Thursday, June 14, 2012

Show and Tell Friday

 Welcome to Show and Tell Friday! This week I'm sharing some flowers from my garden that I arranged in one of my most favorite purchases! I bought this old pitcher on eBay a few years ago.  It was a splurge for me back then, I think I paid $80 for it but I really love it!

I really prefer garden flowers arranged not so perfectly over flowers from the florist!

My roses and hydrangeas are blooming right now. I love the peachy, pinks and blues mixed together!

I also have an update on the wrens that have built a nest behind the angel's head in my garden....

the eggs have hatched.  We can't see them because the nest is tucked into the angel's head but we see the parents going in there with food all day long!  They feed their babies insects and sometimes it is so disgusting. We see spiders, moths, earwigs and worms hanging from their beaks! The babies start chirping as soon as the parents come into the nest! I'm really amazed at how much they feed them, it's constant all day long!  One of the parents, I'm not sure if it's the male or female, will go in there if we are outside, the other parent will wait until we leave.  I can't wait to see the babies when they are finally ready to come out! I'll keep you updated!


If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.



  1. Your flowers are very beautiful Cindy. It's easy to see how much you love your garden. I bet the birds are fun to watch too.

  2. Hi Cindy ~ what a beautiful arrangement in such a gorgeous pitcher! I love the softness and the unstructured elegance of it all. Thanks for always inspiring me!!

    Susan and Bentley

  3. Hello Cindy,
    Your flower arrangement is gorgeous - I just love the combination of pink and blue! I have a House Wren with a nest in the door pocket on the front door - I startled her one day and she made such a fuss! I can't wait for the babies to hatch! Love this time of the year - I appreciate you being a gracious hostess,

  4. I have splurged like that on ebay before too!

  5. What a gorgeous arrangement. I can't believe those flowers came from your garden. Just magnificent.

    - The Tablescaper

  6. Oh-what gorgeous photos. I think an area cat got our baby birds that were right outside our window. So sad! xo Diana

  7. What an exquisite pitcher and your flowers are gorgeous! Absolutely breathtaking. How fun to have little birdies at your door. They are so much fun to watch. Thank you for hosting this lovely party. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Thanks for hosting Cindy! XO, Aimee

  9. I'm so glad I was able to help identify the bird! We have wrens in our yard all the time and they are such tiny little things!

    I'm jealous of your hydrangeas! I planted a bush about 3 years ago and it has yet to produce a single flower! Your photos and vase are gorgeous... Donna

  10. Cindy, I once had a little wren do a dance for me (or so I thought) on our front porch. I finally figured out she had a nest in the flower basket there and was probably trying to chase me away. lol! They are so little and CUTE. So cool that they are nesting in your angel head!
    <3 Christina

  11. Your flowers are always so beautiful and I love the arrangement!

    Thanks Cindy for another great party. I am giving some of my iris away if you are interested- come sign up!

  12. Cindy,

    New follower and first time at your party this week! Beautiful flowers! Thanks for hosting!


  13. Cindy, Thanks so much for hosting and showing us your gorgeous flowers. I prefer garden flowers to those from the florist, etc. too. and I can see why you fell in love with the's perfectly romantic.

  14. Thank you Cindy for hosting! Little Bit

  15. It's so much fun to watch the little birds -- one day they will fly away. Your pitcher and flowers are beautiful.

  16. Such lovely flowers, Cindy...and in such a beautiful pitcher! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  17. thank you for hosting Cindy! Love your flowers xox

  18. Cindy, I love hearing about the birds at your place. The mocking birds were gathering twigs for their nest at our place too. They always keep an eye on us as we come and go past the nest. So fun to watch. Thank you so much for hosting the party.

  19. Gorgeous flowers!! Are roses are starting bloom their brilliance!! Though our hydrangea plants are still at the leaf stage. How wonderful for you, that they are blooming together. Thank you for hosting such a fabulous party!! xo HHL

  20. Your arrangement was absolutely beautiful!!! I love your splurge vase, it was a good purchase. Thanks for hosting, Laura

  21. Oh cindy, so so pretty!

    I hope you get a glimpse of the wrens soon, too!

    Thanks for hosting a wonderful linky party!!

  22. Your flowers and vase are so pretty. Thanks for hosting!

  23. Gosh...your flowers from your yard are just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them with us. I hope you have better luck with seeing the baby birds before they leave the nest than I did. We had watched eggs in a low easily-viewed nest for weeks then babies came and they got bigger. One day I looked in the nest and saw their big eyes looking at me...a few minutes later I looked again and they had flown the nest and never came back. We saw the mother showing them how to feed themselves for a few days then they left the yard too.

  24. Your arrangement was absolutely beautiful!!! I love your splurge vase, it was a good purchase. Thanks for hosting, Laura

  25. Love your flowers in that gorgeous pitcher/vase. I like how you arranged the flowers... Connie

  26. Happy to hear about the eggs hatching. Your bouquet is just stunning. So beautiful, it really takes my breath away. Thank you for hosting your wonderful party.

  27. Hi, what a beautiful bouquet of flowers, our hydrangeas aren't anywhere near ready yet. About four roses, peonies, and Columbine is the limit so far, but everything is green and growing.
    Last Wednesday I showed an ornamental birdhouse we have and last year and this, the wrens moved in, it has the tiniest hole. There is never a mess and they don't worry about us being there, they fly in over our head. If you get a chance check us out.

  28. Hi, what a beautiful bouquet of flowers, our hydrangeas aren't anywhere near ready yet. About four roses, peonies, and Columbine is the limit so far, but everything is green and growing.
    Last Wednesday I showed an ornamental birdhouse we have and last year and this, the wrens moved in, it has the tiniest hole. There is never a mess and they don't worry about us being there, they fly in over our head. If you get a chance check us out.

  29. Hiya Cindy,
    Love your vase. I prefer the casual lose flower arrangements also, especially roses. My roses have been so generous with blooms this year, I'm cutting and bringing them in every other day. : ) I just found a beautiful antique vase while on vacation. It has a unique shape and a rose set on the front of it. It will be in my weekend post with a blue and white victorian set I also found! Have a great weekend and thanks for hosting. : )

  30. Hi Cindy,
    I love your old pitcher, it's so beautiful! And your flowers are gorgeous!
    Thank you for hosting!

  31. Your flowers are beautiful!! Thank you for sharing your garden beauties and for hosting the party.

  32. Your flowers and pitcher are so beautiful. I prefer garden flowers to floral shop flowers any day. Thanks for hosting Cindy and have a great weekend.

  33. I love that pitcher of flowers. I think you still got a good deal at $80,it is gorgeous. I can see why you splurged. I am so looking forward to seeing the babes. xx

  34. Your flowers are so beautiful Cindy, you know I paint huge canvases in oils of flowers. If you didn't know you can see them on my "paintings" page tab on my blog.

    I would love a high res image of the first image in your collage, I may be able to do a painting of it.

    I am not painting at the moment because my mum has moved in with me (she has terminal cancer) but feel inspired today by your photos and another one of your linkys.

    Thank you.

    Lee ☺

  35. your garden flowers and ur arrangement are awesome... simply superb... and about the story of baby birds is too good... i can literally iomagine the picture from your writing... love ur explanation....
    Shru @ meraprithvi.blogspot

  36. I'm a new follower of your beautiful blog! Just linked up my new blog :)

  37. Flowers are Divine! The party is as always -- FABULOUS and congrats on the birth of the little birdies! good to hear mommy and daddy are feeding them well!!! : ) hugs...

  38. I love that pitcher with the beautiful flowers.

    Thank you for hosting,


  39. Beautiful flowers. It's fun to splurge once in awhile - especially on something you'll love forever.

  40. Cindy,
    Your Roses are gorgeous!!!!!!Love that beautiful pitcher too.Thank you for hosting.Have a great weekend.

  41. your roses are alway so pretty, it is just to hot and dry here for my one rose bush, however earlierin spring I had roses
    my hydrangeas are blooming and I water them every other day to keep them blooming, didn't mean to go on and on

    I found a broken robin egg in one of my bird baths last evening, so guess a baby was born

  42. Thanks for the party and the beautiful flowers, Cindy!

  43. Good morning and thanks for another link party. I linked up my Homemade Crockpot Yogurt (#267 ) that is super easy to make, is so tasty and very good for you! Hope you like the recipe and have a great week!

  44. Cindy, I could not agree more about flowers fresh from our own gardens! Your roses are amazing, thank you for hosting :)

    Hugs, Tanya

  45. Your garden is beautiful! Thank you!

  46. Your flowers are beautiful - and they are perfect in the pitcher.
    Thanks for hosting.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  47. Thank you for all inspirations, have a lovely weekend!

  48. Your flowers are so lovely! And your pics are great too!

  49. Your flowers are so lovely! And your pics are great too!

  50. Thank you for hosting! Great inspriation - I think I'll stick around and explore some more - love your flowers and your blog.

  51. Beautiful flowers and pitcher! Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend!

  52. I've linked my Saucy Summer Sprouts Recipe to the June roundup! I hope you'll like it! It tastes so decadent I eat it every day, and it gives me so much energy - I was rowing today and this burst of speed just grabbed me and I was racing the wind just for the joy of it!

  53. Your photos are just amazing! I am so in love with them!

  54. this is such a fun & beautiful place to visit... can't wait to pop in some of the other contributors - thank-you for hosting ;-)

    & I LOVE big giant messy bouquets!!

  55. Beautiful post! Love the flower arrangement.

  56. Hi Cindy~ I remember when you bought that pitcher. It is beautiful and your flowers are as always gorgeous. Happy Father's
    Day to your dad.

  57. Hello Cindy
    i love to come and see all of your beauties...
    Love the flowers with the bird!
    Amazing pictures, thanks for sharing!
    Love from Brasil

  58. Thank you for hosting this great party!

  59. These flowers and homes are SOO gorgeous. I just loved looking at them and all the different things you have done to your houses. It is so pretty. I have had an obsession of looking at luxury homes lately, of course ones I can't afford, but it makes me feel as though I get a little piece of it by looking at pictures of them all. Can you tell me where I could find more photos of your flower arrangements or luxury homes decorating?


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy