Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm a friend of Susan Branch

Did you know that I'm a friend of Susan Branch? Yes...we go way back! Well, not really because she doesn't know who I am but I sort of feel like her friend because of Facebook! You can become friend too if you are on Facebook. It's not like it's just a bunch of fans talking about how great she is, Susan actually contributes! She shares videos and it's sort of a peek into her life on Martha's Vineyard and you know how much I LOVE Martha's Vineyard!!!

If you are registered on Facebook just do a search for "Friends of Susan Branch" they're trying to reach 1,000 members by Labor Day. If you aren't a registered Facebook member it's really easy to register...just don't blame me if you get addicted!

Update: What a great day! Susan left a comment here and sent me an email with some of her personal photos to share with you! Can you believe that? It sure made my day!

I've included her comments below each photo:

Painting for my new book . . .

Light in dining room touching on beeswax and vintage candle holders. . .

Getting ready for dinner under the arbor on Martha's Vineyard, Joe is making swordfish.

My living room looks to me like your cup of tea!

Yes Susan that is my cup of tea!!!! It's gorgeous! All your photos are so beautiful! We're all looking forward to your new book! Thank you so much for sending these photos to share with my readers!


  1. Hello, fellow FOSB! (Friend of Susan Branch!) I share your passion for all things Martha's Vineyard, and have read everything I can get my hands on about the Vineyard, Nantucket and the Cape since the mid-1980's. I've been following Sue's work since her very first book "Heart of the Home", when I was a young mom. I truly believe her encouragment helped me learn to cook and make a better home for my family. She's inspiring, and I follow your blog because you are inspiring too, Cindy! Please keep up your wonderful blog!
    Love & light, Anam Cara

  2. I love Susan Branch-I will do that!

  3. I too love Susan Branch's work.
    Thanks. Having her on Martha's Vinyard must be fun too.

  4. I've always loved Susan Branch....I have many of her books and love the way she writes and illustrates. I love all of her cozy little ideas too.
    :o) Sue

  5. How wonderful you all are. I had to stop by and say hello and, along with you, let Cindy know how much I love her blog! I would love to send you a "romantic" Martha's Vineyardish photo for your blogsite, but how do I do it??? Susan Branch

  6. Susan, thank you so much for leaving a comment here! You can send me an email with the photo and I can post it on my blog. Thank you!!!

  7. of course you are her friend!!!! thanks for the "news"....i'm a facebook princess you i will check that out!

    also, i read your blog all the time...remember i was one of your very first readers (i should get special privileges when you become famous-ER...ha ha!!)...but i don't always leave comments like i did when i just had two children and one was in half-day kindergarten...just wanted you to know how much i love all your posts even though i don't always take the time to comment...everything is always beautiful as usual....

    lots of love and blessings!!!

    (and she commented too...KILLING ME CINDY!!!...SO ENVIOUS!!!)

  8. Thanks for sharing this. I'm on Facebook and will be "her friend" too. LOL. I have never been to Martha's Vineyard but I grew up on Long Island and love the ocean. I appreciate how you share things like this. And if you want to "be friends" on Facebook my name is under Debbie Sumstad Petras. I so enjoy reading your blog.

  9. Hi Cindy
    How awesome that Susan responded back to you. I am on facebook too so I will check it out. Maybe I canbe your friend too!
    Hope you have a great Saturday and that your car troubles are over.
    ((hugs)) Rhondi

  10. Hi Cindy,
    I sooo have always LoVed Susan Branch !! she is the sweetest most down to earth,sooo not about herself person !! I have all her books and cookbooks.. Didn't even know of a new one coming.. Can you post when it will be out ?!I have to get this.. They are the sweetest table books ever !! I still have the old Romantic Homes magazine that her and her home were featured in !! Her home is soo pretty and liveable.. Thanks for sharing Cindy !! Have a happy week-end..
    hugs ~tea~xo

  11. Hi Cindy,
    How great that Susan responded! Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. I am also a fan of Susan. I love her books and great ideas and she has made me want to go to Martha's VIneyard (maybe someday) Thanks Cindy for sharing
    Stop my blog when you have time maybe something there will inspire you as well :)

  13. Oh how wonderful! I am a huge fan too...I am so glad you discovered each other!


  14. Hi Cindy! Isn't it fun, all this connection with blogs, Facebook, Twitter, web sites, and comments . . . all these different ways to share. Just love it. Thank you to everyone,love saying Hi, have always loved the connection between the "girlfriends." At booksignings, all the real fun has always been in the line! xxoo Susan

  15. Cindy,

    I'm on Facebook, so I'll be checking out FOSB, too.

    I particularly adore her yearly calendars. In fact, shopping for her calendar is a Christmas tradition for me.

    There is something so warm and charming about this woman, and I share your passion for Martha's Vineyard.

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  16. I LOVE Susan Branch. Love. Her. Love. Her. Love. Her. I'm going off to friend her on FB right now!!!

  17. Hi, just had to stop by to leave you a comment and say what a wonderful blog you have here. So much to read about - fabulously creative & interesting posts and what's more you have fantastic pictures too. Thank you for sharing them all and best wishes - enjoy the rest of the weekend....

  18. Dear Miss Cindy,
    Thank you for sharing Susan with us... and letting us know how to find her. Almost 12 1/2 years ago, my sister Becky (a True Romantic), shortly before I was married gave me a Susan Branch book about love. I still have it somewhere, and now, I'm going to have to dig it out and re-read it. (A ton of our books have been packed away for when we build our office/library in the 2nd floor 3rd bedroom.) Anyhow, I remember it very well, because I liked the font that she used for the print... it was stylish, and not plain. I distinctly remember it feeling while I was reading as if it were handwritten... making the book more personal. I enjoyed all her sketches and paintings in it... as well as the photo of she and her husband having a romantic evening of their own.

    Thanks again Cindy, you're GREAT!
    You are so generous to share these great and wonderful things about your life. With it being the weekend, I wonder what fun and fantastic place you are heading off to now.
    Hugs, Penny Sue

  19. How cool was that?! (Although I am not the least bit surprised that Susan Branch reads your blog)

  20. Lovely! How sweet of Susan to contact you. :-)

  21. Well, she knows who you are now!! I'll friend her on Facebook as well. I have several of her books and just love them. I've also used her products in my scrapbooking! How fun.

    Now, if we could just get rid of this heat! We were in The City yesterday and it was 92! Unheard of!


  22. Wow! What a thrill that she sent you the pictures and obviously knows "your cup of tea"! Thanks for sharing with us.

  23. Cindy, it is awesome that Susan Branch was reading your blog. I am already following her on Twitter and her Facebook group too.
    I love her books. I always say I am going to get new ones, because mine are well worn and dirty now from time I spend in the kitchen w/ the recipes...but I think maybe I'll keep them because I like mine better than perfect clean unused books!!
    ♥ Rebecca

  24. Cindy- Yay- another Fan of Susan Branch! She's adorable- as are you!

  25. i just love susan branch!!
    I have made a clock inspired in one of her books,and it's hanged in my kitchen wall; she is a genius
    ps: here is the link to my blog, in case you want to see my clock

  26. Hi, Isn't it a small world. Yesterday i joined Susan's Branch facebook and now i have found many many people have. I think it's so kool (as my 11 year old neice writes) Keep writing Cindy. I love following your creative ideas.

  27. Thank you, Cindy, for your help with my mosaic. I finally got one posted by your suggestion of saving to my photos and then inserting it in the post.

  28. Great Post! I'm impressed you BFF with Susan :) I don't think I can do Facebook & Blog too. As it is I spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME cruising around Blogland. I don't need another addiction. Love Susan's books. Have been a fan of hers forever. In fact when I had my shop I sold her cards. Have a great week.

  29. Hello Cindy;;; How sweet of her to share her photos with you and for all of us.. She has some lovely rooms.. I am on face book and will have to look her up... have a great weekend.


  30. How exciting is this??? Susan Branch!! I love her books!

    I am a Facebook'er and will search her out and sign up!

    Thank you for posting this!

    (You already know how much I love your blog :)

    Lou Cinda

  31. I love Susan Branch, too! I'll have to become a friend when I am on facebook next time. Thanks!

  32. Well, how cool is all this???!!!!

  33. WOW Cindy! That's AMAZING! As an artist, I L*O*V*E Susan's work!!!!!!!!
    Thank you for sharing this!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. I never heard of Susan Branch but I'll be sure to look now, I love the pictures she sent, especially the shot of the living room...what is that gorgeous green wall color??
    Enjoy your day off today. Mary

  35. Hi Cindy,
    I love Susan Branch's work,too.I have
    some of her books.I love it.
    Have a nice week,

  36. OMG!!! That is so exciting, and I'm oozing with envy! I have most of her books, calendars, subscribe to her email newletter and have been a huge fan for years. A friend of mine even got me an autographed copy of one of her books once at a scrapbook event. What an honor that she left you a comment and sent the pictures. You deserve it Cindy, your blog is wonderful, a place I enjoy "stopping by" :)

  37. Hello dear Cindy,
    I'm a french women who discover your very nice blog yesterday.
    I will visit you often.
    I discover Susan Branch and her world is very nice. Thank's to you for this very cute discovery.
    Kisses from France

  38. Wow, Cindy! That's fantastic!

  39. Wow,that is GREAT! Touch you! That is very nice of Susan Branch,I love her calendars,books and her
    pictures. I am glad she found your
    blog so she can enjoy what all of us have.Hope you have a better week.:0)

  40. How fun! I can't believe she sent pictures. Just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. Looks like you will eat good tonight!

    Have a great day

  41. what a beautiful blog!
    thanks for inviting me in..
    please visit me..
    shoes optional..
    ♥sunny smiles!

  42. I am now a FOSB too. What a sweetheart to send you pictures!

  43. How wonderful of her!SB has long been an integral part of my waking up on the right side, thanks to her calendar next to my bed!What a nice lady!Thank you for sharing.

  44. How special to get a note from her and pictures. I am going to facebook and see if I can find her.

  45. That is so exciting that Susan wrote to you...From various things that Ive seen her do, she seems to have such a generous heart with her readers. I'm going to "friend" her right away!

  46. I love Susan Branch, too!
    I am so lucky as most of my friends give me her books as they find them. I did actually buy the Autumn Book-fabulous!
    I love her fabric too since I am a sewer.
    Thanks Cindy for your great blog.
    I am a lover of blues & whites!

  47. Wow, what a blessing to be contacted by Susan Branch! I have several of her calendars, books and even a scrapbook kit. You two are peas in a pod, so I'm sure she is as happy to have discovered your blog as you are to find her inspiration on the web.

  48. I became a fan of fosb too. She is your kindred spirit to be sure. fun stuff. I've been on Nantucket with my cousin who was a waitress in the summers for college. I'm sure MVinyard is amazing too.

  49. Great post Cindy....

    I too love Martha's Vineyard...I've stayed in Edgartown and Oak Bluffs. It must have been crazy there while Obama was visiting...

    We are off to the Cape this week-end as a matter of fact...heading over to Nantucket this time :)

    All the best,
    Kathy :)

  50. How exciting Cindy to have Susan Branch leave you a comment!!
    Wonderful post - loved all the S.B. photos of her gorgeous home & garden.

  51. Muy hermoso su blog, toda su casa preciosa, su familia, la felicito, que Dios la bendiga y los guarde a todos ustedes. Chany de Argentina.

  52. Very good stuff.

  53. Finally, got what I was looking for!! I definitely enjoying every little bit of it. Glad I stumbled into this article! smile I have you saved to check out new stuff you post..


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy