Thursday, August 30, 2012

Show and Tell Friday!

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!  

As you can see I've been having fun making these motivational posters on Big Huge Labs!  You can make your own, just go to Big Huge Labs Motivator! It's Free!  (I am not affiliated with this website, just passing on something I thought you may enjoy).

At the time this post goes up I will be in Santa Cruz for a girl's weekend away! There are four of us going and I can't wait!  We are all sharing a hotel right on the beach.  Thursday night when this goes up I'll be at a beach party!  Santa Cruz is only 30 minutes away from my place so it's like a mini vacation in my our own backyard!  The following weekend we're going back for another girl's weekend away at my friend's parent's beach house in Rio Del Mar (near Santa Cruz).  I'm really looking forward to these next two weekends! I'll be sure to take some photos to share!

As you can probably tell, I'm living life to the fullest!  Last weekend, my daughter and I and my girlfriend and her daughter went ziplining through the redwoods in the Santa Cruz mountains!  It was a blast, and not that scary at all.  I've gone bungee jumping so compared to that this was relaxing!  You can see the platform that we stood on in the trees below. We did 6 different ziplines and crossed two suspension bridges!
Life is what you make it!!!

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.


  1. Have a great weekend Cindy! Take lots of pics to share with us.

    Susan and Bentley

  2. Thanks so much for hosting! Enjoy your holiday weekend!

  3. What a great getaway! Have a great time!

  4. Have a great time Cindy. Zip lining, wow you are brave. Those trees are breathtaking, it must have been a quite an experience. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.

  5. Thanks so much for hosting Cindy! Have a super weekend!

  6. I do enjoy your adventures -- vicariously. I am basically a chicken$*** when it coms to this type of thing.

  7. That sounds like a wonderful little getaway. I've never been to Santa Cruz but it sure looks nice. I hope you post some photos! Thank you for hosting!

  8. Hope your having a wonderful time!!!
    Thanks so much for hosting a great party ;)

  9. So happy you enjoy Santa Cruz (we live in Capitola). It looks as if you had/will have a great time!

  10. I like the posters you made. Thanks so much for hosting!

  11. Sounds like fun. You are a brave lady!
    Have a safe trip........Sarah

  12. Hi Cindy: You are one brave lady--I couldn't jump off that platform that high up if they paid me! Have fun, be safe, and thank you so much for hosting the party today!

  13. Oh lovely.. Have a great weekend.. Cant wait to see some pics.. :)

  14. HI,
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  15. Thanks for hosting, have a lovely weekend!


  16. I'm trying to enjoy this last part of my life also, only don't have any beaches to spend the week end on .
    Oh maybe the Lake Of The Ozarks beach?
    I do have it on my bucket list to go to Italy and New York City

    have a good time however I know ya all will

  17. I had no idea there is ziplining in the SC mountains! Gonna have to check that out.....
    Rio Del Mar is my favorite beach. Free parking, a coffee shop and miles of beach to walk on. It doesn't get much better! A few years ago I even saw a whale out past the surf from the beach. That was the coolest.
    Thanks for the party!

  18. Wow sounds like you have some fun activities planned!!! Those poster were very cute thanks for hosting, Laura

  19. Thanks for the fun party, have a fab Friday!

  20. Cindy,
    Sounds like a fun weekend!!!Thank you for hosting!

  21. Thanks for letting us show and tell :)

  22. I love your posters, they are so nice! Thank you for hosting this linky again! :)

  23. Good Afternoon! I linked up my Non-Toxic DIY Laundry Softener (#257). It works great, it's super cheap, requires just two ingredients and leaves you laundry fluffy fresh. Hope you enjoy! Have a great holiday!

  24. Thanks so much for hosting this link party on your beautiful blog.. I'm enjoying reading everyone's...

  25. Enjoy your weekend! Life to the full, Melissa

  26. Sounds like a fun weekend! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  27. Thanks for hosting, Cindy! Enjoy your holiday weekend :)

  28. Have a wonderful getaway! Thanks for hosting a fun party.


  29. Enjoy your getaway Cindy!!! I can't wait to see the pics.

  30. I'd love to join show and tell Friday. I'm looking forward to it.

  31. Am I the only one who got motion/height sickness just by looking at that picture of the zip line in the trees? ;) Oooooh! Yikes!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy