Friday, September 04, 2009

Obsessed Blogger!

This person must really be obsessed with blogging! Haha....that's my car!
My friend and I were talking about personalized license plates a couple months ago and I joked that I should get "blogger" license plates. Just out of curiosity I went online to see if that was taken and of course it was but I♥2BLOG wasn't! Rather impulsively I ordered it and I just picked them up this week! I can't decide if I should get a license plate frame that says "Google My Romantic Home". I'm not sure if I want everyone looking at my blog neighbors, co-workers, etc.

I guess I just committed myself to blogging for a long time now!

Update: Forgot to mention that California allows you to get symbols like the heart on just this one license plate style. We also are required to have both front and back plates here.


  1. Too, too cute! I wouldn't put my blog name on though - you might attract the wrong person too close to home. ☺ Diane

  2. Those are the cutest LP ever. Your creativity never ends. You need your own TV show. (Can I work for you). Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I love your new license plate! Anonymity is good.

  4. I love that license plate. It's perfect. I've never had a personalized license plate, but would like to have 1 someday.

  5. I love everything about YOU and everything about what you blog!!!! NO KIDDING!!!!!

  6. I love it. Do not put your address on the plate. Neighbors can be mean.

  7. That is great!!!!!

    I agree that you should not put anything more personal on the car, though. We want you safe! :)

  8. Love your license plate... very cool.
    NJ has both front and back plates too.
    My NJ license plate is MV related ...of course :)
    Have a great weekend.

  9. We will now hold you to blogging all the time. Love your plate. Love your blog!

  10. Cindy,

    I have to say that I am obsessed with READING your blog! It's part of my daily routine. :-)

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  11. Oh Cindy I love your new license plate! It's perfect for you.

  12. How fun is that ?! Love it
    Ditto on the blog name tho we want you to be safe ;)

  13. now we all want one of those! Too cute Cindy, I love it:>) Have a great weekend!

  14. I love your license plates, so clever!!. Calif. must of run out of numbers to let you put symbols on the plates now. Great idea.

  15. I think the car and plate are perfect for you! I would love to have a personalized plate but alas a few years ago I gave my hubby one with his call letters (amateur radio)on. Since he retired we only have one car now. So I will enjoy thinking of Cindy driving arrive CA with hers. Enjoy!

  16. That's cute :o)
    Don't you have nice neighbours or co-workers? :o(

  17. OMG...that is too cute! I would not put my address it though....too many crazies out there! Have a great weekend!~Patti

  18. OMG!!! You need help GF. Love the camaro. I used to have one 10 years ago. I sure miss it.

  19. OK, Cindy, I was afraid you had a blog "stalker" after you. Glad to know that it's just your "self-expressionism"! Really cute!

  20. Excellent! I guess I'll always know if you're parked out in front of V&V! I agree with Diane though - don't use your blog name on the frame. Some weirdo could learn just a little too much about you. I like the plate with the little CA poppies - although it would be hard for me to give up my ocean sunset w/palm tree plate. Such dilemmas.


  21. Hi Cindy..
    I too am an avid admirer of your blog..just love the cool blues and whites..ooh so romantic!
    have just recently started I'm just popping in and out of interesting sounding one..but yours keeps me returning..
    haven't quite figured out the HOW TO of inserting other sites into my postings..
    thanks for having me..
    ps.. love the license plate..
    ♥ smiles! Lou

  22. Adorable license plate, Cindy! Fits you to a "T"! I'd sure give it another thought about letting EVERYONE know how to get to your blog, tho.....not all that safe, I'm afraid.

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  23. You GO GIRL!!!!! Good for you! Love your plates. I don't know if Texas has hearts on plates or not. Have a great Labor Day weekend.

  24. Cute license plates Cindy! No, I wouldn't put anything else on your car. I agree, too many wierdos out there. yes, and we want you safe.


  25. How cool! I love it!.. You are the perfect one to get those. Be happy!

  26. Very cute! And your car is awesome too!

  27. Super cute! And by the way, nice ride!

  28. It's very cute, but sharing it on the internet isn't something I would be comfortable doing. Be careful what you share dear! :)

  29. That's just perfect for you! I do agree with might want to think about this post, unless you park it in the garage all the time. we want you to be 100% safe.

  30. Oh cute! Love them -- and YES -- you are committed for a long time -- where else could we go to see such beautiful things as your lovely blog!

  31. I love it,but let me get this straight,you want to put your
    address(so to speak) on your
    license but wouldn't eat my
    jelly? Hummmm>LOLOLOL Just kiddin
    No I wouldn't do that,you never
    know what loon (LOL) is out there.
    Really...Its better to be safe
    than sorry. That license fits you to a "T".:^)

  32. How cute is that - I love it! It fits you perfectly. I agree with the others regarding not adding your blog name. Best be safe. I also agree cottagecharm and FrenchGardenHouse regarding sharing it on the internet. There really are too many wackos in this world.

    We have so many specialty plates in Florida, it is hard to choose as they represent so many causes. I am sure I will end up getting the "Animal Friend" tag because it reflects a large part of who I am. Not sure what it will say though. I saw one a few months ago that said "BIG EGO" and I cracked up!

    ~ Tracy

  33. That's so cute! Has anyone stopped you to ask what your blog is yet? If not, get ready!!! Do you think that any of us can really hide?....

  34. Sweety you have how many followers? over 3000? Everyone is already looking at your blog :o) Atleast everyone with good taste :o)

    Get the frame, I think it would be cool.

  35. Too funny but guess it is true, some of us just love a good blog. Thanks for adding a ray of sunshine to our weekend.

  36. Cindy, that is just too cute! You're lucky you got it, I bet soon enough that would have been taken too.
    Love it!

  37. Darling! Leave it to you to come up with something so clever! Be careful, seems that there are too many crazy, evil people out there - we don't want you to attract any kind of stalkers!

  38. testing - I just posted and it didn't put my name on there...

  39. Hi Cindy,
    I LOVE your license plate!!! I too LOVE to Blog, as you know!

    If you get a chance, stop by my Blog for a visit and say hi! I just put up a new post...
    Have a great weekend,

  40. That plate is so cute.


  41. Hey there Cindy, The palmier cookies are a favorite of mine. I have a recipe for some "Christmas" ones too. They have a little bit of molasses (just a hint) in them with brown sugar.

    Anyhow... I really enjoyed your post about the license plates. Too cool for school lady! I hope you have a really great holiday weekend.

    Hugs, Penny Sue

  42. Hello Cindy; OH I love your LP. it is so you.... Wish I thought if getting one.... Love it.....

    Have a great weekend.


  43. Cindy, I know when I come to your blog, I am in for a real treat and you didn't let me down again. Love the lp.

    Happy Labor Day.

  44. Very cute! I love it. Hugs, Cindy S.

  45. Hello, you have the most gorgeous site here and I had to leave this comment for you ! Your posts are lovely and you have interesting pictures. It's all perfect so thank you for sharing them all and best wishes....

  46. Oh I love it!! Wish we could get hearts on our lic plates here in Connecticut. So fun!! We have to have a front and rear lic plate on our cars here too.
    ♥ Rebecca

  47. follow that car ...
    missn our chats ..I just ♥ you


  48. Hi Cindy! Love the plate! It's perfect for you. Long ago I used to have a personalized plate and I had a frame made with my website address on it. I actually got orders from people who told me they saw my car in traffic and were curious. On one hand that's good, but then you leave yourself open to the weirdo's too. I ended up changing my plate and stopped using the personalized frame.

  49. Incredible! ANd very very cute!

  50. That's very cute. I would not add your blog name. You just might get the wrong person. They would be able to find you. Love the plates. Martha

  51. OWN IT WOMAN!! woot! woot!

    : )

  52. Wow. You have some major ad space going on here..pretty soon you may not have any room to blog! The sex therapy one on the upper right really made me LOL...

  53. so funny...that's really you!!

  54. Cute plate, but I got a giggle at how Link Within grouped this entry with others about the plates you are usually talking about here!

  55. Félicitations pour votre blog qui est vraiment magnifique ! il est très agréable à parcourir et la décoration de votre maison est pleine de charme !

  56. Love,Love,Love it!!!
    You're a doll~loving your blog~

  57. We're required to have them on back and front too. Maybe I need to get one of these. Think I'm in that category!

  58. You are a nut! That is too funny! My sister's used to say "chintz lover" (I can't remember how it was spelled out)...we were that "obsessed" with chintz, yes! But people always thought it meant other things...weird, she got rid of it. And as a bankrupt Californian I would like to thank you for the extra revenue for the state! ;)

    m ^..^

  59. What a great license plate!
    So cute with the heart!
    Hugs Bodil.

  60. What a great idea! Looks super wonderful on your car. I love it!

  61. Love it!! In Quebec, we only have license plates on the rear of the car, so we can put cute little plates on the front. Still haven't found one that I like enough, so I'm still advertising the dealership where I bought my car.

  62. Haha that is so cool!!! I ♥ your cute license plates!

    And thanks for dropping by my blog:)


  63. Do the license plate frame so when you open your store it's free advertising, Cindy. I've got a frame for my store and people stop me around town. Hope you and Lauren are feeling much better, that's only happened to me once and it's very scary.

  64. How you would perform a reverse license plate owner research? I have to know if there's whichever way you can enter in a license plate number via the internet and see the details of the individual if it is associated to or the address of that person. Can anyone assist me? It's an The state of illinois license plate with S right at the end of it. Please e-mail me if you're able to do a search or post if you know how to do a absolutely free one. Thanks a lot.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy