Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Vintage & Vogue Christmas-Part III

Here is part 3 of my Vintage & Vogue posts. I still have more photos but I think I'll save those for next week.

Isn't it all so beautiful! I love all the different themes they have going.

Vintage & Vogue
241 East Campbell Ave, Ste A
Campbell, California

I now have new windows in my apartment and they look so much better! I can even feel the difference. Usually when I walk downstairs in the morning it's a lot colder down there and it wasn't this morning! They also keep so much more noise out!

More good news! My landlord said she would get someone to paint my stairway walls. It's the only place I can't paint myself because the ceiling is two stories high. I think I'm going to paint it white so it will be lighter and brighter! Maybe next year I'll get lucky and get the wood laminate floors put in! She's put them in 2 out of the 4 units and they look great! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

I'm behind in posting my giveaway winners but they will be announced soon! I thought I would be able to do it yesterday but I had to hold Beau all day so he wouldn't attack the window installers.


  1. Beau cracks me up! Cindy do you know if Vintage and Vogue are open the week after Christmas? Do they usually have a sale? I might be up there then! :)

  2. Love the Chanel area ~ I would probably spend a lot of time there!

  3. I have looked over all 3 parts of your vintage and vogue Christmas and all I can say is wow! ok, maybe more... stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, glitterly, sparkles, lovely, charming, etc. etc. I wish I lived near your store , but I am so glad I got to visit here online. Blessings!
    p.s, I love your drama queen doll! I know alot of people who need one of those. ha!

  4. I love everything in this store. I'd like one of everything...O.K. maybe two! I'm putting it on my 'places to visit' list. Thanks for sharing!

  5. hola cindy.... después de un paseo por las I - II - III partes de navidad... cada foto la fui mirando con calma pues era tanta maravilla junta......
    cada pieza con un toque especial y unico... gracias por compartir esas bellas imagenes.
    cariños mil...

  6. Hi Cindy!! Oh what a treat for my eyes. I am dying over those Chanel glittered ornaments....I LURVE them! I collect the vintage jewelry so those are just fab! Thanks for the lovely reply to my comment! You are super sweet! I'm off to get a towel to mop up the drool on my laptop!

    xo Molly

  7. I have enjoyed all three segments of your tour of Vintage and Vogue. You do take such good pictures. Would love to have a whole tree with those butterflies. Also loved the black and gold with the Fleur de Lis. So much to see. How long were you there?

  8. Ooooh! More eye candy! What a wonderful place to shop. I was pretty sure that you would notice a big difference with new windows and I'm so glad you do. How nice that your landlady is willing to get someone in to paint for you. Good for you!!! Hugs, Cindy S.

  9. This is stunning display of beauty. Oh, if only one can go there and shop :)

  10. I wanna stocking,I wanna Santa, I
    wanna Drama Queen, I wanna butterflies,I wanna candy canes, I
    wanna bottle brush trees, I wanna
    apron,I wanna,I wanna,I wanna the
    whole store...Thanks for taking me
    shopping,I'm just glad it was virtual so I saved $. I could do
    some serious damage in that store.
    How do you refrain? :O)

  11. Oh those Christmas decorations are sooo beautiful!Looks like a wonderful shop. I want everything in it, If I won the lottery I'd buy the whole shop

    All things nice...

  12. Oh quit it, lol, you are killing me with these photos. Lovely store, wish I could have a day and unlimited funds there!
    I bet you will love your new windows, makes a big difference.
    Ours sure did when we did it several years ago.
    Have a great Wed.

  13. Stunning photographs yet again, I have thoroughly enjoyed glimpses of this wonderful place. I don't think there has been one item in all the pictures which I didn't like. Perhaps its just as well that I am over here (England) and the shop is over there, lol, I'd spend a fortune.

  14. Ja to chyba sie rozchoruje. Po takiej dawce ozdób na święta.....Słów mi brak u nas tego nie ma jestem po prostu zakochana.....
    Ściskam z polski Anna

  15. That store looks dangerous, everything is so pretty! I can't believe that she would give anyone wood floors before your apt, does she know how many people look at your apt everyday, LOL, maybe you should show her your blog!

  16. Ale cuda!Jak pięknie!

  17. Lovely! I have enjoyed these photos! Enjoy your afternoon!

  18. I just love this shop - I know I could go nuts there! I have my eye on the Figure holding the Drama Queen sign - since I work in theatre for a living and have my MFA in Acting, don't you think I should have it?


  19. I have so enjoyed the tour of that beautiful store!~ Thanks.

  20. Beautiful! I actually have that apron, found it at a little store in Ellicot City, MD!

  21. My goodness! I think if I lived anywhere close to that store I would just have to sign my whole paycheck over to them! LOL! I'm thinking I might try to copy that Chanel tree for my oldest daughter, Sierra. Her nickname is CC and of course she does the interlocking "C's"! Thank you for this photo tour. It is just beautiful!

  22. Cindy......I love that place! Beautiful, beautiful!~Patti

  23. Hello Cindy, lots of things I would take home with me, if not the entire shop. So good to know your windows work is done and now your home in warmer than before, this is so great!!
    Your pictures are amazing!!!
    María Cecilia

  24. Cindy this shop is amazing. Thanks for taking us along. I got so much inspiration from this post.
    I'll cross my fingers for you as well on the floors.

  25. I am so sad. :) I can't shop at Vintage and Vogue.. omg, maybe it's a good thing, this way we can eat!!! Thanks for such a wonderful treat. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  26. Dear Cindy,

    I love your blog since I began to blog and these pictures are so beautiful! In part II you showed us so nice christmas ornaments, especially the ornaments with the oainted roses and the pastel-coloured muffin. Do you know if the shop would send to germany. I wish I could visit this shop but I live in germany. It would be very nice, if you could answer in my own blog.

    lovely greetings from germany,

  27. Oh my! I think I'd hyperventilate the minute I walked in the door! I wouldn't know where to look first or how I would figure out what to buy...I'd want it all!

  28. Thanks so much for sharing Vintage and Vogue. We are doing our Christmas tree in Mardi Gras colors, green, gold and purple again this year. I would love to be able to have that much goodies on my tree. I love the glass ornaments with the glitter designs from part II. They remind me of the decorations my mother had.

  29. I could spend a lot of time in this store! Wish we had something similar here but since we don't, I'll have to keep drooling over your photos. :-)

  30. Incredible! Everything is stunning. I"m practically in shock and near swooning. I'll have to come back several times to look over and over - and bring my magnifying glass to search out every detail. Thank you for taking us there...

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  31. Hi Cindy; What a great shop,, I could spend hrs in there... Love the black and white tree... so much to look at... thanks for sharing it with us... how great to have new windows to keep you warm,, and to have help to paint your stairway... great land lord... have a great week.


  32. Oh, Cindy, your photos are breathtakingingly beautiful! Thanks for the tour through Vintage & Vogue. If only I lived closer! Sigh! I especially LOVE the french-themed tree! Patti

  33. This is 3 fabulous posts!!!! Thanks for sharing with us...I can see why it is your favourite store.....

  34. So nice to your you'll be warmer and cozier this winter, Cindy! Hope the new flooring isn't too far off.

    OMGosh! I love that black clock...that sure wasn't there when I visited a couple of months back!

    Such a charming shop! Sweet of you to share with us! Can't wait to see what you bought!

    Oh, did you get a new sliding door too?



  35. Cindy, I love, love your posts on Vintage and Vogue! Would absolutely love to go there and shop, but here I am in Kansas.:-) Thank you so much for sharing all the beauty. Great news about your stairwell too.

  36. I am SOOOOOOOOOO glad this place is so very far away from me!!! It's way too tempting!

    m ^..^

  37. Campbell, CA? I used to live in Campbell! And Willow Glen. And Saratoga. :)

    This shop is gorgeous! Lucky you, Cindy, to go and visit it in person. And thanks for sharing it with us - it is all so very beautiful!


  38. Gracias por compartir este blog de sueños,Aroma a Navidad,gracias amiga.Con cariño Victoria.España

  39. Wow! I love your posts and pictures of this store. I think I could live there. lol. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  40. Cindy,

    I just had an anxiety attack looking at these pictures. Why is it that all the amazing shops are in California.

    I do know if I ever had a chance to visit that shop, I would have to have a truck with me to take home all my purchases. Everything is gorgeous.

    Thank you for showing us this great shop. What awesome eye candy.

    xo Cathy

  41. Well I think your landlord should be putting in your wood floors for sure. After all, it's very clear how well you take care of your place.

    I would think they would thrilled to have you as a renter there!

    They should do what they have to in order to keep you happy.

    You have turned that simple apt into a showroom!


  42. whoa! this much eye candy will make me too hyper to sleep!!!!! *I am running through my house as I type* well, not really, but i'm trying to paint a visual here! FAB post.

  43. Beautiful stuff--. New windows made a huge difference in our home too!

  44. I Love vintage and precious olden collection.It is something classic and elegant collection of exclusive things.Christmas tree is much beautiful and lovely.

  45. I am hyperventilating just looking at the pictures. I'd have to carry a paper bag with me if I wnet in person! LOL! Love the Chanel favs!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  46. What a blissful post...I could just scroll thru over and over! Thank you for sharing, your photos are perfect!!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  47. We got new windows and it made a huge difference over the summer, I'm looking forward to a much less drafty winter!

  48. Beautiful photos, Cindy, what fun that store must be. I'm getting my decorating done right now.

  49. Oh these pictures of the shop are gorgeous...seeing them was like opening up the pages of my fave magazine! Thanks for showing them! Such fun going shopping with you girl!
    Big Hugs,


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy