Monday, June 18, 2012

A Night Out

Last night I went to see Kenny Loggins in concert and I thought I would share a few photos with you.  We saw him at the Mountain Winery which is my favorite venue for concerts. It's up in the hills above Silicon Valley and the views are spectacular!   It was a gorgeous warm night! Actually a little too warm at first but once the sun started going down it was perfect!  We had dinner at the winery before the concert and the food was excellent!  I even had dessert and that lemon tart was worth every single calorie in it!  I scrapped off the whipped cream so that helped a little!

I'm sure a lot of you younger ones probably don't even know who Kenny Loggins is but in the 70s when I was in high school we all loved him.  He also had a lot of hits in the 80s as well! 

 This is the second time I've seen him in concert and he is so good and so personal!  This venue is really nice because it's fairly small and intimate so there really isn't a bad seat in the house!

Above you can see the beautiful views looking down on Silicon Valley.  This photo does not do it justice! I wish I could show you the whole panoramic view but you just can't do that with a cell phone camera!  Hopefully I'll make it to another concert there this summer!




  1. Sounds like it would have been so good. Lovely to spend a night out with dinner and a concert,especially on a warm, barmy night. :)

  2. Piękne widoki i wspaniałe aranżacje kwiatowe w poprzednim poście..
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie
    Kasia, Rustykalny dom

  3. You look pretty Cindy~ I remember Kenny Loggins music well...very sentimental songs that always take me back!

  4. Looks like an awesome night out Cindy! You look so purty too!

  5. What a fun evening out! And I love that necklace you're wearing.

  6. I love the view. I also always lined Kenny loggins. It looked just perfect. I live that top (? Might be dress but only see top area) you have on.

  7. Sound like it was a wonderful night! Beautiful necklace and dress! It's been too long since I've gone to a concert!

  8. Ooooo, sounds fabulous Cindy. You look absolutely adorable, too. Thanks for sharing. Susan

  9. Now I'm very excited! I'm seeing Kenny Loggins on July 25 and am very much looking forward to it.

  10. You're sooo pretty! It looks like one of those just perfect nights, i can almost feel the atmosphere from look at the photos. What an absolutely incredible view...!


  11. Sounds like a wonderful night. Love the your outfit-so pretty!

  12. Hey pretty girl! :) What an absolutely wonderful date night, Cindy. LOVE KL and his smooth voice.

    xoxo laurie

  13. We LOVE Mountain Winery! We are headed there at the end of July to see the Barenaked Ladies! It is so pretty and there aren't any bad seats!

    Your concert looked awesome!

  14. looks like fun!!
    i have read your blog for a few years and tonight it struck me how much you favor leann rimes!

  15. Vintage Girl....I've been told that before! Probably more like her mom! lol

  16. omg i used to follow vintage girl at heart blog and can no longer find it it was my fave right after yours cindy and a beach cottage they were in my top 3 faves i hope she sees this and i can learn how to see her blog! cindy you look great anmd you deserve to enjoy life and let the blog rest for a bit i am glad things are going great for you i am now 42 and feel the same life is getting good and you are so right you need to make that happen yourself not wait for anyone else!!! go cindy!!!!
    Kim Buca

  17. Gosh Cindy I have to catch up, didn't know you posted. Looks
    like you had a fun night out.
    I remember Kenny Loggins, but
    I was chasing around little ones
    back then.

  18. Forget Kenny Loggins, forget wine, forget the beautiful sunset - YOU LOOK GORGEOUS!!!

  19. How fun and what a lovely place. You looked lovely too! I remember Kenny Loggins well (and I went to high school in the 70's also.) Have a wonderful day.

  20. Hi, Cindy; I haven't been blogging for a month or more, so have a lot of catching up to do with your blog which is why my comment is a little late. I hope you still get the opportunity to read this. I, too, love Kenny Loggins. I'm just a bit older than you and, yes, he and also Jim Messina (when they were Loggins & Messina) were the soundtrack of our lives in the 1970s and then Kenny later in the '80s. I worked for a television station in SoCal in the mid-late 1980s when we were closely involved in coordinated activities with Kenny involving one of his local charities...starting a telethon, taping his benefit concerts, etc. I couldn't believe I was sitting at the same table with him; thought I'd pass out. (As a fellow Jag lover, you'd be happy to know his was dark hunter green with heavily-tinted windows.) He was always so gracious and soft-spoken, not flashy; serious about the business at hand. He could have been hugely arrogant because he was hugely famous at the time, just after "Top Gun" (soundtrack), but he'd drive himself to the TV station and just get to the work without throwing his weight around, bringing only one or two staff with him. I'll never forget that he told me I looked good in blue. He was the nicest person without trying to call attention to himself. I couldn't believe how tall he was; he had to duck so as not to hit his head in the doorframes of the TV station offices (he was very slim-tall, not beefy-tall). My boyfriend at the time was the lead camera for the main benefit concert and he got me on tape, rock'in out to the music at front-row-center with Kenny and Michael McDonald (Doobie Brothers alumni) making magical music happen onstage. I'm telling you, it was one of those "times of my life." I loved Kenny's music before I met and briefly worked with him (on the periphery; I certainly wasn't one of the major players!), and I still love playing his music today. I'm happy to say that he impressed me as a very genuine and quietly-confident artist, but not one who was stuck on himself, and who instead reached out to people in his community, using his fame to do good. A consummate professional. I'm so glad you had a good time at his concert. It's great he's still out there before a live audience.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy