine's Corner!  Thanks to all that entered!

 If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.



  1. Wow 4 years! I have enjoyed every post. Don't ever stop posting. You are so talented and take such lovely pics!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  2. I have noticed your life getting so busy so I can understand why you might want to quit. I hope you know how many people you have inspired. The fact that you do live in a small apartment and make it such a beautiful home is extra inspiring..especially in this economy. I hope you will stick around but I understand if you decide to quit. You are the one that inspired me to decorate the way I do! :) Do what makes you happy :)

  3. Love your blues and greys! Thanks so much for hosting.

  4. Hi Cindy,

    WOW!! What an accomplishment! Your wonderful blog was one of the first that caught my attention with your lovely style and honest writing. I look forward to your party every week and would miss it if it stopped. But, only you know what all of that entails and it sounds like you're having a great life.

    Thanks for sharing.


  5. Thank you for hosting! I say keep the blog live, because you never know where life might take you. This year you may be in your apt, but next year you could be in a new place. Think of projects! Anyhoo, love all that you do. Wishing you a pretty weekend. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  6. Sometimes there's much to say, little time and such. Congratulations on a wonderful accomplishment in sharing through blogging for four years - congratulations to Katherine - the candles are marvelous!
    I appreciate you hosting,

  7. Thanks for hosting each week Cindy, even with your wonderfully busy life :)

    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

  8. The thought of blogging as long as you have to this newbie is so impressive. The thing I have observed about your blog is your posts are so high in quality. I appreciate that it seems you don't post just for the sake of posting... I really look up to that. I watch bloggers like you and it helps me as a newbie, see what is authentic and I appreciate it. So happy you've stuck around.

  9. Wow, what lovely photo mosaics! My favourite is the one with all the blue and white china. So yummy :D Thanks for hosting, Cindy! Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  10. Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  11. Thank you so much for hosting Cindy, thank you for sharing so many lovely pictures with us :)

    xo, Tanya

  12. Thank you for hosting. I'm glad you're sticking around. I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing your lovely photos. :)

  13. Cindy, your mosaics are gorgeous. The color pallet for each really makes a statement. Kudos to you for creating this successful blog and continuing to create week after week. We all know how much time and effort goes into creating a post, and it's not easy to balance life with blogging. I'd hate to see you give up blogging, but it's obvious you have a busy lifestyle.
    Thanks for hosting each week and for sharing your beautiful home.

  14. This is my first time linking up with you. I love your blog, it inspires me so much.

  15. Thank you for hosting! Little Bit from

  16. I love all your pretties! Happy Valentine's day!

  17. I love this blog. Your things are so lovely. You are just feeling the winter blahs, so hang in there. You'll be glad you did!

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Greetings from Germany Cindy - I am a newbie and My Romantic Home has inspired me to make this military quarters of mine into a romantic and serene home. My breath was taken as I viewed your photo mosaics........and then I read your story. Know that there are many of us around the world who are behind you in whatever decision you come to. Big Hugs to you Cindy. Kay @ Gallery Fifty Eight.

  20. I luv yr block Cindy.... keep on updating....

    Aida, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  21. Lovely mosaics,I love the blue one.
    I hope you keep blogging I enjoy coming over and the linky party.

  22. Thank you for hosting, have a peaceful weekend.

  23. I LOVE your blog and your party Cindy!!! Keep at it :)

  24. Thanks for the party, Cindy! You would definitely be missed! Your home is one of the ones I most admire from blogs I visit regularly and finding out that it was a small apartment was a real eye-opener for me! I keep thinking that when I get a nice big home I can decorate it beautifully like you've done. Well, I live in a 4 bedroom, 2 story home...there goes that excuse! Ha! :)

    I'm hosting my Homemaking Linkup Weekend and would love to have you join, if you'd like!

    Have a great day!
    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  25. Try scaling back and posting less. Make a little room for other things. No one and nothing is static. Allow for change (this from one who is basically writing this to herself).

  26. Thank you for hosting. Love this blog and will miss it.

  27. I love all of your photo collages...everything is always so pretty to look at!

  28. Thanks for hosting Cindy! Such beautiful pictures!

  29. Cindy, your is the first blog I ever followed before I ever thought of blogging. Your posts are so full of eye candy it is a delight every time I come here. Thank you for hosting another LOVELY party!
    We would be so honored if you would join our blog.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Linda and Jeannie at The French Hens Nest

  30. It's okay to post less for awhile . . . but please don't give it up! I love your blog posts and it is amazing what you've done with the small square footage. You are an inspiration to us newer bloggers. Patti@OldThingsNew

  31. Thanks for hosting! I am a newbie blogger and I appreciate the opportunity!
    Anjana @

  32. Please don't stop blogging. I found your blog just about a year ago so I love to see posts from years before. My overall decorating style is so different than yours but I love seeing your home and all the small touches you put in it. I have the burgundy toile in my bedroom and have "stolen" some of your decorating. Also we are about the same age, I am a single mom and have 2 sons, 18 & 21. and I am struggling to lose weight. I lost about 60 lbs during my divorce and have gained it all back. Seeing your blog and all you do actively is so encouraging to me. Please don't give up. Sorry. Didn't mean to be so wordy, but I wanted you to know that I love seeing "My Romantic Home" in my inbox :)


  33. Hi Cindy , well we will all miss you . You know that of course.

    I started my blog as a social thing also, I wanted to meet people I needed a friend or two even if it was over the internet. I am a widow and no single friends , both sisters busy with their families and I'm screaming ,SOMEBODY us go someplace together.
    I have met a couple real sweet people but we are so far apart, can't get together .
    I go to Savannah Georgia by myself, my favorite vacation spot
    SOUNDS so pitiful LOL

    Glad your dating and having fun , I want to

  34. Hi Cindy
    Congrats to a wonderful Blog...
    I like it :)
    and do not miss...




    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  35. I hope you don't quit blogging!!

    Yours is a true fav for sure!

    Maybe just take a big break, and then just post once a week for your linky party?

    You could even do what many do - "feature" a few of your linky party guests each week so you won't have to post something new of your own, just to keep that awesome party alive?

    Have a blessed weekend. Thanks for hosting.

  36. Thanks for hosting another great party.
    Have a great weekend.
    The Busy Bee's,
    Myrna and Joye.

  37. Oh Cindy, I adore your blog and I have admired you for some time. Truly, you helped me realize that my tiny little home could be transformed into my own little Romantic Cottage!!!! This is such a great party, feel free to pass the torch if you like, lol. I am over at Olivia's Romantic Home! Sending you hugs,

  38. Cindy,
    Thank you for being so honest about "not having anything to blog about". You inspire me.
    Thank you for hosting.


  39. Cindy,
    Thank you for being so honest about "not having anything to blog about". You inspire me.
    Thank you for hosting.


  40. Everything is so amazing!! Thank you so much for hosting!! Have a wonderful weekend. :)

  41. Congrats on four years. That is pretty amazing. I do understand why you would want to give it up. I too have thought of giving it up because it is very time consuming but you have so much to offer. Your blog is stunning and exquisite and the very one that inspired to start my own. I look for inspiration in everything that you do.


  42. Your wonderful blog was one of the first that caught my attention with your lovely style and honest writing. amazing

  43. Your wonderful blog was one of the first that caught my attention with your lovely style and honest writing. amazing

  44. That giant cupcake is intriguing! I think it would make a lovely cake! I may bale for my co workers too. Your posts are beautiful and delightful and filled with love and romance and fun!
    Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  45. Thanks for hosting Show and Tell. Wow, 4 years!

  46. One post from you, Cindy, is worth more to me than however many posts from others. I think all of us feel like a community and Show and Tell is like Girls Night Out!

  47. oh please don't stop blogging, we'd all miss you. fun to see your "thru the years" collages.

  48. Cindy,

    Life is all about seasons, about endings and beginnings. In reality, an ending is also a beginning.

    My vote is to do what feels right for you at this time in your life.

    I wish you all the best, whatever you choose.

    Kind regards,

  49. Dear Cindy,
    Yours was the first blog I ever read, and my inspiration when I started mine in 2007. You have touched so many people! I understand how you can feel so conflicted about giving up your blog. I've been feeling the same way lately. I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed seeing your home and reading about your journeys -- in decorating and in life. Thanks so much for sharing!

  50. Bless you, dear heart, for your efforts. What a lovely retrospective post. I am in a blogging drought myself, although I've never been prolific anyway.
    I enjoyed this post, and look forward to when inspiration returns!

  51. Hi,
    You have present a good nice post.You are genius.I love to read your post and see wonderful pictures.
    That's Great!!
    log beds

  52. Awesome Stuff!! Love your design...thanks for posting..

    window grills

  53. Thanks for hosting.
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    The Busy Bee's,
    Myrna and Joye.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy