Thursday, December 27, 2012

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday! 

Now that Christmas is over I'm ready for Spring!!!  It happens every year at this time for me! It's a good thing I live in sunny California!  It actually hasn't been very sunny here, it been raining a lot lately but the sun was out today so I went to the garden center and bought some flowers for my garden.  These are all winter and early spring flowers here.

I started working in my little garden this afternoon. It's a bit of a muddy mess but it was fun. I pruned all my roses, transplanted a lemon bush from a pot to the ground and raked up all the old tan bark I had under the plants. It's still a mess out there so I have to get up and finish it tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll plant the flowers and add the fresh tan bark. The tan bark keeps Beau from getting all muddy when he goes out it the yard!  

One of my New Year's resolutions this year is to keep up with my yard work! I sort of let it go last year because I was always gone on the weekends.  This summer I want to have a beautiful patio again.

I love gardening...or maybe I should say I love having a pretty garden. I could do without the weeding and trimming but the results are worth the hard work!

My yard is very small but it does make it a lot more manageable that a large one!

I love violas and pansies!   

I can hardly wait until Spring now to plant some of the flowers that come out then!

 If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.


  1. It is snowing here so your pretty garden flowers are a bit of a shock to me!

    Thank you for hosting and Happy New Year.


  2. Oh Cindy,
    I have always loved your patio and flower garden....pansies will winter here but that is it....we can't even think about gardening until at least May.
    Your post was beautiful...I look forward to watching your garden grow and I LOVE your new wood floors. I just love everything.

  3. It's cold and rainy here,I'm ready for spring too. Thanks for hosting Cindy.

  4. This post definitely has me thinking Spring! Great pictures. I can almost feel the sun shining down on me... ahhhh

  5. What a beautiful post on such a cold day! Thank you for hosting. I am a new follower and love your blog! Melinda

  6. Cindy, those spring flowers do make me wish for a colorful garden. Thanks for hosting.......Sarah

  7. Your flowers are gorgeous Cindy! Thank you so much for hosting, a wonderful Happy New Year to you!!

    xoxo, Tanya

  8. Cindy, Thanks so much for hosting.
    Happy New Year.

  9. Cindy it looks like your garden is already beautiful. Ours is small too,but it is amazing how much you can fit in to look pretty. Happy New Year. xx

  10. Wow, I just can't believe I am looking at spring flowers already. I miss CA in some ways. Here is WA state it is grey, cold and ready to snow, but at least I get to ski well into spring and even summer. Yet, it is nice to see spring colors. Thanks for the memories.

  11. Oh, your flowers are beautiful! Just what I needed,it's snowy and cold where I live. Thanks for posting!

  12. Hi Cindy,
    The colors of those flowers are so beautiful! Happy gardening and Happy New Year!

    Thank you for hosting!

  13. Beautiful flowers Cindy! I miss them this time of the year! It is dark,cold and dreary in our state!
    Thank you for hosting!

  14. Beautiful flowers! Thanks so much for hosting!

  15. Cindy,
    I forgot to mention that I have added My Romantic Home to my Pleasing Places to Perch page. Melinda

  16. Cindy,

    Your flowers are such a welcome sight. I'm heading to the nursery this morning to see if I can find any primroses and hellebores to put outside my door.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  17. We have snow on the ground and more in the forecast for tonight. Seeing your pretty flowers was like a breath of fresh (warm) air.

    Thank you for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful New Year.

  18. We're under pure white snow cover here, cannot even imagine going flower shopping - will buy my Violas in April!

    It is so pretty to see those, a promise of things yet to come.

    I do love Cali weather, my daughter lived in SoCal for 7 years. She is back here in Ohio now, but misses that weather every single day!

    Thanks for hosting!

  19. Hi Cindy
    woow....this lovley garden flowers made me really happy today :)
    Thanks for hosting...
    and do not miss.....




    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  20. Thank you for hosting. You sound like my kid of girl, now that Christmas is over, I'm also ready for spring! Thank you for the beautiful spring flowers.
    Happy New Years,
    Wanda Ann @

  21. Cindy, Thank you for a year of the most beautiful parties! Thank you for all the work you do to prepare each week and thank you for sharing your lovely home with us.

    Wishing you and yours a Blessed and Happy New Year!

    Linda and Jeannie @ The French Hens Nest

  22. Thank you very much for hosting, Cindy! Very beautiful flowers, you did a great job.
    Happy New Year!
    Besos, Silvina

  23. Beautiful flowers! Thanks for the fun party!

  24. It seems so strange that you are just going into Spring and we have just left it. We are meant to be in Summer but having lots of awful damp weather. My poor roses are looking very weatherbeaten :(.

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and will have a perfect New Year Cindy.

    Thank you for all your work for hosting these parties.

    Lee (New Zealand)

  25. Hello and Happy Christmas!! Wish we had some flowers here... right now we are buried under snow and its 20 degrees.


  26. Oh it was just so lovely seeing all your lowers. It seems so long since I had them in my garden. I so look forward to the spring. Every best wish for you and ours in 2013. Joan

  27. I am so jealous that you are able to plant some winter flowers! I think I will have to wait a few months...tonight it is supposed to get -15 degrees! I can't wait to see everything done! Happy New Year to you and your family!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy