Thursday, December 30, 2010

Show and Tell Friday!

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Welcome to Show and Tell Friday and Happy New Year!  Today I'm breaking my own rules and sharing a recipe this week.  My son made this for me when he was here visiting this week.  It's an appetizer made with cannellini beans and spinach.  It's not an exact recipe but here is how he made it.

1 can cannellini beans
1-2 cloves of minced garlic (or to taste)
a squeeze of fresh lemon juice
a splash of olive oil
red pepper flakes to taste

Mix all those together in a food processor. (We used a mini processor and it worked great).  Toast a slice of french bread and spread the puree on top and then top with cooked fresh spinach and sprinkle with some red pepper flakes if you like!  It tastes so much better than it looks! It's packed with so much flavor!  Lauren really loved this as did some of her friends that were over that night.  

Vince says he likes it better with sauteed kale on top rather than spinach but I love spinach so that's what we used!

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate. If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.

Thank to all of you that join in every week!



Debra@CommonGround said...

Blessings for a Wonderful New Year!!

Donna@Conghaile Cottage said...

Happy New Year to you!!!
I Love the recipe you posted and I'm definitely going to try it. I LOVE Spinach so that's a keeper too...
Hugs, Donna

The Charm of Home said...

Have a wonderful New Year Cindy! Always enjoyable to visit you!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, that looks and sounds delish! Xoxoxo

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Cindy, Thank you for hosting and I hope you have a fabulous 2011!

bj said...

Have a happy New Year.:)
Thanks for hosting...

Savannah Granny said...

Thank you for much for sponsoring "Show and Tell Friday". I am your newest follower and first time party participant.
The recipe sound great. I love anything with spinach.

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

This sounds yummy, Cindy! Thanks for hosting and Happy New Year!...hugs...Debbie

Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

Thanks for hosting! Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Cindy! Many blessings to you and your family. Here's to 2011! Marcia in Turlock

Sarah said...

Looks delicious, Cindy. Wishing you a Happy New Year!~ Sarah

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Thank you for hosting! Happy New year!

NanaDiana said...

That looks like a wonderful appetizer! I am ashamed to say that I have never used cannellini beans for anything...but this is something I will try! Hugs- Diana

Sandy said...

Happy New Year Cindy! You are the TOP referral URL blog for me! I want to thank you so much for bringing new visitors and followers to my little blog. I have so enjoyed visiting you this year. It was wonderful to see how happy you have been getting out and about this year...meeting Mr. C... and you still have a beautiful home. I'm wishing you and yours a fantastic 2011 too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,
Glad you shared this recipe.My husbands loves all the ingredients, perhaps I will use as an app. tonight. Happy New Year.

Michelle said...

Wishing you a wonderful 2011! Peace, Love, Health and Happiness for the New Year!

Elsie said...

Looks good Cindy, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Vince looks like he is as good of
a cook as his mom.

Elsie said...

Looks good Cindy, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Vince looks like he is as good of
a cook as his mom.

Elsie said...

Oops sorry Cindy didn't mean for it
to post twice.:(

Misborda2 said...

Happy New Year 2011!
May all your wishes come true!!
Best wishes from Spain, Laura

Donna said...

Hi Cindy, That recipe sounds perfect for tonight. We are having our annual New Years' Eve party ...for our kids. All night games need lots of great snacks. Thanks for the idea! (Did I add that some of those have kids!) LOL! BTW, the photo is lovely.

Thanks so much, again, for hosting Friday Show & Tell.

Donna @ Comin' Home

Donna said...

Hi Cindy, That recipe sounds perfect for tonight. We are having our annual New Years' Eve party ...for our kids. All night games need lots of great snacks. Thanks for the idea! (Did I add that some of those have kids!) LOL! BTW, the photo is lovely.

Thanks so much, again, for hosting Friday Show & Tell.

Donna @ Comin' Home

Ami Allison said...

Cindy, I have truly enjoyed following your blog. You have given me such amazing inspiration. I hope you have a WONDERFUL New Year!!

That recipe sounds DELICIOUS!!!

High Street Cottage said...

I love this recipe because it's simple. It reminds me of hummus which I love. Thanks so much for sharing Cindy and for hosting your lovely blog party. tami

Honey at 2805 said...

Love the receipe and plan to make it! Thanks for hosting another lovely party. I have just linked upand hope you will think it is in keeping in the spirit of the party). My husband, Mr. Honey, saw the post and said, "Your friends are going to think you are 110 years old!"

Thanks for being a special friend.

Unknown said...

That recipe looks delicious! I love spinach so will definitely be trying this out!

Wishing you and your a very safe and Happy New Year!


Thanks for hosting!

Tomaszowa Chata said...

Hi Cindy:)
I wish you & your family a very, very Happy New Year !

Kate from Tomaszowa Chata

Cidinha said...

Happy New Year to you and your family!

warm hugs from Brazil

Susan Freeman said...

Congratulations on your weight loss ~ you look fabulous! Have a Happy New Year dear Cindy!!

Susan and Bentley

PS: Can't wait to try that recipe!

Katie said...

Thank you for hosting! I'm a new follower of yours!

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy!
I found your blog from your gorgeous photos in flickr. I am looking forward to following in 2011. Thanks for sharing the yummy looking recipe.
Happy New Year! Heidi

Anonymous said...

Bonjour Cindy,

Wishing you all happiness, health, inspiration, creativity and love for 2011!

Elizabeth said...

Hi, Cindy! I haven't been by in awhile. I love that you shared a recipe. I will have to try this one. It looks yummy. I'm wondering if my son would eat it. I know my daughter would.

Happy New year! said...

Hello! I just found your blog and read all the way back until June. You have great taste and your blog is adorable. So I had to follow.

Happy New Year!


The Vintage Vagablonde said...

I have been away from blogging for a bit and it has been so long since i stopped
by...look at u!!!!! Weight watchers( i did it too) is great and u look amazing!!!!!Happy New Year.....:)

Sherman Unkefer said...

I Love the recipe you posted and I'm definitely going to try it. Have a wonderful New Year Cindy!

Crafts a la Mode said...

I hope I did everything right for this party. whew. I'm still new at this. Not sure what a link back is. Thanks, Linda