Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy Friday!

Click photo to enlarge

Yes, another mosaic least this one is all my own photos! It's 3:30 AM and here I am blogging...I can't sleep. My car broke down AGAIN! I guess that's what happens when your car has almost 150,000 miles on it! The voltage meter is dropping this time and the battery is just about drained. I'm hoping it's an inexpensive, quick fix like my overheating problem earlier this week!

Update: It was the Alternator! Luckily that was only $250 (I consider any car repair under $300 good)! The bad part is I had to ride my bike to the garage to pick up it up and it's 98 degrees outside! It only took me about 15 or 20 minutes to get there but I thought I was going to pass out I was so hot! All is good now though!

I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Lovely mosaic, you have so many pretty items around your house. I am so sorry that your car has broken down, again. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Cindy S

  2. I love that middle picture with the nest in the apothecary jar. I was looking to do something similar and just use a cloche over it, but I like the moss you have in the bottom.

  3. Hi cindy,
    Sorry for your car troubles, hope it is a minor one. Take joy in your lovely home and know that you
    inspire your followers. I am new to your blog and eagerly await each one. A southern gal who loves your
    decorating style.

  4. Hi Cindy
    I am sorry you can't sleep! I've had car troubles too. My car has been back at the shop 7 times. Each time I've driven it when I've got back in to go somehwere it won't start. They've replaced the battery twice and I hope it is fixed this time. I hesitate to go anywhere for fear that I'll get redy to come home and it won't go. So I know what you're going through! I hope you get to the bottom of it and it doesn't cost too much.
    ((hugs)) Rhondi

  5. Cindy,

    Your blog is absolutely beautiful. The gorgeous photos brought many smiles to my face this morning.

    Kathy at The Garden Cat Cottage

  6. Cindy, I was out of pocket a few days & did not stop by but, when I came to visit today I was so loving the mosacis. Each one is more special. Those Hydreangas WOW! And the cupcakes... LOVE YOUR PHOTOS! Wish I did as well. I think i need to work on my staging some more.

    And glad you car & cable problems are resolved. A girl can't operate without wheel & internet! Have a great weekend.

  7. So sorry about your car. Can you get in on the cash for clunkers deal before it is totally gone? :))
    Thanks for sharing such lovely pictures. Hope you have a blessed weekend

  8. Pretty mosaic - so many pretty photos. Sorry about your car, and hope it is a simply, inexpensive fix. Have a great weekend.

  9. 150,000 miles, that's nothing, my car(a 1986 volvo, has 459,000 miles with the original engine and transmission.

  10. I love your's so peaceful and pretty. I want to learn how to do mosaics pictures someday. I'm sorry about your car; been there done that and it's no fun. Hang in there, it will get better. Mumzie

  11. Beautiful mosaic as usual! I just love all your pictures.

    Wow! If you went to bed shortly after you finished this post, I managed to beat you to bed by roughly 30 minutes. I had a hard time sleeping because of the heat and the thought of how much it will cost to fix the AC.

    I hope the repair needed on your car is very minor.

  12. Your mosaic is beautiful!...bless your heart! I hope you get your car fixed with not much cash.
    Thanks for sharing the mosaic with us!!
    Hope good things come your way!!

  13. What a beauty blogg. I want to follow and link you.

    Smile from Ingun in Norway

  14. Cindy,
    I have loved the "mosaic" week. What a beautiful inspiration they have been. Sorry about your car. We have 100,000 + on ours so I fully understand. Also a bathroom skylight that leaks when we have heavy rain and the estimates to have the roof/ceiling in the bath repaired are shocking. So your beautiful blog has been soothing to say the least this week. Thank you for bringing so much beauty into our lives, especially when you have had your own challenges this week. What a special person you are!

  15. Sounds like you need a new car soon! Atleast car prices are down. Your blog is always so beautiful!
    Hugs, Susan

  16. Beautiful collage! I love your pictures!! Sorry to hear about your car. Mine is at the dealer now, getting a new transmission. It is only 7 yrs. old and has 97,000 miles. Thank goodness it is under warranty!!

  17. Oh Cindy, I'm sorry that your car is sick! I can see why you couldn't sleep. That can surely be worrisome. Hope everything turns out with a minimum out of your bank account! The best part of today is that it is FRIDAY!! Have a good week end.

  18. Hi Cindy

    I was up until 1am, we should've talked. Hope that things get better with your car!

    Please stop by The Old Parsonage anytime, I love company!


  19. Love the mosaics.....such lovely shots!!
    Sorry to hear about your car problems again.....hope you get it repaired VERY cheaply.

  20. Hello Cindy!
    Just a quick not so say hello and how much I always love your lovely pics. Did you mention somewhere how to do the photo mosaics? I am fairly new (just over 50 posts) and wanting to learn more. Thanks and hope you have a FAB and STRESS FREE weekend!
    Betty :)

  21. Truly love your blog! Sorry about your car.

  22. Such a pretty mosaic! Hope your car is fixed for cheap.

    Hope you have a good weekend.


  23. Hello Cindy; I just love your Mosaic's, you have such beautiful things... I never tire of looking at them... I am glad that your car is fixed again and hope it stays that way.... Have a great weekend..


  24. What a week you have had! Thankfully, it's Friday!!!!!!!!!!! Hang in there!!! ;)

    m ^..^

  25. It's not fair to have cars fail! But I agree that under 300$ sounds much better than 20,000$ for a car! Your rose mosaic was absolutely to drool over. I could stare at it forever and use it as wallpaper in every room of my house! Best wishes and fond regards-getting down and dirty in Grimesland NC-from the 23 ducks I feed!

  26. Oh my goodness ~ ANY minor exertion in 98 degree heat is torturous, much less riding a bicycle. I hope you didn't have to pedal uphill!

    Beautiful mosaic ~ the center is my favorite.

  27. Beautiful mosaic Cindy! Sorry to hear your car broke down. Glad it wasn't anything terribly expensive.


  28. That is a very elegant and beautifully done mosaic.

    Have a blessed weekend Cindy.
    ~Warmly, Melissa :)

  29. Sorry to hear about your bike ride in this's been terrible here in the bay area, ocean breeze lately. Maybe that's why you aren't sleeping...too hot? Glad your car troubles weren't too expensive. Love the mosaic!


  30. Cindy, Happy Friday to you. Sorry you are not sleepig and having car troubles.

    Even though riding a bike is good for careful of the heat.

    Purple hugs,

  31. I love visiting your blog every time you post a new post. Thanks for sharing all those beautiful pictures, and ideas.

  32. Cindy, could you help me with a problem I have been having with trying to create a mosaic? I followed the directions from Little Red House and did manage to post a mosaic once, but everytime I try now it never works. All I get is the HTML code or whatever it is called on my post. I must have tried this twenty times. When you get the code from Big Huge Labs do you use the one under html, url or bb? There is a button called Share, but this just sits there spinning forever. And where do you place it in your post-as a photo or just in the body of the post? I have tried both and nothing works. Flickr tried to give me advice, but still doesn't work. Sorry for the long question, but you are my last hope. Thank you so much!!

  33. Sorry about your car trouble, I know how that feels.
    Your house is so inspiring! I love it!

  34. Cindy..
    absolutely beautiful Blog..
    thanks for letting me into your world!
    please visit mine..
    shoes optional!
    ♥sunny smiles..

  35. Can you tell me how I find out how to do a mosaic - it is such a beautiful look - I just love the photos in your blog - especially the apothocary jar with the eggs..I collect eggs and robin's egg blue is my fav color...Jennifer


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy